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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 4 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 4 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Application of mesh-free and finite element methods in modelling nano-scale material removal from copper substrates: A computational approach

Rahul Yadav, Anuj Sharma, Sivakumar Kulasegaram, Sahar Alimohammadi, Dan Read, Emmanuel Brousseau



This study explores the modelling methodology using mesh-free smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and finite element modelling (FE) techniques to simulate the AFM-based nano-scratching processes for advancing precision engineering in nanotechnology. Tip wear in nano machining substantially increases the tip radius, thereby influencing the material removal mechanism and subsequently affecting the quality of machined nanostructures. In this context, this study examines the effects of rake angle (the inclination of the main cutting edge to the plane perpendicular to the scratched surface), tip radius and scratching depth on cutting forces, groove dimensions, and deformed thickness. This was achieved by implementing an in-house SPH method based particle code employing a Lagrangian algorithm, and an FE model incorporating the dynamic explicit algorithm implemented (in ABAQUS) to carry out nano-scratching simulations. The investigation revealed that the cutting mechanism transitioned to ploughing when the scratching depth decreased to 30% of the tip radius for OFHC-Cu workpiece material machined with a diamond tip. The dominance of normal forces over cutting forces during scratching indicated the side flow of material in the vicinity of the tip radius under intense contact pressure. The ploughing mechanism exhibited more sensitivity at a higher negative rake angle of 60°. Increased scratching depth and tip radius led to more significant material deformation owing to the induction of higher cutting forces, with the maximum deformation thickness 3.6 times the tip radius. The simulated results demonstrated favourable concordance with the experimental data.


Effective mechanical behaviors of transverse isotropic materials embedded compressible liquid inclusions with surface effects

Fei Ti, Chenlei Yu, Moxiao Li, Shaobao Liu, Tian Jian Lu, Xin Chen



Porous media with fluid-saturated microchannels, prevalent in biomaterials, tissue engineering materials and flexible electronic devices, can be modelled as transverse isotropic materials. Surface effects can influence significantly the macro-mechanical responses of such materials, particularly for soft materials with micro- or nano-scale channels. In this study, we first develop constitutive laws for fluid saturated porous materials with microchannels by integrating the top-down (homogenization) approach with the bottom-up (micromechanics) approach. We then explicitly establish a connection between surface effects and macro-mechanical responses. Employing the generalized self-consistent model (GSCM), we estimate the effective parameters (i.e., coefficients in constitutive equations governing macro-mechanical responses), with fluid compressibility and surface effects accounted for. Our findings reveal that, as surface energy increases, the effective transverse shear modulus is enlarged, the effective plane strain bulk modulus, the unit uniaxial straining modulus and the cross modulus are all reduced, but the axial shear modulus remains nearly unchanged. As an application, we characterize the mechanical behaviors of the transverse isotropic fluid-saturated porous material with surface effects by connecting the classic Mandel solution with the estimated effective parameters. The pore pressure exhibits the Mandel-Cryer effect. The insights gained from this study are valuable for comprehending and exploring the intricate ways in which surface effects influence the mechanical responses of transversely isotropic fluid-saturated porous materials featuring sufficiently small channels.


Thermomechanics of phase transformation induced localization in NiTi tubes. Part I experiments

Solon Tsimpoukis, Stelios Kyriakides



This two-Part study aims to illustrate and elucidate the effects of thermomechanical interactions in pseudoelastic NiTi structures that arise in the course of the reversible transformations between the austenitic and martensitic phases. Transformation leads to inhomogeneous deformation with the two phases coexisting and to latent heat-induced local heating/cooling. Part I first presents the results of displacement-controlled isothermal tension and compression experiments on NiTi tubes covering the pseudoelastic temperature regime. The experiments are conducted in a constant temperature circulating bath which suppresses thermomechanical interactions so the transformation front velocity is governed strictly by the applied displacement rate. The load/unload hystereses traced, quantify the transformation stresses and strains and will be used to calibrate the constitutive model of Part II. A set of isobaric experiments in which NiTi tubes are taken through a cool/heat cycle under constant stresses of different levels follow. The experiments are conducted in a custom small-scale environmental chamber with a circulating air stream run by a feedback temperature controller, coupled to load-controlled mechanical loading. The evolution of helical bands of the alternate phase is captured using digital image correlation. The results demonstrate that under such loading histories a strong interaction develops between the evolving inhomogeneous deformation, the latent heat and the surrounding environment. The speed of propagation of the helical fronts slows down or accelerates so as to match the rate at which heat is removed/added to the specimen by the airflow. Thus, here the evolution of localized deformation is strongly coupled to the interaction between the latent heats and heat transfer from the environment. The effect of the stress level on these events is examined through eight isobaric experiments, which provide a rich data set for evaluating constitutive models and structural analyses of these experiments such as those in Part II.


