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今日更新:Composite Structures 7 篇

Composite Structures

Comparison of local, gradient-enhanced and integral form of continuum damage approaches to strain localization in fiber reinforced composites

G. Gopinath, R.C. Batra



Structures often have inserts and notches that cause stress concentration and consequent reduction in the load bearing capacity. The literature on numerical implementation of continuum damage mechanics (CDM) has generally focused on using local theories of damage.However, their use to analyze deformations of notched laminates that are prone to strain localization can cause numerical convergence issues that can be alleviated by employing a non-local theory. There are a few studies using a non-local damage theory for fiber-reinforced polymeric composites (FRPCs) and even fewer for strain localization in FRPCs. The non-local theories employ an equivalent (or effective or von Mises) strain often used in metal plasticity while most theories for studying failure of FRPCs use individual strain/stress components.Here, we compare predictions from local and nonlocal CDM approaches that are effective in studying strain localization in FRPCs. For the local approach, we employ a rate-dependent evolution relation. For the non-local approach, we either compute damage at a point as the weighted sum of damage at its neighbors that introduces a length scale into the problem, or employ a gradient-enhanced approach that also introduces a length scale. It is shown that numerical predictions from both the rate-dependent and the non-local theory alleviate to different degrees sensitivity of results to the finite element mesh used and the strain localization issues.Of these, a local rate-type approach is more convenient and cost effective.

结构中经常会有嵌入物和缺口,这些嵌入物和缺口会导致应力集中,从而降低承载能力。有关连续损伤力学(CDM)数值实施的文献通常侧重于使用局部损伤理论。然而,使用局部损伤理论分析容易产生应变局部化的缺口层压板的变形会导致数值收敛问题,而采用非局部理论则可以缓解这些问题。针对纤维增强聚合物复合材料(FRPCs)使用非局部损伤理论的研究很少,而针对 FRPCs 中应变局部化的研究则更少。非局部理论采用金属塑性中常用的等效应变(或有效应变或冯米塞斯应变),而研究 FRPC 失效的大多数理论则采用单个应变/应力成分。对于局部方法,我们采用了与速率相关的演化关系。对于非局部方法,我们要么将某点的损伤计算为其邻近点损伤的加权和,从而在问题中引入长度尺度,要么采用同样引入长度尺度的梯度增强方法。结果表明,依赖速率理论和非局部理论的数值预测都在不同程度上缓解了结果对所使用的有限元网格和应变局部化问题的敏感性。

Long-term bolt preload relaxation and contact pressure distribution in clamping anchorages for CFRP plates

Guozhen Ding, Peng Feng, Yu Wang, Pengcheng Ai, Qinyu Wang


CFRP 板材夹紧锚固件中螺栓预紧力的长期松弛和接触压力分布

Clamping anchorages are commonly used to anchor CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced polymer) plates, and the anchoring performance is significantly impacted by bolt preload. This research presents experimental and numerical investigations of long-term bolt preload relaxation in clamping anchorages for CFRP plates. First, a compression test was conducted to obtain the elastic modulus in the thickness direction of CFRP plates. Then, four types of relaxation tests (single bolt, planar and curved anchorage, external load effect, and thickened anchorage) were conducted, considering the effects of the number of CFRP plates, anchorage type, external load, and initial preload. The elastic interaction during the tightening process was also investigated. The contact pressure distribution was simulated through the finite element method, which is in good agreement with the results obtained from pressure papers. To fit relaxation test results and predict million-hour relaxation, different theoretical models were employed. The results indicate that the number of CFRP plates is crucial to preload relaxation, and the presence of CFRP plates introduces strong elastic interactions between bolts in the anchorage. Preload relaxation also increases under external loads and with the increase in initial preload. Curved anchorage has less bolt preload relaxation in the long term under external loads. Furthermore, thickened anchorages have a more uniform contact pressure distribution due to the improved pressure diffusion mechanism.

夹紧锚固装置通常用于锚固 CFRP(碳纤维增强聚合物)板,而螺栓预紧力对锚固性能影响很大。本研究对 CFRP 板材夹紧锚固件中螺栓预紧力的长期松弛进行了实验和数值研究。首先,通过压缩试验获得 CFRP 板厚度方向的弹性模量。然后,考虑到 CFRP 板的数量、锚固类型、外部载荷和初始预紧力的影响,进行了四种松弛试验(单螺栓、平面和曲面锚固、外部载荷效应和加厚锚固)。此外,还研究了拧紧过程中的弹性相互作用。通过有限元方法模拟了接触压力分布,与压力论文获得的结果十分吻合。为了拟合松弛测试结果和预测百万小时松弛,采用了不同的理论模型。结果表明,CFRP 板的数量对预载松弛至关重要,CFRP 板的存在会在锚固件中的螺栓之间产生强烈的弹性相互作用。在外部荷载作用下,预紧松弛也随着初始预紧的增加而增加。在外部荷载的长期作用下,弧形锚固件的螺栓预紧松弛较小。此外,由于压力扩散机制得到改善,加厚锚固件的接触压力分布更加均匀。

A new method of preparing lattice structures of continuous carbon fiber-reinforced thermoplastics

