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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 4 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 2 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 4 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Concurrent topology optimization of multiscale piezoelectric actuators

Cheng Liu, Zhelong He, Chaofeng Lü, Guannan Wang



As an important component of smart structural devices, piezoelectric composites have strong macroscopic electromechanical coupling properties which often depend on their microstructural geometry and material parameters. Therefore, optimizing the microstructural design is crucial for achieving the desired macroscale effective properties. To this end, this paper conducts a concurrent multiscale topology optimization (TO) to optimize the material distribution of piezoelectric actuators, aiming to maximize the electrical and mechanical energy transmission to meet specific engineering requirements. Firstly, an energy method is used to homogenize the microstructures and obtain the effective parameters of the piezoelectric material. Then, the piezoelectric material with penalization and polarization (PEMAP-P) approach in conjunction with the adjoint method is employed to calculate the sensitivity of objective and constraint functions. The sensitivities at both the macroscale and microscale are obtained by considering the interscale coupling effects. Finally, the concurrent bi-level iteration based on the optimality criteria (OC) or the method of moving asymptotes (MMA) is conducted. Through this research, we have illuminated the relations between the optimized performance of the actuator and the material volume fractions at each scale. We have also compared in detail the differences between two-scale and single-scale designs, as well as the differences between the simplified half-symmetric geometric model and the full geometric model. We find that a larger volume fraction of material in either macroscale or microscale generates a larger transmitted displacement magnitude under the same applied electric field, and for a given total material, the transmitted maximum increases with increasing microstructural volume fraction.


The nonlinear elastic response of bicontinuous rubber blends

Fabio Sozio, François Lallet, Antoine Perriot, Oscar Lopez-Pamies



Rubber blends are ubiquitous in countless technological applications. More often than not, rubber blends exhibit complex interpenetrating microstructures, which are thought to have a significant impact on their resulting macroscopic mechanical properties. As a first step to understand this potential impact, this paper presents a bottom-up or homogenization study of the nonlinear elastic response of the prominent class of bicontinuous rubber blends, that is, blends made of two immiscible constituents or phases segregated into an interpenetrating network of two separate but fully continuous domains that are perfectly bonded to one another. The focus is on blends that are isotropic and that contain an equal volume fraction (50/50) of each phase. The microstructures of these blends are idealized as microstructures generated by level cuts of Gaussian random fields that are suitably constrained to be periodic so as to allow for the construction of unit cells over which periodic homogenization can be carried out. The homogenized or macroscopic elastic response of such blends are determined both numerically via finite elements and analytically via a nonlinear comparison medium method. The numerical approach makes use of a novel meshing scheme that leads to conforming and periodic simplicial meshes starting from a voxelized representation of the microstructures. Results are presented for the fundamental case when both rubber phases are Neo-Hookean, as well as when they exhibit non-Gaussian elasticity. Remarkably, irrespective of the elastic behavior of the phases, the results show that the homogenized response of the blends is largely insensitive to the specific morphologies of the phases.


Rayleigh waves in isotropic elastic materials with micro-voids

Emilian Bulgariu, Ionel-Dumitrel Ghiba, Hassam Khan, Patrizio Neff



In this paper, we show that a general method introduced by Fu and Mielke allows to give a complete answer on the existence and uniqueness of a subsonic solution describing the propagation of surface waves in an isotropic half space modelled with the linear theory of isotropic elastic materials with micro-voids. Our result is valid for the entire class of materials admitting real wave propagation which include auxetic materials (negative Poisson’s ration) and composite materials with negative-stiffness inclusions (negative Young’s modulus). Moreover, the used method allows to formulate a simple and complete numerical strategy for the computation of the solution.