Thermomechanics of phase transformation induced localization in NiTi tubes. Part II constitutive modeling and simulations

Solon Tsimpoukis, Stelios Kyriakides, Chad M. Landis



In an isobaric test, typically used for establishing the transformation temperatures of SMAs, a specimen is taken through a cool/heat cycle at a prescribed stress level. The companion paper, Part I, demonstrated that such tests on NiTi tubes result in rather complex interactions between the helical bands of localized deformation induced by phase transformations, the associated latent heat, and the thermal exchange with the environment. These interactions were quantified using accurately controlled testing conditions and full-field diagnostics, and provide a challenging platform for evaluating analyses. In Part II this challenge is met by first extending the thermomechanical constitutive framework developed by our group to include variations of transformation stress, strain, and latent heat with temperature. Unique features of the model include: modeling the reversible phase transformations of NiTi through a single surface in the deviatoric stress–temperature space with the transformation strain and entropy as the internal variables; and use of softening to model the inhomogeneous deformation exhibited in tension. The model is calibrated to the isothermal results of Part I. The constitutive model is then incorporated into a fully coupled static displacement-thermally transient finite element analysis that is used to simulate the isobaric experiments on NiTi tubes of Part I over a range of stresses. The clamped ends of the experiment are idealized as radial constraints. Heat exchange between the structure and the environment is strictly by convection. Isobaric testing is simulated by taking the model tube through the cool/heat cycle of the experiment at the prescribed stress level. A small thickness depression at one of the ends is used to initiate localized transformation. The temperature-strain response is reproduced with the two transformations initiating at essentially the same temperatures as in the experiments, producing the correct transformation strains for all stress levels. Transformation of M propagates via a helical band at similar speeds as in the experiments, while transformation of A is via multipronged fronts for all cases. Successful reproduction of the velocities of the banded transformations is governed by the value of the convection coefficient. Overall, the reproduction of the isobaric experiments over a range of stress levels, validates the constitutive and structural models. It also points to the limitations of modeling the heat exchange between the specimen and the environment only by convection.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Microstructural and mechanistic insights into the Tension-Compression asymmetry of rapidly solidified Fe-Cr alloys: A phase field and strain gradient plasticity study

Namit Pai, Indradev Samajdar, Anirban Patra



Rapid solidification in Additively Manufactured (AM) metallic materials results in the development of significant microscale internal stresses, which are attributed to the printing induced dislocation substructures. The resulting backstress due to the Geometrically Necessary Dislocations (GNDs) is responsible for the observed Tension-Compression (TC) asymmetry. We propose a combined Phase Field (PF)-Strain Gradient J2 Plasticity (SGP) framework to investigate the TC asymmetry in such microstructures. The proposed PF model is an extension of Kobayashi’s dendritic growth framework, modified to account for the orientation-based anisotropy and multi-grain interaction effects. The SGP model has consideration for anisotropic temperature-dependent elasticity, dislocation strengthening, solid solution strengthening, along with GND-induced directional backstress. This model is employed to predict the solute segregation, dislocation substructure and backstress development during solidification and the post-solidification anisotropic mechanical properties in terms of the TC asymmetry of rapidly solidified Fe-Cr alloys. It is observed that higher thermal gradients (and hence, cooling rates) lead to higher magnitudes of solute segregation, GND density, and backstress. This also correlates with a corresponding increase in the predicted TC asymmetry. The results presented in this study point to the microstructural factors, such as dislocation substructure and solute segregation, and mechanistic factors, such as backstress, which may contribute to the development of TC asymmetry in rapidly solidified microstructures.

增材制造(AM)金属材料的快速凝固会产生显著的微观内应力,这些内应力可归因于印刷诱导的位错子结构。由几何必备位错(GND)产生的反应力是造成观察到的拉伸-压缩(TC)不对称的原因。我们提出了一个相场(PF)-应变梯度 J2 塑性(SGP)组合框架,用于研究此类微结构中的 TC 不对称现象。所提出的相场模型是小林树枝状生长框架的扩展,经过修改以考虑取向各向异性和多晶粒相互作用效应。SGP 模型考虑了随温度变化的各向异性弹性、位错强化、固溶强化以及 GND 诱导的定向反应力。该模型用于预测凝固过程中的溶质偏析、位错亚结构和反应力发展,以及快速凝固铁铬合金在 TC 不对称方面的凝固后各向异性力学性能。据观察,较高的热梯度(以及冷却速率)会导致较高的溶质偏析、GND 密度和反应力。这也与预测的 TC 不对称程度相应增加有关。本研究的结果表明,微结构因素(如位错亚结构和溶质偏析)和机械因素(如背应力)可能会导致快速凝固微结构中 TC 不对称的发展。

