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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 1 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Computational and physical aspects for the occurrence of crease in an elastomer under general loading conditions

Seishiro Matsubara, Atsuya Ogino, So Nagashima, Dai Okumura



We study the occurrence of crease in an elastomer under three loading conditions from both computational and physical points of view. A two-dimensional finite element analysis, including a perturbation force–based approach, is performed to detect the stable creased state, where the crease formation is completed. A mesh convergence study for the energy release and crease depth in the creased state provides a guideline for the finite element mesh requisite for predicting the occurrence of crease. We also visualize the mesh convergence for the critical creasing onset by plotting the set of compressive strain and mesh resolution at the point where the energy release is zero. In addition, the present evaluation method of the surface tension using the energy release and surface area change for an elastomer with a traction-free surface yields a good prediction for the creasing onset delayed by surface tension without additional numerical implementations or adjustment parameters. This facilitates the comprehensive study of the creasing onset delayed by the surface tension under general loading conditions. The results reveal that tensile deformation in the out-of-plane direction encourages the retardation of the creasing onset via the extension of the width and the energy emission. We further demonstrate that energetically preferential crease interval can be used to evaluate the spacing between creases delayed by moderate surface tension.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

A unified disconnection model of stress-driven grain boundary migration in nanocrystalline metals

Anping Hua, Junhua Zhao



Disconnection-based model has recently become one of the most recognized ways to unify grain boundary-dominated plasticity of nanocrystalline metals. Here, we proposed a unified disconnection model with a general energetic description formula by considering diverse Burgers vectors, anisotropy in kinetics, shear strengths, and grain size effects in disconnection-mediated grain boundary migration. The quantitative relation was identified between the energy variations from this model and the multi-disconnection slip characteristics of recent in situ atomistic observation. We used the double-disconnection model degraded by this model to reveal the origin of these disconnections nucleating successively from the same free surface and the reason for their composition or decomposition. The obtained energy maps further demonstrated all possible disconnection nucleation, propagation, interaction and annihilation, where the most energetically preferred evolution path of disconnection motion was confirmed by present molecular dynamics simulations. This unified model and its applications enrich our understanding of grain boundary-mediated plasticity and favor the manageable design of nanocrystalline metals.


Mechanics of Materials

A simple stress field solution for conical indentation

Zhi-Qiang Wang, Huai-Rong Xiao, Li-Xun Cai, Mao-Bo Huang



Classical contact mechanics has revealed the theoretical conical indentation solution of a stress field for ideal elastic–plastic materials based on the expansion cavity model and elastoplastic theory. This study proposes an equivalent stress analytical equation for the representative volume element of the median energy density point under conical indentation. For materials whose constitutive relations conform to power-law hardening, the equivalent stress solution is defined as the characteristic stress factor, and a simple stress field solution characterized by the logarithmic distribution law of dimensionless stress for conical indentation is presented. The verification results of finite element analysis showed that the proposed solution can uniformly describe the distribution of equivalent stress and three principal stresses in the material deformation region near the cone tip.


Thin-Walled Structures

Quantifying Variation in Maximum Floor Accelerations of Modular Buildings under Earthquakes through Stochastic Nonlinear Structural Analysis

Chen Wang, Tak-Ming Chan



For earthquake-resistant design of modular buildings, reinforced concrete (RC) cores can be a viable choice as the vertical seismic force resisting system. The maximum floor acceleration determines the maximum inertial force that will be transferred by the connections in the horizontal diaphragm to the RC walls. However, the randomness in the structural properties of RC walls may result in fluctuations in the floor acceleration response. Given the limited number of horizontal inter-module connections in modular buildings, the failure of these connections can have severe consequences. To ensure adequate safety margins in the design of horizontal diaphragm connections, it is essential to account for the variations in maximum floor accelerations. To quantify these variations, a 9-story prototype building with RC walls was examined in this study. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted on sample structures with univariate and bivariate randomness in fc (concrete cylinder compressive strength) and Fy (yield strength of steel rebars) of RC walls. Nonlinear response history analyses were performed for each sample structure using 22 ground motions to account for uncertainty in earthquake excitation. The results demonstrated significant and highly complex variations in the maximum floor accelerations due to the randomness considered. A coefficient of variation (CoV) of 0.13 was determined for the maximum floor acceleration response resulting from the bivariate randomness in fc and Fy. Furthermore, the variations were found to increase as the correlation scale in the spatial variation of fc increased. Based on the findings, it is proposed to apply an increase ratio of 1.2 to the maximum floor acceleration to account for the randomness of RC wall properties to ensure adequate safety margins in the design of horizontal diaphragm connections.