Mechanical Behaviors of Porous Bionic Structure of Lotus Stem

Li Shi, Fuquan Tu, JiaYu Yang



Lotuses could survive in heavy storms while long and slender lotus stems have porous structure. 12 or 13-wells cross section structure and its distribution along lotus stems were identified by sampling random lotuses from nature. 4 bionic 12-wells structured bars and 1 bionic 13-wells structured bar were fabricated by 3D printing technology with toughness resin. 1 hollow circular tube and 1 hollow square tube were prepared for reference. All the bionic bars and tubes were subjected to three-point bending experiments and transverse loading experiments to investigate mechanical properties referred to the effects of cross section structures and their axial gradient distribution. The results of the transverse loading experiments showed that the peak crushing force (PCF) of the 13-wells original structure (Os-13w) was reduced by about 82.46% and the crushing force efficiency (CFE) was increased by about 300.00% compared with the reference square tube. The results of three-point bending experiments showed that the specific energy absorption (SEA) and CFE of the 12-wells original structure (Os-13w) increased by about 90.71% and 173.33%, respectively, and the PCF decreased by about 29.28% compared with the reference circular tube.Simulation of the experiments explained why the bionic 12-wells structured bar had better mechanical performance than the referenced tubes. In addition, comparisons are made with some novel bionic structures of recent years.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Representation of stress and free energy for a viscoelastic body from a stressed reference

Soumya Mukherjee, Parag Ravindran



Viscoelastic materials are often initially or residually stressed in the reference configuration. This stress and associated configuration may also evolve temporally without any external influence or loading. This paper develops a general framework representing the stress and Helmholtz potential from a stressed viscoelastic reference configuration. The Helmholtz function is assumed to depend on the initial stress, the initial stress rate (objective), the initial rate of deformation, and the right Cauchy–Green stretch tensor. The corresponding invariants appear not to have been have used earlier. New sets of spectral invariants are also determined and other possible sets of spectral invariants are identified. An appropriate constitutive relation and Helmholtz potential are obtained using a stress-free configuration associated with the stressed reference configuration. For this purpose, the initial strain tensors are determined in terms of initial stress and initial stress-rate by inverting a standard constitutive relation for a viscoelastic material. The model developed using this inverse approach is applied to the investigation of the stress-relaxation of a thick viscoelastic sphere from a stressed reference. Further, it is noted that measuring residual stress is quite challenging for viscoelastic materials. In the context of the present framework, a destructive, and a non-destructive approach to measure residual stress and residual stress-rate for viscoelastic materials is presented.


Stress discontinuity and singularity around the vertex of a triangular inhomogeneity

Chunlin Wu, Huiming Yin



The stress field around a vertex of angular inhomogeneity has been investigated by Eshelby’s equivalent inclusion method (EIM). Different from Eshelby’s problem for ellipsoidal inhomogeneity with a uniform or polynomial eigenstrain, a singular eigenstrain field is derived by Airy’s stress function and asymptotic analysis, in which the singular elastic fields can be expressed in terms of the distance to the vertex. The discontinuity of Eshelby’s tensor along the boundary has been analytically derived and are used in the stress equivalence condition at the vertex, which can be converted into an eigenvalue problem with the integral of the Green’s function and singular eigenstrain over the inhomogeneity. To verify the solution, when the opening angle 2β at the vertex approaches zero, the triangular void reduces to a slit-like crack, and the paper reproduces the classic solution of 1/r singularity. When β increases from 0 to π/2, the singularity parameter λ around the vertex of the triangular void reduces at different pace under the symmetric and antisymmetric loading conditions. When a triangular inhomogeneity exhibits nonzero stiffness and different angles, λ changes with the stiffness ratio, β, and loading conditions, and the dominant stress singularity around the vertex and stress discontinuity across the boundary are analytically provided. Particularly, the stress singularity for an adhesive interface with varying stiffness provides insight for structure repair and integration.

Eshelby 的等效包含法(EIM)研究了角度不均匀性顶点周围的应力场。与具有均匀或多项式特征应变的椭球不均匀性的 Eshelby 问题不同,通过 Airy 应力函数和渐近分析得出了奇异特征应变场,其中奇异弹性场可以用到顶点的距离来表示。Eshelby 张量沿边界的不连续性已被分析推导出来,并用于顶点处的应力等效条件,该条件可转化为不均匀性上格林函数和奇异特征应变积分的特征值问题。为了验证该解法,当顶点处的开口角 2β 接近于零时,三角形空隙会减小为狭缝状裂缝,本文再现了 1/r 奇异性的经典解法。当 β 从 0 增大到 π/2 时,在对称和非对称加载条件下,三角形空隙顶点周围的奇异参数 λ 以不同的速度减小。当三角形不均匀体表现出非零刚度和不同角度时,λ 会随着刚度比 β 和加载条件的变化而变化,顶点周围的主要应力奇异性和边界上的应力不连续性都是通过分析得到的。特别是刚度变化的粘合界面的应力奇异性为结构修复和整合提供了启示。