Mechanics of Materials

Influence of the cell size and wall thickness on the compressive behaviour of fused filament fabricated PLA gyroid structures

Joaquim Justino Netto, Manuel Sardinha, Marco Leite



The development of Additive Manufacturing (AM) has greatly facilitated the fabrication of cellular and lattice materials. Gyroid-based lattice structures, known for their distinctive properties such as interconnected porosity, high surface-to-volume ratio, and remarkable structural stiffness combined with specific energy absorption, have been extensively explored. Many studies examining the impact of design parameters on the mechanical properties of Gyroid lattice materials have utilized metal AM techniques. This research aims to evaluate the influence of two design parameters on the compressive properties of Gyroid structures obtained by fused filament fabrication (FFF). A full factorial analysis was employed to assess the effects of cell size and wall thickness on the compressive properties of polylactic acid (PLA) Gyroid lattices. Cell sizes were varied between 4 mm, 5 mm, and 10 mm, while wall thickness ranged from 0.4 mm, 0.6 mm, to 0.8 mm. After 3D printing, the print quality was assessed, samples were weighted and then subjected to compression testing. During compression, the lattices with 10 mm cells exhibited successive layer collapse, whereas the lattice with 4 mm and 5 mm cells displayed plastic deformation, marked by a plateau in the stress-strain curve. These behaviours were mostly independent of wall thickness, except for the 5 mm cell lattice with 0.4 mm wall thickness. The elastic modulus, yield stress and absorbed energy per volume aligned with the apparent density of the lattices, ranging between 1% and 12% of the bulk 3D printed material for both the stiffness and yield stress, and between 1% and 22% for the energy absorbed. Analysis of the fitted means indicated that doubling the cell size had a more significant impact on the measured properties than doubling the wall thickness, while doubling both the cell size and wall thickness exerted a more pronounced influence on the yield stress and strain. Notably, under the conditions of this study, the 3D printed PLA Gyroids behaved similarly to closed cell foams, despite their interconnected channels. Their compressive mechanical properties comparable to those of rigid polyurethane foams with closed cells.

增材制造(AM)的发展极大地促进了细胞和晶格材料的制造。基于陀螺的晶格结构以其独特的特性而闻名,如互联多孔性、高表面体积比和显著的结构刚度与比能吸收相结合,已被广泛探索。许多研究都是利用金属增材制造技术来研究设计参数对陀螺晶格材料力学性能的影响。本研究旨在评估两种设计参数对熔丝加工(FFF)获得的陀螺结构压缩性能的影响。采用全因子分析来评估细胞大小和壁厚对聚乳酸(PLA) Gyroid晶格压缩性能的影响。细胞大小在4毫米、5毫米和10毫米之间,壁厚从0.4毫米、0.6毫米到0.8毫米不等。3D打印完成后,对打印质量进行评估,对样品进行加权,然后进行压缩测试。在压缩过程中,含有10mm单元格的晶格表现出连续的层塌缩,而含有4mm和5mm单元格的晶格表现出塑性变形,在应力-应变曲线上表现为平台。除了壁厚为0.4 mm的5 mm晶格外,这些行为大多与壁厚无关。弹性模量、屈服应力和每体积吸收能量与晶格的表观密度一致,其刚度和屈服应力的范围在体块3D打印材料的1%到12%之间,吸收能量的范围在1%到22%之间。对拟合均值的分析表明,与壁厚加倍相比,加倍胞体尺寸对所测性能的影响更为显著,而加倍胞体尺寸和壁厚对屈服应力和应变的影响更为显著。值得注意的是,在本研究条件下,3D打印的PLA陀螺体的表现与闭孔泡沫相似,尽管它们的通道相互连接。它们的压缩机械性能与封闭孔的硬质聚氨酯泡沫相当。

Thin-Walled Structures

Stiffening patterns for freeform composite shell structures

Anastasiia Moskaleva, Sergey Gusev, Stepan Konev, Enrique Hernandez-Montes, Alexander Safonov



This paper investigates innovative approaches for enhancing the structural integrity of form-found shell structures with a focus on rib-based reinforcements. It discusses the significance of ribs in enhancing stability and addressing the sensitivity of form-found structures to various loads. Traditional methods such as increasing shell thickness or introducing supports often compromise efficiency and aesthetics. A more intelligent approach involves reinforcing the shell with ribs and advanced materials. Diverse rib patterns are presented, including geometric, biomimetic, and topological optimization-inspired designs, each adhering to a 50% volume constraint, when compared to the original shell. Physical testing and numerical simulations demonstrate that these rib patterns significantly increase stiffness and buckling resistance. The findings presented in the paper suggest that combining form-finding methodologies with well-designed rib patterns can create sustainable and resilient structures, contributing to a reduction in both the consumption of materials and the environmental impact of these structures.