Baosheng Liu, Yulin Wang, Ruishen Lou, Yunxiang Yao, Xianglin Chen, Huimin Li



The three-dimensional lattice sandwich structure of composite has attracted extensive attention in the engineering field due to its superior mechanical property and multifunctional designability. Developing technology that can guarantee both production cycle and cost remains challenging. In this work, an innovative forming technology based on 3D printing and hot folding process is presented to fabricate lattice sandwich structures of continuous fiber-reinforced thermoplastics. The prepared lattice sandwich structures show obvious competitiveness and superior material efficiency, which is reflected in high compressive strength (23.55 MPa/(g/cm3)) and specific compressive modulus (457.82 MPa/(g/cm3)). The simplified theoretical model and 3D progressive failure model are carried out to predict the compressive behaviors of the lattice sandwich structures, and the results are consistent with the experimental results. Additionally, the flexibility of the proposed method is demonstrated by fabricating various 3D structures.

三维晶格夹层结构复合材料以其优越的机械性能和多功能设计性在工程领域受到广泛关注。开发既能保证生产周期又能降低成本的技术仍具有挑战性。本研究提出了一种基于三维打印和热折叠工艺的创新成型技术,用于制造连续纤维增强热塑性塑料的格子夹层结构。所制备的格子夹层结构具有明显的竞争力和优异的材料效率,具体表现为较高的抗压强度(23.55 兆帕/(克/立方厘米))和比压缩模量(457.82 兆帕/(克/立方厘米))。通过简化理论模型和三维渐进破坏模型来预测格子夹层结构的抗压行为,结果与实验结果一致。此外,还通过制造各种三维结构证明了所提方法的灵活性。

Expanding the Mechanical and Mass-Transport combination for Bone Scaffolds: Through Stretched Structure

Xing Peng, Shiyu Li, Dongyang He, Junyan Li, Shuxin Qu, Zhongmin Jin



Optimizing the mechanical and mass-transport properties of porous biomaterials simultaneously can be challenging, as they often correspond one-to-one through structure. For instance, increasing permeability by reducing relative density frequently leads to lower mechanical properties. In this study, we introduced a stretched structure to optimize the two properties simultaneously. Initially, the stretched scaffolds were evaluated at the same porosity, revealing that the elastic modulus and permeability of the stretched scaffold are approximately twice that of the original type. Subsequently, the orientation dependence of these properties was investigated. The results suggest that the stiffness of the stretched structure in the width direction is compromised, aligning with the mechanical properties of cortical bone in shaft bones. The permeability of the stretched structure exhibits significant anisotropy, with values much higher than those of original structure. Moreover, our biological experiments demonstrate that extremely stretched structures exhibit low and uneven curvature, potentially impeding cell growth. Hence, striking a balance between curvature and the stretching method employed is crucial. The stretching method can also be applied to other strut-based structures, enabling greater design flexibility in achieving a desirable mechanical and mass-transport combination, providing a foundation for high-performance artificial bone prostheses.


Meso-viscoelastic modeling of solid propellant using XCT technology and virtual element method

Bo Jin, Huiru Cui, Hualin Fan


利用 XCT 技术和虚拟元素法建立固体推进剂的介观弹性模型

This paper proposes a scheme to develop 2D mesoscale propellant models from X-ray computed tomography (XCT) images, including digital image processing (DIP)-based models and molecular dynamics (MD)-based models. In the MD-based approach, parametric models can be constructed by presuming that the particles are discs that satisfy the size distribution and volume fraction derived from XCT images of propellant. Based on the advantages of the virtual element method (VEM) for simulating the deformation of composite materials, this study obtains statistical information from XCT images to generate mesostructural models and compare their mechanical behaviors. Under the assumption of small deformation, the mesoscopic behaviors predicted by both mesostructural models are in good agreement, indicating that simpler MD-based models are adequate to characterize the overall viscoelastic properties of propellant. The impacts of propellant mesostructure parameters were addressed by using MD-based models.

本文提出了一种从 X 射线计算机断层扫描(XCT)图像开发二维中尺度推进剂模型的方案,包括基于数字图像处理(DIP)的模型和基于分子动力学(MD)的模型。在基于 MD 的方法中,可以通过假定粒子为圆盘来构建参数模型,这些圆盘满足从推进剂 XCT 图像中得出的尺寸分布和体积分数。基于虚拟元素法(VEM)在模拟复合材料变形方面的优势,本研究从 XCT 图像中获取统计信息,生成中观结构模型,并比较其力学行为。在小变形假设下,两种介观结构模型预测的介观行为非常一致,表明基于 MD 的较简单模型足以表征推进剂的整体粘弹特性。利用基于 MD 的模型研究了推进剂介观结构参数的影响。

Damage evolution in flax fibre composite under creep load

Jianqun Hao, Alexandros Prapavesis, Stepan V. Lomov, C.A. Fuentes Rojas, Aart Willem Van Vuure



This work aims to reveal the damage mechanisms and evolution in unidirectional flax fibre biocomposites when subjected to creep load. X-ray micro computed tomography and acoustic emission (AE) was used to monitor the failure progress during flexural creep tests. A correlation between the event clusters and directly observed damage modes was established based on coupons with expected failure mechanisms and then validated by computed tomography observations. The damage initiated from matrix cracking in the primary creep stage, and then fibre-matrix interface debonding combined with fibre pull-out occurred sequentially during the steady creep stage. In the tertiary creep stage, the explosive fibre fracture emerged and eventually triggered catastrophic failure. Considerably more AE events were detected during creep tests compared to those in quasi-static tests, which indicates that intensive damage is generated under creep load, and therefore causes the strength degradation. A good agreement was observed between the cumulative number of AE events and the increasing damage volume fraction over time determined by X-ray micro computed tomography during multi-step creep tests.

