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Composite Structures

Comparative study on the effect of steel and plastic synthetic fibers on the dynamic compression properties and microstructure of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC)

Zhao Shuo, Liu Runqing, Liu Jun, Yang Lihai



Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) shows great potential in constructing concrete structures subjected to impact and explosive forces. In order to make UHPC structures more ductile and cost-effective, this study used four-volume fractions of plastic synthetic fiber (PSF) instead of conventional steel fibers (SF) to prepare ultra-high-performance hybrid fiber-reinforced concrete (UHP–HFRC) with a total fiber weight of 2%. The dynamic compression properties at four strain rates were also investigated using a split hopkinson compression bar (SHPB) test. The results show that the addition of PSF reduces the flowability and compressive strength of UHPC but contributes significantly to the flexural strength of UHPC. UHP-HFRC demonstrates higher integrity under impact loading and significant sensitivity to strain rates. As the strain rate increases, both the dynamic compressive strength and dynamic growth factor of UHP-HFRC increase, with the optimal mixing ratio of PSF and SF being 1:3.Combined with the SEM and nanoindentation test results, it can be found that the bonding ability of PSF to the substrate is stronger, and the interface zone between PSF and the substrate is 10um smaller than that between sf and the substrate. It can be concluded that it is difficult for PSF to fully replace steel fiber in referencing UHPC, while hybrid fibers should be a good choice to produce excellent UHPC composite.

超高性能混凝土(UHPC)在建造承受冲击力和爆炸力的混凝土结构方面显示出巨大潜力。为了使 UHPC 结构更具延展性和成本效益,本研究使用四体积分数的塑料合成纤维(PSF)代替传统的钢纤维(SF),制备了纤维总重量为 2% 的超高性能混合纤维增强混凝土(UHP-HFRC)。此外,还使用分体式霍普金森压缩棒(SHPB)试验研究了四种应变速率下的动态压缩性能。结果表明,添加 PSF 会降低 UHPC 的流动性和抗压强度,但会显著提高 UHPC 的抗弯强度。UHP-HFRC 在冲击荷载下表现出更高的完整性,并且对应变率非常敏感。结合扫描电镜和纳米压痕测试结果,可以发现 PSF 与基材的粘结能力更强,PSF 与基材之间的界面区比 SF 与基材之间的界面区小 10um。由此可见结论是 PSF 难以完全替代钢纤维用于 UHPC,而混合纤维应是生产优良 UHPC 复合材料的良好选择。

A robust and efficient 3D mixed-mode cohesive interface model for predicting the debonding failure in FRP strengthened concrete structures

Nie Yu, Xie Tian-Yu, Zhao Xin-Yu



A new and practical cohesive zone model (CZM) considering the coupling between damage mechanics and plasticity is proposed to facilitate structural-scale finite-element (FE) simulations for concrete members strengthened with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP). The model dwells on an adaptive sub-stepping technique to overcome common convergence difficulties during mixed-mode debonding between FRP and concrete. Additionally, it automatically adjusts the computational time increment based on the convergence performance of Newton-Raphson iterations, ensuring efficiency by applying time stepping selectively to critical integration points with diverging problems. Moreover, the model introduces a transformation between effective stress and nominal stress to enhance numerical stability when dealing with complex interfacial behaviors like stiffness degradation, plastic deformation, dilation effects, and mixed-mode failure. Thus, the paper’s novelty lies in the development of a stable and versatile 3D interface model achieved through advanced numerical optimization techniques. The resulting FE models have accurately reproduced various failure modes, such as FRP-concrete debonding and local buckling of FRP plates, demonstrating a high level of reliability and computational efficiency.

考虑到损伤力学和塑性之间的耦合,提出了一种新型实用的内聚区模型(CZM),以促进对使用纤维增强聚合物(FRP)加固的混凝土构件进行结构尺度的有限元(FE)模拟。该模型采用自适应分步技术,以克服 FRP 与混凝土混合模式脱粘过程中常见的收敛困难。此外,它还能根据牛顿-拉斐森迭代的收敛性能自动调整计算时间增量,通过有选择性地对存在发散问题的临界积分点应用时间步进来确保效率。此外,该模型还引入了有效应力和标称应力之间的转换,以提高处理刚度退化、塑性变形、扩张效应和混合模式破坏等复杂界面行为时的数值稳定性。因此,本文的新颖之处在于通过先进的数值优化技术,建立了一个稳定、通用的三维界面模型。所建立的有限元模型准确地再现了各种失效模式,如玻璃钢-混凝土脱粘和玻璃钢板局部屈曲,显示了较高的可靠性和计算效率。

Progress and prospective of the soft robots with the magnetic response

An Cuihua, Wang Tianyu, Wu Shuai, Gao Lingxiao, Deng Qibo, Zhao Libin, Hu Ning



The flexible soft robots with the magnetic response are widely studied because of their light weight, fast and accurate response, strong adaptability and other excellent characteristics. Therefore, we summarize some advances in the soft robots with the magnetic response from five aspects: structures types, preparation methods, magnetic programming methods, the controlled methods of the magnetic fields and the application fields of the soft robots with the magnetic response. The latest progress in the types of structures and preparation methods used to design the soft robots with the magnetic response have been discussed. The types of the magnetic programming and the controlled methods of the magnetic fields for the soft robots with the magnetic response have been introduced in detail. Meanwhile, the applications of the soft robots with the magnetic response in the bionics and biomedicine fields have also been discussed, which provide references for the subsequent practical and potential applications.


