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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 7 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Multiscale simulation of spatially correlated microstructure via a latent space representation

Reese E. Jones, Craig M. Hamel, Dan Bolintineanu, Kyle Johnson, Robert Buarque de Macedo, Jan Fuhg, Nikolaos Bouklas, Sharlotte Kramer



When deformation gradients act on the scale of the microstructure of a part due to geometry and loading, spatial correlations and finite-size effects in simulation cells cannot be neglected. We propose a multiscale method that accounts for these effects using a variational autoencoder to encode the structure–property map of the stochastic volume elements making up the statistical description of the part. In this paradigm the autoencoder can be used to directly encode the microstructure or, alternatively, its latent space can be sampled to provide likely realizations. We demonstrate the method on three examples using the common additively manufactured material AlSi10Mg in: (a) a comparison with direct numerical simulation of the part microstructure, (b) a push forward of microstructural uncertainty to performance quantities of interest, and (c) a simulation of functional gradation of a part with stochastic microstructure.

当变形梯度因几何形状和载荷而作用于零件微观结构尺度时,模拟单元中的空间相关性和有限尺寸效应不容忽视。我们提出了一种多尺度方法,利用变异自动编码器对构成零件统计描述的随机体积元素的结构-属性图进行编码,以考虑这些效应。在这一范例中,自动编码器可用于直接对微观结构进行编码,或者对其潜在空间进行采样,以提供可能的实现。我们使用常见的加成制造材料 AlSi10Mg 在以下三个示例中演示了该方法:(a) 与直接数值模拟零件微观结构的比较;(b) 将微观结构的不确定性向前推进到感兴趣的性能量;(c) 模拟具有随机微观结构的零件的功能分级。

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Phase-field ductile fracture simulations of thermal cracking in additive manufacturing

Hui Ruan, Xiang-Long Peng, Yangyiwei Yang, Dietmar Gross, Bai-Xiang Xu



We present a multiphysics phase-field fracture model for thermo-elasto-plastic solids in the context of finite deformation and apply it to simulate the hot cracking phenomenon during metal additive manufacturing. The model is derived in a thermodynamically consistent manner, with the intercoupling mechanisms among elastoplasticity, phase-field crack and heat transfer comprehensively considered. It involves particularly coupled parameters among these materials physics, e.g. plasticity-dependent degradation function and fracture toughness, damage-dependent yield surface and thermal properties, and temperature-dependent elastoplastic properties and fracture strength. The finite element implementation of the coupled phase-field model is benchmarked with simulations results of a tensile test of an I-shape specimen, encompassing elastoplasticity, hardening, necking, crack initiation and propagation, in contrast to the related experimental results. The validated model is further employed to simulate the multiphysics hot cracking phenomenon in additive manufacturing in the context of both the effective powder-bed model and the powder-resolved model thanks to prior non-isothermal phase-field powder-bed-fusion simulations. Simulation results reveal certain key features of the hot crack and its dependency on process parameters like beam power and scan speed, which are helpful for the fundamental understanding of crack formation mechanisms and process optimization.


Rainbow trapping of out-of-plane mechanical waves in spatially variant beam lattices

Bastian Telgen, Vignesh Kannan, Jean-Charles Bail, Charles Dorn, Hannah Niese, Dennis M. Kochmann



We numerically and experimentally investigate the propagation of mechanical waves in two-dimensional periodic and spatially graded elastic beam lattices. Experiments on metallic lattices admit the characterization of the linear elastic wave dispersion over a wide range of frequencies, resulting in complete, experimentally-constructed dispersion surfaces in excellent agreement with predictions obtained from finite element-based Bloch wave analysis. While Timoshenko beam theory is shown to be sufficiently accurate for predicting the lowest modes, experiments prove that solid finite elements are required to capture the dispersion relations at higher frequencies as well as when mode coupling occurs. Based on an improved numerical procedure, group velocity maps further highlight the directionality of wave dispersion and allow for the simple identification of bandgaps. In addition to classically studied periodic trusses, we extend the framework to spatially graded structures and demonstrate acoustic rainbow trapping in beam lattices undergoing out-of-plane vibrations. Our experiments confirm broadband vibration attenuation of the typical meta-wedge type previously observed only in optics and few mechanical studies. Results further show convincing agreement between Bloch theory-based predictions, finite element simulations, and experimental measurements. Such spatially-variant architected lattices show great promise for steering the motion of elastic waves in applications from wave guiding and wave shielding to energy harvesting.