Mechanics of Materials

Numerical modelling of multi-directional thin-ply carbon/glass hybrid composites with open holes under tension

J.D. Acosta, Guillermo Idarraga, P. Maimí, Meisam Jalalvand, J.M. Meza



Many researchers have used continuum damage mechanics for modelling damage in standard composites. This approach is intrinsically suitable for modelling the progress of damage modes spread over the specimen, which has been widely reported in pseudo-ductile hybrid composites. To the authors' best knowledge, this paper is the first numerical model based on continuum damage mechanics proposed for pseudo-ductile hybrid composites. The proposed constitutive model uses a thermodynamically consistent approach to compute the damage progression in the material. Experimental stress-strain curves and the failure pattern of carbon/glass hybrid lay-ups with gradual failure taken from the literature are compared against the numerical results to validate the model. The model provides a mesh-independent solution with a good prediction of the damage sequence and the overall stress-strain curves of the notched samples. A good correlation in size, location and type of damage mechanism was found between numerical and experimental results. This study indicates that the proposed model can provide a good prediction of the onset and propagation of the damage in notched hybrid composite laminates.


International Journal of Plasticity

High–strain–rate deformation of a nanoprecipitate–strengthened dual–phase steel

Yongzheng Yu, Yang Zhang, Songsong Xu, Jihong Han, Junpeng Li, Chunhuan Guo, Fengchun Jiang, Gang Zhao, Zhongwu Zhang



High–strain–rate deformation of steels is prone to generating localized adiabatic shear bands (ASB) due to strain localization, leading to plastic instability and fracture. Nanoprecipitate–strengthened austenite–martensite dual–phase (DP) steel is a kind of promising impact–resistant materials due to their high strength and excellent plasticity. In this study, the effects of a combination of nanoprecipitates and the frame structure of DP steels with the hard martensite as the support framework on the dynamic mechanical properties were systematically investigated. The nanoprecipitate–strengthened DP steel exhibited excellent dynamic performance. At a strain rate of 3800 s−1, the maximum flow stress of the DP steel with nanoprecipitates reached ∼ 4067 MPa, which was 1146 MPa higher than its counterpart without nanoprecipitates. High–strain–rate deformation induced the transformation of Cu–rich nanoprecipitates from body–centered cubic (B2) to 9R twin structure, alleviating the stress concentration. Upon high–strain–rate deformation, the high strength of nanoprecipitate–strengthened DP steel induced the formation of a narrow shear band with sever–deformed microstructure. The frame–structure of DP steel restrained the transformation of deformed shear bands (DSB) to transformed shear bands (TSB) due to the deformation–induced martensitic transformation of austenite, delaying the crack formation and propagation.

钢的高应变速率变形容易因应变局部化而产生局部绝热剪切带(ASB),从而导致塑性失稳和断裂。纳米沉淀强化奥氏体-马氏体双相钢因其高强度和优异塑性而成为一种很有发展前途的抗冲击材料。本研究系统地研究了以硬马氏体为支撑框架的DP钢的框架结构与纳米沉淀相结合对动态力学性能的影响。纳米沉淀增强DP钢具有良好的动态性能。在应变速率为3800 s−1时,含纳米沉淀的DP钢的最大流变应力达到~ 4067 MPa,比未含纳米沉淀的DP钢高1146 MPa。高应变速率变形诱导富cu纳米沉淀物由体心立方(B2)转变为9R孪晶结构,减轻了应力集中。在高应变速率变形时,高强度的纳米析出体增强DP钢形成了窄剪切带,具有严重变形的显微组织。由于变形诱发奥氏体马氏体转变,DP钢的框架结构抑制了变形剪切带(DSB)向变形剪切带(TSB)的转变,延缓了裂纹的形成和扩展。

A microdamage model for FCC single crystals considering a mixed failure mechanism of slip and cleavage