这项研究旨在揭示单向亚麻纤维生物复合材料在承受蠕变载荷时的破坏机制和演变过程。在挠曲蠕变试验中,采用 X 射线显微计算机断层扫描和声发射(AE)技术监测破坏过程。根据具有预期破坏机制的试样,建立了事件群与直接观察到的破坏模式之间的相关性,然后通过计算机断层扫描观察进行验证。在一级蠕变阶段,损坏从基体开裂开始,然后在稳定蠕变阶段,纤维-基体界面脱粘与纤维拉出相继发生。在三级蠕变阶段,出现了爆炸性纤维断裂,并最终引发了灾难性破坏。与准静态试验相比,蠕变试验中检测到的 AE 事件要多得多,这表明在蠕变载荷作用下会产生密集的损伤,从而导致强度下降。在多步蠕变试验中,通过 X 射线显微计算机断层扫描测定的 AE 事件累积数量与随时间增加的损伤体积分数之间存在良好的一致性。

Normal Contact Mechanism of Flexible Film/Substrate Bilayer Structure: Experimental and Numerical Insight

Shouyao Liu, Jian Wu, Shixue He, Bohan Yang, Benlong Su, Xuebo Yuan, Youshan Wang



The film/substrate bilayer structure design plays a crucial role in enhancing the adaptability of flexible tactile sensors in complex environments. Nonetheless, as the cornerstone for machine tactility, the normal contact mechanism of the film/substrate bilayer structure remains elusive. Herein, the normal contact characteristics of polydimethylsiloxane film/sponge bilayer structure (PF/SBS) with different structural parameters, including substrate porosity, film mass ratio, and relative thickness between film and substrate, are investigated by experimental and numerical methods. The roles of the film and substrate structure parameters of PF/SBS in the normal contact process are analyzed by a cohesive contact model from the energy perspective. The results demonstrate that PF/SBS not only modulates the maximum normal force by substrate porosity but also exerts a substantial impact on the critical contact state by the film mass ratios. The contribution of film thickness to the critical separation state can be enhanced up to 90% with increasing relative thickness.