Damage behaviors of plain-woven fiber reinforced composites with different orientations: From mesoscopic evolution to macroscopic performance prediction

Cai Yao, An Xizhong, Zou Qingchuan, Yao Dengzhi



This paper investigates the tensile/bending mechanical properties, damage behaviors, and performance prediction of plain-woven composites with different orientations by numerical simulations and physical experiments. The mesoscopic model reproduces damage modes of yarn, pure matrix, and interfacial debonding by user-defined subroutine. On this basis, relevant physical experiments were conducted for comprehensive verification. Then, the influences of orientation on the mechanical properties of the composites and their tensile/bending damage processes were systematically analyzed, and meso-macro scale simulations were carried out for performance prediction and optimization design of multilayer composites. The results show that the tensile/bending strength of the composites decreases and the ductility increases with the increase of orientation angle, among which the ductility of 45° orientation is the best. The primary damage mechanism in tensile process is changed from fiber fracture and matrix cracking to yarns pullout and debonding damage. The orientation can change the primary damage mechanism and improve composite properties by changing the location, time, and degree of damage occurrence. In addition, meso-macro scale simulations can predict and optimize the properties of multilayer composites more efficiently and shorten the optimization design cycle of composites.

本文通过数值模拟和物理实验研究了不同取向的平织复合材料的拉伸/弯曲机械性能、损伤行为和性能预测。介观模型通过用户自定义的子程序再现了纱线、纯基体和界面脱粘的损伤模式。在此基础上,进行了相关的物理实验进行全面验证。然后,系统分析了取向对复合材料力学性能及其拉伸/弯曲损伤过程的影响,并对多层复合材料的性能预测和优化设计进行了中-微尺度模拟。结果表明,复合材料的拉伸/弯曲强度随取向角的增加而降低,延展性则随取向角的增加而增加,其中 45° 取向的延展性最好。拉伸过程中的主要破坏机制由纤维断裂和基体开裂转变为纱线拉断和脱粘破坏。取向可以通过改变损伤发生的位置、时间和程度来改变主要损伤机制,改善复合材料性能。此外,中-微尺度模拟可以更有效地预测和优化多层复合材料的性能,缩短复合材料的优化设计周期。

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

Neuron-like thermal silica bridge between boron nitride nanosheets with hard-soft composite structure to enhance thermal conductivity and anti-icing properties on CFRP

Ji Zemin, Huang Xiaobin, Sheng Haoqiang, Wang Xiangzhao, Hu Wenbin, Liu Hong


氮化硼纳米片与软硬复合结构之间的神经元状热硅桥可增强 CFRP 的导热性和防冰性能

Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites are popular as novel aeronautical material for its high strength and low density. However, CFRP is unfit for aircraft electric deicing system due to its low thermal conductivity and hydrophilicity, which leads to more serious icing phenomenon and inhibition of de-icing effect. Inspired by neuron structure, the thermal silica bridge in BNNS@SiO2 composite coatings were designed to improve the in-plane thermal conductive from 1.647 to 6.702 W/mK by sol-gel method and spraying technology. Hard SiO2 particles and soft boron nitride nanosheets (BNNS) constitute hard-soft composite structure with hydrophobicity, anti-icing properties (4.09 times icing delay time) and abrasion resistance (kept 98.7% after 180 abrasion cycles). Under the combined action of thermal conductivity and hydrophobicity, the 53.8% energy saving of de-icing system was realized under the heating power of 3W. Meanwhile, the thermal conductive/hydrophobic composite coating both possessed insulation and flame retardant.

碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)复合材料因其高强度和低密度而成为新型航空材料。然而,由于碳纤维增强聚合物具有低导热性和亲水性,不适合用于飞机电除冰系统,导致结冰现象更加严重,除冰效果受到抑制。受神经元结构的启发,设计了 BNNS@SiO2 复合涂层中的热硅桥,通过溶胶-凝胶法和喷涂技术将平面内导热系数从 1.647 W/mK 提高到 6.702 W/mK。硬质 SiO2 颗粒和软质氮化硼纳米片(BNNS)构成的软硬复合结构具有疏水性、抗结冰性(结冰延迟时间为 4.09 倍)和耐磨性(180 次磨损后保持 98.7%)。在导热性和疏水性的共同作用下,在 3W 的加热功率下,除冰系统实现了 53.8% 的节能。同时,导热/疏水复合涂层还具有绝缘和阻燃性能。

Hierarchical NiO/Al2O3 Nanostructure for Highly Effective Smoke and Toxic Gases Suppression of Polymer Materials: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation

Wang Chuanshen, Xu Wenzong, Qi Liangyuan, Ding Hongliang, Cai Wei, Jiang Guangyong, Hu Yuan, Xing Weiyi, Yu Bin


用于高效抑制聚合物材料烟雾和有毒气体的分层 NiO/Al2O3 纳米结构:实验与理论研究

There is still a lack of in-depth investigation of the suppression mechanism for polymeric materials. Herein, based on the density functional theory (DFT) study, the flame retardancy, smoke, and toxic gases suppression mechanisms of hierarchical NiO/Al2O3 nanostructures in thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) are in-depth revealed. The incorporation of NiO/Al2O3-S into TPU leads to a significant reduction in total smoke release by 41.9%, and peak CO production rate by 47.8% (Cone calorimetry test results). Besides, the NiO/Al2O3-S results in a remarkable decrease of 48% in Dsmax during the smoke density test. Most importantly, based on DFT calculations, incorporating catalysts enhances the adsorption energy of CO, O2, and CO2 on the surface of TPU nanocomposites, thereby facilitating CO oxidation reactions. This is conducive to reducing flue gas emissions and toxicity levels. This work introduces DFT into the flame retardancy research of polymer materials, thus providing reliable guidance for designing highly effective smoke suppressants.

目前对高分子材料的抑制机理还缺乏深入研究。本文基于密度泛函理论(DFT)研究,深入揭示了分层 NiO/Al2O3 纳米结构在热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)中的阻燃、烟雾和有毒气体抑制机理。在热塑性聚氨酯中加入 NiO/Al2O3-S 后,总烟雾释放量显著降低了 41.9%,CO 生成峰值率降低了 47.8%(锥形量热仪测试结果)。此外,在烟密度测试中,NiO/Al2O3-S 使 Dsmax 显著降低了 48%。最重要的是,根据 DFT 计算,催化剂的加入提高了 TPU 纳米复合材料表面 CO、O2 和 CO2 的吸附能,从而促进了 CO 氧化反应。这有利于减少烟气排放和毒性水平。这项工作将 DFT 引入了聚合物材料的阻燃研究,从而为设计高效的烟雾抑制剂提供了可靠的指导。

MOF-derived N-doped carbon nanocages trap CoP nanoparticles anchored on rGO to modulate dielectric polarization behavior for microwave absorption

Qin Guangyu, Huang Xiaoxiao, Liu Yanan, Zhang Kaili, Yan Yuefeng, Ma Guansheng, Liu Yuhao, Zhou Yu


MOF 衍生的 N 掺杂碳纳米笼能捕获锚定在 rGO 上的 CoP 纳米粒子,从而调节微波吸收的介电极化行为

In order to gain a deeper insight into the effect of dielectric polarization behavior caused by defects and heterogeneous interfaces on microwave absorption capability, the structure of in situ grown cobalt phosphide in MOF-derived N-doped amorphous carbon nanocages (CoP/NC) anchored on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) sheets was used to control the number of defects and heterogeneous interfaces. The different dielectric polarization behaviors are expressed by the amplitude and range of the polarization relaxation peaks. More defects and heterogeneous interfaces not only cause more intense polarization loss, but also modulate the electromagnetic parameters to improve the impedance matching performance. The CoP/NC@rGO achieves strong absorption of -67.5 dB and absorption bandwidth of 7 GHz with only 4 wt%. First principles calculation shows the formation of interfacial dipole at the CoP-NC heterogeneous interface. This work provides a strategy for regulating microwave absorption properties by defect and heterogeneous interface-controlled polarization behavior.

为了更深入地了解缺陷和异质界面引起的介电极化行为对微波吸收能力的影响,研究人员利用锚定在还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)片上的原位生长的磷化钴在 MOF 衍生的 N 掺杂无定形碳纳米笼(CoP/NC)中的结构来控制缺陷和异质界面的数量。不同的介电极化行为通过极化弛豫峰的振幅和范围表现出来。更多的缺陷和异质界面不仅会导致更强烈的极化损耗,还会调节电磁参数,从而改善阻抗匹配性能。CoP/NC@rGO 的吸收率高达 -67.5 dB,吸收带宽为 7 GHz,而吸收率仅为 4 wt%。第一性原理计算表明,在 CoP-NC 异质界面上形成了界面偶极子。这项工作为通过缺陷和异质界面控制极化行为来调节微波吸收特性提供了一种策略。

Composites Science and Technology

Polymer-based magnetoelectric scaffolds for wireless bone repair: The fillers’ effect on extracellular microenvironments

Brito-Pereira R., Martins P., Lanceros-Mendez S., Ribeiro C.