Ao Li, Weiping Hu, Yuanlong Yang, Kun Li, Hongyu Tian, Zhixin Zhan, Qingchun Meng



In this study, a microdamage model is newly proposed to predict the failure process of FCC single crystals. Two micro damage mechanisms, slip and cleavage, are both involved in the model. A microscopic damage variable is first defined at the slip plane scale, and a damage coupled crystal plasticity constitutive equation in a co-rotational tensor framework is then established. A damage driving force consisting of generalized energies related to the resolved shear stress and the positive resolved normal stress is proposed to reflect the mixed failure mechanism of FCC single crystals induced by slip and cleavage. The damage evolution equation is then derived in the framework of thermodynamics. An explicit algorithm for the damage coupled crystal plasticity finite element method is given. The proposed microdamage model is utilized to predict the slip-dominant fracture behavior of a single crystal copper and the cleavage-dominant fracture behavior of a nickel-based single crystal alloy. The damage evolution process of slip planes is given and the influence mechanism is revealed. The calculated results agree well with the experimental data, which verifies the good capability of the proposed model in describing and predicting the multi failure processes of FCC metals. Finally, a 2D fracture simulation of a single crystal notched specimen under shear loading is conducted, and the effect of damage parameters on the fracture modes is also discussed.


Thin-Walled Structures

Machine learning-based real-time velocity prediction of projectile penetration to carbon/aramid hybrid fiber laminates

Yu Wang, Weifu Sun



Composite laminates subjected to dynamic impacts are usually investigated by experimental or numerical techniques. Numerical simulations, as an excellent complementary tool to experiments, are capable of reproducing microscopic results that cannot be observed in experiments, but require time-consuming calculations. Therefore, this work demonstrates the capability and efficiency of neural networks and decision tree models for the real-time prediction of projectile penetration of aramid/carbon hybrid fiber laminates impacted at variable angles for different initial velocities. To obtain accurate prediction models, a combination of experimental and finite element methods has been adopted and the experimentally validated finite element models have been used to provide data for training the prediction models. Consequently, the prediction model is able to accurately predict the residual velocity after projectile penetration of unknown hybrid laminates. The research demonstrates that using a large dataset generated by finite element analysis can help the prediction model to give more accurate predictions. The decision tree model outperforms the neural network model in known datasets, but the neural network model has better generalization capabilities of handling unknown feature inputs and giving accurate results.


Experimental study on fragments dispersion characteristics of elliptical cross-section casing under explosive loading

Yuxuan Deng, Xianfeng Zhang, Chuan Xiao, Chuang Liu, Junwei Liu, Pengcheng Li, Mengting Tan, Wei Xiong



To better understand the fragments dispersion characteristics of elliptical cross-section warhead (ECSW), static explosion experiments were conducted with four ECSWs and one circular cross-section warhead (CCSW). The warheads were designed with the same mass ratio of charge to the metal casing, and the difference in cross-section shape was indicated by the shape ratio. The experimental results indicated that ECSW fragments dispersion in their radial direction deviated from the normal direction of casing under explosive loading. The radial deviation angle decreased with the higher shape ratios. In the axial direction, the axial projection angle of fragment increased gradually from the major to the minor axis. Additionally, the fragment velocity and density in the minor axis direction increased noticeably compared to the major axis, and the difference reduced as the shape ratio increased. A formula for predicting the radial velocity distribution of the fragments was proposed, and the maximum relative error between the calculation and experiment results is less than 5%. Finally, the driving mechanism of ECSW was preliminarily revealed. The findings serve as a fundamental basis for future research on ECSW and offer valuable insights for the development of innovative warhead designs.


