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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 3 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Wrinkling–dewrinkling transitions in stretched soft spherical shells

Yu-Kun Hao, Bo Li, Xi-Qiao Feng, Huajian Gao



Soft shells undergoing intricate buckling and morphological evolutions can serve as a model system for understanding the morphogenesis of organs, tissues, cells, and nuclei. In this paper, we combine experiments, simulations, and theoretical analysis to investigate the wrinkling and subsequent morphological transitions in a soft spherical shell subjected to an outward concentrated force. During loading, the spherical shell first buckles into many shallow radial wrinkles, which soon merge into a single crater-like deep wrinkle, and then the number of wrinkles increases with loading. Surprisingly, after a critical point, all wrinkles disappear and the shell regains an axisymmetric, smooth shape, referred to as dewrinkling. We show how this anomalous wrinkling–dewrinkling transition stems from the interplay between surface curvature and large deformations. Material-independent scaling laws are established from an energy analysis to predict the surface wrinkling pattern, which depends on the loading force. This work provides physical insights into how local forces can regulate the shape evolutions of soft shells, which can take place in, for example, the morphogenesis of developing organisms.

经历复杂屈曲和形态演变的软壳可以作为理解器官、组织、细胞和细胞核形态发生的模型系统。在本文中,我们结合实验、模拟和理论分析,研究了软球壳在向外集中力作用下的起皱和随后的形态转变。在加载过程中,球壳首先屈曲成许多浅径向皱纹,这些皱纹很快合并成一个火山口状的深皱纹,然后皱纹的数量随着加载而增加。令人惊讶的是,在一个临界点之后,所有皱纹都消失了,壳体恢复了轴对称的光滑形状,这就是所谓的 "脱皱"。我们展示了这种反常的起皱-脱皱过渡如何源于表面曲率和大变形之间的相互作用。我们通过能量分析建立了与材料无关的缩放定律,以预测取决于加载力的表面起皱模式。这项工作提供了关于局部力如何调节软壳形状演变的物理见解,这种演变可能发生在例如发育中生物的形态发生过程中。

Co-rotational 3D beam element using quaternion algebra to account for large rotations: Formulation theory and static applications

Stéphane Grange, David Bertrand



This paper presents a co-rotational beam element based on quaternion algebra as a means of parameterizing large rotations. This co-rotational framework is based on a decomposition of beam kinematics into a rigid element frame, which follows the element and its pure deformation. Once the decomposition between rigid body motion and deformation is obtained, the principle of virtual work allows calculating the element response projected onto large displacements and rotations. This 3D co-rotational element lies within the framework of incremental formulations. The special feature of this formulation pertains to the decomposition of kinematics to extract the rigid body motion and pure deformations through use of quaternion algebra by solving an internal nonlinear kinematic equation. Thus, from the 2 quaternions defining global rotations and the 2 displacement vectors at the ends of the beam, this method is able to extract: 1 quaternion and 1 displacement vector parameterizing the rigid body motion, plus 2 other quaternions defining the internal rotations and beam elongation. The proposed formulation based on quaternion algebra therefore constitutes an alternative to the literature’s treatment of large-rotation kinematics using a quaternion algebra. The operators are also linearized in order to obtain the algorithmic stiffness operator. Eleven distinct static numerical applications are presented, along with comparisons from the literature in the aim of demonstrating the efficiency of this proposed element.

本文提出了一种基于四元数代数的共旋转梁元素,作为大旋转参数化的一种手段。这种共旋转框架基于将梁运动学分解为刚体元素框架,该框架遵循元素及其纯变形。一旦获得了刚体运动和变形之间的分解,就可以利用虚功原理计算投射到大位移和大旋转上的元素响应。这种三维同向旋转元素属于增量公式的范畴。这种计算方法的特点在于通过求解内部非线性运动方程,使用四元代数对运动学进行分解,从而提取刚体运动和纯变形。因此,从定义全局旋转的 2 个四元数和横梁两端的 2 个位移矢量中,该方法能够提取:1 个四元数和 1 个位移矢量参数化刚体运动,以及定义内部旋转和横梁伸长的另外 2 个四元数。因此,基于四元数代数的拟议公式是文献中使用四元数代数处理大旋转运动学的一种替代方法。为了获得算法刚度算子,还对算子进行了线性化处理。本文介绍了 11 个不同的静态数值应用,并与文献进行了比较,旨在证明这种拟议元素的效率。

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Computational multiscale modelling of material interfaces in electrical conductors

Tobias Kaiser, Niklas von der Höh, Andreas Menzel



Material interfaces occur at various length scales and may exhibit significantly different properties than the surrounding bulk. Motivated by their importance for electrical engineering applications such as wire bonds and electrically conductive adhesives, the focus of the present work is on material interfaces in electrical conductors. In order to approximate the physical interphase (of finite thickness) as a (zero-thickness) cohesive zone-type interface in macroscale simulations, scale-bridging relations are established that relate the apparent electro-mechanical interface properties to the underlying microstructure. A finite element-based implementation is discussed with particular focus lying on the efficient calculation of the flux-type macroscale quantities and the associated generalised algorithmic consistent tangent stiffness tensors. Analytical solutions are derived for validation purposes and representative boundary value problems are studied.


