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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 3 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 4 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 6 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Analyzing creep-recovery behavior of tropical Entandrophragma cylindricum wood: Traditional and fractional modeling methods

L.C. Nguedjio, J.S. Mabekou Takam, R. Moutou Pitti, B. Blaysat, N. Sauvat, J. Gril, F. Zemtchou, P.K. Talla



Nowadays, wood stands as one of the foremost used construction materials, owing largely to its exceptional physical and mechanical properties. Ensuring the safety of timber structures necessitates thorough investigations into the influential phenomena that significantly affect their strength and longevity. The aim of this paper is to study the coupled creep-recovery behavior of tropical wood from the Entandrophragma cylindricum species by evaluating the influence of stress levels on the performance of rheological models. Hence, the Burger and Weibull classic models were introduced to elucidate these phenomena. These models have been compared with the fractional Maxwell and Zener models. Following the simulations, the Burger classic model effectively characterized creep and recovery, comprising elastic, viscoelastic, and viscous elements arranged in series, as well as the classic Weibull model. During the recovery phase, the four-parameter Weibull model demonstrated a satisfying description, achieving 99% accuracy compared to 97% for the four-parameter Burger classic model. Three-parameter fractional Maxwell model fit all phases of the process for all deformations with an average accuracy of 98% for creep and 95% for recovery. These results provide valuable information on the material’s ability to recover from deformation and offer essential insights for materials characterization, engineering design, and quality assurance processes in materials engineering.

如今,木材作为最常用的建筑材料之一,主要是由于其特殊的物理和机械性能。为了确保木结构的安全,必须对影响其强度和寿命的重要现象进行深入调查。本文的目的是通过评估应力水平对流变模型性能的影响,研究热带白茅栎(Entandrophragma um)种木材的蠕变-恢复耦合行为。因此,引入了Burger和Weibull经典模型来解释这些现象。这些模型与分数麦克斯韦模型和齐纳模型进行了比较。在模拟之后,Burger经典模型有效地表征了蠕变和恢复,包括弹性、粘弹性和粘性单元的串联,以及经典Weibull模型。在恢复阶段,四参数威布尔模型表现出令人满意的描述,达到99%的准确率,而四参数汉堡经典模型的准确率为97%。三参数分数阶Maxwell模型拟合所有变形过程的所有阶段,蠕变的平均精度为98%,恢复的平均精度为95%。这些结果为材料从变形中恢复的能力提供了有价值的信息,并为材料工程中的材料表征、工程设计和质量保证过程提供了重要的见解。

Free vibration of electroelastic thin-walled structures under static load

A.O. Kamenskikh, S.V. Lekomtsev, A.N. Senin, V.P. Matveenko



The mathematical formulation and finite element algorithm for solving the problem of free vibration of electroelastic plates and shells under static load are considered. In modeling, the curvilinear surface of a thin-walled structure is represented as a set of flat segments. In each of them, the physical relations of the classical laminated plate theory and the theory of electroelasticity, written for a plane stress state, are fulfilled. The strains are determined using nonlinear equations, which are linearized with respect to the state with a small deviation from the initial equilibrium position caused by static forces. As an examples, we consider a rectangular plate and a circular cylindrical shell with a piezoelectric element under the action of the uniform pressure. The validity of the solution is confirmed by comparing the normal displacement and natural frequencies of vibration with experimental data and results obtained with the use of commercial finite element software.


Advanced finite element modeling methods for tensile and bending analysis of arresting gear cables

Long Li, Yiming Peng, Yifeng Wang, Xiaohui Wei, Hong Nie



This study addresses the gap in understanding the dynamic bending behavior of multi-layer twisted steel cable, pivotal in various industrial applications such as naval aircraft arresting systems. Utilizing advanced finite element modeling, the research explores the mechanical responses of these cables under macroscopic bending scenarios. By integrating beam elements and connectors within the finite element framework, the study simulates complex inter-strand interactions under various loading conditions. Results indicate that this method significantly enhances the prediction accuracy of the cables’ mechanical properties, thus offering substantial improvements in design and performance analysis of arresting gear systems. This study’s value lies in its potential to refine mechanical modeling of complex cable systems, thereby optimizing operational efficiency and safety in engineering applications.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Effective extensional-torsional elasticity and dynamics of helical filaments under distributed loads

