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今日更新:Composite Structures 6 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇

Composite Structures

Predicting the mixed-mode fracture propagation in single-leg bending using a radial point interpolation meshless method

D.C. Gonçalves, L.D.C. Ramalho, R.D.S.G. Campilho, J. Belinha



Adhesive bonding is a widely used joining technique with increasing applications in the automotive and aircraft industries. However, the numerical simulation of adhesively bonded joints is challenging due to the intricate mechanical behavior of the bonding layer, especially when structures are subjected to mixed-mode loading. This work proposes a meshless fracture propagation algorithm to simulate mixed-mode fracture propagation in single-leg bending (SLB) adhesive joints. The proposed algorithm combines the radial point interpolation method (RPIM) with a mixed-mode strain-based criterion to predict crack growth. The RPIM permits a flexible discretization of the fracture region and eases the geometric remeshing of the integration cells to account for the crack tip propagation. Additionally, the RPIM provides accurate and smooth strain/stress fields, allowing implementation of the mixed-mode fracture criterion. The numerical model was validated against experimental data for SLB adhesive joints with a brittle adhesive. The results showed that the proposed algorithm can accurately predict the resistance curves and critical energy release rates of the adhesive joints.


Modal characteristics of functionally graded porous Timoshenko beams with variable cross-sections

V.N. Burlayenko, H. Altenbach, S.D. Dimitrova



The study focuses on the free vibration analysis of beams composed of functionally graded porous materials and characterized by a variable cross-section along their length. A broad range of beams is examined encompassing various tapered configurations, porosity profiles, and porosity content. The equations of motion are derived using Hamilton’s principle within the framework of Timoshenko beam theory. These equations are solved semi-analytically using the differential transform method, which has been adapted to incorporate various boundary conditions such as clamped-clamped, clamped-free, clamped-pinned, and pinned-pinned constraints within a general formulation of the beam eigenvalue problem. To validate the proposed solution technique, computed natural frequencies are compared with existing literature results for tapered inhomogeneous beams and uniform porous beams. Notably, new results are obtained for tapered porous beams. In this regard, a comprehensive parametric study explores the influence of various factors on the natural frequencies and mode shapes of functionally graded porous beams with variable cross-sections. These factors include the type of porosity profiles, a range of porosity parameters, cross-section taper ratios, and specific boundary conditions. The findings deepen our understanding of the modal characteristics of functionally graded porous beams, providing valuable guidance for engineering design and structural optimization in relevant applications. Additionally, they may serve as benchmarks for other researchers.


Three-dimensional heat transfer analysis of Hot Gas Torch (HGT)-assisted Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) for thermoplastic composites

Lorenz Zacherl, Allyson Fontes, Farjad Shadmehri



Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) is a key additive manufacturing process for the production of complex composite structures. This study focuses on the in-situ AFP process for thermoplastic composites with Hot Gas Torch (HGT), which includes heating, consolidation, and solidification steps. Temperature control is critical to achieving high quality parts as it affects bond quality, crystallization, and solidification. However, previous studies have oversimplified convective heat transfer by assuming a constant coefficient, resulting in discrepancies between simulations and experiments. This paper introduces a novel distribution function to model the convective heat transfer coefficient, thereby improving temperature predictions. An optimization loop is used to determine the parameters of the function, which ensures agreement with experimental data. The proposed approach accurately predicts the temperature distribution, which is validated against unseen experimental results. By incorporating the distribution of the convective heat transfer coefficient, this study improves the understanding of heat transfer mechanisms in AFP for thermoplastic composites, leading to improved manufacturing processes and part quality.


Chaotic snap-through vibrations of bistable asymmetric deployable composite laminated cantilever shell under foundation excitation and application to morphing wing

W. Zhang, L.L. Ren, Y.F. Zhang, X.T. Guo



The realization of the dynamic snap-through behaviors provides the new design ideas in the fields of the morphing aircraft and piezoelectric energy harvesting. This paper studies 1:2 internal resonance, nonlinear vibrations and chaotic snap-through phenomena of the bistable asymmetric composite laminated (BSCL) cantilever shell with the lower-frequency and higher-frequency primary resonances for the first time. The transverse foundation excitation subjects to the fixed end of the bistable cantilever shell. The perturbation analysis of two-degrees-of-freedom nonlinear ordinary differential equations is carried out by using the first-order approximate multiple scale method. The analytical results of the frequency-amplitude and force-amplitude response curves are obtained under the small foundation excitation. The obtained results reveal that the BSCL cantilever shell exhibits the double-jumping characteristics when 1:2 internal and primary resonances occur. There is a continuous energy exchange back and forth between two modes of the bistable laminated cantilever shell. As the foundation excitation increases, the BSCL cantilever shell exhibits saturation phenomenon. Numerical simulations are finished to further investigate the effects of the large excitation on the chaotic, quasi-periodic and snap-through vibrations for the BSCL cantilever shell. The vibration experiment is carried out to investigate the internal resonance and dynamic snap-though motions of the BSCL cantilever shell. Using the snap-though behaviors of the BSCL cantilever shell, we obtain the morphing structure of the aircraft wing.