在模块化建筑的抗震设计中,钢筋混凝土(RC)核心筒可作为垂直抗震系统的可行选择。最大楼层加速度决定了由水平隔墙连接传递到 RC 墙体的最大惯性力。然而,RC 墙结构特性的随机性可能会导致楼层加速度响应的波动。鉴于模块化建筑中模块间水平连接的数量有限,这些连接的失效可能会造成严重后果。为确保水平隔墙连接设计有足够的安全系数,必须考虑最大楼层加速度的变化。为了量化这些变化,本研究对一栋带有 RC 墙的 9 层原型建筑进行了研究。对样本结构进行了蒙特卡罗模拟,并对 RC 墙的 fc(混凝土圆柱体抗压强度)和 Fy(钢筋屈服强度)进行了单变量和双变量随机分析。使用 22 种地面运动对每个样本结构进行了非线性响应历史分析,以考虑地震激励的不确定性。结果表明,由于考虑了随机性,最大楼层加速度的变化非常明显且非常复杂。由于 fc 和 Fy 的双变量随机性,最大楼层加速度响应的变异系数 (CoV) 为 0.13。此外,随着 fc 空间变化相关尺度的增大,变异系数也随之增大。根据研究结果,建议对最大楼层加速度采用 1.2 的增加比率,以考虑到 RC 墙特性的随机性,从而确保在水平隔墙连接设计中留出足够的安全余量。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇Composite StructuresWood and Plywood as eco-materials for sustainable mobility:a reviewB. Castanié, A. Peignon, C. Marc, F. Eyma, A. Cantarel, J. Serra, R. Curti, H. Hadiji, L. Denaud, S. Girardon, B. Marcondoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117790木材和胶合板作为可持续交通的生态材料:综述Wood has always been used by man for his means of transport. It is only since the beginning of the 20th century that it has fallen into disuse due to the industrial production of concrete, steel and plastic materials. However, with global warming becoming undeniable, the societal challenge of decarbonizing transport may bring wood back into the spotlight. In this article, after a brief historical review, arguments about its availability and durability in a bio-economic context are put forward. The main mechanical properties of wood and plywood are then reviewed, along with the main factors influencing both their static and dynamic characteristics, the latter being important for the transport sector. Plywood is extensively detailed in this review paper, as it has been widely used in transport applications in the past, and presents potential optimized mechanical characteristics and eco-friendly resource utilization. Some mechanical models are also presented and put into perspective. A brief panorama of wood associations with natural or technical fibre composites is also proposed. Then, selected recent examples show that wood still has its place in naval, automotive, aeronautical, and even space applications. Finally, some conclusions are drawn and numerous research prospects in this vast and resurgent field are put forward.人类一直使用木材作为运输工具。只是自 20 世纪初以来,由于混凝土、钢铁和塑料材料的工业化生产,木材才逐渐被废弃。然而,随着全球变暖成为不争的事实,交通去碳化的社会挑战可能会让木材重新成为人们关注的焦点。本文在简要回顾历史之后,提出了在生物经济背景下木材的可用性和耐久性方面的论点。然后回顾了木材和胶合板的主要机械特性,以及影响其静态和动态特性的主要因素,后者对运输行业非常重要。由于胶合板在过去被广泛应用于运输领域,并具有优化机械特性和生态友好型资源利用的潜力,因此本综述文件对胶合板进行了广泛详细的介绍。文中还介绍了一些机械模型,并对其进行了深入分析。此外,还简要介绍了木材与天然或技术纤维复合材料的关联。然后,选取的最新实例表明,木材在舰船、汽车、航空甚至太空应用中仍有一席之地。最后,还得出了一些结论,并提出了在这一广阔而复兴的领域中的众多研究前景。Composites Science and TechnologyFatigue life assessment of notched laminated composites: Experiments and modelling by finite fracture mechanicsA.M. Mirzaei, A.H. Mirzaei, M.M. Shokrieh, A. Sapora, P. Cornettidoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2023.110376 缺口层状复合材料的疲劳寿命评估:实验和有限断裂力学建模In this paper, the coupled Finite Fracture Mechanics criterion is extended to assess the finite fatigue life of orthotropic notched laminated composites. The approach is validated through a comprehensive experimental program conducted on laminated composites under tension-tension cyclic loading conditions with two distinct lay-ups. For a given loading ratio, fatigue tests on plain and cracked specimens are first performed to provide the model inputs, the critical cyclic stress and stress intensity factor amplitudes. Fatigue tests on samples weakened by circular holes of two different radii are then used for blind predictions. Accurate predictions of the number of cycles to failure are achieved without the need for inverse calibration of material properties or deviation from standard testing procedures. Finally, a parametric study is performed to investigate the hole radius effect. It is worth mentioning that the proposed approach is general and can be applied to any notched geometry.本文扩展了有限断裂力学耦合准则,以评估正交切口层状复合材料的有限疲劳寿命。在拉伸-张力循环加载条件下,采用两种不同的层叠结构对层叠复合材料进行了综合实验,验证了该方法的有效性。对于给定的加载比,首先对普通试样和开裂试样进行疲劳试验,以提供模型输入、临界循环应力和应力强度因子振幅。然后,对被两种不同半径的圆孔削弱的试样进行疲劳试验,以进行盲预测。无需对材料特性进行反向校准,也无需偏离标准测试程序,即可实现对失效循环次数的精确预测。最后,还进行了参数研究,以调查孔半径的影响。值得一提的是,所提出的方法具有通用性,可应用于任何缺口几何形状。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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