Michael Gomez, Eric Lauga



We study slender, helical elastic rods subject to distributed forces and moments. Focussing on the case when the helix axis remains straight, we employ the method of multiple scales to systematically derive an ‘equivalent-rod’ theory from the Kirchhoff rod equations: the helical filament is described as a naturally-straight rod (aligned with the helix axis) for which the extensional and torsional deformations are coupled. Importantly, our analysis is asymptotically exact in the limit of a ‘highly-coiled’ filament (i.e., when the helical wavelength is much smaller than the characteristic lengthscale over which the filament bends due to external loading) and is able to account for large, unsteady displacements. In addition, our analysis yields explicit conditions on the external loading that must be satisfied for a straight helix axis. In the small-deformation limit, we exactly recover the coupled wave equations used to describe the free vibrations of helical coil springs, thereby justifying previous equivalent-rod approximations in which linearised stiffness coefficients are assumed to apply locally and dynamically. We then illustrate our theory with two loading scenarios: (I) a heavy helical rod deforming under its own weight; and (II) the dynamics of axial rotation (twirling) in viscous fluid, which may be considered as a simple model for a bacteria flagellar filament. In both scenarios, we demonstrate excellent agreement with solutions of the full Kirchhoff rod equations, even beyond the formal limit of validity of the ‘highly-coiled’ assumption. More broadly, our analysis provides a framework to develop reduced models of helical rods in a wide variety of physical and biological settings, and yields analytical insight into their elastic instabilities. In particular, our analysis indicates that tensile instabilities are a generic phenomenon when helical rods are subject to a combination of distributed forces and moments.


Modeling deformation, recovery, and recrystallization of tantalum using a higher order elasto-viscoplastic self-consistent model

Iftekhar A. Riyad, Bjørn Clausen, Daniel J. Savage, Youngung Jeong, Donald W. Brown, Marko Knezevic



In this work, dislocation density-based recovery and recrystallization models are implemented in an incremental elasto-viscoplastic self-consistent (ΔEVPSC) crystal plasticity model to interpret and predict ex-situ and in-situ thermo-mechanical and neutron diffraction datasets pertaining to deformation, recovery, and recrystallization behavior of pure Ta. A dislocation density-based hardening law available in ΔEVPSC is appropriately modified to enable a temperature dependent modeling of static recovery during heating. The ΔEVPSC model is further extended to calculate the second moments of stress incrementally in each grain. The second moments of stress are used to calculate the second moments of lattice spin, which are then used to calculate the intragranular misorientation spreads. The intragranular misorientation spreads developing during plastic deformation of grains are used to conceive transition bands and grain boundary nucleation mechanisms during recrystallization. The nucleation of new grains during recrystallization is also sensitive to annealing temperature. The implementations are validated by simulating elasto-plastic compression along two directions and subsequent static recovery/recrystallization data of Ta. Good agreement with the measured mechanical and diffraction data is achieved in terms of predicting the evolution of flow response, lattice strains during deformation, dislocation density during recovery, and texture during deformation and recrystallization with unique sets of fitted parameters. A rolling and subsequent full recrystallization of Ta is additionally simulated to demonstrate the applicability and versatility of the developed model.