Experimental study on the vibrational response and damping of short fibre/unidirectional PEEK hybrid composites

James Pheysey, Natalia Mazancova, Francesco De Cola, David Garcia Cava, Francisca Martinez-Hergueta



This study investigates the vibrational performance of a new generation of hybrid composites based on a short fibre core for structural dynamic applications. The dynamic characterisation was conducted through dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and the free vibration of a cantilever beam at different lengths. The short fibre composite exhibited a superior specific damping capacity, producing a maximum damping of 0.42. The values extracted from DMA indicated no visco-plastic contribution from the PEEK resin system, implying that the internal microarchitecture drives the material damping, with friction at the fibre/matrix interface being the primary dissipation mechanism. The hybrid laminate presented an improvement in damping performance of 39% due to the addition of the short fibre core compared to a baseline quasi-isotropic laminate of similar flexural stiffness. These findings show hybridisation’s advantages in designing structural components with improved damping performance and reduced cost for a variety of dynamic applications in industries such as automotive.


Cyclic damage quantification in composite materials using discrete damage mechanics

Nikolay V. Turbin, Kirill A. Shelkov, Nikolai O. Kononov, Ever J. Barbero



A method for fatigue damage quantification in composite materials, based on experimental stiffness degradation data for composite laminates subjected to cyclic load is proposed. Discrete damage mechanics theory is used to calculate crack density vs. number of cycles from elastic moduli-reduction data obtained during fatigue experiments. The calculated crack density simplifies fatigue testing by diminishing the need for counting cracks during testing. Accurate results are achieved and reported. The defect-nucleation rate, which controls the fatigue damage rate, is also obtained from processing the modulus-reduction data. It is observed that the defect-nucleation rate has a small scatter and is independent of applied load magnitude. Furthermore, the onset of delamination observed in the experiments correlates very well with the onset of deviation between the predicted and experimental curves of elastic moduli-reduction versus accumulated crack density. An additional parameter, the defect-nucleation threshold, is here proposed to further characterize the fatigue performance of the composite material under stress-controlled fatigue loading, in contrast to thermal fatigue results from the literature. Furthermore, the difference in damage nucleation rate between strain-controlled and stress-controlled was observed and discussed.


Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

Failure envelope prediction of 2D SiCf/SiC composites based on XGBoost model

Ben Wang, Jingyu Zhao, Zaoyang Guo, Biao Wang



In this paper, a multiple failure mechanisms-based progressive damage model is developed to capture the mechanical response and defect-induced nonlinear behavior of SiCf/SiC composites. This model is then adopted to simulate the stress–strain response of a representative volume element model under uniaxial loading, showing excellent agreement with experiments. The effects of the volume fraction of SiC fibers, as well as those of the porosity and microcrack density of SiC matrix, on the deformation and damage behavior of SiCf/SiC composites are predicted. Based on this, the failure envelopes related to micro-mesoscopic characteristics under combined loadings are generated as the database for the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model training. Finally, a data-driven failure model is established for SiCf/SiC composites, whose prediction is compared with the formal failure criteria. The results demonstrate that the data-driven SiCf/SiC composite failure model is reliable in constructing the failure criteria related to micro-mesoscopic features.

为了研究SiCf/SiC复合材料的力学响应和缺陷非线性行为,建立了一种基于多破坏机制的渐进损伤模型。采用该模型对具有代表性的体元模型进行了单轴加载下的应力-应变响应模拟,结果与实验结果吻合良好。预测了SiC纤维体积分数、SiC基体孔隙率和微裂纹密度对SiCf/SiC复合材料变形和损伤行为的影响。在此基础上,生成组合载荷作用下与细观特征相关的失效包络,作为极限梯度增压(eXtreme Gradient boost, XGBoost)模型训练的数据库。最后,建立了SiCf/SiC复合材料的数据驱动失效模型,并将其预测结果与形式失效准则进行了比较。结果表明,数据驱动的SiCf/SiC复合材料破坏模型在构建与细观特征相关的破坏准则方面是可靠的。