Modelling of welded aluminium connections in large-scale analyses

Sigurd Aune, David Morin, Magnus Langseth, Odd Sture Hopperstad, Arild Holm Clausen



This article addresses large-scale analyses of welded aluminium connections where the weak zones are to be represented by a few shell elements. A combined experimental and numerical study on the behaviour and modelling of welded aluminium connections is presented, where a shell-element modelling framework applicable in large-scale analyses is proposed, accounting for geometrical instability, thinning, and ductile fracture. The proposed modelling framework is calibrated and validated using cross-weld tension tests. The test campaign involves tension testing of two Al-Mg-Si alloys and two welding techniques widely used in industrial applications. The shell-element simulations represented the response of the tests reasonably well.


A data-driven procedure for one-dimensional dynamic analysis of thin-walled beams with arbitrary cross-sections

Lei Zhang, Tao Zeng, Weidong Zhu, Yuhang Zhu



This paper develops a one-dimensional dynamic model for thin-walled beams with arbitrary complex cross-sections in a data-driven way. In order to consider complicated deformations in the framework of a beam theory, a universal node system is first created to fit the deformed shape of a thin-walled cross-section, whether prismatic or curved, with or without symmetry. This helps to reduce the three-dimensional displacement field of the thin-walled beam to one dimension, and results in a preliminary higher-order beam model with limited precision loss. For the purpose of largely condense DOFs of the new model, a data-driven approach is proposed to identify cross-section deformation modes through the principal component analysis of free vibration deformation data of an unconstrained thin-walled beam. As a result, a compact set of core deformation modes are obtained and selected to update the preliminary model, leading to the refined higher-order beam model of high accuracy and efficiency. Examples are presented to illustrate the concrete implementation and check the effects of data-related controlling parameters of the proposed procedure. We also verify through numerical examples that the proposed model agrees well with plate/shell and other beam theories, and has remarkable advantages in physical interpretation, modeling simplicity and computation efficiency.


Effects of internal configurations and its processing quality on compressive performance for 3D printed continuous fiber reinforced composites honeycomb sandwich

Fuji Wang, Hongquan Wang, Gongshuo Wang, Rao Fu, Shouyan Guan, Jianming Zhou



Continuous fiber reinforced composites (CFRCs) 3D printing technology has the advantage of integrated fabricating for honeycomb sandwich structures, the load-bearing capacity of the fabricated honeycomb sandwich structures still needs to be investigated and improved. This study aims to reveal compression failure modes of 3D printed CFRCs honeycomb sandwich structures with various internal configurations by conducting flatwise compression tests. The deviations of single-layer CFRCs honeycomb cores with different core sizes and core heights and their impacts on the compression failure process were analyzed. A 3D printing method with multilayer cores and core/panel variable printing layer thickness was proposed, and the effects of multilayer core structure and different core printing parameters on the compressive properties of honeycomb sandwich structures were investigated. The results showed that interlayer cracking caused by core buckling deformation was the leading cause of failure of 3D printed CFRCs honeycomb sandwich structures when subjected to compression. The core buckling deformation could be suppressed by printing multilayer cores and using low core printing thickness, and the compression strength and specific energy absorption of the sandwich structures reached 38.1 MPa and 25.4 kJ/kg, respectively. This study provides guidance for the customization of the 3D printing process of CFRCs honeycomb sandwich structures.

连续纤维增强复合材料(CFRCs) 3D打印技术具有集成制造蜂窝夹层结构的优势,但所制备的蜂窝夹层结构的承载能力仍有待进一步研究和提高。本研究旨在通过平面压缩试验揭示3D打印CFRCs蜂窝夹层结构不同内部构型的压缩破坏模式。分析了不同芯尺寸和芯高的单层CFRCs蜂窝芯的受力偏差及其对压缩破坏过程的影响。提出了一种多层芯和芯/板可变打印层厚度的3D打印方法,研究了多层芯结构和不同芯打印参数对蜂窝夹层结构压缩性能的影响。结果表明:芯部屈曲变形引起的层间开裂是3D打印CFRCs蜂窝夹层结构受压破坏的主要原因;多层打印和低厚度打印可以抑制芯层的屈曲变形,夹层结构的抗压强度和比能吸收分别达到38.1 MPa和25.4 kJ/kg。本研究为CFRCs蜂窝夹层结构3D打印工艺定制提供指导。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
获赞 9粉丝 3文章 863课程 0