Viscous solvent effect on fracture of predamaged double-network gels examined by pre-notch and post-notch crack tests

Yong Zheng, Jian Ping Gong



Double network (DN) gels, composed of two interpenetrating polymer networks with contrasting properties, garnered considerable attention since their invention due to large resistances to crack initiation and propagation. This study systematically investigates the effect of viscous solvent on the fracture behavior of DN gels through pre-notch and post-notch crack tests conducted on both water-swollen and ethylene glycol (EG)-swollen DN gels. Fracture energy analysis reveals that the chain dynamics changed by viscous solvent EG would remarkably reduce the two individual fracture energy contributions Γbulk and Γtip, originating from the energy dissipation in the bulk and in the crack tip vicinity, respectively. Furthermore, we observed that chain dynamics influence crack propagation behaviors and the molecular orientation of network strands ahead of crack tips in DN gels. Examination of the retardation patterns ahead of propagating crack tips allows for the analysis of the molecular orientation of network strands. Unusual butterfly-like retardation patterns were observed for the EG-swollen DN gels, in stark contrast to the conventional damage zone patterns seen in water-swollen DN gels. This suggests that the slowed chain dynamics induced by the viscous solvent EG lead to significant viscoelastic mechanical responses ahead of crack tips, which governs the stress/strain fields at the crack tip. This study offers valuable insights into the underlying toughening mechanism of DN gels, particularly regarding the effect of polymer chain dynamics. The experimental analysis, integrating findings on fracture energy contributions, crack propagation behaviors, and retardation observations from both pre-notch and post-notch crack tests, could be applied to characterize other soft materials with diverse toughening mechanisms, thereby aiding in the design and application of future soft materials.


Three-dimensional fracture mechanics model of conch shells with hierarchical crossed-lamellar structures

Qinghua Meng, Yuan Gao, Yier Guo, Qi Zhang, Yin Shu, Jason T. Harris, Qiang Fu, Xinghua Shi



Conch shells, characterized by a highly mineralized hierarchical crossed-lamellar structure that represents the pinnacle of molluscan evolution, exhibit exceptional crack resistance to protect their soft bodies from predatorial attacks. In this paper, we present a three-dimensional fracture mechanics model to establish a correlation between fracture toughness and the crossed-lamellar structure, elucidating the hierarchical crack bridging mechanism of aragonite lamellae. We find that increased fracture toughness is achieved through the energy dissipation contributed by the interfacial debonding of both first-order and second-order lamellae. The conch shells demonstrate outstanding resistance to cracking in two principal directions, featuring a locally stacked structure of flat plates that effectively withstand complex loads. The vertically alternating stacking structure of macroscopic layers of equal thickness inspires a biomimetic design with more balanced mechanical properties, accompanied by enhanced crack resistance observed as the lamellae become thinner. The theoretical results are in good agreement with relevant experimental measurements. This work not only sheds light on the physical mechanisms responsible for the remarkable fracture toughness of crossed-lamellar structures but also provides guidelines for designing high-performance biomimetic structural materials.


International Journal of Plasticity

Fast Fourier transform approach to Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity: Regularization of strain localization and size effect

Amirhossein Lame Jouybari, Samir El Shawish, Leon Cizelj



The Strain Gradient Crystal Plasticity (SGCP), based on cumulative shear strain, is developed to regularize and simulate the size effect behavior of polycrystalline aggregates, specifically in the formation of localization bands in terms of slip and kink bands, influenced by strain softening during the initial stages of plastic deformation. In this respect, the thermodynamically consistent derivation of the SGCP equations is presented, establishing their connection to the kinematics of classical crystal plasticity (CCP) framework. The governing balance equations are solved using the fixed-point algorithm of the fast Fourier transform (FFT)-homogenization method, involving explicit coupling between the classical and SGCP balance equations. To address this problem, a strong 21-voxel finite difference scheme is established. This scheme is considered to solve the higher order balance equation inherent to SGCP. Additionally, three types of interface conditions are implemented to explore the impact of grain boundaries on the transmission of localization bands. These conditions yield consistent intragranular/transgranular localization patterns in the MicroFree and MicroContinuity cases, while in the MicroHard condition all localization bands are intragranular with stress concentrations appearing at the grain boundaries. Analytical solutions corresponding to different material behaviors are developed and compared with numerical results to validate the numerical implementation of the FFT fixed-point algorithm. It is observed that both the macroscopic behavior and microscopic variables in CCP framework are highly influenced by grid resolutions (non-objective), leading to numerical instabilities arising from the material softening and subsequent formation of localization bands, both in single crystals and polycrystalline aggregates. Remarkably, the developed SGCP model provides results that are independent of grid resolutions (objective) and effectively regularizes the material behavior on local scale. Moreover, the non-local parameter of the model is capable of controlling the localization band widths. Finally, the proposed SGCP model, together with employed MicroHard condition on grain boundaries, is demonstrated to qualitatively reproduce main microstructural features of irradiated polycrystalline materials.