A smart insulation material achieving self-reporting and autonomous repairing against electrical and mechanical damages based on targeted controllable microcapsules

Wenlong Pang, Wenxia Sima, Potao Sun, Tao Yuan, Ming Yang, Xiaoxiao Chen, Zhaoping Li



Under the long-term action of electrical and mechanical stresses, irreversible micro-damages, such as electrical trees and cracks tend to occur inside solid insulation materials, leading to insulation failures, which have no effective countermeasures. This study develops a multi-responsive, target-controlled microcapsule to endow the epoxy resin with dual functions of self-reporting and autonomous repair against internal damage even under strong electric fields without human intervention. A turn-on mechanism for self-reporting signals is designed, to be applicable to electrical tree damage inside an epoxy matrix. In situ UV emissions generated by the partial discharge during electrical treeing are employed to automatically cure the microcapsule core material released into the damaged channel. This triggers aggregation-induced emission (AIE) signals and simultaneously repairs the damaged matrix. The polyurethane hybrid shell filled with magnetic particles endows the microcapsules with magnetic response characteristics. Under the control of a directional magnetic field, the microcapsule is concentrated around the vulnerable areas, obtaining high fluorescence emission intensity under low doping content without affecting the matrix performance. This method enables the autonomous inspection and maintenance of electric equipment and electronic devices under live working and provides new insight into the bionic intelligence of electrical and electronic insulation materials.


Composites Part B: Engineering

Smart Polymer Composites with Vertically Oriented Boron Nitride and Carbon Fiber for Heat Management: Magneto-Thermal Responsiveness

Fang Peng, Yuting Song, Tongle Xu, Menghuan Wang, Na Song, Sheng Sun, Peng Ding



Emerging structural materials for aerospace deformable structures, soft robotics, and advanced smart electronic devices necessitate reversible, lockable, and reprogrammable shape transformation capabilities. A challenge in this realm is heat accumulation in high-power density devices, which limited impedes broader applications of these materials. This study introduces magneto-thermal coupling response and efficient heat dissipation to structural composite, facilitating reversible and reprogrammable material deformation. Our composites prepared using bi-directional freeze casting strategy demonstrated excellent thermal management capabilities. When the composites were applied to the chip heat dissipation, the chip temperature was significantly reduced by 36.3 °C from 112.2 °C. Furthermore, the integration of a flexible boron nitride nanosheets (BNNS)/carbon fibers (CFs) network with magnetic Fe3O4 particles and phase-change material enables effective magneto-thermal response. This magnetically controlled thermal deformation behavior of composites provides a promising avenue for the development of multimodal morphing structures for soft robotics and aerospace applications.


Composites Science and Technology

Enhanced interfacial interaction of graphene nanoplatelets/cellulose nanofiber matrix driven by pyranine-based dispersant for efficient thermal managing materials

Yoojung Choi, Jae Hun Kim, Hyunseong Shin, Seong Dae Park, Hyunseung Yang




With the development of high-density electronics, polymer-based thermal conductive composites with excellent thermal and mechanical performance are receiving great attention. For the development of polymer-based thermal conductive composites with superior properties, it is essential to reduce the agglomeration of fillers and enhance the interfacial interactions between thermal conductive fillers and the polymer matrix. Among the several thermal conductive materials, graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) and cellulose nanofiber (CNFs) are attracting attention. However, poor interfacial interaction between GNP and CNF leads to interfacial separation, which in turn, deteriorates its properties. Herein, we synthesized a pyranine-functionalized polyether dispersant (PyPE), which can significantly improve the interfacial interactions between GNPs and CNFs. The effect of PyPE on the dispersion behavior of GNPs and the thermomechanical properties of GNP-CNF composite were monitored. Furthermore, we also performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the impact of applying PyPE dispersant on the interfacial interactions between the GNP and CNF matrix. The application of PyPE significantly enhanced the dispersibility of GNPs within the CNF matrix, resulting in a 15.5% increase in-plane thermal diffusivity and a 24.5% enhancement in tensile strength of the composite, demonstrating their potential applications in high power density electrical equipment and electronic devices.