今日更新:Composite Structures 5 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇Composite StructuresDoes hygrothermal degradation of Mode I fatigue delamination resistance in carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminates depend on the ageing conditions?Liaojun Yao, Jingchao Wei, Zixian He, Yonglyu He, Stepan V. Lomov, Rene C. Alderliestendoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118240碳纤维增强聚合物层合板抗I型疲劳脱层的湿热退化是否取决于老化条件?Hygrothermal ageing has detrimental effect of the fatigue delamination growth (FDG) in carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminates, and may increase the crack growth rate by a factor of ∼5. The paper examines, how this degradation for Mode I fatigue delamination is affected by the severity of the ageing conditions. Fatigue delamination tests for R = 0.1 and R = 0.5 are conducted after ageing (1) at 70 °C 85 % relative humidity (RH) and (2) immersion in 70 °C water bath (WB). Paris-type FDG characterisation is derived, in the form, which accounts for the effect of fibre bridging. It is demonstrated that parameters of FDG degradation do not differ for these two types of hygrothermal ageing. The physical reasons for this are examined using dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) and fractographic analysis, which revealed similar irreversible degradation of the material near the fibre/matrix interface and in the matrix itself, and the similar damage mechanisms in fatigue delamination. Furthermore, this study can highlight the importance of obeying similitude principles in FDG characterisation, and provide extra information for the ISO standard development for mode I fatigue delamination in unidirectional carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites.湿热老化对碳纤维增强聚合物层合板的疲劳脱层扩展(FDG)有不利影响,并可能使裂纹扩展速率增加约5倍。本文考察了这种退化的I型疲劳分层是如何受到老化条件的严重程度的影响。(1)在70℃85 %相对湿度(RH)和(2)在70℃水浴(WB)中浸泡后,分别进行R = 0.1和R = 0.5的疲劳分层试验。巴黎型FDG特性推导,在形式中,它说明了光纤桥接的影响。结果表明,两种类型的湿热老化对FDG的降解参数没有影响。使用动态机械热分析(DMTA)和断口分析检查了这一现象的物理原因,揭示了纤维/基体界面附近和基体本身的材料类似的不可逆降解,以及疲劳分层中类似的损伤机制。此外,该研究可以强调在FDG表征中遵循相似原则的重要性,并为单向碳纤维增强聚合物复合材料I型疲劳分层的ISO标准制定提供额外的信息。Pullout behavior of the steel-FRP composite bar with the anchor head made of the grout-filled steel tubeGang Xiao, Wei Tan, Peirong Mai, Shiwen Han, Jinping Oudoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118242以灌浆钢管为锚头的钢- frp复合筋的拉拔性能Steel-fiber reinforced polymer composite bars (SFCBs) offer a viable solution to replace steel bars in concrete structures and mitigate their corrosion issues. However, the inflexibility of SFCBs weakens their bond with concrete. This study addressed this gap by employing a steel tube connected to the end of SFCB using grout as its anchor head. Subsequent pullout tests were conducted on SFCBs with and without anchor heads, exploring variables such as SFCB diameter, anchorage length, anchor-head diameter, concrete-cover thickness, and spiral ratio. Various failure modes were observed, including SFCB rupture, and concrete cracking with and without stirrups. Anchor heads significantly enhanced the bearing capacity and bond stiffness of SFCB specimens, notably reducing splitting forces. Augmenting anchorage length and anchor-head diameter improved the bond stiffness of SFCBs in concrete. The anchor-head diameter should not be less than 2.4 times the SFCB diameter. Furthermore, an increase in concrete-cover thickness or spiral ratio notably heightened the concrete’s resistance to cracking. The contribution ratio of bond force increases with the anchorage length and decreases with the slip, SFCB diameter, and anchor-head diameter. A predictive method for determining concrete-cover thickness and spiral ratio was developed to ensure SFCB pullout specimens steer clear of concrete splitting.钢纤维增强聚合物复合棒材(sfcb)为混凝土结构中钢筋的替代和腐蚀问题的缓解提供了可行的解决方案。然而,sfcb的不灵活性削弱了它们与混凝土的结合。本研究通过使用一根钢管连接到SFCB的末端,使用浆液作为其锚头来解决这一差距。随后分别对带锚头和不带锚头的SFCB进行了拉拔试验,探索SFCB直径、锚固长度、锚头直径、混凝土覆盖厚度和螺旋比等变量。观察到各种破坏模式,包括SFCB破裂,混凝土开裂有和没有箍筋。锚头显著提高了SFCB试件的承载力和粘结刚度,显著降低了劈裂力。增加锚固长度和锚杆头直径可提高sfcb在混凝土中的粘结刚度。锚头直径应不小于SFCB直径的2.4倍。此外,混凝土覆盖层厚度或螺旋比的增加显著提高了混凝土的抗裂性。