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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 6 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Static, dynamic and buckling behavior of functionally graded beams with tunable inclusions

Zhenbo Xu, Lei Zhang, Rongqiao Xu, Weiqiu Chen, Guannan Wang



The introduction of microstructurally tunable materials endorses functionally graded (FG) beams with distinctly inspiring functionalities and mechanical properties. In order to facilitate the multiscale design of FG beams and evaluations of corresponding mechanical behavior, analytical solutions are developed in the present research on the static, dynamic and buckling responses of FG beams reinforced with graphene platelets, porosity or origami inclusions, etc. To facilitate the analytical derivation as well as numerical extension, this paper establishes a theoretical framework, firstly formulating the principle of virtual work and reciprocal theorem of work for the FG beams, and then deriving and proving the principles of minimum potential and complementary energies, the former of which is used for the establishment of the variational principles for the static bending, free vibration and buckling phenomenon in the present work. Following the proposed variational principles and considering Timoshenko beam theory, the strong-form partial differential governing equations as well as the corresponding boundary conditions can be obtained for static bending, free vibration and buckling responses of FG beams. The Ritz method is finally employed to obtain the explicit expressions of transverse bending and rotation as well as the frequencies and critical loads for FG beams with different boundary conditions. What’s more, it should be noted that the FG of the beams is achieved through tailoring micromechanical parameters, such as volume fraction and distribution of reinforcement, which are usually unevenly distributed. The mechanical responses of FG beams are also predicted through micromechanics approaches, such as Halpin-Tsai expression. Conventional GPL distributions as well as graphene origami (GOri) distributions with negative Poisson's ratios (NPR) are also presented to validate the analytical derivation and solutions. Finally, the proposed solutions are employed to investigate the effect of the microstructural parameters on the effective behavior of FG beams.


A single-surface multi-failure strength domain for masonry

G. Bertani, L. Patruno, A.M. D’Altri, G. Castellazzi, S. de Miranda



In this paper, we propose a simple approach to derive a single-surface multi-failure strength domain for the in-plane behaviour of masonry. The approach, that lays the basis for homogeneous continuum model developments relies on micro-mechanical analyses employing a block-based model for masonry in which blocks, modelled as finite strength continuum bodies, interact through zero-thickness interfaces. In order to derive the strength domain, firstly three failure mechanism typologies are identified, namely crushing failure, joint failure and mixed joint-block failure. Then, the limit surface for each mechanism is obtained relying on limit equilibrium considerations, also introducing a novel rational treatment of the mixed mechanism. Accordingly, a multi-surface strength domain is built by intersecting all the limit surfaces. Finally, such multi-surface strength domain is reduced to a single-surface one exploiting the RealSoftMax function, which allows to preserve the multi-failure nature of the approach, i.e. the explicit distinction between all the failure mechanisms. Following the proposed procedure, the resulting strength domain inherits the material parameters characterizing the block-based model. A finite element block-based model and available experimental data are employed to validate the proposed strength domain. The good agreement obtained with reference results confirms the soundness of the approach.


Mechanics of Materials

Active compliant mechanisms for optimized actuation by LCE-based artificial muscles

Wenhui Chen, Ruicheng Wang, Ke Liu



Compliant mechanisms leverage deformation of materials for precise, lightweight solution to transfer force and motion. By incorporating smart materials, active compliant mechanisms are formed with self-embedded actuation source. Here, we propose lightweight active compliant mechanisms that mimic biological joints, which are capable of transmitting displacements and forces from the linear contraction of artificial muscles into desired magnitudes and directions using a compact structural design. The artificial muscles are braided from liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) fibers and heating threads, competent of generating large force and stroke. Meanwhile, the compliant mechanisms are designed by topology optimization to imitate the functions of biological joints. Combining the braided artificial muscles and optimized compliant mechanisms, these active compliant mechanisms effectively achieve transmission of centralized linear actuation into multiple and various output motions, which is verified by both numerical simulations and experiments. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the active compliant mechanisms can be used for potential surgical procedures such as in-body grasping, cavity dilation, drug delivery, and suturing. The demonstrated biomimetic motions of the active compliant mechanisms hold significant potential for applications in medical devices and soft robots.