随着高密度电子技术的发展,具有优异热学性能和力学性能的聚合物基导热复合材料日益受到人们的重视。为了开发性能优越的聚合物基导热复合材料,必须减少填料的团聚,增强导热填料与聚合物基体之间的界面相互作用。在几种导热材料中,石墨烯纳米片(GNPs)和纤维素纳米纤维(CNFs)备受关注。然而,GNP与CNF之间的界面相互作用较差,导致界面分离,从而使其性能恶化。在此,我们合成了一种吡啶功能化聚醚分散剂(pyranne -功能化聚醚分散剂),它可以显著改善GNPs和CNFs之间的界面相互作用。考察了PyPE对GNPs分散行为和GNP-CNF复合材料热力学性能的影响。此外,我们还进行了分子动力学(MD)模拟,以研究应用PyPE分散剂对GNP和CNF矩阵之间界面相互作用的影响。PyPE的应用显著增强了CNF基体内GNPs的分散性,使复合材料的面内热扩散率提高了15.5%,抗拉强度提高了24.5%,显示了其在高功率密度电气设备和电子器件中的潜在应用。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 5 篇Composite StructuresA multi-linear constitutive relation considering the temperature effect on quasi-static mode I delamination in UD/MD laminatesLuohuan Zou, Yu Gong, Dingli Tian, Yuting Gao, Jianyu Zhang, Libin Zhao, Ning Hudoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118691考虑温度对UD/MD层合板准静态I型分层影响的多线性本构关系In this study, a multi-linear constitutive relation taking into account temperature and fiber bridging is proposed for characterizing delamination behavior in composite laminates under various temperature conditions. An approach combining analytical solution and J-integral is also established for determining the cohesive parameters in the multi-linear constitutive relation. To validate the proposed constitutive relation, mode I quasi-static delamination experiments of unidirectional (UD) and multidirectional (MD) carbon/bismaleimide laminates are carried out at 25 ℃ (room temperature), 80 °C and 130 ℃. The experimental results show that the increasing temperature resulted in a monotonic increase in the fracture toughness of the UD laminates while affect the fracture toughness of MD laminates slightly. A FE model is established with the implementation of the proposed multi-linear constitutive relation using UMAT subroutine. Good agreements between the experimental and simulated results demonstrate the validity of the proposed constitutive relation, with the relative difference of peak load between predicted and experimental values less than 8.2 % and the relative difference of initial and steady-state fracture toughness between predicted and tested results less than 15 %. This study provides the possibility to numerically study the temperature effect on the delamination behavior of laminates and has promising applications in the damage tolerance design of composite structures.在这项研究中,提出了考虑温度和纤维桥接的多线性本构关系来表征复合材料层合板在不同温度条件下的分层行为。建立了解析解与j积分相结合的方法来确定多线性本构关系中的内聚参数。为了验证所提出的本构关系,在25℃(室温)、80 ℃和130℃下,对单向(UD)和多向(MD)碳/双马来酰亚胺层叠板进行了I型准静态分层实验。实验结果表明,温度升高导致UD层合板的断裂韧性单调增加,而对MD层合板的断裂韧性影响较小。利用UMAT子程序实现所提出的多线性本构关系,建立了有限元模型。试验结果与模拟结果吻合较好,验证了本构关系的有效性,峰值荷载预测值与试验值的相对差值小于8.2 %,初始断裂韧性和稳态断裂韧性预测值与试验值的相对差值小于15 %。该研究为数值研究温度对层合板分层行为的影响提供了可能,在复合材料结构的损伤容限设计中具有很好的应用前景。Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingCombination of in-/and ex-situ damage detection methods to investigate the forming behavior of fiber-metal-laminatesFlorian Thum, Marco Korkisch, Anna Trauth, Markus G.R. Sausedoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108562结合原位和非原位损伤检测方法研究金属纤维层合板的成形行为In this study, the forming behavior of fiber-metal laminates (FML) is investigated by a combination of different (in- and ex-situ) measurement techniques. Using FML-samples consisting of aluminum and carbon fiber reinforced polyamide-6, deep-drawing tests were employed at high temperatures. It can be concluded a conventional approach based on the forming limit curve (FLC) is not suitable to predict the failure initiated in the multi-material setup as principal strains cannot differentiate the strain in aluminum and CFRP and lack sensitivity to detect other relevant failure modes, such as debonding as well as debonding in between layers. To better understand the failure behavior due to forming of FML, an experimental setup, that based on the Nakajima-test, was developed, using in-situ acoustic emission testing, 3D digital image correlation as well as ex-situ X-ray computed tomography. The combined results from all methods helped to gain a deeper insight into how thermoplastic FML behave during deep drawing at elevated temperatures especially focusing on evolving damage inside the hybrid material在本研究中,通过不同(原位和非原位)测量技术的组合,研究了纤维-金属层压板(FML)的成形行为。