Mechanics of Materials

Anisotropic evolution of viscous strain in soft biological materials

Jacopo Ciambella, Giulio Lucci, Paola Nardinocchi



We propose a model for anisotropic viscoelastic biological materials that can handle large deformations, based on the kinematic assumption that the reinforcing fibre structure undergoes affine deformation with the underlying matrix. A generalized orientation tensor approach is used to account for the dispersion of the fibres. Moreover, we consider a strain energy function that features both an elastic and an overstress component, corresponding to distinct natural states. As a consequence of this choice, the remodelled state is not necessarily stress-free, and the material does not completely relax the stress. Notably, we consider that viscous remodelling also alters the fibre distribution, leading to a dependence of the overstress energy on the remodelled orientation tensor. An anisotropic evolution equation for the viscous strain is then derived, which has five distinct characteristic times if a single fibre family is considered and requires no additional assumptions on the viscous spin. To implement the model, we prove that the evolution of the viscous strain can be recast in a variational form by an Onsager variational principle. Finally, we discuss the algorithm used for the simulations and show numerical examples that serve as benchmark test cases for viscoelastic materials.


International Journal of Plasticity

Temperature dependent deformation behavior and texture evolution in AA6082 aluminum alloy: An integrated experimental and crystal plasticity simulation approach

Oleksandr Lypchanskyi, Chen-Chun Chiu, Faisal Qayyum, Grzegorz Korpała, Sergey Guk, Ching-Kong Chao, Ulrich Prahl


AA6082 铝合金随温度变化的变形行为和纹理演变:综合实验与晶体塑性模拟方法

This research provides a comprehensive analysis of the texture and temperature dependent deformation behavior of the aluminum alloy AA6082. The study is performed using a combination of experimental deformation tests and computational simulations based on a crystal plasticity (CP) framework. The primary objective is to identify the critical influence of temperature on local stress states and dislocation density within the material during tensile tests. From an experimental perspective, the study employs ex-situ deformation tests and subsequent electro backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data in combination with energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS) analysis at 200°C and 400°C. The experimental EBSD data are adopted, preprocessed and converted into a geometry file for the numerical simulations. On the computational front, a dislocation density-based material model is adopted for CP simulations. The physical and fitting parameters of the model are calculated, adopted from the literature, or calibrated by comparing the global simulation results with experimental stress-strain observations under uniaxial tensile load at room temperature, 200°C and 400°C. Empirical functions for solid solution strengthening, dislocation density, fitting parameters controlling mean free path and dislocation annihilation have been derived that can be used to quickly interpolate them for any intermediate temperature. These functions combined with other model parameters one can now be used for temperature-dependent CP modeling of AA6082. The isothermal grain-scale simulation and ex-situ experimental results confirmed a noteworthy texture transformation at higher temperatures, characterized by a reduction in the primary Cube orientation and its transition into a Copper orientation due to the stretching process. The correlation between the experimental results and the simulations on macro and micro scales is reasonable, indicating the accuracy and effectiveness of the CP approach in predicting the temperature dependent deformation behavior and texture evolution in aluminum alloys.

本研究对铝合金 AA6082 的质地和随温度变化的变形行为进行了全面分析。研究采用了实验变形测试和基于晶体塑性(CP)框架的计算模拟相结合的方法。主要目的是确定在拉伸试验过程中,温度对材料内部局部应力状态和位错密度的关键影响。从实验角度来看,该研究采用了 200°C 和 400°C 下的原位变形测试和随后的电子反向散射衍射(EBSD)数据,并结合能量色散 X 射线光谱仪(EDS)分析。EBSD 实验数据经过预处理并转换成几何文件,用于数值模拟。在计算方面,CP 模拟采用了基于位错密度的材料模型。模型的物理参数和拟合参数是通过计算、从文献中采用或将全局模拟结果与室温、200°C 和 400°C 单轴拉伸载荷下的实验应力应变观测结果进行比较而校准的。固溶强化、位错密度、控制平均自由路径和位错湮灭的拟合参数的经验函数已经得出,可用于在任何中间温度下快速插值。这些函数与其他模型参数相结合,现在可用于对 AA6082 进行随温度变化的 CP 建模。等温晶粒尺度模拟和现场实验结果证实,在较高温度下会出现值得注意的纹理转变,其特点是主立方取向减少,并在拉伸过程中转变为铜取向。实验结果与宏观和微观尺度上的模拟结果之间存在合理的相关性,表明 CP 方法在预测铝合金随温度变化的变形行为和纹理演变方面的准确性和有效性。