Elastic Size Effect of Single Crystal Copper Beams under Combined Loading of Torsion and Bending

Jae-Hoon Choi, Hyemin Ryu, Gi-Dong Sim



Among various strain gradient theories, the modified couple stress theory, which introduces a single length scale parameter as an additional material property, has garnered significant interest owing to its simplified portrayal of the material behavior. In this study, we investigated whether a single length scale parameter is sufficient to predict the mechanical behavior under two different type of strain gradients: torsion and bending. L-shaped beams made of single crystal copper with thicknesses ranging from 2.4 μm to 9.1 μm were fabricated, and loads were applied using an indenter. The contributions of bending and torsion were controlled by adjusting the loading position, and size effect was observed under these conditions. Through these experiments, we demonstrated the existence of elastic size effect of single crystalline materials under strain gradients. Specifically, size effect was observed in both bending and torsion, with a larger effect observed in cases closer to pure bending. Moreover, we report that the modified couple stress theory and the modified strain gradient theory are not applicable for simulating size effect under combined loading. This discovery highlights the necessity for the development of a new theory capable of adequately simulating size effects under the intricate loading scenarios encountered in practical applications.

在各种应变梯度理论中,引入单一长度标度参数作为附加材料属性的修正耦合应力理论因其对材料行为的简化描述而备受关注。在本研究中,我们研究了单一长度标度参数是否足以预测两种不同应变梯度下的机械行为:扭转和弯曲。我们制作了厚度从 2.4 μm 到 9.1 μm 的单晶铜 L 形梁,并使用压头施加载荷。通过调整加载位置控制了弯曲和扭转的贡献,并在这些条件下观察到了尺寸效应。通过这些实验,我们证明了单晶材料在应变梯度下存在弹性尺寸效应。具体来说,在弯曲和扭转中都观察到了尺寸效应,在更接近纯弯曲的情况下观察到了更大的效应。此外,我们还报告了修正的耦合应力理论和修正的应变梯度理论不适用于模拟组合加载下的尺寸效应。这一发现凸显了开发一种新理论的必要性,该理论能够充分模拟实际应用中遇到的复杂加载情况下的尺寸效应。

Low-Damage Performance of Blast Resilient Steel Rocking Column Base with Friction Connection

Rui Zhang, Junrong Liu, Jiapei Xu, Liang-Jiu Jia



This paper presents an experimental and numerical study on the dynamic response and blast resilience of a low-damage rocking column base under blast loading. A conventional rigid column base was used as a reference for comparison. A novel test setup was designed to reflect the actual force state of the column base in an explosive environment. During the test, the column was subjected to a constant axial force with a compression ratio of 0.17. Under the blast loading with a scaled distance of 0.43 m·kg−1/3, the rocking column base exhibited remarkable low-damage and self-centering characteristics, with a maximum equivalent plastic strain of 0.01 and a residual deformation of 0.07%. In contrast, the rigid one suffered irreparable local buckling, resulting in a residual deformation of 3.74%. The results demonstrate that the rocking column base effectively mitigates internal forces through controlled rocking motion and dissipates input energy mainly through frictional sliding. This approach proves to be highly effective in enhancing blast resilience. Finally, a refined finite element analysis (FEA) model was developed to quantitatively evaluate the deformation mode and damage of the joints, based on which the low-damage characteristic of the rocking column base was verified.

