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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 7 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

On the problem of a Gurtin–Murdoch cylindrical material surface embedded in an infinite matrix

Zhilin Han, Sofia G. Mogilevskaya, Anna Y. Zemlyanova



The problem of an infinite isotropic elastic matrix subjected to uniform far-field load and containing a Gurtin–Murdoch material surface of cylindrical shape is considered in plane strain setting. The governing equations and the boundary conditions for the problem, reduced to that of an infinite plane containing a material curve along a circular arc, are reviewed. The displacements inside the matrix are sought in the complex variables form of a single layer elastic potential whose density represents the jump in complex tractions across the curve. Exact complex integral representations for the elastic fields everywhere in the material are provided and the problem is further reduced to the system of real variables hypersingular boundary integral equations in terms of the strain and rotation components associated with the curve. The components are then approximated by the series of trigonometric functions that are multiplied by the square root weight functions to allow for automatic incorporation of the tip conditions. The unknown coefficients in the series are found from the system of linear algebraic equations that is solved using standard collocation method. The numerical examples are presented to illustrate the influence of dimensionless parameters with the main focus on the study of curvature-induced effects.


Rate-independent gradient-enhanced crystal plasticity theory — Robust algorithmic formulations based on incremental energy minimization

Volker Fohrmeister, Jörn Mosler



Numerically robust algorithmic formulations suitable for rate-independent crystal plasticity are presented. They cover classic local models as well as gradient-enhanced theories in which the gradients of the plastic slips are incorporated by means of the micromorphic approach. The elaborated algorithmic formulations rely on the underlying variational structure of (associative) crystal plasticity. To be more precise and in line with so-called variational constitutive updates or incremental energy minimization principles, an incrementally defined energy derived from the underlying time-continuous constitutive model represents the starting point of the novel numerically robust algorithmic formulations. This incrementally defined potential allows to compute all variables jointly as minimizers of this energy. While such discrete variational constitutive updates are not new in general, they are considered here in order to employ powerful techniques from non-linear constrained optimization theory in order to compute robustly the aforementioned minimizers. The analyzed prototype models are based on (1) nonlinear complementarity problem (NCP) functions as well as on (2) the augmented Lagrangian formulation. Numerical experiments show the numerical robustness of the resulting algorithmic formulations. Furthermore, it is shown that the novel algorithmic ideas can also be integrated into classic, non-variational, return-mapping schemes.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Exceptional stress-director coupling at the crack tip of a liquid crystal elastomer

Chen Wei, Yu Zhou, Benny Hsu, Lihua Jin



A liquid crystal elastomer (LCE) is a special elastomer containing rod-like liquid crystals, which align in a certain direction, called the director. The director of a LCE can rotate under stress, resulting in large spontaneous strain and soft elastic behavior. This study unravels how the strong stress-director coupling in a monodomain LCE induces unique crack-tip fields and fracture behavior. Through stretching edge-cracked LCEs with various initial directors, we characterize the displacement and director fields theoretically and experimentally. The results reveal that the directors undergo significant and inhomogeneous rotation at the crack tips, leading to very different stress/strain distributions from traditional elastomers. Particularly, when the initial director is tilted to the loading direction, the stress/strain distributions are asymmetrical about the crack plane. Notably, we discover a domain wall forms along a certain polar angle at the crack tip, with opposite director rotation, and thereby shear strain, on the two sides of the domain wall. Moreover, LCEs with a tilted initial director to the loading exhibit much smaller crack openings and energy release rates than those of neo-Hookean materials, while LCEs with a parallel director exhibit higher values. We attribute these findings to a combined effect of bulk softening at the remote region and the formation of domains of opposite director rotation near the crack tip. This study provides an understanding of how the stress-director coupling of LCEs triggers their unique crack-tip fields, and insights into strategies to enhance the fracture properties of LCEs for future applications.