Thin-Walled Structures

The large strain snap-through effect in free torsion of highly elastic soft thin-walled tubes with exact closed-form solutions

Hao-Nan He, Si-Yu Wang, Hui-Feng Xi, Heng Xiao, Lin Zhan, Jia-Shun Zhou



It is found for the first time that, as the applied torque attains a critical value, a freely twisted highly elastic tube may jump from one to another state over large strain range. Unlike usual approximate buckling analyses of thin shell structures with Hooke’s law for small strain, such large strain snap-through effect needs to be studied with a large strain model that can accurately simulate nonlinear elastic behaviors of soft materials. As such, nonlinear coupling issues have to be treated both in large strain kinematics and in hyper-elastic constitutive formulation. It appears that exact results would be rare even for buckling analyses with small strain but large deflections. Here, the above coupling issues are treated with a novel and decoupled approach. To this end, explicit and decoupled forms of the dual potentials for hyper-elastic stress–strain and strain-stress relationships are constructed with well-designed invariants of the Hencky strain and the deviatoric Cauchy stress and, hence, multiple data sets from benchmark tests are accurately matched with these forms in a decoupled sense. It is then shown that the nonlinear coupling equations for large torsion of elastic thin tubes can be worked out to produce exact closed-form solutions for the average radius ratio, the axial length ratio and the thickness ratio as well as the applied torque. With these solutions, the large strain snap-through effect is disclosed with an explicit criterion. Furthermore, numerical examples are provided with comparison to test data and, in particular, the large torsion response features with the snap-through effect are discussed with reference to possible correlations to certain symptoms in vascular abnormalities of blood vessels, etc.


Synergistically improving interface behavior by designing physical twisting structure and “rigid-flexible” interface layer on ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber surface

Ziyu Zhao, Zhijia Dong, Chaoyu Chen, Jiajia Peng, Pibo Ma


通过在超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维表面设计物理扭曲结构和 "刚柔并济 "的界面层,协同改善界面行为

The application limitations of Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber reinforced composites in different fields can be attributed to their surface chemical inertness and weak interfacial adhesion. Herein, we developed a novel method for preparation of a stable biomimetic layer surface treatment, via the combination use of physical twisting structure and “rigid-flexible” interface layer. Unlike the conventional methods under special conditions, in this method, the UHMWPE fibers were converted into twisting structure, and the efficient nanoparticle deposition facilitated on the fiber surface in the presence of reductive dopamine coating. Moreover, the multi-structured synergy promotes the roughness of the T-UHMWPE fiber, which improves the interface bonding strength of the fibers-reinforced composites. The effectiveness of the modified treatment was evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), microscopic confocal laser Raman spectrometer (Raman), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), contact angle and surface free energy. The surface morphology and interfacial properties of the treatment was evaluated using field emission scanning electron microscopes (FE-SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS). The experimental results demonstrated that the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of the modified T-UHMWPE was improved by 218%, compared with those of the unmodified UHWMPE fibers. This innovative approach, combining physical twisting structure and “rigid-flexible” interface layer, would provide a valuable potential for the preparation of advanced UHMWPE reenforced composites with high interfacial bond strength.

超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)纤维增强复合材料在不同领域的应用局限性可归因于其表面化学惰性和弱界面粘附性。在此,我们开发了一种新方法,通过结合使用物理扭曲结构和 "刚柔相济 "的界面层,制备稳定的仿生物层表面处理。与特殊条件下的传统方法不同,在该方法中,超高分子量聚乙烯纤维被转化为扭曲结构,在还原性多巴胺涂层的作用下,促进了纳米粒子在纤维表面的高效沉积。此外,多结构协同作用促进了 T-UHMWPE 纤维的粗糙度,从而提高了纤维增强复合材料的界面结合强度。傅立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、显微共焦激光拉曼光谱仪(Raman)、X 射线光电子能谱(XPS)、热重分析(TGA)、接触角和表面自由能对改性处理的效果进行了评估。使用场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)和能量色散光谱仪(EDS)对处理的表面形貌和界面特性进行了评估。实验结果表明,与未经改性的超高分子量聚乙烯纤维相比,改性超高分子量聚乙烯纤维的界面剪切强度(IFSS)提高了 218%。这种结合了物理扭曲结构和 "刚柔相济 "界面层的创新方法将为制备具有高界面结合强度的先进超高分子量聚乙烯增强复合材料提供宝贵的潜力。