黏结力的贡献率随锚固长度的增加而增大,随滑移量、SFCB直径、锚杆头直径的增大而减小。提出了一种确定混凝土覆盖厚度和螺旋比的预测方法,以确保SFCB拉拔试件避免混凝土劈裂。The influence of temperature and placement rate on wound laminated carbon fibre/PEEK hoop specimens manufactured by in-situ consolidated LATPEmma Tobin, Aswani Kumar Bandaru, Ronan M. O’Higgins, Paul M. Weaverdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118243温度和放置率对原位固结LATP法制备缠绕碳纤维/PEEK层合箍试样的影响The effect of laser-assisted automated tape placement (LATP) in-situ consolidation processing parameters on mechanical properties of manufactured laminates is an important consideration. In this study, a combination of placement rates and processing temperatures were assessed to determine their effects on wound laminated hoops for two carbon fibre (CF)/PEEK material systems, one with sized fibres and one without. It was found that these CF/PEEK material systems, while manufactured with the same LATP processing parameters, have different maximum interlaminar shear strengths, void growth characteristics and crystallinity levels. The results indicate that the placement rate has a statistically significant influence on the interlaminar shear strength and sample thickness. It was observed that there is a notable interaction between placement rate and processing temperature for the unsized fibre CF/PEEK system.激光辅助自动铺带(LATP)原位固结工艺参数对层压板力学性能的影响是一个重要的考虑因素。在这项研究中,评估了放置率和加工温度的组合,以确定它们对两种碳纤维(CF)/PEEK材料系统的缠绕层压箍的影响,一种是有尺寸纤维,另一种是没有尺寸纤维。结果表明,在相同的工艺参数下,CF/PEEK材料体系具有不同的最大层间剪切强度、空隙生长特性和结晶度。结果表明,填充率对层间剪切强度和试样厚度的影响具有统计学意义。研究发现,未上浆的CF/PEEK纤维体系中,放置率与加工温度之间存在显著的交互作用。Twist design of lattice structure fabricated by powder bed fusion to adjust the energy absorption behaviorLeyao Zhang, Hongshuai Lei, Fei Wang, Panding Wang, Shengyu Duan, Zeang Zhaodoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118244粉末床熔合制备晶格结构的捻度设计以调节能量吸收行为Additive manufactured lattice structures offer great potential for impact resistance applications. They exhibit excellent energy absorption characteristics during the elasto-plastic deformation process, providing protection to internal devices. However, the mechanical response of lattice structures undergoes substantial variations during the deformation process, thereby imposing limitations on their energy absorption behavior. This study introduces a novel twist design to modify the energy absorption behavior of rectangular and hollow cylindrical lattice structures. Powder bed fusion was used to fabricate the twisted lattice structures. The study employed a combination of compressive simulations and experimental investigations to systematically explore the impact of the twist angle on the peak crushing force, energy absorption, and crash load efficiency of the structures. Adjusting the twist angle results in a reduction of the peak crushing force and a transition towards a stable loading profile during the deformation process. Moreover, the crash load efficiency is also reduced. The twist design concept presented in this paper provides insight into designing and optimizing lattice structures for energy absorption applications.添加剂制造的晶格结构提供了巨大的抗冲击应用潜力。它们在弹塑性变形过程中表现出优异的能量吸收特性,为内部器件提供保护。然而,在变形过程中,晶格结构的力学响应发生了很大的变化,从而限制了它们的能量吸收行为。本文介绍了一种新的扭曲设计来改变矩形和空心圆柱晶格结构的能量吸收行为。采用粉末床熔合法制备了扭曲晶格结构。本研究采用压缩模拟与实验研究相结合的方法,系统探讨扭转角对结构峰值破碎力、能量吸收和碰撞载荷效率的影响。在变形过程中,调整扭转角度可以减少峰值破碎力,并向稳定的加载剖面过渡。此外,碰撞载荷效率也降低了。本文提出的扭曲设计概念为设计和优化能量吸收应用的晶格结构提供了见解。Micromechanical analysis of fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites by a geometrically nonlinear hierarchical quadrature element modelYingying Lan, Bo Liudoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118245基于几何非线性层次正交元模型的纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料细观力学分析The stress fields of fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) under longitudinal tension are predicted using a non-linear hierarchical quadrature element method (HQEM) in this work. The HQEM combines the differential quadrature method (DQM) with the hierarchical finite element method (HFEM), which is a typical p-version finite element method (FEM). High-order interpolation functions of the HQEM allow accurate