Mechanics of Materials

Micromechanical modeling of the effects of crystal content on the visco-hyperelastic-viscoplastic behavior and fracture of semi-crystalline polymers

G. Ayoub, M. Makki, R. Kadri, R. Dargazany, M. Nait Abdelaziz



In this work, we present a novel physically based visco-hyperelastic-viscoplastic micromechanical constitutive model, which establishes a link between the evolution of the macromolecular network properties to the mechanical and fracture behavior of variable-crystallinity semi-crystalline polymers. Unlike previous micromechanical constitutive models that were only time independent, we propose a time-dependent scheme. It employs the computational effective eight-chain model for micro-macro transition while assuming a composite structure for the polymer. Thus, an innovative approach that couples the deformation and damage of individual polymer chains is developed. The proposed constitutive framework assumes that the stress developed through the deformation of semi-crystalline polymers is the sum of a macromolecular network and an intermolecular part. The macromolecular part accounts for the conformational change associated with Kuhn segments reorientation and the bond potential associated with the deformation of the bonds between Kuhn segments. Meanwhile, the intermolecular part accounts for the deformation of the crystalline and the amorphous phases. The constitutive equations are integrated using a mixed explicit/implicit integration algorithm. To validate and calibrate our model, we utilize uniaxial tensile experimental data obtained from three different polyethylene materials with varying crystallinity levels and different strain rates. We propose a robust calibration procedure, ensuring the identification of a single set of parameters that remain independent of crystal content and strain rate. Finally, we assess the model's predictive capabilities in predicting the mechanical behavior and fracture at different strain rates for variable-crystallinity polyethylene is evaluated. This comprehensive approach enhances our understanding and predictive capacity in modeling the intricate mechanical response up to fracture of semi-crystalline polymers under diverse conditions.


International Journal of Plasticity

Effect of grain boundary misorientation and carbide precipitation on damage initiation: A coupled crystal plasticity and phase field damage study

Michael Salvini, Nicolò Grilli, Eralp Demir, Siqi He, Tomas Martin, Peter Flewitt, Mahmoud Mostafavi, Christopher Truman, David Knowles



A coupled crystal plasticity phase field damage framework has been developed and applied to modelling damage initiation. A novel implementation of a grain misorientation angle dependent critical energy release rate has been used to determine a reduction in the local critical energy release rate resulting from the effects of intergranular carbide precipitates and grain boundary misorientation. When applied to a notched high temperature 316H austenitic stainless steel specimen, a good correlation between experimental results and void nucleation statistics for a misorientation dependent critical energy release rate was obtained. This has been evaluated through comparison with correlative electron microscopy experimental results, showing the potential of phase field models in the area of early damage formation. Additions to include plastic strain and creep deformation effects were made, and comparisons were drawn with experimental data to investigate the contributions of microstructural geometry properties such as the difference in and average values of Schmid factors across grain boundaries, as well as the loading direction stress and dislocation densities. The limitations to this approach and opportunities for further work in this area are discussed, with specific interest in the need for additional literature data characterising grain boundary carbide precipitation and cavity nucleation analysis.


Thin-Walled Structures

Analytical study on the dynamic mechanical behaviours of foam-core sandwich plate under repeated impacts

Wen Xiao, Yinggang Li, Yong Hu, Zeyuan Song, Wei Cai, Xiaobin Li



The foam-core sandwich structures are probably subjected to repeated impact loadings in engineering applications, resulting in structural plastic deformation and accumulative damage. A valuable analytical approach is needed to predict the accumulative plastic deformation of foam-core sandwich structures under repeated impacts. In this paper, an analytical model of the dynamic responses of foam-core sandwich plates under repeated impacts is proposed using the circumscribing yield locus and the inscribing yield locus based on the rigid-perfectly plastic theory. By employing the principle of energy dissipation rate balance, the analytical expressions of structure permanent deformation and peak force are obtained from the iteration of initial conditions. In addition, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) foam has steady chemical properties and corrosion resistance, which can better adapt to the practical environment and meet the needs of structural protection. To validate the proposed analytical model, the repeated impact dynamic mechanical behaviours of PVC foam-core sandwich plates were experimentally and numerically studied. Results show that theoretical results such as the permanent deformation, peak force, and deformation modes of foam-core sandwich plates under repeated impacts are in good agreement with experimental and numerical results. With the increase in impact numbers, the global bending deformation and local indentation deformation of facesheets increase, the PVC foam core layer is constantly being compressed, and the bottom facesheet plays an increasingly important part in the repeated impact energy absorption with a maximum value of 29.20%.