Thin-Walled Structures

Improvement of Laser Welded TC4/CFRTP Joint Strength by Combination of Surface Modification of MAO and Laser Texturing

Hongbo Xia, Baiyun Yang, Jianhui Su, Yifan Liu, Xuan Su, Chong Wang, Xin Qiang, Tao Wu, Caiwang Tan


结合 MAO 表面改性和激光纹理处理提高激光焊接 TC4/CFRTP 接头强度

Laser texturing and MAO (micro-arc oxidation) hybrid process was adopted to enhance the tensile-shear strength of laser welded CFRTP/TC4 joint. Introduction of porous MAO coating enhanced wetting ability of molten peek from CFRTP and increased surface roughness. Porous structure could also provide a mechanical interlocking effect in CFRTP/TC4 interface and improve the resistance to tensile-shear load. Highest tensile-shear force of 1587 N was obtained when 2.3 μm MAO coating was prepared. Based on this, influence of various laser texturing patterns with different MAO coating thickness on the tensile-shear forces was clarified by combination of experiment and reasonable SVR (Support Vector Regression) model. Maximum predicated surface roughness of 3.075 mm was produced at texturing width of 0.327 mm, texturing depth of 100.54 μm and MAO duration of 1.667 min. Furthermore, highest predicated tensile-shear force of 2995.1 N was achieved at texturing width of 0.331 mm, texturing of depth of 100.6 μm and MAO duration time of 1.718 min.


Semi-analytical dynamic modeling and fluid-structure interaction analysis of L-shaped pipeline

Weijiao Chen, Yiming Cao, Xumin Guo, Hui Ma, Bangchun Wen, Bo Wang



The traditional semi-analytic modeling is mainly aimed at the straight pipeline with simple boundary conditions. In contrast, the actual aero-engine pipeline needs to consider the effects of complex configuration, boundary and multiple clamps, so proposing an improved semi-analytic method to model an arbitrary fluid-conveying L-shaped pipeline is challenging. Based on the Hamiltonian principle, the differential equations of the L-shaped pipeline are derived. Then, the modal shape functions are determined under the conditions that the elastic support points and the joints of the straight pipeline and the curved pipeline meet the deformation coordination requirements. The proposed semi-analytical model is verified by comparing the natural frequencies and mode shapes obtained from the finite element method using ANSYS and experiment; the error of each order natural frequency is less than 5%. In addition, the model is verified under various working conditions: different center angle and boundary conditions (clamp position and pipeline end constraints). The effects of the fluid velocity and pressure on the natural characteristics of the L-shaped pipeline are also analyzed. The results show that under the critical pressure of 60.51MPa and the critical velocity of 247m/s, the natural frequency decreases with the increase of fluid velocity and pressure. The proposed method can provide theoretical support for efficient and accurate modeling of complex spatial pipeline systems.


The imperfection sensitivity of trapezoid origami crash boxes

Chenhao Teng, Zhibo Song, Caihua Zhou, Peng Hao, Bo Wang



Diamond and trapezoid origami crash boxes (DOCBs and TOCBs, respectively) have attracted widespread attention due to their favorable mechanical properties. It has been confirmed that geometric imperfections significantly affect the crashworthiness of DOCBs. To explore the impact of imperfections on the crashworthiness of TOCBs, the TOCB profile was globally scanned, and the imperfections were characterized. It was verified that point and surface imperfections were the two main geometric imperfections. Based on the theoretical analysis of the deformation process of the TOCB, the imperfection-sensitivity mechanism was revealed. The experimental and numerical results validated that the point imperfections ratio (Ai/t, defined as the ratio between the point imperfections Ai in TOCB and the box thickness t) at the crease intersections were the main reason for the change in the TOCB deformation process, while the surface imperfections ρ affected the initial peak force. Numerical models with imperfections were established to compare the crashworthiness of the TOCB and DOCB with the same imperfections. When the surface imperfections ρ ≤ 0.12 and point imperfection ratio Ai/t ≤ 3.0, the average crushing force Fave of the TOCB decreased by 4.7% and increased by 3.4%, respectively. Correspondingly, those of the DOCB decreased by 5.7% or 19.4%, respectively; thus, the TOCB had a much lower imperfection sensitivity than the DOCB.