采用由铝和碳纤维增强聚酰胺-6组成的fml样品,在高温下进行深拉试验。结果表明,基于成形极限曲线(FLC)的传统方法不适合预测多材料结构中引发的破坏,因为主应变不能区分铝和碳纤维布的应变,并且缺乏检测其他相关破坏模式(如脱粘和层间脱粘)的灵敏度。为了更好地了解FML形成的破坏行为,基于nakajima试验,开发了一种实验装置,使用原位声发射测试,3D数字图像相关以及非原位x射线计算机断层扫描。所有方法的综合结果有助于更深入地了解热塑性FML在高温深拉伸过程中的行为,特别是关注混合材料内部的演变损伤Effect of soft magnetic particles content on multi-physics field of magnetorheological composite gel clutch with complex flow channel excited by Halbach array arrangementGuang Zhang, Jiahao Luo, Min Sun, Yang Yu, Jiong Wang, Bo Chen, Qing Ouyang, Ye Qiu, Guinan Chen, Teng Shen, Zheng Zhangdoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108576软磁颗粒含量对Halbach阵列激发复杂流道磁流变复合凝胶离合器多物理场的影响In this paper we investigate the influence of soft magnetic particle mass fraction on the multi-physics field of proposed magnetorheological (MR) gel clutch. A novel MR gel clutch with complex cup-shaped gap is described, whose performance is based on the relative placement between Halbach array arrangement and MR gel. Smart MR gel with 40 wt%, 50 wt%, 60 wt%, 70 wt% and 80 wt% of soft magnetic particles used as the transfer medium and Halbach array is adopted as magnetic excitation system. Its magnetic/mechanical analysis is carried out based on Bingham-plastics model using COMSOL Multiphysics software, which takes into account the variation of dynamic viscosity with magnetic flux density. The distribution of the magnetic flux density, shear yield stress, post-yield viscosity, shear stress and torque in the four flow channels during the transition from engagement state to disengagement state are obtained and analyzed in detail. Multi-physics field characteristics of proposed MR gel clutch with five kinds of MR gels are studied and compared in order to give some useful suggestions in the design phase. Finally, the dynamic torque of the MR clutch with different MR gel is experimentally evaluated.本文研究了软磁颗粒质量分数对磁流变(MR)凝胶离合器多物理场的影响。介绍了一种新型的具有复杂杯状间隙的磁流变凝胶离合器,其性能基于哈尔巴赫阵列与磁流变凝胶的相对位置。采用40 wt%、50 wt%、60 wt%、70 wt%和80 wt%软磁颗粒的智能磁共振凝胶作为传递介质,采用Halbach阵列作为磁激励系统。采用COMSOL Multiphysics软件基于bingham -plastic模型对其进行了磁/力学分析,考虑了动态粘度随磁通密度的变化。得到并详细分析了从接合状态到脱离状态过渡过程中四个流道的磁通密度、剪切屈服应力、后屈服粘度、剪切应力和转矩的分布。对所提出的5种MR凝胶离合器的多物理场特性进行了研究和比较,以期在设计阶段提供一些有用的建议。最后,对不同磁流变凝胶的磁流变离合器的动态转矩进行了实验评估。Composites Part B: EngineeringScalable production of robust and creep resistant ultra-high filled wood-plastic compositesAn Yang, Zhengyu Liao, Zesheng Xu, Tian Liu, Yiqun Fang, Weihong Wang, Min Xu, Yongming Song, Qingwen Wang, Yao Lidoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111937 可扩展生产的坚固和抗蠕变超高填充木塑复合材料With the widespread use of wood-based materials in human life, the availability of wood resources has gradually decreased. The use of low-value wood that does not require chemical adhesives can address the depletion of wood resources used to prepare wood-based composites. However, the development of high-strength, low-cost, scalable wood-based composites from low-value wood is challenging. In this study, high-performance ultra-high filled wood-plastic composites (UFWPC) composed of up to 95 wt.