薄膜/基板双层结构设计在增强柔性触觉传感器在复杂环境中的适应性方面发挥着至关重要的作用。然而,作为机器触感的基石,薄膜/基底双层结构的正常接触机制仍然难以捉摸。本文通过实验和数值方法,研究了具有不同结构参数(包括基底孔隙率、薄膜质量比、薄膜与基底的相对厚度)的聚二甲基硅氧烷薄膜/海绵双层结构(PF/SBS)的正常接触特性。通过内聚接触模型,从能量角度分析了 PF/SBS 的薄膜和基底结构参数在正常接触过程中的作用。结果表明,PF/SBS 不仅能通过基底孔隙率调节最大 法向力,还能通过薄膜质量比对临界接触状态产生重大影响。随着相对厚度的增加,薄膜厚度对临界分离状态的贡献率最高可达 90%。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 8 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 2 篇Composite StructuresStochastic dynamics analysis of the rocket shell coupling system with circular plate fasteners based on spectro-geometric methodXianjie Shi, Yong Yang, Xiaolong Zhu, Zhou Huangdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117727基于光谱几何法的圆板紧固件火箭壳体耦合系统随机动力学分析A numerical analysis model is established to predict the stochastic dynamic characteristics of the rocket shell coupling system. The virtual springs are employed to deal with the boundary conditions and assemble the sub structures. Firstly, the energy functional expressions of the sub structures are deduced with the medium-thick shell theory. Thereafter the equivalent dynamic model of the rocket shell coupling system is obtained. With the consideration of the random acceleration load excitation, the stochastic dynamic responses of the rocket shell coupling system are derived by solving the analytical model with the spectro-geometric method. By comparing with the results obtained with other numerical methods, the effectiveness of the proposed equivalent analysis model is successfully verified. Last but not the least, the parametric analysis is carried out to investigate the influence of some core factors on the stochastic dynamic response of the rocket shell coupling system.建立了一个数值分析模型来预测火箭壳体耦合系统的随机动态特性。采用虚拟弹簧来处理边界条件和组装子结构。首先,利用中厚壳理论推导出子结构的能量函数表达式。然后得到火箭壳体耦合系统的等效动力学模型。在考虑随机加速度载荷激励的情况下,利用谱几何法求解分析模型,得出了火箭壳体耦合系统的随机动态响应。通过与其他数值方法得到的结果进行比较,成功验证了所提出的等效分析模型的有效性。最后,还进行了参数分析,研究了一些核心因素对火箭壳体耦合系统随机动态响应的影响。Effect of stitch density on the damage inhibition and compression strength after high-velocity impact of UHMWPE fiber compositesYuhang Xiang, Zhongwei Zhang, Xiaoning Yang, Yuan Lin, Guokai Zhang, Chunming Song, Ziming Xiongdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117728缝合密度对超高分子量聚乙烯纤维复合材料高速冲击后的损伤抑制和压缩强度的影响This paper investigates the effect of stitch density on the high-velocity impact damage inhibition and CAI (compression after impact) strength of UHMWPE (Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) fiber composites. The damage response and compression behavior after impact were quantified and analyzed using CT scanning and DIC (Digital Image Correlation) techniques. The findings reveal that the delamination area of the composite plate with the stitch space of 1 cm reduces by 49.14% compared to the unstitched sample, and exhibits a 73.05% higher compressive load than the plate with a 4 cm stitch space. Notably, the 4 cm stitch composite plates demonstrate a significant advantage in energy absorption. However, the sparse stitch structure destroys the original structure inside the composite, resulting in a degradation of CAI performance. The study provides guidance for the practical design of composite materials with enhanced energy absorption and damage resistance.本文研究了缝合密度对 UHMWPE(超高分子量聚乙烯)纤维复合材料的高速冲击损伤抑制和 CAI(冲击后压缩)强度的影响。利用 CT 扫描和 DIC(数字图像相关性)技术对冲击后的损伤响应和压缩行为进行了量化和分析。研究结果表明,与未缝合的样品相比,缝合间距为 1 厘米的复合材料板的分层面积减少了 49.14%,其压缩载荷比缝合间距为 4 厘米的复合材料板高 73.05%。值得注意的是,针距为 4 厘米的复合板在能量吸收方面具有显著优势。然而,稀疏的缝合结构破坏了复合材料内部的原始结构,导致 CAI 性能下降。这项研究为实际设计具有更强能量吸收能力和抗损坏能力的复合材料提供了指导。Characterisation of the transverse shear behaviour of binder-stabilised preforms for wind turbine blade manufacturingP.H. Broberg, F. Shakibapour, J. Jakobsen, E. Lindgaard, B.L.V. Bakdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117738用于风力涡轮机叶片制造的粘合剂稳定预成型件的横向剪切性能表征Binder-stabilised preforms are being used increasingly in the production of large composite structures, such as wind turbine blades, to increase the throughput. The transverse shear behaviour of the preform is one of the driving factors in the development of wrinkling during manufacturing but has not previously been characterised in the literature. In this paper, the combined intra- and inter-ply deformations during transverse shearing of a binder-stabilised preforms for wind turbine blade manufacturing are characterised by a new test methodology. The results from two experimental campaigns are presented. In the first campaign, preform specimens are subjected to monotonic loading to a nominal transverse shear angle of 18.0° with three different deformation rates. The results show an increase in maximum load levels with greater deformation rates. In the second campaign, preform specimens are subjected to deformation-controlled cyclic loading with two different deformation amplitudes corresponding to a nominal transverse shear angle of 1.5° and 12.2°, respectively. During cyclic loading, permanent deformation is observed in all preform specimens and the maximum load at the 19th cycle is reduced to 48% of the maximum load at the first cycle for the tests with deformation amplitudes of 12.2°. 