菱形和梯形折纸防撞箱(分别为 DOCB 和 TOCB)因其良好的机械性能而受到广泛关注。研究证实,几何缺陷会严重影响 DOCB 的耐撞性。为了探索缺陷对 TOCB 耐撞性的影响,对 TOCB 的轮廓进行了全局扫描,并对缺陷进行了表征。结果表明,点缺陷和面缺陷是两种主要的几何缺陷。基于对 TOCB 变形过程的理论分析,揭示了缺陷敏感机制。实验和数值结果验证了折痕交叉点的点缺陷率(Ai/t,定义为 TOCB 中点缺陷 Ai 与箱体厚度 t 之比)是 TOCB 变形过程变化的主要原因,而表面缺陷 ρ 则影响初始峰值力。为了比较具有相同缺陷的 TOCB 和 DOCB 的耐撞性,建立了具有缺陷的数值模型。当表面缺陷ρ≤0.12和点缺陷率Ai/t≤3.0时,TOCB的平均压溃力Fave分别降低了4.7%和增加了3.4%。相应地,DOCB 的平均压碎力 Fave 分别下降了 5.7% 或 19.4%;因此,TOCB 的缺陷敏感性远低于 DOCB。

Quantitative assessment of corrosion-induced wall thinning in L-shaped bends using ultrasonic feature guided waves

Xinyi Yuan, Weibin Li, Mingxi Deng



The utilization of L-shaped bends has become widespread due to their versatility and ease of application in various industrial fields. Nevertheless, the geometric configuration of these bends makes them susceptible to stress concentration in the bending zone, which can lead to wall thinning caused by accelerated corrosion. This poses a profound challenge to the bearing capacity and reliability of L-shaped bends and highlights the urgent necessity for an effective technique to assess corrosion-induced wall thinning in the bending zone. In this study, we propose a nondestructive testing (NDT) method based on ultrasonic feature guided waves (FGWs) for the evaluation of local corrosion-induced wall thinning in L-shaped bends. Propagation characteristics of FGWs in L-shaped bends were analyzed using the semi-analytical finite element (SAFE) method and perfectly matched layer (PML) technique. Time-reversal (TR) method was employed to address the dispersion and multi-modes phenomenon of the selected guided wave modes and improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of measured FGW signals. Enhanced SNR of two types of FGW modes signals at different frequencies were verified by experimental and numerical results. Obtained results reveal that FGWs can effectively detect corrosion-induced wall thinning inside L-shaped bends, with improving the signal reflection coefficient by TR method.


Response and damage mechanism of carbon/aramid intra-ply hybrid weft-knitted reinforced composites under low-velocity impact

Tingting Dong, Ziyu Zhao, Baoping Zheng, Chaoyu Chen, Pibo Ma



Carbon and aramid fiber hybridization is an effective method to improve the impact toughness of composites, thus this paper attempts to develop carbon/aramid hybrid weft-knitted reinforced composites to improve the impact resistance of carbon fiber composites. Three hybrid and two non-hybrid weft-knitted reinforced composites employing carbon and aramid bundles were prepared. Low-velocity impact tests at different impact energies were performed, and the impacted samples were analyzed for visual and internal damages utilizing a three-dimensional optical microscope, ultrasonic C-scan, and micro-CT to explore the damage mechanisms. The results demonstrate that the knitted stitches and loop configuration affect the peak load, deflection, and damage crack initiation and expansion of the composites. The alternating configurations of carbon and aramid fiber in the in-plane and thickness directions incorporate the advantages of the high strength of carbon fibers and the toughness of aramid, exhibiting good impact mechanical properties and damage tolerance. The tight loop laminated structure had excellent impact resistance, with prominent peak loads and tiny damage volumes, but it encountered internal delamination and loop breakages.