本文对爆炸荷载作用下低损伤摇柱基础的动力响应和爆炸回弹性进行了试验和数值研究。以常规刚性柱基础为参照进行比较。设计了一种新的测试装置,以反映爆炸环境下柱基座的实际受力状态。试验过程中,柱承受恒定轴向力,压缩比为0.17。在标度距离为0.43 m·kg−1/3的爆炸荷载作用下,摇摆柱底部表现出显著的低损伤自定心特性,最大等效塑性应变为0.01,残余变形为0.07%。而刚性试件则存在不可修复的局部屈曲,残余变形为3.74%。结果表明,摇摆柱基座通过控制摇摆运动有效地减轻内力,主要通过摩擦滑动来耗散输入能量。事实证明,这种方法在提高爆炸回弹方面是非常有效的。最后,建立了精细化的有限元分析模型,对节点的变形模式和损伤进行了定量评价,并在此基础上验证了摇柱基座的低损伤特性。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 2 篇International Journal of Solids and StructuresSub-preferential rotational wave beaming in structurally rhombus re-entrant honeycombsZhiWei Zhu, ZiChen Dengdoi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.112666结构菱形再入式蜂窝的亚优先旋转波束Rotational waves frequently manifest in micro-structured materials and are often coupled with classical shear or longitudinal wave modes. In this study, a distinctive isolated optical branch, exhibiting very high polarization index related to joint rotation motion, is found in dispersion diagram of elastic wave propagation in structurally rhombus re-entrant honeycomb (SSRH). Through an analysis of group velocity, we further explore the wave beaming of the rotational wave propagation within the SRRH, and intriguingly, observe the emergence of sub-preferential wave beaming occurring along the short diagonal directions. This dynamic anisotropic phenomenon stems from the intricate interplay between wave frequency and structural topology. To elucidate the underlying dynamic anisotropy of rotational waves, we propose a simple rigid-spring model and derive a modulation function that precisely captures the intricate frequency-structure coupling behavior. The obtained modulation function unveils the formation of sub-preferential directions of the rotational wave within the SRRH.旋转波经常出现在微结构材料中,并且经常与经典的剪切波或纵波模式耦合。本研究在结构菱形重入蜂窝(SSRH)弹性波传播色散图中发现了一个独特的孤立光学分支,该分支与关节旋转运动相关,具有很高的偏振指数。通过对群速度的分析,我们进一步探讨了旋转波在SRRH内传播的波束,有趣的是,我们观察到沿短对角线方向出现了亚优先波束。这种动态各向异性现象源于波频和结构拓扑之间复杂的相互作用。为了阐明旋转波潜在的动态各向异性,我们提出了一个简单的刚性-弹簧模型,并推导了一个精确捕捉复杂频率-结构耦合行为的调制函数。得到的调制函数揭示了SRRH内旋转波亚优先方向的形成。Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsElastic fields of double branched and Kalthoff–Winkler cracks in a half-planeYangjian Si, Yujie Weidoi:10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105546半平面上双分支和Kalthoff-Winkler裂纹的弹性场We demonstrate in this paper a combination of the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping and Muskhelishvili’s approach with fractional function series in solving the elastic fields of a cracked half-plane, and zoom in on two typical problems, a double branched crack with two rays emanating from one point on the edge and two edge cracks spaced by a certain distance. Typical loading conditions are considered, including far-field uniform tensile stress and concentrated loads along either the tangential or the normal direction of the free surface. We supply a semi-analytic solution to those boundary-value problems in the cracked half-plane, and validate the theory by comparing the theoretical results in terms of stress fields, stress intensity factors (SIFs) and crack opening displacement (COD) with those from finite-element simulations. The theoretical approach shows how two edge cracks may shield the stress intensity factors of each other in a quantitative manner. For the typical Kalthoff-Winkler cracks of length a and being spaced by a distance d, their SIFs KI decay with decreasing d, and KI = KI0 − KI1 [1−exp(−a/d)] It converges to KI0—the SIF of a single edge crack when d approaches to infinity. Those observations and the theory approach itself provide a general way to analyze the mechanical consequence of edge cracks in engineering practice.我们在本文中展示了 Schwarz-Christoffel 映射和 Muskhelishvili 方法与分数函数序列的结合,用于求解开裂半平面的弹性场,并放大了两个典型问题,一个是从边缘一点发出两条射线的双分支裂缝,另一个是间隔一定距离的两条边缘裂缝。我们考虑了典型的加载条件,包括远场均匀拉应力和沿自由表面切线方向或法线方向的集中载荷。我们提供了开裂半平面上这些边界值问题的半解析解,并通过比较应力场、应力强度因子(SIF)和开裂位移(COD)方面的理论结果与有限元模拟结果,验证了该理论。理论方法显示了两个边缘裂缝如何以定量方式屏蔽彼此的应力强度因子。