% wood flour were prepared through cell wall densification and the construction of multiple cross-linked networks via deep cross-fusion. The UFWPC exhibited excellent mechanical properties, with a flexural strength that was 5.9 times higher than that of commercial particleboard, 2.1 times higher than commercial fiberboard, and 2.6 times higher than commercial wood-plastic composites. UFWPC also demonstrated excellent creep resistance, with a creep strain 76.79% lower than that of commercial wood-plastic composites. Finally, a customizable large-scale commercial continuous flat-pressing system was established to produce UFWPC. The highly efficient preparation of UFWPC makes it an excellent alternative to commercial wood-plastic composites, particleboard, and fiberboard. This approach provides a promising valorization and sustainability method for recycling plastics and low-value wood.随着木质材料在人类生活中的广泛应用,木材资源的可用性逐渐减少。使用不需要化学粘合剂的低价值木材可以解决用于制备木基复合材料的木材资源枯竭的问题。然而,从低价值木材中开发高强度、低成本、可扩展的木基复合材料具有挑战性。在本研究中,通过细胞壁致密化和深度交叉融合构建多个交联网络,制备了由高达95% wt.%的木粉组成的高性能超高填充木塑复合材料(UFWPC)。UFWPC具有优异的力学性能,其抗弯强度比商用刨花板高5.9倍,比商用纤维板高2.1倍,比商用木塑复合材料高2.6倍。UFWPC还表现出优异的抗蠕变性能,其蠕变应变比商用木塑复合材料低76.79%。最后,建立了一套可定制的大型商用平压系统来生产UFWPC。UFWPC的高效制备使其成为商用木塑复合材料、刨花板和纤维板的优良替代品。这种方法为回收塑料和低价值木材提供了一种有前途的增值和可持续性方法。Composites Science and TechnologyOpen source tool for Micro-CT aided meso-scale modeling and meshing of complex textile composite structuresBin Yang, Yuwei Feng, Cédric Béguin, Philippe Causse, Jihui Wangdoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110940 Micro-CT辅助复杂纺织复合材料结构细观建模和网格划分的开源工具Volumetric image-based modeling of textile reinforcements and composites is favored over ideal geometric modeling because of its ability to represent complex structures in sufficient detail. Although several approaches were devised, there is still a scarcity of dedicated tools capable of effectively transferring pertinent information from images to high-fidelity models. This work presents the open source project, PolyTex, a Python-based object-oriented application that establishes a streamlined and reproducible workflow for such tasks. Dual kriging serves as the foundational theory for the parametric approach developed to represent, simplify, and approximate the morphology and topology of fiber tows. The code takes two types of input, either an explicit representation of tow geometry using point clouds or implicit representations, such as image masks representing fiber tows separately with grayscale values. Tailored APIs allow for smooth integration between PolyTex’s modeling capabilities and the simulation environments offered by OpenFOAM and Abaqus. Case studies on virtual testing of textile permeability were presented to demonstrate this capability. The modular and object-oriented design makes PolyTex a highly reusable and extensible tool that allows users to create a customized pipeline.基于体积图像的纺织增强材料和复合材料建模比理想的几何建模更受青睐,因为它能够足够详细地表示复杂的结构。虽然设计了几种方法,但仍然缺乏能够有效地将相关信息从图像传输到高保真模型的专用工具。本文介绍了开源项目PolyTex,这是一个基于python的面向对象应用程序,它为此类任务建立了一个流线型和可重复的工作流。双克里格是用来表示、简化和近似纤维束形态和拓扑的参数化方法的基础理论。代码接受两种类型的输入,一种是使用点云来显式表示纤维束的几何形状,另一种是隐式表示,比如用灰度值分别表示纤维束的图像掩模。定制的api允许PolyTex的建模功能与OpenFOAM和Abaqus提供的仿真环境之间的平滑集成。以纺织品透气性的虚拟测试为例,说明了该方法的可行性。模块化和面向对象的设计使PolyTex成为一个高度可重用和可扩展的工具,允许用户创建定制的管道。Ultra-high strength and flame retardant carbon aerogel composites with efficient electromagnetic interference shielding and superior thermal insulation via nano-repairing routeWei Wang, Chong Ren, Jiaxin Zheng, He Huang, Can Wu, Xiangyu Jin, Changqing Hong, Xinghong Zhangdoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110949 通过纳米修复途径,具有高效电磁干扰屏蔽和优异隔热性能的超高强度阻燃碳气凝胶复合材料Carbon aerogel composites (CAs) have received numerous attention for protection of aircraft due to their unique properties. However, the shrinkage mismatch between rigid fibers and carbon sources during carbonization dramatically weakens the performance of CAs, and no significant breakthroughs have been made. We propose a vacuum impregnation assisted nano-repairing (VINR) strategy to fabricate crack-free carbon fiber reinforced carbon aerogel (Cf/CA) composites with high strength, electromagnetic interference shielding and thermal