A Numerically Stable Flexural Dynamics Model of Complex Multi-span Fluid-conveying Pipes with Flexible Components and its Application to Clamp Stiffness Identification

Ze-Chao Wang, Pei-Xin Gao, Zu-De Zhou, Arris-S Tijsseling, Yong-Zhi Qu, Wang-Ji Yan, Ka-Veng Yuen, Shing Shin Cheng



Multi-span fluid-conveying pipelines (MFP) with multiple concentrated accessories, i.e., clamps, valves, flanges, vibration absorbers and flexible components, whose dynamic properties can be described by receptance, are widely used in many engineering fields. However, research on predicting the dynamics of such pipe structures has been rarely performed. In this study, we propose an improved transfer matrix method (TMM) to model the numerically stable dynamics of the MFP with multiple concentrated accessories and flexible components. An original receptance-based modelling method is developed to address boundary conditions induced by the presence of concentrated accessories and flexible components simultaneously. The method's advantage is that the flexible component is considered as an independent substructure before assembling, its receptance can be calculated or measured independently. Moreover, the numerical instability problem of the conventional transfer matrix method (CTMM) in the high-frequency range is resolved by utilizing a successive reduction process to reduce the length of the transfer path of the state vectors used to describe the overall dynamics of the pipe. One salient feature of the proposed method is that the size of the characteristic matrix will be specified as 4×4, which is inherited from CTMM. An optimization-based inverse method is proposed to identify the clamp stiffness with the developed numerically stable and efficient dynamics model. Also, a device is designed and developed to measure the approximate clamp stiffness values which are considered as the initial values during optimization. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method is effective and accurate; utilizing the approximate values of the clamp stiffness as the initial values can accelerate the stability of the iteration during the optimization.


Closed-form approach for the elastic critical moment of I-girders with corrugated web

David Fernandez-Lacabe, Claudio López, Miguel-Angel Serna



Using corrugated web girders offers several advantages, including increased resistance to lateral-torsional buckling. Researchers have proposed various methods for determining the critical moment value as a function of the cross-sectional geometry. Previous studies have suggested that the enhanced critical moment is attributable to a larger warping constant. In this paper, we present the results of a systematic numerical study using finite element analysis on girders with various corrugated web shapes. Bending along the weak axis demonstrates that corrugated web girders possess a higher moment of inertia. Furthermore, our torsion linear analysis indicates that the increase in the critical moment is primarily due to a larger torsional constant. We compare the elastic critical moment values obtained using finite element linear buckling analysis to those derived from theoretical expressions that introduce equivalent section properties. Our results illustrate that the equivalent section properties method provides values that closely resemble those obtained using finite elements. Finally, we provide closed-form expressions that can be used to estimate equivalent section properties for any girder with a corrugated web. Our findings suggest that employing these expressions to calculate the critical moment yields results that are satisfactory when compared to those obtained through finite element linear buckling analysis.


Fire behaviour of stainless steel circular hollow section stub columns: Experimental study and design

Zhe Xing, Mingsheng Jiang, Bingbing San, Jiajun Wang, Kaidong Wu



Circular hollow sections (CHS) are common in structural engineering owing to their excellent aesthetic appearance and structural behaviour. However, there is no existing experimental study into the cross-sectional behaviour of stainless steel CHS in fire. To fill this gap, an experimental study performed on austenitic stainless steel CHS in fire is presented in this paper. A total of eight CHS stub columns were examined at different temperatures, spanning from 20 °C to 800 °C. The material properties, geometric characteristics and local geometric imperfections of the tested CHS stub columns were also obtained simultaneously. Finally, the accuracy of EN 1993-1-2 design rules and a recent design method proposed by Quan et al. was assessed based on the obtained test data. It is shown that, compared to the design rules of EN 1993-1-2, the ultimate cross-sectional resistances predicted by the design method of Quan et al. can achieve higher accuracy and reliability for stainless steel CHS in fire.