evaluation of stress distribution. Fiber, matrix, and interfaces of the CMCs are modeled as linear elastic materials that may have large displacements. The nonlinear HQEM estimation of CMCs stress distributions are validated by comparing with analytical results obtained using classical BHE shear-lag model. Stress distribution in three characteristic stages in the damage evolution process, namely, interface perfectly bonded, interface debonding, and fiber failure are investigated. It is shown that when fiber failure happens, geometric non-linearity must be considered to avoid excessive stress concentration. Furthermore, the stress distribution within three-dimensional cylindrical CMCs cell is studied, which sheds light on the future exploration of three-dimensional CMCs analyses本文采用非线性层次正交元法(HQEM)预测了纤维增强陶瓷基复合材料在纵向拉伸作用下的应力场。该方法将微分正交法(DQM)与分层有限元法(HFEM)相结合,是一种典型的p型有限元法。高阶插值函数的HQEM允许准确的评估应力分布。cmc的纤维、基体和界面被建模为可能具有大位移的线弹性材料。通过与经典BHE剪切滞后模型的分析结果对比,验证了cmc应力分布的非线性HQEM估计。研究了损伤演化过程中界面完全粘结、界面脱粘和纤维破坏三个特征阶段的应力分布。研究表明,当纤维发生破坏时,必须考虑几何非线性,以避免过度的应力集中。此外,本文还研究了三维圆柱形cmc胞内的应力分布,为进一步探索三维cmc分析提供了理论依据Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingNovel bio-inspired design strategy for balancing of strength/toughness/random defect tolerance of compositeYansong Shi, Jiawen Zeng, Qiang Zhang, Zuoqi Zhang, Yanan Yuandoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108286复合材料强度/韧性/随机缺陷容忍度平衡的新型仿生设计策略The shells exhibit exceptional mechanical properties, characterized by significantly higher strength and toughness compared to its constituent materials. This remarkable mechanical behavior is attributed to its microstructure. In the struggle for survival against mantis shrimps, shells are inevitably introduced into random defects, yet these do not compromise its impact resistance properties. This is because the brick–mortar microstructure exhibits excellent defect-insensitivity compared to continuous fiber structures, despite its significantly lower strength. We are considering whether it is feasible to design a new microstructure capable of simultaneously possessing outstanding defect-insensitive properties and high strength/toughness characteristics. Therefore, this paper innovatively proposes a hybrid design strategy for various microstructures. Python script codes were generated to model brick–mortar with varying slenderness ratios including the initial defects. Experiment was also conducted to verify the effective of finite element model. Results shown that Hybrid-1 structure distinguishes itself with the high peak load & damage dissipation energy and excellent defect-insensitive among the designed structures. The defect-insensitive characteristic of damage dissipation energy in Hybrid-2 even surpasses that of the uniform brick-and-mortar structure, while it maintains strength levels nearly equivalent to those of continuous fibers. This hybrid design strategy demonstrates significant potential in achieving a balance among strength, toughness, and tolerance to random defects in microstructures, offering new avenues for biomimetic design in composite materials.外壳具有优异的机械性能,其特点是与其组成材料相比具有更高的强度和韧性。这种显著的力学性能归因于其微观结构。在与螳螂虾的生存斗争中,炮弹不可避免地引入随机缺陷,但这些并不影响其抗冲击性能。这是因为与连续纤维结构相比,砂浆结构表现出优异的缺陷不敏感性,尽管其强度明显较低。我们正在考虑是否有可能设计一种新的微观结构,能够同时具有出色的缺陷不敏感性能和高强度/韧性特性。因此,本文创新性地提出了一种针对多种微结构的混合设计策略。生成Python脚本代码来模拟具有不同长细比的砂浆,包括初始缺陷。通过实验验证了有限元模型的有效性。结果表明,Hybrid-1结构具有较高的峰值荷载和损伤耗散能以及较好的缺陷不敏感性。Hybrid-2的损伤耗散能的缺陷不敏感特性甚至超过了均匀砂浆结构,而其强度水平几乎与连续纤维相当。这种混合设计策略在实现强度、韧性和对微观结构随机缺陷的容忍度之间的平衡方面显示出巨大的潜力,为复合材料的仿生设计提供了新的途径。