insulation. The cross-confined, overlapping nano-CA particles greatly limits the shrinkage of the carbon source, conferring excellent mechanical properties to Cf/CA, and its compressive strength and modulus reaches 3.93 MPa and 69.96 MPa in XY direction and 2.03 MPa and 40.67 MPa in Z direction, respectively, at 5% strain. In addition, Cf/CA exhibits significant thermal insulation (0.054 W/(m·K) at 25 °C under air condition) and superior electromagnetic interference shielding properties (EMI SE is ∼48.52 dB at a thickness of ∼2 mm). Herein, the structurally optimized Cf/CA provides a promising solution for multi-effect protection for critical electronic devices of aircraft in special service environments.碳气凝胶复合材料(CAs)由于其独特的性能在飞机防护方面受到了广泛的关注。然而,碳化过程中刚性纤维与碳源之间的收缩失配严重削弱了碳纤维的性能,目前还没有取得重大突破。提出了一种真空浸渍辅助纳米修复(VINR)方法,制备具有高强度、屏蔽电磁干扰和隔热性能的无裂纹碳纤维增强碳气凝胶(Cf/CA)复合材料。交叉约束、重叠的纳米CA颗粒极大地限制了碳源的收缩,赋予Cf/CA优异的力学性能,在5%应变下,其抗压强度和模量在XY方向分别达到3.93 MPa和69.96 MPa,在Z方向分别达到2.03 MPa和40.67 MPa。此外,Cf/CA具有显著的隔热性能(25°C空调条件下0.054 W/(m·K))和优异的电磁干扰屏蔽性能(EMI SE为~ 48.52 dB,厚度为~ 2mm)。因此,结构优化后的Cf/CA为特殊服役环境下飞机关键电子设备的多效保护提供了一种很有前景的解决方案。Expanded graphite encapsulation of nitrates for enhanced thermal transport: mechanism insight and component screeningKening Yan, Lin Qiu, Haimo Li, Ning Cao, Yanhui Fengdoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110957 硝酸盐的膨胀石墨封装增强热传输:机制的洞察力和成分筛选The efficient improvement of the heat transfer capability of high-temperature molten salts and the accurate measurement within the operating temperature range is vital for improving the efficiency of concentrating solar power devices. Through theoretical investigation, this paper explores different thermal properties including thermal conductivity, phase transition properties and interfacial interactions using a range of expanded graphite/nitrates (EG/nitrates). Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the EG/eutectic salt (ES) exhibits optimal comprehensive properties. Experimentally prepared EG/ES composite phase change materials (PCMs), coupled with theoretical predictions, demonstrate exceptional thermal conductivity (2.2 W·m-1·K-1) and a significant latent heat of phase change (>80 J·g-1). The calculation results of the interaction energy between the host-guest indicate that the strong interaction of the EG to ES restricts the molecule movement, leading to a weak temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of the EG/ES composite PCM. This contrasts with the conventional understanding of PCM thermal conductivity, which typically exhibits a sharp change during the phase transition from solid state to liquid state. Additionally, the thermal response of 15 wt% EG/ES is increased by 27.2% compared to pure ES, which effectively helps alleviate local overheating in practical applications. The progress made so far sheds light on the mechanism behind the improved heat transfer and storage performance of nitrate from a microscopic view, offering valuable theoretical insight for developing high-efficient nitrate PCMs in solar thermal power generation systems.有效提高高温熔盐的传热能力和在工作温度范围内的精确测量是提高聚光太阳能发电装置效率的关键。本文通过理论研究,探讨了一系列膨胀石墨/硝酸盐(EG/nitrates)的不同热性能,包括导热系数、相变性能和界面相互作用。分子动力学模拟表明,EG/共晶盐(ES)具有最佳的综合性能。实验制备的EG/ES复合相变材料(PCMs),结合理论预测,表现出优异的导热系数(2.2 W·m-1·K-1)和显著的相变潜热(>80 J·g-1)。主客体相互作用能的计算结果表明,EG与ES的强相互作用限制了分子的运动,导致EG/ES复合PCM的导热系数对温度的依赖性较弱。这与传统的对PCM热导率的理解形成了对比,传统的理解是PCM热导率在从固态到液态的相变过程中通常表现出急剧的变化。此外,与纯ES相比,15 wt% EG/ES的热响应提高了27.2%,有效地缓解了实际应用中的局部过热。目前所取得的进展从微观角度揭示了硝酸盐传热和储存性能改善背后的机制,为开发太阳能热发电系统中高效的硝酸盐pcm提供了有价值的理论见解。