圆空心截面以其优异的外观和结构性能在结构工程中得到广泛应用。然而,目前还没有对不锈钢CHS在火灾中的截面行为进行实验研究。为了填补这一空白,本文进行了奥氏体不锈钢在火灾中的实验研究。在不同的温度下,从20°C到800°C,共检查了8个CHS短柱。同时获得了试验CHS短柱的材料性能、几何特性和局部几何缺陷。最后,根据获得的试验数据,对EN 1993-1-2设计规则和Quan等人最近提出的设计方法的准确性进行了评估。结果表明,相对于EN 1993-1-2的设计规则,Quan等设计方法预测的不锈钢CHS在火灾中的极限截面阻力可以达到更高的精度和可靠性。

Free vibration analysis of FGM spherical and elliptical shells under nonlinear thermal environments

Weeraphan Jiammeepreecha, Komkorn Chaidachatorn, Boonchai Phungpaingam, Karun Klaycham, Somchai Chucheepsakul



The thermo-mechanical effects of the free vibration of functionally graded (FG) spherical and elliptical shells under nonlinear temperature distributions (NTD) are investigated. The geometries of the FG spherical and elliptical shells are expressed in terms of the surface fundamental form, and the displacement function is derived based on higher-order shear deformation theory (HSDT). Temperature-dependent (TD) material and heat conduction are investigated based on Voigt's micromechanical model. The equation of motion of the thermo-elastic FG shells is formulated using the classical Hamilton's principle. Numerical results are obtained using the finite element method with quadrilateral Lagrangian isoparametric elements. A comparison of the results for the free vibration of FG shells based on the FSDT and HSDT approaches is presented. The first fundamental mode is the axisymmetric mode for the circular plate and oblate shell, but the results are otherwise for spherical and prolate shells. The torsional mode occurs in the seventh mode within the first ten vibrational modes for the prolate shell. In addition, the frequency parameter in the torsional mode is independent of the different support conditions. Parametric studies show that the non-dimensional frequency parameters of the FG shells decrease quickly, then slowly, as the volume fraction index increases. Finally, the frequency parameters decrease when the temperature at the top of the FG shell surface increases.


Modular Reverse Design of Acoustic Metamaterial and Sound Barrier Engineering Applications: High Ventilation and Broadband Sound Insulation

Xinhao Zhang, Caiyou Zhao, Qi Yu, Duojia Shi, Mingjing Geng, Junyuan Zheng, Tao Lu, Ping Wang



A multi-gradient cavity acoustic metamaterial (MCAM) structure and a modular reverse design method (MRDM) that can realize high ventilation and broadband acoustic isolation are proposed. The method controls the deep neural network model of acoustic metamaterials through a particle swarm algorithm, and the optimized multi-gradient cavity acoustic metamaterial structure (OMCAM) can be reverse-designed by inputting only the constraints and the objective function such as the amount of noise reduction. Compared with the finite element method, the computational efficiency can be improved by about 500 times to achieve an optimized design. The acoustic simulation results show that the average noise reduction of the structure is 23.5dB in the range of 0∼4000Hz, and a broadband sound attenuation with 38dB noise reduction is formed in the target frequency band of 500Hz∼2000Hz. The acoustic experimental results of the 3D-printed structure are in agreement with the simulation results. Compared with the two existing ventilated acoustic metamaterials, the average noise reduction of OMCAM under equal ventilation capacity is improved by 10.6dB and 17.4dB, respectively. The sound barrier based on the proposed OMCAM design is implemented on an elevated rail transit line, showing an improvement of 9.4dB of average noise reduction compared with existing upright railroad sound barriers. The noise reduction mechanism of the OMCAM structure was finally revealed by the sound field distribution in different modes.