为提高产量,粘合剂稳定预型件正越来越多地用于大型复合材料结构(如风力涡轮机叶片)的生产中。预型件的横向剪切行为是制造过程中产生皱褶的驱动因素之一,但以前的文献尚未对其进行描述。本文采用一种新的测试方法,对用于风力涡轮机叶片制造的粘合剂稳定预型件在横向剪切过程中的层内和层间综合变形进行了表征。本文介绍了两次实验活动的结果。在第一项试验中,预成型试样受到单调加载,名义横向剪切角为 18.0°,同时有三种不同的变形率。结果表明,变形率越大,最大载荷水平越高。在第二轮试验中,预成型试样受到变形控制循环加载,两种不同的变形幅度分别对应 1.5° 和 12.2° 的标称横向剪切角。在循环加载过程中,所有预成型试样都出现了永久变形,在变形幅度为 12.2°的试验中,第 19 个循环的最大荷载降低到了第一个循环最大荷载的 48%。Semi-analytical dynamic modeling and vibration reduction topology optimization of the bolted thin plate with partially attached constrained layer dampingRongfei Zhang, Wei Sun, Haitao Luo, Hui Zhang, Xiaofeng Liudoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117739带部分附着约束层阻尼的螺栓连接薄板的半分析动态建模和减振拓扑优化In this paper, the double-lap bolted plate is used to simulate the fully unfolded state of solar panels, and the method of vibration suppression by attaching constrained layer damping (CLD) is studied. Firstly, based on the principle of interlaminar shear deformation, the semi-analytical dynamic model of the double-lap bolted thin plate with partial CLD is established by using Hamilton’s principle. The stress–strain relationship of the CLD is derived. Then, complex spring elements and modified mass are proposed to simulate the interface mechanical behavior and mass effect of the double-lap joint. Moreover, the orthogonal polynomial is introduced as the displacement admissible function. Based on the Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) method, the topology optimization model of the bolted thin plate with CLD is established by taking the maximum sum of the modal loss factors as the optimization objective and the attachment volume as the constraint condition, and processing the optimized results in a convolutional way. After that, a case study is carried out, and the experimental system is established to prove the rationality of the semi-analytical model and attaching CLD to vibration reduction. Finally, the topology optimization is conducted, which verifies that the topology configuration has a better vibration reduction effect.本文采用双搭接栓接薄板模拟太阳能电池板的完全展开状态,并研究了附加约束层阻尼(CLD)的振动抑制方法。首先,根据层间剪切变形原理,利用汉密尔顿原理建立了带部分 CLD 的双搭接螺栓薄板的半解析动力学模型。得出了 CLD 的应力-应变关系。然后,提出了复合弹簧元素和修正质量来模拟双搭接接头的界面力学行为和质量效应。此外,还引入了正交多项式作为位移容许函数。基于进化结构优化(ESO)方法,以模态损失因子最大和为优化目标,以附着体积为约束条件,建立了带有 CLD 的螺栓连接薄板的拓扑优化模型,并对优化结果进行了卷积处理。随后,进行了案例研究,并建立了实验系统,以证明半分析模型和附加 CLD 减振的合理性。最后,进行了拓扑优化,验证了拓扑配置具有更好的减振效果。A homogenization method for natural frequencies and damping of sandwich panels based on representative volume elementsChengyu Guan, Ruishen Lou, Yanhong Chen, Chengwei Qin, Zhiyuan Shi, Lihong Liang, Huimin Lidoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117740基于代表体积元素的夹芯板固有频率和阻尼均质化方法The existing representative volume element (RVE) homogenization method, grounded in finite element analysis, assumes a planar configuration for the sections of sandwich panels, implying rigidity. To accommodate non-planar displacements, this study introduces a novel homogenization method reliant on the displacements obtained from four-point bending and four-point torsion. The present method is employed to investigate the mode shapes, natural frequencies, and loss factors of sandwich panels utilizing an equivalent single-layer shell model. Validation of the present method is conducted through the analysis of lattice sandwich panels and corrugated sandwich panels incorporating viscoelastic layers. Comparative analyses encompassing the results of the experiment, the conventional solid model method, the present method, and the conventional plane method are undertaken. The universality of the present method is substantiated. The present method enhances the precision of natural frequency prediction.以有限元分析为基础的现有代表体积元素(RVE)均质化方法假定夹芯板的截面为平面结构,这意味着刚性。为了适应非平面位移,本研究引入了一种新型均质化方法,该方法依赖于从四点弯曲和四点扭转中获得的位移。本方法利用等效单层壳体模型来研究夹芯板的模态振型、固有频率和损耗因子。通过分析包含粘弹性层的格状夹芯板和波纹夹芯板,对本方法进行了验证。对比分析包括实验结果、传统实体模型方法、本方法和传统平面方法。本方法的通用性得到了证实。本方法提高了固有频率预测的精度。