Replicating the natural cellular environment is a critical strategy when employing biomaterials to enhance tissue regeneration. However, effectively controlling physical cues, including electrical and mechanical stimuli, in the extracellular microenvironment to promote tissue regeneration, remains a challenging endeavor. This study presents the technological utilization of magnetoelectric (ME) composites, capable of delivering electrical and mechanical stimuli through remote activation using a magnetic field, for applications in bone-related tissue engineering. Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) scaffolds incorporating two types of magnetostrictive particles, namely Terfenol-D (TD) microparticles and CoFe2O4 (CFO) nanoparticles, were used to investigate the impact of mechano-electrical stimuli on preosteoblast cells. The results demonstrate that when such stimuli are applied through a custom-made magnetic bioreactor, both proliferation rate and mineralization increase. Such outcomes are dependent on the specific magnetic particles incorporated in the composite. These findings underscore the significance of designing magnetostrictive properties in ME active biomaterials to achieve successful bone regeneration. Thus, a strategy is presented to emulate the electrical and cellular microenvironment, enabling precise, controlled, and effective bone regenerative therapies

复制自然细胞环境是利用生物材料促进组织再生的关键策略。然而,有效控制细胞外微环境中的物理线索(包括电刺 激和机械刺 激)以促进组织再生仍是一项具有挑战性的工作。本研究介绍了磁电(ME)复合材料在骨相关组织工程中的应用技术,这种复合材料能够通过磁场的远程激活提供电和机械刺 激。研究人员利用含有两种磁致伸缩颗粒(即 Terfenol-D (TD) 微型颗粒和 CoFe2O4 (CFO) 纳米颗粒)的聚偏氟乙烯-三氟乙烯支架来研究机械电刺 激对前成骨细胞的影响。结果表明,当通过定制的磁性生物反应器施加这种刺 激时,增殖率和矿化度都会增加。这种结果取决于复合材料中的特定磁性颗粒。这些发现强调了在 ME 活性生物材料中设计磁致伸缩特性以实现成功骨再生的重要性。因此,本文提出了一种模拟电和细胞微环境的策略,从而实现精确、可控和有效的骨再生疗法。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsAdhesion in soft contacts is minimum beyond a critical shear displacementOliver C., Dalmas D., Scheibert J.doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2023.105445超过临界剪切位移时,软接触的粘附力最小The most direct measurement of adhesion is the pull-off force, i.e. the tensile force necessary to separate two solids in contact. For a given interface, it depends on various experimental parameters, including separation speed, contact age and maximum loading force. Here, using smooth contacts between elastomer spheres and rigid plates, we show that the pull-off force also varies if the contact is sheared prior to separation. For shear displacements below a critical value about 10% of that necessary to yield gross sliding, the pull-off force steadily decreases as shear increases. For larger shear, the pull-off force remains constant, at a residual value 10%–15% of its initial value. Combining force measurements and in situ imaging, we show how the unloading path leading to contact separation is modified by the initial shear. In particular, we find that the residual pull-off force prevails if the contact reaches full sliding during unloading. Based on those observations, a first modelling attempt of the critical shear displacement is proposed, involving a competition between jump instability and transition to sliding. Overall, those results offer new insights into the interplay between adhesion and friction, provide new constraints on adhesion measurements and challenge existing adhesive models. They will be useful wherever soft contacts undergo both normal and shear stresses, including tire grip, soft robotics, haptics and animal locomotion.粘附力最直接的测量方法是拉力,即分离接触的两个固体所需的拉力。对于给定的界面,它取决于各种实验参数,包括分离速度、接触时间和最大加载力。在此,我们利用弹性体球和刚性板之间的光滑接触,证明如果接触在分离前发生剪切,拉脱力也会发生变化。当剪切位移低于产生大滑动所需的 10% 临界值时,拉脱力会随着剪切力的增加而逐渐减小。对于较大的剪切力,拉脱力保持恒定,残值为初始值的 10%-15%。结合力测量和原位成像,我们展示了导致接触分离的卸载路径是如何被初始剪切力改变的。特别是,我们发现如果接触在卸载过程中达到完全滑动,则残余拉脱力会占主导地位。基于这些观察结果,我们提出了临界剪切位移的首次建模尝试,其中涉及跳跃不稳定性和向滑动过渡之间的竞争。总之,这些结果为了解粘附和摩擦之间的相互作用提供了新的视角,为粘附测量提供了新的约束条件,并对现有的粘附模型提出了挑战。它们将在软接触同时承受法向应力和剪切应力的任何情况下发挥作用,包括轮胎抓地力、软机器人、触觉和动物运动。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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