Composites Part B: EngineeringEngineering Digital Light Processing Ceramic Composites for Wide-Range Flexible Sensing ArraysDongsu Lee, Dong Hwi Kim, Hyungyong Kim, Hong Min Seung, Hyun-Cheol Song, Miso Kimdoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111595 用于大范围柔性传感阵列的工程数字光处理陶瓷复合材料Flexible ceramic composites are promising candidates in capacitive pressure sensing applications. However, the fabrication of complex composite structures typically involves costly and time-consuming processes such as lithography or mold utilization. Digital light processing (DLP)-based 3D printing offers a layer-by-layer approach via photopolymerization, facilitating rapid prototyping of various ceramic composite structures in a single-step synthesis process. This study presents the successful implementation of a flexible ceramic composite based on the highly dielectric ceramic BaTiO3 and conductive MWCNT fillers by employing DLP 3D printing to create an hourglass-shaped stress concentration structure, aiming at enhancing flexible capacitive sensing capabilities. Blending commercial flexible resin with 4-acryloyl morpholine monomers yields a photocurable resin formulation with appropriate mechanical flexibility, photocurability, and optimal suspension viscosity suitable for DLP 3D printing. Furthermore, the proposed 3D-printed sensor arrays comprising hourglass-shaped unit cells demonstrate improved linear sensitivity across a broad pressure range owing to efficient stress concentration effects in a symmetric geometry, as corroborated by both finite element methods and experiments. DLP 3D printing, combined with tailored resin formulations and optimized ceramic and conductive filler contents, enables the rapid prototyping of diverse sensor structures with significantly enhanced sensitivity, highlighting the versatility of this approach for a wide range of applications.柔性陶瓷复合材料在电容式压力传感领域具有广阔的应用前景。然而,复杂复合结构的制造通常涉及昂贵和耗时的过程,如光刻或模具的使用。基于数字光处理(DLP)的3D打印通过光聚合提供了一种逐层方法,促进了在单步合成过程中快速成型各种陶瓷复合结构。本研究成功实现了基于高介电陶瓷BaTiO3和导电MWCNT填料的柔性陶瓷复合材料,采用DLP 3D打印技术创建了沙漏形应力集中结构,旨在增强柔性电容传感能力。将商业柔性树脂与4-丙烯酰啉单体混合,可获得光固化树脂配方,具有适当的机械柔韧性、光固化性和最佳悬浮粘度,适合DLP 3D打印。此外,所提出的由沙漏形单元组成的3d打印传感器阵列,由于对称几何结构中有效的应力集中效应,在宽压力范围内表现出更高的线性灵敏度,这一点得到了有限元方法和实验的证实。DLP 3D打印,结合定制的树脂配方和优化的陶瓷和导电填料内容,使各种传感器结构的快速原型设计具有显着增强的灵敏度,突出了这种方法的多功能性,适用于广泛的应用。Composites Science and TechnologyStrengthening and toughening of hard epoxy vitrimer nanocomposites with interfacial covalent binding and microphase separationZhiqiang Chen, Zhen Li, Xubin Wang, Chenyu Jin, Dichao Ningdoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110684 界面共价结合微相分离的硬质环氧树脂纳米复合材料的强化增韧研究Vitrimers with dynamic covalent bonds combine the merits of thermosets and thermoplastics, opening up new opportunities for science and industry. The attainment of enhanced mechanical performance without compromising dynamic reprocessability poses a significant obstacle to vitrimer materials. Designing vitrimer nanocomposites from interfacial and structural aspects is promising to solve this problem. Herein, strengthening and toughening of hard epoxy vitrimer using nanosilica have been successfully achieved by introducing interfacial covalent binding and microphase separation. Performing interfacial covalent binding between epoxide-modified silica nanoparticles and hard epoxy vitrimer matrix improves interfacial compatibility and nanoparticle dispersion. Controlling the proportion of silica nanoparticles yields two types of microstructures, including a uniformly dispersed material at low nanoparticle loadings and unique microphase separation at high nanoparticle loadings. Particularly, silica reinforcement accompanied with phase separation exhibits a substantial enhancement in Young’s modulus, tensile strength, and fracture toughness while achieving good stretchability. In addition, the silica-epoxy vitrimer nanocomposites preserve excellent reprocessability not inferior to the pristine vitrimer. The resulting nanocomposites show potential applications in bonding, recycling, and shape morphing. The concepts and methodologies presented in this work will enlighten future vitrimer material design.具有动态共价键的玻璃体结合了热固性和热塑性塑料的优点,为科学和工业开辟了新的机会。在不影响动态再加工性能的情况下获得增强的机械性能是玻璃体材料的一个重大障碍。从界面和结构两方面设计玻璃聚合物纳米复合材料有望解决这一问题。本文通过引入界面共价结合和微相分离,成功实现了纳米二氧化硅对硬质环氧玻璃体的强化增韧。环氧改性二氧化硅纳米颗粒与硬质环氧玻璃体基体之间的界面共价结合改善了界面相容性和纳米颗粒的分散。控制二氧化硅纳米颗粒的比例可以产生两种类型的微观结构,包括低纳米颗粒负载时均匀分散的材料和高纳米颗粒负载时独特的微相分离。特别是,伴随着相分离的二氧化硅增强在杨氏模量、拉伸强度和断裂韧性方面表现出了显著的提高,同时获得了良好的拉伸性。此外,二氧化硅-环氧玻璃体纳米复合材料保持了优异的再加工性能,不逊于原始玻璃体。由此产生的纳米复合材料在键合,回收和形状变形方面具有潜在的应用前景。这项工作中提出的概念和方法将启发未来的玻璃材料设计。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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