Dynamic response and design evaluation of circular CFT columns with ring-shaped voids under transverse impactQihan Shen, Tao Wu, Jingfeng Wang, Fengqin Wang, Weijun Zhu, Xinyu Pengdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117743带环形空隙的圆形 CFT 柱在横向冲击下的动态响应和设计评估Presently, the research on the impact performance of the concrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) members has never considered the problem of void defect. Hence, this paper fosters a refined finite element (FE) model of the circular CFT column with ring-shaped voids under transverse impact, which considers the initial contact status of concrete. After validating the accuracy of FE models, the effects of void ratio, steel ratio, impact speed and mass of the drop hammer on the dynamic behaviour of the circular CFT column with ring-shaped voids are explored. Detailed impacting mechanisms of the defect column are acknowledged by elaborating its dynamic time history curves, failure morphology, impact force diffusion path, contact process, and stress/strain distribution rule. Calculation methods for evaluating the impact resistance of the circular CFT column with ring-shaped voids are proposed. The results declare that the appearance of ring-shaped voids would significantly weaken the impact resistance of the CFT column. The impact force and energy dissipation are greatly decreased with the increase in void ratio. Under the transverse impact, the steel tube would be seriously depressed due to the absence of effective support acted by concrete with ring-shaped void, and the core concrete would be heavily damaged in return.目前,有关混凝土填充钢管(CFT)构件冲击性能的研究从未考虑过空隙缺陷问题。因此,本文对横向冲击下带有环形空隙的圆形 CFT 柱建立了精细的有限元(FE)模型,该模型考虑了混凝土的初始接触状态。在验证了有限元模型的准确性后,探讨了空隙率、钢筋率、冲击速度和落锤质量对带有环形空隙的圆形 CFT 柱动态行为的影响。通过阐述缺陷柱的动态时间历程曲线、破坏形态、冲击力扩散路径、接触过程和应力/应变分布规则,确认了缺陷柱的详细冲击机制。提出了评估带有环形空隙的圆形 CFT 柱抗冲击性的计算方法。结果表明,环形空隙的出现会大大削弱 CFT 柱的抗冲击性。随着空隙率的增加,冲击力和能量耗散都大大减小。在横向冲击力作用下,钢管会因环形空隙混凝土缺乏有效支撑而严重凹陷,核心混凝土也会随之受到严重破坏。Performance and mechanisms of ultraviolet laser ablation of plain-woven CFRP compositesYuze Hou, Jinxuan Bai, Fei Wang, Linmao Qiandoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117744紫外线激光烧蚀平织 CFRP 复合材料的性能和机理Plain-woven carbon-fiber-reinforced-polymer (CFRP) composites prove advantageous in designing and manufacturing aeronautic and aerospace structures due to their excellent mechanical properties. Their harsh service environment usually leads to aircraft surface pits, scratches, and other types of defects, which result in internal damages that reduce their strength, influencing their safety and reliability. With laser-controlled ablation, surface damage removal was implemented. However, the multiscale characteristics of plain-woven CFRP (macroscopic plain-woven textiles, mesoscopic fiber clusters, together with microscopic fiber and epoxy resin) lead to complex thermal-mechanical ablation action, prone to secondary surface damages and resin residue. Aiming at the requirement of high-performance removal of the damaged zone, a comprehensive investigation of the influence of laser ablation strategies, including the wavelength, defocus distance, scanning speed, hatch distance, scanning passes, etc., on generating morphologies was conducted. Results identified that the severe anisotropy of plain-woven CFRP gained a wide heat-affected zone (HAZ), which was restrained by adopting an ultraviolet (UV) laser ablation means. A high-quality laser ablation zone without visible resin residue and broken carbon fiber has been presented by one-pass laser ablation when a particular scarfing conditions combination was used. Meanwhile, a depth-controlled surface-forming approach was gained, accompanied by multiple laser scanning. Subsequently, a hybrid laser treatment strategy was provided for characteristic structure generation, and a novel stepwise structure was constructed for verification.平织碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)复合材料因其优异的机械性能,在设计和制造航空航天结构方面具有优势。恶劣的使用环境通常会导致飞机表面出现凹坑、划痕和其他类型的缺陷,从而造成内部损坏,降低飞机强度,影响飞机的安全性和可靠性。通过激光控制烧蚀,可以消除表面损伤。然而,平织 CFRP 的多尺度特性(宏观平织织物、中观纤维簇、微观纤维和环氧树脂)导致复杂的热机械烧蚀作用,容易造成二次表面损伤和树脂残留。针对高效去除损伤区的要求,研究人员对激光烧蚀策略(包括波长、散焦距离、扫描速度、舱口距离、扫描次数等)对生成形态的影响进行了全面研究。结果表明,平织 CFRP 的各向异性严重,因此热影响区(HAZ)较宽,而采用紫外线(UV)激光烧蚀手段可抑制热影响区。在使用特定的剪切条件组合时,通过一次激光烧蚀可获得无可见树脂残留和碳纤维断裂的高质量激光烧蚀区。同时,通过多重激光扫描,获得了一种深度可控的表面成形方法。随后,提供了一种用于生成特征结构的混合激光处理策略,并构建了一种新颖的分步式结构以供验证。