提出了一种可实现高通风和宽带隔声的多梯度腔体声学超材料(MCAM)结构和模块化反设计方法(MRDM)。该方法通过粒子群算法控制声学超材料的深度神经网络模型,只需输入约束条件和降噪量等目标函数即可对优化后的多梯度腔体声学超材料结构(OMCAM)进行逆向设计。与有限元法相比,计算效率提高了约500倍,实现了优化设计。声学仿真结果表明,该结构在0 ~ 4000Hz范围内平均降噪23.5dB,在500Hz ~ 2000Hz目标频带内形成38dB降噪的宽带声衰减。三维打印结构的声学实验结果与仿真结果吻合较好。与现有的两种通风声学超材料相比,在相同通风量下,OMCAM的平均降噪分别提高了10.6dB和17.4dB。基于OMCAM设计的音障在高架轨道交通线路上实施,与现有的立式铁路音障相比,平均降噪9.4dB。最后通过不同模态下的声场分布揭示了OMCAM结构的降噪机理。

Bond behavior of CFRP-concrete with surface groove subjected to chloride wet-dry cycles: Experimental, strength model and design method

Hua-lin Song, Shao-fei Jiang, Rong-bin Zang, Jin-xing Lin, Er-jiang Cui



To investigate the effect of chloride wet-dry exposure on the bond behavior of CFRP-concrete with surface groove, firstly, four groups of single-lap tensile specimens with different groove width-to-depth ratios were designed and conducted. After the four groups of specimens were subjected to accelerated corrosion, failure modes and bond behavior were investigated. Secondly, based on two categories of failure modes, models were proposed to calculate the bond strength for fracture failure (model I) and debonding failure (model II) of the specimens, respectively. Finally, a bond design method has been proposed for CFRP-concrete with surface groove that was specifically developed for coastal environments. The results show that the failure mode of the surface groove method changes from the CFRP fracture without erosion to the mixed failure and debonding CFRP failure of the CFRP sheet. The bond strength of grooving method decreases along with the wet-dry cycles. The width-to-depth ratio is positively related to the average bond strength and there is an optimum value. Compared with the experimental values, the values of calculation model I are slightly higher, and the values predicted by calculation model II are within acceptable limits. These indicate that the grooving method has better bond behavior under chloride salt solution wet-dry cycles, and the proposed design method is applicable to guiding the bond design of the interface in coastal environments.