对于长度为 a、间距为 d 的典型 Kalthoff-Winkler 裂纹,其 SIF KI 随 d 的减小而衰减,当 d 接近无穷大时,KI = KI0 - KI1 [1-exp(-a/d)] 收敛到 KI0,即单边裂纹的 SIF。这些观察结果和理论方法本身为分析工程实践中边缘裂缝的力学后果提供了一种通用方法。Mechanics of MaterialsIndependent parameters of orthotropic linear transformation-based yield functionsTomas Manikdoi:10.1016/j.mechmat.2024.104927基于正交各向异性线性变换的屈服函数的独立参数In this paper, a wide range of linear transformation-based orthotropic yield functions are reformulated in terms of only independent parameters, as they were originally formulated with too many parameters. This allows to perform a well-posed yield surface calibration. The effect of the hydrostatic part of the transformed stress is discussed for all existing formulations of transformation-based yield functions. The need for a parameter reduction for yield functions with a higher number of parameters is even more significant, as their use is becoming increasingly important for multiscale modelling based on virtual experiments by crystal plasticity. Use of independent parameters is critical for efficient training of neural networks linking crystal and continuum plasticity.本文将基于线性变换的大范围正交各向异性屈服函数仅用独立参数进行了重新表述,解决了它们原来的表述参数过多的问题。这允许执行一个良好的屈服面校准。对于所有现有的基于转换的屈服函数公式,讨论了转换应力中流体静力部分的影响。对具有更多参数的屈服函数进行参数化简的需求更为重要,因为它们的使用对于基于晶体塑性虚拟实验的多尺度建模变得越来越重要。使用独立参数是有效训练连接晶体和连续介质塑性的神经网络的关键。International Journal of PlasticityA gradient-extended thermomechanical model for rate-dependent damage and failure within rubberlike polymeric materials at finite strainsL. Lamm, A. Awad, J.M. Pfeifer, H. Holthusen, S. Felder, S. Reese, T. Brepolsdoi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2024.103883类橡胶聚合物材料在有限应变下速率相关损伤和失效的梯度扩展热力学模型Rate-dependencies play a crucial role in the mechanical response of polymeric materials. Besides viscoelasticity, many polymers also show pronounced rate-dependent behaviour with respect to damage accumulating within the material. Furthermore, thermal effects and large deformations have to be taken into account when modelling the mechanical behaviour of polymers. Within this work, we propose a novel fully thermomechanically coupled material model for the description of rate-dependent damage combined with viscoelasticity at finite strains. The model is based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient into thermal and mechanical parts as well as a further decomposition of the mechanical part into equilibrium and non-equilibrium contributions. To describe the temporal dependencies of the damage evolution, we make use of a Perzyna-type approach. We furthermore show the thermodynamically consistent derivation of stresses and heat sources which arise due to energy dissipations triggered by the inelastic effects within the material. With the given material formulation, we are able to describe both, damage due to creep and due to relaxation in a precise manner. Besides the theoretical aspects, we describe the numerical implementation into finite element software and present numerical studies demonstrating the capabilities of the given model.速率依赖性在聚合物材料的力学响应中起着至关重要的作用。除了粘弹性外,许多聚合物还表现出明显的速率依赖行为,即材料内部的损伤积累。此外,在模拟聚合物的机械行为时,必须考虑热效应和大变形。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的完全热机械耦合材料模型,用于描述有限应变下的速率相关损伤与粘弹性相结合。该模型基于将变形梯度乘分解为热和机械部分,并将机械部分进一步分解为平衡贡献和非平衡贡献。为了描述损伤演化的时间依赖性,我们使用了perzyna型方法。我们进一步展示了由于材料内部非弹性效应引发的能量耗散而产生的应力和热源的热力学一致的推导。根据给定的材料公式,我们能够以精确的方式描述蠕变和松弛造成的损伤。除了理论方面,我们描述了有限元软件的数值实现,并提出了数值研究,证明了给定模型的能力。