Thin-Walled Structures

Experimental investigation on hysteretic properties and applications in beam-column connections of shape memory alloy plates

Yi Su, Jin Di, Xuhong Zhou, Bin Han, Fengjiang Qin, Long Hu, Jie Wang



Shape memory alloy (SMA) plates have demonstrate significant application prospects in seismic structures owing to their excellent mechanical behaviour and section adaptability. In this study, the mechanical properties and manifestations of SMA plates, particularly their cyclic tension-release behaviour, were systematically investigated. Analysis results of peak strength, self-centring capacity, and energy dissipation capacity showed that thickness, temperature, and loading protocol affect the hysteretic properties of SMA plates. Furthermore, an effective training scheme of constant 4% tensile strain, which can significantly increase the ultimate strength and self-centring capacity, was suggested for SMA plates to withstand cyclic tensile loads. Subsequently, a beam-column connection equipped with SMA plates was designed, and a set of quasi-static tests and numerical validations were conducted. The results verified the excellent self-centring capacity of the SMA plates, and the superiority and potential of applying SMA plate to aseismic structures were confirmed. Simultaneously, the SMA plates exhibited a lower energy dissipation capacity than the commonly used Q160 and ALA plates, which indicates that paralleling with other energy dissipation members is beneficial for improving the hysteretic properties of structures.


Experimental and numerical investigation on cyclic behavior of Q1100 ultra-high strength steel H-section compressive-bending members about strong-axis

Yun Zhang, Lu Yang, Kelong Xu



Q1100 refers to ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) with a nominal yield strength of 1100 MPa. Hysteretic tests were conducted on seven Q1100 UHSS H-section welded columns to assess their hysteretic performance. The hysteretic performance was evaluated through hysteresis curves, damage phenomena, energy dissipation, ductility, and load-carrying capacity. The impact of the width-to-thickness ratio and axial pressure ratio on the hysteretic behavior was also investigated. A validated finite element model was utilized to analyze the hysteresis behavior, influencing factors, and the applicability of Eurocode 3 width-to-thickness ratio limits, resulting in proposed seismic design recommendations.

Q1100是指标称屈服强度为1100mpa的超高强度钢(UHSS)。对7根Q1100 UHSS h型钢焊接柱进行了滞回试验,评价了其滞回性能。通过滞回曲线、损伤现象、能量耗散、延性和承载能力来评价其滞回性能。研究了宽厚比和轴压比对滞回特性的影响。利用经过验证的有限元模型分析了迟滞行为、影响因素以及欧洲规范3宽厚比限制的适用性,从而提出了抗震设计建议。

Shear buckling behaviour of beams with partial-depth stiffeners at the support

Gábor Hajdú, Hartmut Pasternak



This paper presents the findings from experimental tests and numerical simulations on plate girders with various end post configurations. While EN 1993-1-5:2024 provides design rules for both rigid and non-rigid end posts, it does not address the shear resistance of partially stiffened webs. The use of partial-depth stiffeners faces risks due to the lack of thorough investigation into their mechanical behaviour. To explore this issue, small numbered experimental tests and large numbered parametric studies on beams with different web slenderness were conducted using advanced numerical simulations. The results indicated that the shear buckling capacity of girders is lower than the design recommendation when the web stiffener height is less than 50% of the web height. For girders with full-height stiffeners, EN 1993-1-5:2024 yields safe results. The accuracy of the EN 1993-1-5:2024 design rule for partially stiffened beams was also evaluated and new and shear buckling design curves were proposed for girders with partial-depth stiffeners.