The critical role of size effect on internal damage and mechanical properties of flax fiber reinforced compositesLulu Lei, Yiqiao Zhao, Zefei Cheng, Jieyu Chen, Sixian Yang, Tao Yu, Jinhong Fan, Yan Li, Jianzhuang Xiaodoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110958 尺寸效应对亚麻纤维增强复合材料内部损伤及力学性能的影响The effect of the size on the strength of laminated artificial fiber reinforced composites has been extensive discussed during the design of large composites structure. With the trial as the structures in aerospace, civil engineering, automobile industry, the scaling of the properties of plant fiber reinforced composite should be studied. In this paper, the size effect and failure mechanism of tensile and impact properties of flax fiber reinforced composites were valuated. The effects of different area, thickness and volume on the tensile properties of composites were explored. Additionally, the failure mechanism of size effect on tensile specimens was proposed through the damage morphologies of composites. It is found that the twist of fiber bundle plays an important role in the size effect of composite thickness. Besides, the relationship between impact properties and size effect of composites was conducted, including the size of hammer, different impact energy and sample size. The curves of different types of impact samples were normalized to verify the linear rule in response stage. The crack length after impact was measured and the size effect of crack length was discussed. The size effect of crack area was studied by calculating the crack area with ultrasonic C-scan. Different “size effects” between flax fibers and artificial fibers were explored. The results are expected to provide a theoretical basis for the structural design of plant fiber reinforced composites.在大型复合材料结构设计中,广泛讨论了尺寸对层合人工纤维增强复合材料强度的影响。随着植物纤维增强复合材料在航空航天、土木工程、汽车工业等领域的应用,对其性能的影响问题进行了深入的研究。研究了亚麻纤维增强复合材料拉伸和冲击性能的尺寸效应及其破坏机理。探讨了不同面积、厚度和体积对复合材料拉伸性能的影响。此外,通过复合材料的损伤形态分析,提出了尺寸效应对拉伸试样的破坏机理。研究发现,纤维束捻度对复合材料厚度的尺寸效应有重要影响。此外,还分析了复合材料的冲击性能与尺寸效应之间的关系,包括锤头尺寸、不同冲击能和试样尺寸。对不同类型冲击试样的曲线进行归一化,验证了响应阶段的线性规律。测量了冲击后的裂纹长度,并讨论了裂纹长度的尺寸效应。通过超声c扫描计算裂纹面积,研究了裂纹面积的尺寸效应。探讨了亚麻纤维与人造纤维的不同“尺寸效应”。研究结果有望为植物纤维增强复合材料的结构设计提供理论依据。Bioinspired ultra-fine hybrid nanocoating for improving strength and damage tolerance of composite fan blades in flexible manufacturingXianhe Cheng, Qigang Han, Yuzhang Huang, Mingdi Shi, Hexuan Shi, Mengxue Ji, Chuncai Yangdoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110956 柔性制造中提高复合材料风扇叶片强度和损伤容忍度的仿生超细混合纳米涂层The ultrafine mineral bridges/bio-polymer hybrid structure inspired by nacreous is applied to the interface structure design of composite, aiming to address the high brittleness and low damage tolerance problems of carbon fiber composite fan blades (CFCFB). Herein, we present a simple and efficient approach, called the "cationic copolymer-mono micelle-mediated" method, to translate the nacre-inspired structure for developing micelles/ZnO hybrid nanocoating. The hybrid nanocoating was demonstrated to have remarkable characteristics such as ultrafine ZnO sizes, monodispersity, uniformity, and core-shell structure (diameters: ≈45 nm). Additionally, the coating process is simple, solvent-free, and seamlessly integrates with scalable carbon fiber manufacturing. Based on the nacre-inspired interface structure, the CFCFB exhibits high interlaminar strength (99.3 MPa), high stiffness (79 GPa), and high toughness (41.2 MPa m1/2). This study provides a blueprint for bioinspired ultrafine nanostructure design in composites and inspires advanced manufacturing strategies for other promising engineering materials.将珠蚌启发的超细矿物桥/生物聚合物杂化结构应用于复合材料界面结构设计,旨在解决碳纤维复合材料风扇叶片(CFCFB)的高脆性和低损伤容限问题。在此,我们提出了一种简单有效的方法,称为“阳离子共聚物-单胶束介导”的方法,来翻译纳米结构,以开发胶束/ZnO杂化纳米涂层。该杂化纳米涂层具有ZnO尺寸超细、单分散性、均匀性和核壳结构(直径≈45 nm)等显著特性。此外,涂层过程简单,无溶剂,并与可扩展的碳纤维制造无缝集成。基于珠核界面结构,CFCFB具有高层间强度(99.3 MPa)、高刚度(79 GPa)和高韧性(41.2 MPa m1/2)。该研究为仿生超细纳米复合材料的设计提供了蓝图,并为其他有前途的工程材料的先进制造策略提供了灵感。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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