Thin-Walled StructuresDesign of cellular steel beams subjected to lateral torsional bucklingNicaolas Boissonnade, Joanna Nseir, Hugues Somjadoi:10.1016/j.tws.2024.111604侧扭屈曲作用下蜂窝钢梁的设计The present paper investigates the lateral torsional buckling resistance of cellular steel beams numerically. Such beams are quite sensitive to lateral instability owing to a substantial increase in depth of the cross-section with respect to the base profile. While a companion paper [1] was dedicated to (i) characterising experimentally the behaviour of cellular and Angelina beams and to (ii) validating dedicated non-linear shell F.E. models, this paper details the results of extensive numerical studies. Several key parameters in the structural response are investigated, such as the base cross-section profile, bending moment distribution, size and position of the openings, steel grade and member slenderness. The results have further been used to assess an original design proposal for the lateral torsional buckling resistance of such girders. The improved design rules are shown to provide accurate yet safe ultimate load predictions. Also, in comparison with existing and available design rules, the proposal is seen to allow for substantially higher design loads – still safe-sided –, potentially leading to significant material savings.本文对多孔钢梁的抗侧扭屈曲性能进行了数值研究。这种梁对横向不稳定性相当敏感,因为相对于基础剖面,截面深度大幅增加。虽然一篇论文[1]致力于(i)实验表征细胞和安吉丽娜光束的行为,以及(ii)验证专用非线性壳层F.E.模型,但本文详细介绍了广泛的数值研究结果。研究了影响结构响应的几个关键参数,如基础截面轮廓、弯矩分布、开口尺寸和位置、钢种和构件长细比。结果进一步用于评估这种梁的横向扭转屈曲抗力的原始设计方案。改进后的设计规则提供了准确而安全的极限荷载预测。此外,与现有和可用的设计规则相比,该建议被认为允许更高的设计负载-仍然是安全的-可能导致大量的材料节省。Transversely heterogeneous nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory: A reduced-order modeling via distributed-order fractional operatorsWei Ding, Sansit Patnaik, Fabio Semperlottidoi:10.1016/j.tws.2024.111608横向异质非局部Timoshenko光束理论:基于分布阶分数算子的降阶建模Nonlocal effects are widely identified in micro/nano systems and have been studied extensively in recent decades. Nevertheless, existing studies mostly focus on the modeling of homogeneous nonlocal systems and as a result, cannot model micro/nanostructures with heterogeneously distributed nonlocal effects. This study introduces a reduced-order nonlocal Timoshenko beam model that facilitates precise modeling of micro-elastic beams with layer-wise heterogeneous nonlocal effects. First, a fully-resolved two-dimensional (2D) plane-strain fractional-order nonlocal elastic framework is developed to provide reference solutions for 2D nonlocal beam problems. Building upon this general nonlocal elasticity theory, an equivalent one-dimensional (1D) nonlocal Timoshenko model is then developed. The layer-wise heterogeneous nonlocal information is captured by using distributed-order (DO) operators, and the impacts arising from the nonlocal heterogeneity are further characterized by introducing two auxiliary parameters. Both 1D and 2D approaches are applied to simulate the mechanical responses of nonlocal beams. Direct comparisons of numerical simulations produced by either the 1D or the fully-resolved 2D model confirm that the DO Timoshenko beam formulation (together with the two auxiliary parameters) can capture not only the overall beam deflection but also the additional shear effect induced by the heterogeneous nonlocality. Computational cost assessment also indicates the proposed approach’s superior performance. The proposed DO Timoshenko model enables model-order reduction without compromising the heterogeneous nonlocal description of the material hence leading to an efficient and accurate reduced-order nonlocal modeling approach that addresses the limitations of prior nonlocal microstructural theories and extends applicability to a broader range of heterogeneous nano/microstructures.近几十年来,非局部效应在微纳米系统中得到了广泛的研究。然而,现有的研究大多集中在均匀非局部系统的建模上,无法对非局部效应分布不均的微纳结构进行建模。本文引入了一种降阶非局部Timoshenko梁模型,便于对具有分层非局部非均匀效应的微弹性梁进行精确建模。首先,建立了一个完全解析的二维平面应变分数阶非局部弹性框架,为二维非局部梁问题提供参考解。建立在这个一般的非局部弹性理论,一个等效的一维(1D)非局部Timoshenko模型,然后发展。采用分布式顺序(DO)算子捕获分层异构非局部信息,并引入两个辅助参数进一步表征非局部异构的影响。采用一维和二维两种方法模拟了非局部梁的力学响应。由一维或全分辨二维模型产生的数值模拟的直接比较证实,DO Timoshenko梁公式(连同两个辅助参数)不仅可以捕获整体梁挠度,还可以捕获由非局域性引起的附加剪切效应。计算成本评估也表明了该方法的优越性。提出的DO Timoshenko模型能够在不影响材料异质非局部描述的情况下实现模型阶数的降低,从而导致一种有效和准确的降低阶非局部建模方法,解决了先前非局部微结构理论的局限性,并将适用性扩展到更广泛的异质纳米/微结构。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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