为研究氯离子干湿暴露对带表面沟槽的cfrp -混凝土粘结性能的影响,首先设计并制作了4组不同沟槽宽深比的单搭接拉伸试件。对四组试样进行加速腐蚀后的破坏模式和粘结行为进行了研究。其次,基于两类破坏模式,分别提出了试件断裂破坏(模型I)和脱粘破坏(模型II)的粘结强度计算模型。最后,提出了一种专门针对沿海环境开发的带表面槽的cfrp混凝土粘结设计方法。结果表明,表面沟槽法的破坏模式由无侵蚀的CFRP断裂转变为CFRP片材的混合破坏和脱粘CFRP破坏。开槽法的粘结强度随着干湿循环次数的增加而降低。宽深比与平均粘结强度呈正相关,且存在一个最优值。与实验值相比,计算模型I的数值略高,计算模型II的预测值在可接受范围内。说明开槽法在氯盐溶液干湿循环下具有较好的粘结性能,该设计方法可用于指导沿海环境中界面粘结设计。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 2 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 3 篇Composite StructuresCharacterizing the flexural/damage behavior of Aluminosilicate glass at low/high loading rates: Application of SHPB for mode-1 loading of laminated glassMuhammad Aamir Raza, Suo Tao, Penghao Pei, Uzair Ahmed Dar, M. Atif, Muhammad Zakir Sheikh, Guozhong Gao, Zhongbin Tangdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117816低/高加载率下铝硅酸盐玻璃的弯曲/损伤行为表征:SHPB在夹层玻璃1型加载中的应用Understanding the flexural response of monolithic and laminated glass is essential for making informed choices while selecting glass for varying applications. That is because the behavior of monolithic and laminated glass may not necessarily be the same under certain loading conditions and assessing their performance differences helps in determining their suitability for specific applications. The presented work is aimed at quantifying the flexural/damage behavior of monolithic and laminated glass. Quasi-static and dynamic flexural tests were conducted on monolithic and laminated glass in mode-1 loading while maintaining identical loading and support interfaces. In the first phase, quasi-static flexural tests were performed, and results were quantitatively compared by two approaches: Effective Thickness Approximation (ETA) and the theory of Thick Sandwiched Beams (TSB). Experimentally observed deflection corroborated with both the analytical methods; the absolute error remained less than 2.5% and 0.5% for ETA and TSB, respectively. Importantly, failure of the laminate was witnessed at approximately 50% lower force compared to its monolithic counterpart, which was attributed to the span length of the specimen and the interlayer’s shear stiffness. Fractography was performed to elicit Aluminosilicate glass’s mirror constant and fracture surface energy, as 1.86 MN/m3/2 and 3.95 J/m2, respectively. In Phase-2, Dynamic flexural tests were conducted on a novel Electromagnetic Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (ESHPB), and an experimental-numerical coupled approach was introduced to analyze the results. The results established that the adverse effects of shorter span length on the flexural strength of laminated glass are mitigated, primarily due to the viscoelastic response of the interlayer. The reprographic images attributed the fracture of monolithic and laminated glass specimens solely to the bending-induced stresses.了解单片和夹层玻璃的弯曲响应对于在选择不同应用的玻璃时做出明智的选择至关重要。这是因为在特定的载荷条件下,单片玻璃和夹层玻璃的性能不一定相同,评估它们的性能差异有助于确定它们在特定应用中的适用性。所提出的工作旨在量化单片和夹层玻璃的弯曲/损伤行为。在保持相同加载界面和支撑界面的情况下,对单片玻璃和夹层玻璃进行了模一加载下的准静态和动态弯曲试验。在第一阶段,进行了准静态弯曲试验,并通过有效厚度近似(ETA)和厚夹层梁理论(TSB)两种方法对结果进行了定量比较。实验观察到的挠度与两种分析方法一致;ETA和TSB的绝对误差分别小于2.5%和0.5%。重要的是,层压板的破坏是在大约50%的低力下发生的,这是由于试件的跨度长度和夹层的剪切刚度。通过断口分析,得出了硅酸铝玻璃的镜面常数和断口表面能分别为1.86 MN/m3/2和3.95 J/m2。在第二阶段,对新型电磁分离式霍普金森压杆(ESHPB)进行了动态弯曲试验,并引入实验-数值耦合方法对试验结果进行了分析。结果表明,较短的跨度长度对夹层玻璃抗弯强度的不利影响得到了缓解,这主要是由于夹层的粘弹性响应。复 制图像将单片和夹层玻璃试样的断裂完全归因于弯曲引起的应力。NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF OPTIMAL MODELING OF LAMINATED GLASS POST-BREAKAGE RESPONSEMoheldeen Hejazi, Ali Saridoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117822夹层玻璃破碎后响应优化模型的数值与实验评价Modeling laminated glass response to extreme loading scenarios is a computationally demanding process in designing and analyzing protective structures. Therefore, an optimal modeling scheme requires a delicate trade-off between accuracy and computational demand. This article investigates the failure modeling of laminated glass layups of thin and thick panels (three and 11 layers) under blast loading. This is done by implementing various simulation techniques: the finite element method with element erosion/deletion, the mesh-free method of smoothed particle hydrodynamics, and the hybrid implementation of mesh-based and mesh-free simulation through element conversions into particles. This Article examines the feasibility and limitations of each method, considering both the aspects of accuracy and computational cost in light of experimental testing results obtained from both arena and shock tube scenarios. Mesh sensitivity and the significance of adaptive meshing in capturing the fracture patterns are evaluated. The present paper suggests that using hybrid techniques leads to optimal modeling results. Furthermore, the stability of the modeling results under diverse blast conditions is verified.在设计和分析防护结构时,模拟夹层玻璃在极端载荷情况下的响应是一个计算要求很高的过程。因此,最优的建模方案需要在精度和计算需求之间进行微妙的权衡。本文研究了爆炸荷载作用下薄板和厚板(3层和11层)夹层玻璃层合结构的破坏模型。这是通过实现各种模拟技术来实现的:具有单元侵蚀/缺失的有限元方法,光滑颗粒流体动力学的无网格方法,以及通过将元素转换为颗粒的基于网格和无网格模拟的混合实现。本文考察了每种方法的可行性和局限性,根据竞技场和激波管场景的实验测试结果,考虑了准确性和计算成本两方面。评估了网格敏感性和自适应网格在捕获断裂模式中的意义。本文认为,采用混合技术可以获得最佳的建模结果。进一步验证了模型在不同爆炸条件下的稳定性。Composites Part B: EngineeringMechanical behaviors of three-dimensional chiral mechanical metamaterialsTiantian Li, Yaning Lidoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.111141三维手性机械超材料的力学行为Chiral and achiral mechanical metamaterials are designed via spherical tiling. The 3D chiral designs show an interesting coupled compression-twisting behavior, while the 3D achiral designs show auxetic behavior. Also, besides the cellular-type chiral and achiral designs, composite-type of each design are created by adding soft matrix to the cellular designs. The designs are fabricated via multi-material 3D printing. Mechanical uni-axial compression experiments are performed on the 3D printed specimens and the experimental results are compared with finite element (FE) simulations. By jointly tailoring the chiral geometry and material combination, the effective mechanical properties and the deformation mechanisms can be tuned in a large range. In addition, a continuum-level material model was developed to predict the constitutive relationship. The results show that the material model can well predict the effective mechanical properties of the chiral 3D mechanical metamaterials.通过球面平铺法设计手性和非手性机械超材料。三维手性设计表现出有趣的压缩-扭转耦合行为,而三维非手性设计则表现出形变行为。此外,除了细胞型手性和非手性设计外,每种设计的复合类型都是通过在细胞设计中添加软矩阵来创建的。这些设计是通过多材料3D打印制造的。对3D打印试件进行了单轴压缩力学实验,并与有限元模拟结果进行了比较。通过手性几何和材料组合的共同裁剪,可以在较大范围内调整有效的力学性能和变形机理。此外,还建立了一个连续级材料模型来预测本构关系。结果表明,该材料模型能较好地预测手性三维机械超材料的有效力学性能。Highly water-dispersible methylpyridinium salt functionalized reduced graphene oxide and poly(vinyl alcohol) compositesSangyoon Lee, Jeong-Un Jin, Jae Ryang Hahn, Seongwoo Ryu, Nam-Ho Youdoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.111142高水分散性甲基吡啶盐功能化还原氧化石墨烯和聚乙烯醇复合材料The main issues with developing graphene as a reinforcement are its mono-dispersive properties and strong interfacial bonding between matrix and graphene. In this study, we synthesized reduced graphene oxide (rGO) that is mono-dispersive in polar solvents, by designing structural isomers (-para and -meta) for poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanocomposites. The hydrazine-methylpyridine synthesized with different structural isomers was used to reduce and functionalize graphene oxide (GO). The -meta structural isomers showed a higher reduction rate and functional groups on GO than -para due to the difference in electrophilic strain. In particular, the prepared rGO reduced by meta-hydrazine-methylpyridine (m-Py-rGO) exhibited excellent mono dispersive characteristics in water solvents as well as in PVA matrix. As a result, nanocomposites containing 1 wt % m-Py-rGO increased in tensile strength and modulus by 48 % (85.95 MPa) and 82 % (4.27 GPa), respectively, compared to pristine PVA. In this study, a method for manufacturing rGO with excellent dispersibility in water, an inexpensive solvent, and its application method are presented.开发石墨烯作为增强材料的主要问题是其单分散性和基体与石墨烯之间的强界面键合。在这项研究中,我们通过设计聚乙烯醇(PVA)纳米复合材料的结构异构体(-对异构体和-元异构体),合成了在极性溶剂中单分散的还原性氧化石墨烯(rGO)。用不同结构异构体合成的肼-甲基吡啶对氧化石墨烯进行了还原和功能化。由于亲电应变的差异,-元结构异构体在氧化石墨烯上的还原率和官能团均高于-对结构异构体。其中,间肼-甲基吡啶还原制备的还原氧化石墨烯(m-Py-rGO)在水溶剂和PVA基质中均表现出优异的单分散性。结果表明,与原始PVA相比,含有1 wt % m-Py-rGO的纳米复合材料的抗拉强度和模量分别提高了48 % (85.95 MPa)和82 % (4.27 GPa)。本研究提出了一种制备在水(一种廉价的溶剂)中具有优异分散性的氧化石墨烯的方法及其应用方法。Use of a commingling process for innovative flax fibre reinforced unidirectional compositesElouan Guillou, Mahadev Bar, Mario Scheel, Thierry Falher, Timm Weitkamp, Darshil U. Shah, Alexandre Beigbeder, Pierre Ouagne, Alain Bourmauddoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2023.111150使用混合工艺的创新亚麻纤维增强单向复合材料Optimisation of textile preforms play a crucial role in the development of high-performance biobased composites materials. In this context, the main ambition of this work is to quantify and assess the mechanical properties and behaviour of biocomposite materials made from unidirectional commingled preforms based on flax and poly-(propylene) fibres. To the best of our knowledge, there is no literature examining the effect of the commingling process on the ultrastructure and the mechanical properties of flax fibres. At the scale of the elementary fibre, fibre mechanical properties are observed to be stable after commingling. However, repeated drawing in the commingling process leads to increased cellulose crystallinity and a larger fraction of elementary fibres exhibiting quasi-linear tensile behaviour. The composite materials produced with these commingled flax/poly-(propylene) preforms contain few cortical residues and show a remarkable degree of fibre individualisation. Moreover, they exhibit high Young's modulus and a stress at break of 24 GPa and 194 MPa, respectively, for a fibre volume fraction of 36 %. A substantial drop in properties is however noted at high fibre fractions due increased heterogeneity of the materials. Remarkably, the biocomposites achieved unprecedented transverse modulus and stress at break of 2.3 GPa and 16.5 MPa, respectively. Our results validate the potential and interest in commingling processes for designing a new family of plant fibre composite materials.纺织预成型的优化在高性能生物基复合材料的发展中起着至关重要的作用。在这种情况下,这项工作的主要目标是量化和评估由基于亚麻和聚丙烯纤维的单向混合预制体制成的生物复合材料的机械性能和行为。据我们所知,目前还没有文献研究混炼过程对亚麻纤维超微结构和力学性能的影响。在初等纤维的尺度上,共混后纤维的力学性能稳定。然而,在混炼过程中反复拉伸会导致纤维素结晶度的增加和更大比例的初等纤维表现出准线性拉伸行为。用这些混合亚麻/聚丙烯预制体生产的复合材料含有很少的皮质残留物,并显示出显著的纤维个性化程度。此外,当纤维体积分数为36% %时,它们具有较高的杨氏模量和断裂应力,分别为24 GPa和194 MPa。然而,由于材料的不均匀性增加,在高纤维馏分时,性能显著下降。值得注意的是,生物复合材料的横向模量和断裂应力分别达到了前所未有的2.3 GPa和16.5 MPa。我们的研究结果验证了设计一种新型植物纤维复合材料的混炼工艺的潜力和兴趣。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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