本文介绍了不同端柱结构板梁的试验结果和数值模拟结果。虽然EN 1993-1-5:2024提供了刚性和非刚性端柱的设计规则,但它没有解决部分加劲腹板的抗剪能力。由于缺乏对其力学行为的彻底调查,部分深度加强筋的使用面临风险。为了探讨这一问题,采用先进的数值模拟方法,对不同腹板长细比的梁进行了小数量实验试验和大数量参数化研究。结果表明,当腹板加劲高度小于腹板高度的50%时,梁的抗剪屈曲能力低于设计推荐值。对于全高加劲梁,EN 1993-1-5:2024给出了安全结果。对en1993 -1-5:2024部分加劲梁设计规范的精度进行了评价,并对部分加劲梁提出了新的抗剪屈曲设计曲线。

Stretch-induced wrinkling analysis and experimental validation of creased membranes

Wang Zhong, Baoyan Duan, Jingli Du



Creases and wrinkles are crucial factors affecting the accuracy of membrane structures. In this paper, we study the stretch-induced wrinkling of creased membrane based on a proposed planar crease model by characterizing the crease as an orthotropic rigid strip with effective bending stiffness and initial stress. A control equation of wrinkling of a stretched rectangular membrane with a vertical crease is deduced to understand the crease-wrinkle interaction. Then, a set of scaling laws for the wrinkles is discussed in detail, and it is concluded that the ratio of the bending stiffness of the crease to that of the membrane is the key influence factor. Furthermore, the analysis reveals that wrinkling in the small-strain stage is a localized wrinkling behavior independent of the crease parameters. The wrinkling wavelength and amplitude at large strains decrease with increasing crease angle. Finally, experiments verify the correctness and validity of the theoretical model and analytical method.


A rationalized macroscopic failure criterion of composite woven fabrics for airship structures

Longlong Chen, Wujun Chen



Composite woven fabrics are increasingly employed in architecture and aerospace for their excellent properties, such as lightweight, high specific strength, large surface area, and satisfactory deployability. The strength behavior is essential for various membrane structures as structural failure is serious. However, an accurate, simplified, and universal failure criterion has not been reported due to the inherent complexities of composite woven fabrics. This paper thus studies the tensile strength behaviors of airship fabrics and proposes a rationalized macroscopic failure criterion (Chen-Chen criterion) based on theoretical analysis and experimental observations. The generalized Chen-Chen criterion inherently satisfies the conditions of symmetry, dimensionless, and uniaxial tensile strength (UTS) boundary, with a maximum absolute deviation of only 1.34% for two airship fabrics. Additionally, the UTS-based criteria were derived particularly for flexible plain-weave polyesters to avoid laborious and costly biaxial strength tests. The average deviations of constant and linear Chen-Chen criteria are 6.01%, 4.91%, while that of the Norris criterion reaches 13.34%. Furthermore, the numerical implementation of the Chen-Chen criterion was demonstrated by biaxial tensile simulations. The failure strength and location predicted by the numerical analysis show good consistency with the experimental results.


Test and simulation of high temperature resistant polyamide composite with single lap single bolt connection

Wei Zhao, Chenchen Lian, Wenxu Zhang, Hongfei Zhang, Tao Zhang, Peiyan Wang, Zhufeng Yue



The advancement of next-generation aerospace vehicles has presented new requirements and challenges for ensuring the structural integrity of aircraft components in extreme environments. Consequently, the utilization of high temperature resistant polyamide composite materials has become pivotal in the manufacturing of aerospace vehicle parts that operate under high temperatures (250 °C). As a critical connection technology for these materials, the mechanical behavior of bolted connection structures under high temperatures requires further investigation. In this paper, a combination of experimental and numerical simulation is used to investigate the load carrying capacity and failure mechanism of T700/BMP316 composite bolted joints at room temperature and 250°C. The experimental results show that the ultimate load carrying capacity of the structure at 250°C is only 13.1% lower than that of the room temperature environment, indicating that the temperature softening effect of such composites is not significant. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and computed tomography (CT) results indicate that the structural damage modes were the crushing of the hole edge fibers and matrix due to the extrusion by the bolts, as well as the interlaminar delamination damage. Temperature effects were taken into account for the composite principal structure and finite element modeling was performed using a combination of Pinho criterion and Cohesive model. Numerical simulations allow accurate prediction of the load-displacement response and damage pattern throughout the damage evolution phase. The high temperature test results and the developed finite element model involved in this study can support the design of new-generation aerospace vehicles.


