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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 3 篇

Composite Structures

A Universal Strategy for Rapid and Scalable Surface Modification of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Fiber

Jiali Yu, Shengnan Chen, Heng Huang, Fei Yu, Pingping Yao, Zhimin Fan, Haiyan Yang, Huichao Liu, Caizhen Zhu, Jian Xu




The high performance UHMWPE fiber usually demonstrates extremely poor surface adhesion with resin matrix. Therefore, improving the interfacial adhesion property becomes one of the toughest challenges faced by UHMWPE fibers. In this study, a simple and universal surface welding strategy is promoted to effectively modifying UHMWPE fiber with improved surface adhesion in a short time. The surface welding manufacturing approach is realized by the controllable Joule heating generated from the high contact resistance and rapid thermal response of the conductive nano-material layer coated on UHMWPE surface, which can locally melt the UHMWPE fiber surface and weld the nano materials on UHMWE with a strong and robust mechanical bonding. Since the whole welding process is simple and lasts only for a few seconds, it can be easily applied to the current industrial UHMWPE fiber and fabric manufacturing, enabling a continuous, fast, efficiency and scalable roll-to-roll UHMWPE surface modification process.


Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

Micromechanics-based modeling of temperature-dependent effective moduli of fiber reinforced polymer composites with interfacial debonding

Xuyao Zhang, Weiguo Li, Li-Hua Shao, Ying Li, Jianxiang Wang



In this paper, the dimensionless debonding length of fiber at various temperatures was obtained based on the maximum shear stress criterion. Then Hill's stress-strain relations were employed to determine the equivalent elastic moduli of the fiber in the debonding zone. Finally, a micromechanics model of temperature-dependent effective moduli of fiber reinforced polymer composites was developed, which is capable of including the effects of interfacial debonding and its evolution with temperature. To validate this model, temperature-dependent effective moduli of several polymer composites were calculated and benchmarked with experimental results extracted from the published literature, demonstrating the validity of the present model. This study offers an efficient method to forecast the temperature-dependent effective moduli, thereby helping to save considerable time and resources by reducing high-temperature testing. Furthermore, parametric studies were conducted to obtain constructive insights into the sensitivity of the debonding length and effective moduli to the material parameters at different temperatures.


Composites Part B: Engineering

Hierarchically heterogeneous strategy for Ti2AlC/TiAl composite with superior mechanical properties

Pei Liu, Zhenbo Wang, Feng Ye, Bo Hou, Aiqin Wang, Jingpei Xie




TiAl alloys have the merit of high specific strength, but usually suffer from poor room-temperature plasticity and inadequate high-temperature strength, limiting their practical applications in next-generation aerospace engines. Here we report a hierarchically heterogeneous strategy that endows Ti2AlC/TiAl composite with a sustained room-temperature strain-hardening capability and superior high-temperature strengthening effect. The exceptional mechanical properties are derived from hierarchically heterogeneous microstructure design with grain boundary distribution of continuous micro-Ti2AlC network and intragranular dispersion of high-density Ti2AlC nanoprecipitations. It is demonstrated that the micro-Ti2AlC network not only could delocalize plastic strains at ambient temperature via the activation of multiple dislocations, the formation of dislocations cells and the obstruction of crack, but also could enhance high-temperature strengthening effect via suppressing grain boundary softening in TiAl alloys. In addition, a novel finding is reported for the first time that the Ti2AlC nanoprecipitations could not only provide auxiliary slip systems in γ-TiAl matrix via inducing the formation of primary nanotwins (NTs) and the subsequent secondary NTs at ambient temperature, but also could tilt the propagation path of deformation twin, refine grain and twin width to accommodate high-temperature softening of composite. Our findings open up a new path for designing TiAl matrix composite with exceptional overall performance.


Composites Science and Technology

A repair efficiency evaluation framework for the honeycomb microwave absorbing structure

Han Yan, Shanyong Xuan, Xin Fan, Yimeng Shan, Xiaoyao Xu, Xuefeng Yao




The honeycomb microwave absorbing structures are susceptible to damage during service, resulting in a decline in their mechanical and microwave absorption properties. Thus, evaluating the repaired structure is crucial to restore its original performance for aircraft operation. In the present work, a repair efficiency evaluation method for the honeycomb microwave absorbing structures is proposed, and the key indicators that affect the repair efficiency are determined firstly. Then, the scarf repair method is considered as a case to verify credibility and practical applicability of the proposed method based on experimental and simulation results. Finally, the repair efficiency under different patch angles is calculated to optimize the repair method. The main originality of the proposed method is its capability to evaluate the mechanical and electromagnetic properties of the repaired honeycomb microwave absorbing structures collaboratively. By considering both aspects, this framework contributes to the advancement and enhancement of repair techniques, ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of these structures.


Mimicking swallow nest structure to construct 3D rGO/BN skeleton for enhancing the thermal conductivity of the silicone rubber composites

Ji Xiaowang, Zhijian Wang, Junyan Wang, Neng Ye, Huan Zhang, Zhaoyu Lu, Jingchao Li, Yonglai Lu




Ever-increasing heat flux density in electronic systems has posed significant challenges to their efficient thermal management, and therefore, there is an urgent need for high-performance thermal management materials. However, conventional heat-conducting rubber composites require extremely high filler loadings to achieve high thermal conductivities, which may compromise mechanical properties, flexibility, and cost. Herein, we take inspiration from the structure of the swallow nest and successfully construct a 3D continuous skeleton with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) sheets and boron nitride (BN) plates. This 3D rGO/BN skeleton is modeled on air bubbles and has a porous structure similar to a swallow nest, endowing the silicone rubber composite with excellent thermal conductivity. The resulting 3D T-rGO/BN/PDMS composites exhibited significantly enhanced thermal conductivity (up to 1.41 W/mK) at low filler loadings (14.3 vol%). Model fitting analysis and finite element simulations deeply revealed the mechanisms behind the superior thermal conductive performance of the composites. This strategy provides valuable guidance for low-cost, large-scale preparation of heat-conducting rubber composites, which is expected to be applied to heat dissipation of emerging electronic devices.