Energy absorption and topology optimization of self-similar inspired multi-cell square tubes

Jiapeng Sun, Yulong He, Xiujuan Zhang, Xin Li, Minghui Lu, Yanfeng Chen



Due to their low cost and lightweight properties, multi-cell square tubes have been widely used in impact protection as energy absorbers. In this study, two kinds of multi-cell square tubes were constructed according to the local self-similar and global self-similar layout strategies. The experiments and numerical simulations were conducted to investigate their quasi-static compression deformation and energy absorption. The results demonstrated that self-similar layout strategies can significantly enhance the crashworthiness of multi-cell square tubes, and the global self-similar layout appears to be more effective at energy absorption. A simplified theoretical model for the mean crushing force (MCF) was developed for its constituent elements of the proposed square tubes. Furthermore, the COPRAS method and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) were employed for optimal structure selection and multi-objective optimization. The results showed that the 2nd-order global self-similar multi-cell square tube (MSTG1-2) had prominent crashworthiness compared with some typical self-similar square tubes. The current optimization and topology design strategies can be used in other polygonal multi-cell tubes, which provides an effective guide for enhancing the crashworthiness of these multi-cell tubes.

多孔方管具有成本低、重量轻的特点,因此作为能量吸收装置被广泛应用于冲击防护领域。本研究根据局部自相似和全局自相似布局策略构建了两种多孔方管。实验和数值模拟研究了它们的准静态压缩变形和能量吸收。结果表明,自相似布局策略可显著提高多孔方管的耐撞性,而全局自相似布局似乎在能量吸收方面更为有效。针对拟议方管的组成元素,建立了一个简化的平均压溃力(MCF)理论模型。此外,还采用 COPRAS 方法和非支配排序遗传算法 II(NSGA-II)进行了最佳结构选择和多目标优化。结果表明,与一些典型的自相似方管相比,二阶全局自相似多单元方管(MSTG1-2)具有突出的耐撞性。目前的优化和拓扑设计策略可用于其他多边形多孔管,为提高这些多孔管的耐撞性提供了有效指导。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 1 篇International Journal of Solids and StructuresVisual investigation of static contact conditions at bolted jointsGuan-Sian Li, Yum Ji Chandoi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2023.112621螺栓连接处静态接触条件的目测调查Accurate numerical models of physical systems are vital in engineering applications, and those for single components are generally accurate. However, there are significant errors in modelling the dynamics of bolted joints, which is a key source of friction in real-life systems, because existing experimental techniques are still far from offering sufficient understanding of the contact conditions of bolted joints. In the current study, static contact conditions of bolted joints are investigated with at least one component in the assembly being transparent. A novel visual identification method is proposed to (i) measure the clearance between plates in the vicinity of bolted joints and (ii) identify the contact conditions in receding contacts by applying a paste (known as Engineer’s blue) to the contact surface. The paste is thinner than most media applied in previous studies. Clearance results obtained by visual inspection are checked against micrometer profile tracing, and the contact regions predicted by the method are used to validate simulation results obtained from two contact mechanics algorithms. Difference between simulation and experiment is as low as 9% in terms of contact region diameters. Last but not least, the reproducibility of the method has been demonstrated, especially if the clearance is in the range of 2 to 5 μm.精确的物理系统数值模型在工程应用中至关重要,单个组件的数值模型一般都很精确。然而,由于现有的实验技术还远未充分了解螺栓连接的接触条件,因此在模拟实际系统中摩擦的主要来源--螺栓连接的动态时,存在很大的误差。在当前的研究中,我们研究了螺栓连接的静态接触条件,其中至少有一个组件是透明的。研究提出了一种新颖的视觉识别方法:(i) 测量螺栓连接处附近板间的间隙;(ii) 通过在接触面上涂抹浆糊(称为工程师蓝)来识别后退接触中的接触状况。这种浆糊比以往研究中使用的大多数介质都要稀。