来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 1 篇International Journal of Solids and StructuresMinimum energy combined and separated bounds on elastic constants of transversely-isotropic compositesDuc-Chinh Phamdoi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113134横向各向同性复合材料弹性常数的最小能量组合界和分离界The considered linearly-elastic transversely-isotropic composite (TIC) is composed of n isotropic, or more generally, transversely-isotropic components sharing the materials’ common symmetry axis with that of the macroscopic material. Using the basic minimum energy and complementary energy principles with certain free-parameter-dependent mixed-longitudinal-transverse-mode strain and stress trial fields, various combination bounds involving some sets of the macroscopic (effective) mixed-mode elastic constants of the composite, which are inter-connected via the constitutive relations, have been established. Choosing the appropriate parameter values of/or optimizing over the free parameters in those inequalities, the separated bounds on the major effective mixed-transverse-longitudinal-mode elastic constants, including the transverse bulk modulus K_eff, the longitudinal Young modulus E_eff, and the longitudinal Poisson’s ratio ν_eff, are derived, beside the classical arithmetic and harmonic average bounds on the pure-mode ones - the transverse shear (μ_eff) and longitudinal shear (μ`_eff) moduli. The separated bounds on 4 remaining effective mixed-mode elastic constants are also obtained. The illustrative numerical comparisons of the bounds, in the two component case, with those for the special subclass of unidirectional transversely-isotropic composites (UTIC), having the unidirectional cylindrical boundaries between the component materials parallel to their symmetry axis, and the exact coated-cylinder assemblage and laminate models are presented. The extreme models cover substantial parts between the bounds for TIC; however the laminate models lie outside the bounds for the subclass UTIC.考虑的线性弹性横向各向同性复合材料(TIC)由n个各向同性或更一般地,横向各向同性组件组成,这些组件与宏观材料的对称轴共享材料的对称性。 利用基本的能量最小化和补充能量原理,以及与某些自由参数相关的混合纵向-横向模式应变和应力试探场,建立了涉及复合材料宏观(有效)混合模式弹性常数的一些集 合的组合界限,这些常数通过本构关系相互关联。 选择这些不等式中的适当参数值或对自由参数进行优化,除了经典的算术和调和平均纯模式界限(横向剪切模量μ_eff和纵向剪切模量μ`_eff)之外,还得出了分离的纯模式界限,包括横向体模量K_eff、纵向杨氏模量E_eff和纵向泊松比ν_eff。还获得了剩余4个有效混合模量边界的分离解。在两组元情况下,将这些边界与具有平行于对称轴的组元材料的单向圆柱形边界之间的特殊子类各向同性复合材料(UTIC)的边界、精确的涂层圆柱体组合模型和层合模型进行了说明性的数值比较。极端模型覆盖了TIC边界的大部分区域,但层合模型则位于子类UTIC的边界之外。Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsUnraveling the Molecular Mechanisms of Membrane Rupture: Insights from All-Atom Simulations and Theoretical ModelingPanpan Zhu, Ji Lin, Yimou Fu, Chun Shen, Haofei Zhou, Shaoxing Qu, Huajian Gaodoi:10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105958揭开膜破裂的分子机制:来自全原子模拟和理论建模的见解Cell membrane rupture occurs universally and is long thought to be the terminal event of cell death; however, there is an inadequate understanding of the microscopic mechanisms of membrane rupture at the molecular level. In this study, we investigated the rupture mechanism of two model membranes, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-phosphatidylcholine (POPC) and cholesterol bilayer membranes, under surface tension by all-atom molecular simulations and theoretical modeling. Under surface tension, the tail