Tunable and recoverable energy absorption of foam-embedded architected cellular composite material at multiple strain ratesXianhua Yao, Ke Liu, Qing Dong, Xuanyou Li, Chunfeng Ma, Nan Hudoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117745泡沫嵌入式结构蜂窝复合材料在多种应变速率下的可调节、可恢复能量吸收能力Cellular multistable architected material has been wieldy studied for its promising energy absorption applications for personnel protection, protective packaging, and crash mitigation. Despite the tailorable properties enabled by their geometric features, a major issue in the actual application is their lower strengths in the elastic behavior of the multistable architected material. Herein, a novel design strategy of strain rate-dependent architected cellular composite material (FACCM) is proposed, aiming to achieve enhanced energy-absorbing properties with the proposed composite system than the single material constituent. Guided by numerical simulations and experimental tests, the compressive behaviour of FACCM at multiple strain rates and the effect of filled foam on it with specific geometric parameters are characterized. The quasi-static performances of the FACCM specimens were evaluated both at the cell level and planar array level. Our results indicate that the strength, stiffness, and snap-through behaviour of multistable architected material can be significantly improved by the filled foam at elevated loading rates regardless of quasi-static loading or impact tests. The current study offers a new strategy for developing novel packing, shock absorption, and impact protection systems.蜂窝多稳态结构材料在人员保护、防护包装和碰撞缓解等方面的能量吸收应用前景广阔,对其进行了大量研究。尽管其几何特征具有可定制的特性,但实际应用中的一个主要问题是多稳态结构材料的弹性行为强度较低。在此,我们提出了一种新颖的应变速率依赖性结构化蜂窝复合材料(FACCM)设计策略,旨在利用所提出的复合材料系统实现比单一材料成分更强的能量吸收性能。在数值模拟和实验测试的指导下,研究了 FACCM 在多种应变速率下的压缩行为,以及填充泡沫在特定几何参数下对其产生的影响。对 FACCM 试样的准静态性能进行了细胞级和平面阵列级评估。我们的研究结果表明,无论进行准静态加载还是冲击试验,在加载速率升高的情况下,填充泡沫都能显著改善多稳态结构材料的强度、刚度和穿透性能。目前的研究为开发新型包装、减震和冲击保护系统提供了一种新策略。Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingInsight into the enhanced interfacial adhesion of carbon fiber reinforced composites: a facile ferric ion and tannic acid self-assembly strategyWenlong Hu, Lulu Yang, Fangxin Wang, Jie Zhi, Hailing He, Chaojie Hu, Facai Wei, Shaohua Liu, Yan Li, Yu Cang, Bin Yangdoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107926洞察碳纤维增强复合材料界面粘附力的增强:一种简便的铁离子和单宁酸自组装策略Applications of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites are subjected the poor interfacial adhesion due to the smooth and chemically inert of CF surface. In this work, we proposed an effective and simple approach to improve the interfacial properties between CF and matrix by self-assembling the ferric ion (Fe3+) and tannic acid (TA) on the carbon fiber surface within minutes. TA can rapidly coordinate with Fe3+ ions into three-dimensional Fe3+-TA complex networks, the morphologies of which were controlled by Fe3+/TA molar ratio and deposition cycles, which played a key role in the interfacial performance. As Fe3+/TA molar ratio is optimized to 4, Fe3+-TA complex aggregated to nano-sized bulges on the fiber surface, affording numerous mechanical interlocking points which can promote the stress transfer from matrix to fiber and induce the deflection of cracks. Moreover, breaking metal-ligand coordination bonds of Fe3+-TA complex as cracks propagate can dissipate lots of fracture energy, leading to the interfacial shear strength of Fe3+-TA complex modified CF/epoxy vinyl resin composites being improved by ∼80 % as compared with the pristine sample. This strategy is facile, mild, and eco-friendly, which opens a feasible avenue for enhancing the interfacial adhesion of CFRPs.由于碳纤维表面光滑且无化学惰性,碳纤维增强聚合物复合材料的应用受到界面粘附性差的限制。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种有效而简单的方法,通过在几分钟内在碳纤维表面自组装铁离子(Fe3+)和单宁酸(TA)来改善碳纤维与基体之间的界面性能。TA 能与 Fe3+ 离子快速配位成三维的 Fe3+-TA 复合网络,其形态受 Fe3+/TA 摩尔比和沉积周期的控制,对界面性能起着关键作用。当 Fe3+/TA 摩尔比优化到 4 时,Fe3+-TA 复合物在纤维表面聚集成纳米级的隆起,提供了大量机械互锁点,可促进基体到纤维的应力传递并诱导裂纹偏转。此外,随着裂纹的扩展,Fe3+-TA 复合物金属配位键的断裂可耗散大量的断裂能量,从而使 Fe3+-TA 复合物改性 CF/ 环氧乙烯基树脂复合材料的界面剪切强度比原始样品提高了 80%。这种策略简便、温和、环保,为增强 CFRP 的界面粘合力开辟了一条可行的途径。Composites Part B: EngineeringUnraveling the atomic-level manipulation mechanism of tin-based ternary anodes via hetero-anion engineering for stable sodium ion storageXiaoqin Cheng, Qiang Bai, Zhenxin Zhao, Huijun Li, Huanglin Dou, Shizhen Tian, Xiaomin Wangdoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.111109通过异阴离子工程揭示锡基三元阳极的原子级操纵机制,实现稳定的钠离子存储The gradual retardation of heterogeneous interface reactions during extended cycling results in significant capacity loss, particularly in the initial few cycles. This is due to the inhomogeneous distribution and structural degradation of heterointerfaces. Currently, a range of atomic-level tuning strategies are employed to enhance the intrinsic transfer characteristics for sodium-ion batteries (SIBs). Herein, the defect-rich single-phase ternary tin sulfide selenide (SnSe1.33S0.67) anode is constructed via favorable heteroatom(S) introducing. Such a defective open structure employed as anodes for SIBs, delivers a superior rate performance of 452.3 mAh g−1 at 5.0 A g−1, and excellent cycling stability, with a capacity retention of 535.8 mAh g−1 after 500 cycles at 1.0 A g−1. The exceptional performance is attributed to the rapid diffusion of ions/electrons through lattice defects and heteroatom coexistence, as well as the high tolerance for volume changes resulting from optimized phase transition modes and enhanced structural rigidity, as demonstrated by experimental results and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Through the heteroatoms injection strategy, this work offers deeper insights into the correlation between precise regulation of internal defects and superior storage performance in SIBs.