通过目视检查获得的间隙结果与千分尺轮廓跟踪结果进行核对,该方法预测的接触区域用于验证两种接触力学算法获得的模拟结果。就接触区域直径而言,模拟和实验之间的差异低至 9%。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,该方法的可重复性得到了证明,尤其是当间隙在 2 至 5 μm 范围内时。Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsInitiation of motility on a compliant substrateJocelyn Étienne, Pierre Rechodoi:10.1016/j.jmps.2023.105526在顺应性基质上启动运动The conditions under which biological cells switch from a static to a motile state are fundamental to the understanding of many healthy and pathological processes. In this paper, we consider a cell constrained to move along a one-dimensional track. We show that even in the presence of a fully symmetric protrusive activity at the cell edges, such a spontaneous transition can result from a feedback of the deformation of an elastic substrate on the cell traction forces. The loss of symmetry of the traction forces leading to the cell propulsion is rooted in the fact that the surface loading follows the substrate deformation, leading the cell to surf its own wake. The bifurcation between the static and motile states is characterized analytically and, considering the measurements performed on two cell types, we show that such an instability can realistically occur on soft in vivo substrates.生物细胞从静止状态转为运动状态的条件是了解许多健康和病理过程的基础。在本文中,我们考虑了细胞受限沿一维轨道运动的情况。我们的研究表明,即使细胞边缘存在完全对称的突起活动,弹性基质的变形对细胞牵引力的反馈也会导致这种自发转换。导致细胞推进的牵引力失去对称性的根本原因在于,表面载荷随基底变形而变化,从而导致细胞自行冲浪。我们对静态和运动状态之间的分叉进行了分析,并通过对两种细胞类型的测量结果表明,这种不稳定性可能真实地发生在柔软的活体基底上。Mechanics of MaterialsMechanical behaviour of ductile polymer cellular model structures manufactured by FDMJacopo Agnelli, Claudia Pagano, Irene Fassi, Laura Treccani, Fabio Bignotti, Francesco Baldidoi:10.1016/j.mechmat.2023.104882用 FDM 制造的韧性聚合物蜂窝模型结构的力学性能In this work, Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene model structures were manufactured by FDM, and their mechanical behaviour investigated under compression, both at small and at large strains. The structure design strategy adopted, based on the use of circular cross-section beam-like elements formed under controlled conditions, led to obtain open-celled structures (with a porosity degree of ≈65%) composed of unit cells with different shapes and dimensions assembled to form regularly repeating patterns. The stress–strain behaviour, from cube- and prism-shaped specimens with different sizes and loaded along different directions, was discussed in the light of the outcomes from (i) cyclic compression experiments and (ii) morphological analyses of cryogenic fracture surfaces of specimens compressed at high strain levels. The response along the 3D-stacking direction was traced back to the elastic–plastic case, with non-recoverable strain starting to accumulate between 3% and 5% strain and structure densification starting below 20%. The specimen size effects turned out to be little pronounced. Slightly higher levels of stiffness and strength were measured for the largest cube. This result was discussed on the basis of the peculiar morphology of the structure examined.在这项工作中,通过 FDM 制造了丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯模型结构,并研究了其在小应变和大应变压缩条件下的机械性能。所采用的结构设计策略基于使用在受控条件下形成的圆形截面梁状元件,从而获得了开孔结构(孔隙度约为65%),由不同形状和尺寸的单元格组成,并组合成有规律的重复图案。根据(i)循环压缩实验和(ii)高应变水平压缩试样低温断裂表面形态分析的结果,讨论了不同尺寸和沿不同方向加载的立方体和棱柱形试样的应力应变行为。沿三维堆叠方向的响应可追溯到弹塑性情况,不可恢复应变在 3% 至 5% 应变之间开始累积,结构致密化在 20% 以下开始。试样尺寸的影响并不明显。最大立方体的刚度和强度水平略高。对这一结果的讨论是基于所研究结构的特殊形态。