chains of POPC molecules become disordered, leading to ductile membrane deformation, while cholesterol membranes display limited deformation before rupture. We analyzed the orientation of tail chains and the internal stresses within the membranes, revealing that the mutual attraction among different tail chains and the resulting stress peak in the tail region of the membrane play substantial roles in the membrane rupture process. Based on these physical insights, we proposed a theoretical model that incorporates an internal variable of tail chain orientation to capture the variations in strain and orientation of different membrane components under varying surface tensions. The critical rupture threshold predicted by our theoretical model aligns well with the simulation results, demonstrating a brittle to ductile transition for membranes with different cholesterol contents. Our study unravels the impact of tail chain orientation and internal stress on membrane mechanics, which deepens the understanding of the microscale mechanisms underlying membrane rupture.细胞膜破裂是普遍存在的,长期以来被认为是细胞死亡的终末事件;然而,在分子水平上对膜破裂的微观机制了解不足。本研究采用全原子分子模拟和理论建模的方法,研究了1-棕榈酰-2-油酰-磷脂酰胆碱(POPC)和胆固醇双层膜在表面张力作用下的破裂机理。在表面张力作用下,POPC分子尾链变得无序,导致韧性膜变形,而胆固醇膜在破裂前表现为有限变形。我们分析了尾链的取向和膜内的内应力,揭示了不同尾链之间的相互吸引以及在膜尾部区域产生的应力峰值在膜破裂过程中起着重要作用。基于这些物理见解,我们提出了一个理论模型,该模型包含尾链取向的内部变量,以捕捉不同表面张力下不同膜组分的应变和取向变化。我们的理论模型预测的临界破裂阈值与模拟结果很好地吻合,表明具有不同胆固醇含量的膜具有脆性到延性的转变。我们的研究揭示了尾链取向和内应力对膜力学的影响,加深了对膜破裂微观机制的理解。Mechanics of electroadhesion of polyelectrolyte hydrogel heterojunctions enabled by ionic double layersZheyu Dong, Zhi Sheng, Zihang Shen, Shaoxing Qu, Zheng Jiadoi:10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105960离子双层驱动的聚电解质水凝胶异质结电粘附力学In recent years, soft materials with reversible adhesion have come to the fore as a promising avenue of research. Compared to other reversible adhesion methods, electroadhesion enabled by the formation of ionic double layer (IDL) has been widely used due to its simplicity, low energy consumption, fast response, and reversibility. Despite the extensive experimental studies and qualitative mechanistic explanations, there remains a dearth of theoretical studies on this topic, particularly regarding the development of theoretical mechanics models. Our study aims to address this gap by establishing a mechanics model of IDL-enabled electroadhesion between soft materials. We specifically focus on modeling the low-voltage electroadhesion of heterojunctions between two polyelectrolyte hydrogels. The model decomposes the electroadhesion formation into two successive physical processes. First, under appropriate bias conditions, the applied voltage drives the mobile ions in each polyelectrolyte hydrogel to migrate toward the electrode, resulting in the formation of an IDL at the heterojunction interface and the generation of a potent built-in electric field inside the IDL. Second, driven by the strong built-in electric field of IDL, the dangling charged chains of the two polyelectrolyte hydrogels begin to cross the heterojunction interface and penetrate into the opposite hydrogel matrix to form ionic bonds with the oppositely-charged chains, resulting in a bridging network that sutures the interface. As a result, the electrostatic interactions inside the IDL as well as the bridging network across the interface