Multi-Body Dynamical Modeling and Prediction of Flexible Origami/Kirigami Structures by Affine Transformation

Fan Jiang, Xiuting Sun, Jian Xu



A generalized multi-body dynamical modeling method of Origami/Kirigami structures considering the elastic-flexible coupling of surfaces and nonlinear creases is proposed. For different structures with complex spatial configuration and constraints, an Affine Transformation (AT) technique based on Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation (ANCF) is proposed to make the modeling more convenient and efficient. The surfaces are discretized by triangle reduced elements, and the constitutive relations of creases are described by nonlinear state-dependent torque constraints. The proof of the topological invariance of configurations is also given. The simulation of the folding capacity and dynamic behaviors on two Origami structures, Origami solar array mechanism, and enclosed Yoshimura Origami, are given, which verifies the effectiveness of the modeling method. Additionally, the quantitative dynamic behaviors contributes to the design principle of a Kirigami structure for multi-stability. Comparisons between theoretical results from modeling and experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the modeling method and crease design. The AT-ANCF lays a theoretical foundation for dynamic prediction and design for large deformation Origami/ Kirigami structures, which has significant potential applications in dynamic properties design in the fields of aerospace, robotic etc.

考虑到曲面的弹性柔性耦合和非线性折痕,提出了折纸/剪纸结构的广义多体动力学建模方法。针对具有复杂空间构造和约束条件的不同结构,提出了一种基于绝对节点坐标形式(ANCF)的仿射变换(AT)技术,使建模更加方便和高效。表面由三角形简化元素离散化,折痕的构成关系由非线性状态相关扭矩约束描述。同时还给出了构型拓扑不变性的证明。给出了两种折纸结构--折纸太阳能阵列机构和封闭式吉村折纸--的折叠能力和动态行为仿真,验证了建模方法的有效性。此外,定量的动态行为还为多稳态叽里纸结构的设计原理做出了贡献。建模的理论结果与实验结果之间的比较证明了建模方法和折痕设计的有效性。AT-ANCF 为大变形折纸/结构的动态预测和设计奠定了理论基础,在航空航天、机器人等领域的动态特性设计中具有重要的潜在应用价值。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 1 篇International Journal of Solids and StructuresIsotropic Elasticity of Dilatational Conical Inclusion.AN analytical APPROACHNguyen Van Tuyen, A.L Kolesnikova, A.E. Romanovdoi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.112735 扩张圆锥包容体的各向同性弹性--一种分析方法In this article, the analytical solution for the isotropic elasticity problem for the cone-shaped inclusion with dilatational eigenstrain in an infinite medium is given. The conical inclusion is modeled by dilatational infinitesimally thin circular disks distributed continuously along the cone z-axis with the radii of the disks being proportional to z-coordinate. The displacements, strains, and stresses of the conical inclusion are given in spherical coordinates with the origin in the cone-apex in the form of the series with Legendre polynomials. The maps of the displacements and the stresses are presented. A comparison of the displacements of the conical inclusion with the displacements of the finite cylindrical and hemispherical inclusions is provided. It is also shown, as expected, that the energy of the dilatational inclusion does not depend on its shape. In Discussion section, the specific features of an “hourglass” dipole inclusion consisting of two conical inclusions with different sign eigenstrains are demonstrated.本文给出了在无限介质中具有扩张特征应变的锥形包含体的各向同性弹性问题的解析解。锥形内含物由沿锥体 Z 轴连续分布的扩张性无限薄圆盘建模,圆盘半径与 Z 坐标成正比。锥形内含物的位移、应变和应力以球面坐标给出,原点位于锥顶,采用 Legendre 多项式的序列形式。并给出了位移和应力的分布图。将锥形内含物的位移与有限圆柱形和半球形内含物的位移进行了比较。结果还表明,正如预期的那样,膨胀夹杂物的能量并不取决于其形状。在讨论部分,演示了由两个具有不同符号特征应变的圆锥内含物组成的 "沙漏 "偶极内含物的具体特征。