电子系统中不断增加的热流密度对其高效热管理提出了重大挑战,因此,迫切需要高性能热管理材料。然而,传统的导热橡胶复合材料需要极高的填充量来实现高导热性,这可能会损害机械性能、柔韧性和成本。在这里,我们从燕窝的结构中获得灵感,并成功地用还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)片和氮化硼(BN)板构建了一个3D连续骨架。这种3D rGO/BN骨架以气泡为模型,具有类似燕窝的多孔结构,使硅橡胶复合材料具有优异的导热性。得到的3D T-rGO/BN/PDMS复合材料在低填充量(14.3 vol%)下的导热性显著增强(高达1.41 W/mK)。模型拟合分析和有限元模拟深入揭示了复合材料优越导热性能背后的机理。该策略为低成本、大规模制备导热橡胶复合材料提供了有价值的指导,有望应用于新兴电子器件的散热。

Modeling approaches for ballistic simulations of composite materials: Analytical model vs. finite element method

Dayou Ma, Riccardo Scazzosi, Andrea Manes




Development of predictive models for woven composite materials under ballistic impact is of great importance for their further applications as protective structures in aerospace and related fields. There are mainly two numerical methodologies widely used in the community: analytical models and finite element methods. As a popular method, finite element modeling has been widely investigated and applied in ballistic simulations, which can provide accurate results. However, high time consumption and complex calculation process cannot be avoided due to the complicated fiber architecture of woven composites. Alternatively analytical modelling approaches can provide a reliable prediction for ballistic simulation through a relatively portable modeling process with a high computational efficiency. However, limited attention has been paid to replicating the ballistic behavior of deformed projectiles versus woven composites, especially with a full metal jacket projectile. Therefore, in the current work the capability of different numerical modeling methods to simulate ballistic behaviors of woven composites impacted by a full metal jacket projectile is investigated. For analytical models, an innovative approach named ghost projectile method has been proposed with the focus on the effect of the deformable jacket of the projectile during impact loading. Regarding the finite element method, damage assessment by MAT_162 in Ls-dyna was used with optimized parameters. Experimental data on a Kevlar tile impacted by a full metal jacket projectile (0.357 Magnum) was used as a reference for comparison with numerical models. The capability of the two different numerical modeling methodologies in the current work was compared with respects to the ballistic curves, load history and projectile deformation.

编织复合材料在弹道冲击下的预测模型的建立对其在航空航天及相关领域的防护结构的进一步应用具有重要意义。目前学界广泛使用的数值方法主要有两种:解析模型法和有限元法。作为一种流行的方法,有限元建模在弹道仿真中得到了广泛的研究和应用,可以提供准确的结果。然而,由于机织复合材料的纤维结构复杂,其计算过程复杂,且耗时大。另外,解析建模方法可以通过相对便携的建模过程和较高的计算效率为弹道仿真提供可靠的预测。然而,很少有人关注变形弹丸与编织复合材料的弹道行为,特别是全金属外壳弹丸。因此,本文研究了不同数值模拟方法对编织复合材料在全金属护套弹丸作用下的弹道行为的模拟能力。对于分析模型,提出了一种创新的方法——幽灵弹法,重点研究了弹丸变形护套在冲击载荷作用下的影响。采用Ls-dyna中的MAT_162进行有限元损伤评估,优化参数。以全金属夹套弹丸(0.357 Magnum)撞击凯夫拉瓦的实验数据为参考,与数值模型进行对比。从弹道曲线、载荷历史和弹丸变形等方面比较了两种数值模拟方法的性能。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Mechanics of Materials 1 篇Mechanics of MaterialsHomogenization of elastic grids containing rigid elementsLuca Viviani, Davide Bigoni, Andrea Piccolroazdoi:10.1016/j.mechmat.2024.104933包含刚性元素的弹性网格的均质化The inclusion of rigid elements into elastic composites may lead to superior mechanical properties for the equivalent elastic continuum, such as, for instance, extreme auxeticity. To allow full exploitation of these properties, a tool for the homogenization of two-dimensional elastic grids containing rigid elements is developed and tested on elaborate geometries, such as, for instance, Chinese lattices. The rigid elements are assumed to be either jointed with full continuity of displacement or hinged to the elastic rods. It is shown that the two different constraints induce strongly different mechanical characteristics of the equivalent elastic solid. The presented results open the way to the design of architected materials or metamaterials containing both elastic and rigid parts.在弹性复合材料中加入刚性元素可能会为等效弹性连续体带来卓越的机械特性,例如极强的辅助性。为了充分利用这些特性,我们开发了一种包含刚性元素的二维弹性网格均质化工具,并在复杂的几何图形(如中式网格)上进行了测试。假定刚性元素要么以完全连续的位移连接,要么与弹性杆铰接。结果表明,这两种不同的约束条件会导致等效弹性实体的机械特性大相径庭。这些结果为设计包含弹性和刚性部分的建筑材料或超材料开辟了道路。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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