leads to the electroadhesion of polyelectrolyte hydrogel heterojunctions. The modeling results show that the IDL thickness, the IDL electric field density, and the electroadhesion strength increase with the applied voltage. We also experimentally conduct the electroadhesion tests, and the measurements of electroadhesion strength quantitatively match the modeling results well. For the first time, we reveal the underlying mechanism of IDL-driven electroadhesion by establishing a theoretical mechanics model. We anticipate that our mechanics model can shed light on the design, optimization, and control of the electroadhesion of soft-material heterojunctions.近年来,具有可逆性粘附的软质材料作为一种很有前途的研究方向而崭露头角。与其他可逆粘附方法相比,离子双层电粘附(IDL)具有简单、低能耗、响应快、可逆性等优点,得到了广泛的应用。尽管有大量的实验研究和定性的力学解释,但关于这一主题的理论研究仍然缺乏,特别是关于理论力学模型的发展。我们的研究旨在通过建立软材料之间idl驱动的电粘附的力学模型来解决这一差距。我们特别专注于模拟两种聚电解质水凝胶之间异质结的低压电粘附。该模型将电粘附的形成分解为两个连续的物理过程。首先,在适当的偏置条件下,施加的电压驱动每个聚电解质水凝胶中的可移动离子向电极迁移,导致在异质结界面处形成IDL,并在IDL内部产生强大的内置电场。其次,在IDL强大的内置电场的驱动下,两种聚电解质水凝胶的悬空带电链开始穿过异质结界面,并渗透到相反的水凝胶基质中,与相反的带电链形成离子键,形成桥接网络,将界面连接起来。因此,IDL内部的静电相互作用以及界面上的桥接网络导致了聚电解质水凝胶异质结的电粘附。模拟结果表明,随着施加电压的增加,IDL厚度、IDL电场密度和电粘附强度均增加。我们还进行了电粘附实验,电粘附强度的测量结果与模型结果吻合较好。我们首次通过建立理论力学模型揭示了idl驱动电粘附的潜在机制。我们期望我们的力学模型可以为软材料异质结的电粘附设计、优化和控制提供启示。Thin-Walled StructuresEffect of fractal dimension on mechanical behaviour and energy absorption of Menger sponge-inspired fractal structuresMadhusha Bogahawaththa, Damith Mohotti, Paul J. Hazell, Hongxu Wang, Kasun Wijesooriya, Chi King Leedoi:10.1016/j.tws.2024.112704分形维数对Menger海绵状分形结构力学性能和吸能的影响The Fractal Dimension (FD) of Menger Fractal Cubes (MFCs) defines their intricate geometry, making them ideal for lightweight structural applications. However, the effect of FD on their structural behaviour is largely unexplored. This study examines AlSi7Mg MFC geometries formed through a recursive process, with densities ranging from 40 to 1958 kg/m³, corresponding to FDs ranging from 2.35 to 2.73. Compression tests and simulations revealed that higher fractal orders increased densification displacement, achieving up to 80% compressibility, with multi-level extended plateau regions indicating enhanced energy absorption. The fourth-order MFC with an FD of 2.35 and a density of 40 kg/m³ showed a specific energy absorption (SEA) of 6 J/g, demonstrating its potential for weight-efficient, energy-absorbing structures. The outcomes of this study indicate that total energy absorbed increases with an increasing FD, while crush efficiency improves as FD decreases showing better crashworthiness. Moreover, the structures exhibited unique force-displacement responses tailored to their FD. These findings offer valuable insights into optimising thin-walled fractal structures for various engineering applications by adjusting the FD to fine-tune relative density and enhance mechanical performance.门格尔分形立方体(mfc)的分形维数(FD)定义了它们复杂的几何形状,使它们成为轻量化结构应用的理想选择。然而,FD对其结构行为的影响在很大程度上尚未被探索。本研究考察了通过递归过程形成的AlSi7Mg MFC几何形状,其密度范围为40至1958 kg/m³,对应的fd范围为2.35至2.73。压缩试验和模拟表明,更高的分形阶数增加了致密化位移,可达到80%的压缩率,多层次扩展的高原区域表明能量吸收增强。四阶MFC的FD为2.35,密度为40 kg/m³,比能吸收(SEA)为6 J/g,显示了其作为减重吸能结构的潜力。研究结果表明,总能量吸收随FD的增加而增加,粉碎效率随FD的减小而提高,具有较好的耐撞性。此外,结构表现出与其FD相适应的独特的力-位移响应。这些发现为优化各种工程应用的薄壁分形结构提供了有价值的见解,通过调整FD来微调相对密度并提高机械性能。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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