International Journal of PlasticityDeciphering non-elastic deformation in amorphous alloy: Simultaneous aging-induced ordering and rejuvenation-induced disorderingQ. Hao, G.J. Lyu, E. Pineda, J.M. Pelletier, Y.J. Wang, Y. Yang, J.C. Qiaodoi:10.1016/j.ijplas.2024.103926 解密非晶合金的非弹性变形:同时发生的老化诱导有序化和再生诱导无序化The mechanical and physical properties of amorphous alloys depend on their time, temperature, and stress history. Due to their out-of-thermodynamic-equilibrium nature, describing the nonelastic deformation while considering the evolution of the structural state poses a significant challenge. We address this challenge by incorporating a parameter for structural state changes into a conventional deformation theory. This allows us to account for aging-induced ordering and deformation-induced disordering in the description of the mechanical deformation. In the apparent elastic regime (small strain), aging dominates while disorder caused by deformation can be disregarded. In this context, we have also made modifications to the widely used stretched exponential function, incorporating in situ aging during deformation. This modification successfully describes the stress relaxation behavior under small deformation conditions and provides insights into parameter evolution in this process. Under large deformation conditions, both aging and deformation induced rejuvenation effects on the structural state must be considered simultaneously. By analyzing the evolution of defect concentration during this process, we describe relevant experimental results within the framework of the free volume theory, effectively separating the contributions of aging and rejuvenation to the structural state during the deformation process.非晶合金的机械和物理特性取决于其时间、温度和应力历史。由于非热力学平衡性质,在考虑结构状态演变的同时描述非弹性变形是一项重大挑战。为了应对这一挑战,我们在传统的变形理论中加入了结构状态变化参数。这使我们能够在描述机械变形时考虑老化诱导的有序化和变形诱导的无序化。在表观弹性体系(小应变)中,老化占主导地位,而变形引起的无序则可以忽略不计。在这种情况下,我们还对广泛使用的拉伸指数函数进行了修改,将变形过程中的原位老化纳入其中。这一修改成功地描述了小变形条件下的应力松弛行为,并为这一过程中的参数演变提供了深入的见解。在大变形条件下,必须同时考虑老化和变形对结构状态的再生效应。通过分析这一过程中缺陷浓度的演变,我们在自由体积理论的框架内描述了相关的实验结果,有效地分离了变形过程中老化和再生对结构状态的贡献。Thin-Walled StructuresTopology Optimization Design of Recoverable Bistable Structures for Energy Absorption with Embedded Shape Memory AlloysKuan Liang, Shaojie Zhou, Yangjun Luo, Xiaopeng Zhang, Zhan Kangdoi:10.1016/j.tws.2024.111757 利用嵌入式形状记忆合金拓扑优化设计用于能量吸收的可恢复双稳态结构In this work, multistable mechanical metamaterials with recoverable capabilities are designed for high energy absorption and resistance to repetitive impacts. Based on the known curved beam with energy dissipation characteristics, the shape memory alloys (SMAs) curved beam is added and optimized to achieve recoverability of the bi-layer beam structure. To simultaneously achieve bistable characteristics and recoverability in the designed metamaterial, the optimization model is formulated to maximize the energy absorption capacity of the structure while constraining the peak and valley forces. To solve this complex and highly nonlinear topological optimization problem with stringent constraints, the topological design of the SMAs layer is represented using a limited number of design variables along with the material-field series expansion strategy, and the optimization problem is subsequently solved using a non-gradient-based optimization algorithm. Finite element simulation results demonstrated that the optimized design possesses a substantial capacity for energy absorption. Additionally, the design structure can recover to its initial state from buckling induced by the initial load by regulating the external temperature. Different multistable metamaterials, including those designed to prevent repetitive impacts, have been further developed based on the designed recoverable high-energy-absorbing bistable unit cells, utilizing combinations of varying energy absorption capacities.在这项工作中,设计了具有可恢复能力的多稳态机械超材料,用于吸收高能量和抵抗重复冲击。在已知具有能量耗散特性的弧形梁的基础上,增加并优化了形状记忆合金(SMAs)弧形梁,以实现双层梁结构的可恢复性。为了在设计的超材料中同时实现双稳态特性和可恢复性,制定了优化模型,以最大限度地提高结构的能量吸收能力,同时限制峰值和谷值力。为了解决这个具有严格约束条件的复杂且高度非线性的拓扑优化问题,SMA 层的拓扑设计采用了有限数量的设计变量和材料-场序列扩展策略,随后使用基于非梯度的优化算法解决了优化问题。有限元模拟结果表明,优化设计具有很强的能量吸收能力。此外,通过调节外部温度,设计结构还能从初始载荷引起的屈曲中恢复到初始状态。在所设计的可恢复高能量吸收双稳态单元单元的基础上,利用不同能量吸收能力的组合,进一步开发了不同的多稳态超材料,包括用于防止重复撞击的超材料。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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