在延长的循环过程中,异质界面反应的逐渐延缓会导致显著的容量损失,尤其是在最初的几个循环中。这是由于异质界面的不均匀分布和结构退化造成的。目前,为了提高钠离子电池(SIB)的内在转移特性,人们采用了一系列原子级调整策略。本文通过引入有利的杂原子(S),构建了富含缺陷的单相三元硫化锡硒化物(SnSe1.33S0.67)阳极。这种缺陷开放结构被用作 SIB 的阳极,在 5.0 A g-1 的条件下具有 452.3 mAh g-1 的优异速率性能,并且具有出色的循环稳定性,在 1.0 A g-1 的条件下循环 500 次后容量保持率为 535.8 mAh g-1。实验结果和密度泛函理论(DFT)计算均证明,这种优异的性能归功于离子/电子通过晶格缺陷和杂原子共存的快速扩散,以及优化的相变模式和增强的结构刚性所带来的对体积变化的高耐受性。通过杂原子注入策略,这项研究深入揭示了精确调节内部缺陷与 SIB 优异存储性能之间的关系。Composites Science and TechnologyRoom-to-low temperature thermo-mechanical behavior and corresponding constitutive model of liquid oxygen compatible epoxy compositesYicheng Jiang, Ling liu, Jia Yan, Zhanjun Wudoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2023.110357 液氧兼容环氧复合材料的室温至低温热机械行为及相应的构成模型The room-to-low temperature (RT-LT) mechanical behavior of liquid oxygen-compatible epoxy composites (LOC-EP) is of great importance in the strength analysis of lightweight liquid oxygen tanks. This article first explores the tensile-compressive mechanical behaviors of LOC-EP from RT down to −183 °C. The results show that compared with RT, the tensile strength, compressive strength, and elastic modulus at −183 °C increase by 44%, 109%, and 160% respectively. Secondly, based on the theories of molecular chain freezing degree and yield surface extension, a ductile-brittle transition T of −60 °C and a completely brittle T of −90 °C are obtained sequentially. Moreover, a universal thermal-mechanical constitutive model for EP is derived, and the constitutive model parameters of LOC-EP from RT to −183 °C are fitted and calibrated using Matlab. Finally, the proposed constitutive model is introduced into Abaqus through a user subroutine. On the one hand, three-dimensional one-element analyses demonstrate that the simulation curves are highly consistent with the experimental and Matlab-fitted curves (errors less than 3%) with good convergence/accuracy. On the other hand, the fracture modes obtained from macroscopic simulations of tensile and compressive specimens are also coherent with the experimental fracture modes.液氧相容环氧复合材料(LOC-EP)的室温至低温(RT-LT)机械性能对轻质液氧罐的强度分析具有重要意义。本文首先探讨了液氧相容环氧复合材料在低温至-183 °C时的拉伸压缩力学行为。结果表明,与常温下相比,-183 °C时的拉伸强度、压缩强度和弹性模量分别增加了44%、109%和160%。其次,根据分子链凝固度和屈服面扩展理论,依次得到了-60 ℃的韧性-脆性转变 T 值和-90 ℃的完全脆性 T 值。此外,还推导出了 EP 的通用热力学组成模型,并使用 Matlab 对 LOC-EP 从 RT 到 -183 °C 的组成模型参数进行了拟合和校准。最后,通过用户子程序将所提出的构成模型引入 Abaqus。一方面,三维单元素分析表明,模拟曲线与实验曲线和 Matlab 拟合曲线高度一致(误差小于 3%),具有良好的收敛性/准确性。另一方面,从拉伸和压缩试样的宏观模拟中获得的断裂模式也与实验断裂模式一致。Enhancement mechanism of epoxy resin by polyacrylic acid-modified 3D porous graphene: A microscopic and molecular dynamics perspectiveJinying Yu, Jiale Chen, Kefeng He, Lizhe Liang, Zhi Qun Tiandoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2023.110363 聚丙烯酸改性三维多孔石墨烯增强环氧树脂的机理:微观和分子动力学视角Graphene is a two-dimensional nanomaterial with remarkable strength and is a highly effective enhancer in polymer materials. However, the mechanisms underlying the enhancement between the enhancer and the base material remain uncertain. In this study, we have successfully prepared advanced epoxy nanocomposites by grafting polyacrylic acid onto 3D porous graphene (3DG). The covalent functionalization of 3DG has proven to be highly effective in preventing its aggregation within the epoxy matrix. The mechanical test results demonstrated a substantial enhancement in the tensile trength (41.04%), elastic modulus (43.23%), and impact strength (370.88%) of the epoxy resin upon the incorporation of polyacrylic acid-modified graphene (PAAMG). The fracture surfaces of the composites were examined using scanning electron microscopy, which provided insights into the enhancer's mechanism of enhancement. Notably, employing a range of molecular dynamic simulations and analyses, we found that PAAMG exhibits the ability to bifurcate cracks, thereby improving the mechanical properties of the material.石墨烯是一种二维纳米材料,具有非凡的强度,是聚合物材料中一种高效的增强剂。然而,增强剂与基体材料之间的增强机制仍不确定。在本研究中,我们通过将聚丙烯酸接枝到三维多孔石墨烯(3DG)上,成功制备了先进的环氧纳米复合材料。事实证明,3DG 的共价官能化能有效防止其在环氧基质中聚集。力学测试结果表明,加入聚丙烯酸改性石墨烯(PAAMG)后,环氧树脂的拉伸强度(41.04%)、弹性模量(43.23%)和冲击强度(370.88%)均有大幅提高。使用扫描电子显微镜检查了复合材料的断裂表面,从而深入了解了增强剂的增强机理。值得注意的是,通过一系列分子动力学模拟和分析,我们发现 PAAMG 能够使裂缝分叉,从而改善材料的机械性能。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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