International Journal of PlasticityCreep-fatigue life prediction of notched structure after an advanced surface strengthening treatment in a nickel-based superalloy at 650°CKai-Shang Li, Shu-Lei Yao, Lv-Yi Cheng, Run-Zi Wang, Li Sun, Hang-Hang Gu, Ji Wang, Ti-Wen Lu, Cheng-Cheng Zhang, Xian-Cheng Zhang, Shan-Tung Tudoi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2023.103861镍基超合金在 650°C 高温下经过高级表面强化处理后缺口结构的蠕变疲劳寿命预测The elucidation of creep-fatigue damage mechanisms is still controversial for high-temperature structures after surface strengthening treatments, which serves as a critical foundation for the development of an accurate life prediction method. In this work, a numerical procedure is constructed for the prediction of creep-fatigue life improvement, where a dual-scale modeling approach is proposed to integrate important strengthening factors and microstructure features. The macro-scale finite element (FE) simulation aims to investigate the cyclic deformation behavior in a notched structure by using a viscoplastic constitutive model. The initial stress field is predetermined based on the experimental residual stress. The micro-scale FE analysis is employed to investigate the local damage evolution occurring at the notched root by combining size-dependent crystal plasticity with grain boundary cavity model. The cycle-by-cycle deformation histories are extracted from the macro-scale FE model and subsequently are utilized as boundary conditions in the micro-scale FE one. From the experimental perspective, the submerged micro-abrasive waterjet peening (SMA-WJP) process is carried out for creep-fatigue life improvement of the notched structure. Results shows that the notched structure treated by the SMA-WJP process forms an obvious plastic layer with the depth of 20 μm and residual stress with the maximum value of -926 MPa. The predicted numbers of cycles to crack initiation agree with the creep-fatigue experimental ones before and after SMA-WJP. In detail, the surface residual stress and plastic layer are unable to suppress the cavity nucleation on the grain boundaries of internal material. As a consequence, the creep-fatigue life improvement is diminished as the hold time increases, which can be accurately predicted by the developed numerical procedure.对于表面强化处理后的高温结构,蠕变疲劳损伤机理的阐明仍存在争议,这也是开发精确寿命预测方法的重要基础。本研究构建了蠕变疲劳寿命提高预测的数值程序,提出了一种双尺度建模方法,以整合重要的强化因素和微观结构特征。宏观尺度的有限元(FE)模拟旨在利用粘塑性组成模型研究缺口结构的循环变形行为。初始应力场是根据实验残余应力预先确定的。采用微尺度有限元分析,结合尺寸相关晶体塑性和晶界空腔模型,研究缺口根部发生的局部损伤演变。从宏观尺度 FE 模型中提取逐周期变形历史,然后将其作为微观尺度 FE 模型的边界条件。从实验角度来看,采用浸没式微磨料水刀强化(SMA-WJP)工艺来提高缺口结构的蠕变疲劳寿命。结果表明,经 SMA-WJP 工艺处理的缺口结构形成了深度为 20 μm 的明显塑性层,残余应力的最大值为 -926 MPa。预测的裂纹萌发循环次数与 SMA-WJP 前后的蠕变疲劳实验次数一致。具体来说,表面残余应力和塑性层无法抑制内部材料晶界上的空洞成核。因此,随着保持时间的增加,蠕变疲劳寿命的提高幅度会减小,这一点可以通过所开发的数值程序准确预测。Thin-Walled StructuresLaser beam oscillation welding for fatigue properties enhancement of tailor-welded blanksHana ŠEBESTOVÁ, Michal JAMBOR, Petr HORNÍK, Jan NOVOTNÝ, Libor MRŇAdoi:10.1016/j.tws.2023.111506激光束振荡焊接用于提高定制焊接坯料的疲劳性能Dissimilar thickness laser welded tailored blanks of two low-alloyed carbon steel grades were fabricated. Laser welds made without beam oscillation exhibited serious root undercuts. Although these notches did not degrade the tensile strength, they were detrimental to the fatigue lifetime of a weld joint. Therefore, laser welds with three different beam oscillation modes to modify the root were examined. Application of beam oscillation improved fatigue properties in all tested cases. The best results were achieved with line oscillation, even though this mode did not suppress weld root notches, suggesting other factors, besides joint geometry, contributing to the resulting fatigue properties.用两种低合金碳钢制造了厚度不同的激光焊接定制坯件。在没有光束振荡的情况下进行的激光焊接会出现严重的根部缺口。虽然这些缺口不会降低抗拉强度,但对焊点的疲劳寿命不利。因此,我们研究了采用三种不同的光束振荡模式来改变根部的激光焊接。在所有测试案例中,光束振荡都改善了疲劳性能。直线振荡的效果最好,尽管这种模式并不能抑制焊缝根部的缺口,这表明除了焊点几何形状之外,还有其他因素也会影响所产生的疲劳性能。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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