Mechanics of Materials

Mechanical properties and energy absorption of medium-entropy alloy triply periodic minimal surface cellular structures fabricated via selective laser melting

Zhaoyi Wang, Bingzhi Chen, Yunzhuo Lu, Junxian Zhou, Dongming Li, Deyu Yue, Xu Zhang



Triply periodic minimal surfaces (TPMSs) are extensively used as effective tools for the microarchitectural designing of cellular structures. CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy, known for its high strength and high ductility, is an ideal candidate for fabricating TPMS-based structures. However, few studies have focused on this topic. This study investigated the compressive mechanical and energy absorption properties of CoCrNi D-sheet TPMS cellular structures fabricated via selective laser melting (SLM). The surface morphology of the fabricated D-sheet TPMS structure was observed through scanning electron microscopy, and the deformation and failure mechanisms of the structure were analyzed by the quasi-static compression test. The results indicated that the SLM-ed CoCrNi D-sheet TPMS structure exhibited stable collapse mechanisms compared to other metal-based TPMS structures. Meanwhile, the energy absorption characteristics of the modified finite element (FE) model agreed well with the experimental results. Furthermore, the impact of the level constant on the energy absorption performance of the D-sheet TPMS structure was investigated using the FE model. Thus, an optimal D-sheet (OD-sheet) TPMS structure with lower density and higher energy absorption capacity was obtained. Additionally, the Gibson–Ashby prediction model was established to aid in selecting CoCrNi OD-sheet TPMS structures with controlled relative densities for energy absorption applications.

三周期极小表面(TPMS)被广泛用作细胞结构微结构设计的有效工具。钴铬镍中熵合金以高强度和高延展性著称,是制造基于 TPMS 结构的理想候选材料。然而,很少有研究关注这一主题。本研究调查了通过选择性激光熔化(SLM)制造的钴铬镍 D 片 TPMS 蜂窝结构的压缩机械性能和能量吸收性能。通过扫描电子显微镜观察了制作的 D 片 TPMS 结构的表面形貌,并通过准静态压缩试验分析了结构的变形和失效机理。结果表明,与其他金属基 TPMS 结构相比,SLM-ed CoCrNi D-sheet TPMS 结构具有稳定的崩溃机制。同时,修改后的有限元(FE)模型的能量吸收特性与实验结果非常吻合。此外,还利用有限元模型研究了水平常数对 D 片 TPMS 结构能量吸收性能的影响。因此,得到了一种密度更低、能量吸收能力更强的最佳 D-sheet(OD-sheet)TPMS 结构。此外,还建立了吉布森-阿什比预测模型,以帮助选择具有可控相对密度的钴铬镍 OD 片 TPMS 结构用于能量吸收应用。

International Journal of Plasticity

A Crystal Plasticity Based Strain Rate Dependent Model across An Ultra-wide Range

Xiaochuan Sun, Kecheng Zhou, Chuhao Liu, Xiaodan Zhang, Huamiao Wang



Numerous studies have investigated the strain rate sensitive behaviors of materials, consistently reporting enhanced stress values and increased dislocation density with rising strain rates. Behind these phenomena lies the intrinsic nature of dislocation activity. In this context, we introduce an analysis method within a crystal-plasticity (CP) framework, incorporating molecular dynamics insights for a comprehensive range of strain rates (7.5 × 10−5/s to 5 × 107/s). This approach offers a refined understanding of strain rate sensitivity (SRS) behaviors, mainly influenced by dislocation movement laws and strain-rate-dependent saturation of dislocation density. We elucidate the impact of deformation loading conditions on Schmidt factors and active slip systems, which are also crucial for understanding variations in SRS. Ultimately, this study underscores the CP method's effectiveness in comprehensive SRS analysis, seamlessly integrating experimental observations with theoretical predictions for advanced material characterization.

大量研究对材料的应变速率敏感行为进行了调查,结果一致表明,随着应变速率的上升,材料的应力值会增大,位错密度也会增加。这些现象的背后是位错活动的内在本质。在此背景下,我们在晶体塑性(CP)框架内引入了一种分析方法,并结合分子动力学观点,对各种应变速率(7.5 × 10-5/s 至 5 × 107/s)进行了分析。这种方法提供了对应变速率敏感性(SRS)行为的精细理解,这种行为主要受位错运动规律和依赖于应变速率的位错密度饱和度的影响。我们阐明了变形加载条件对施密特因子和主动滑移系统的影响,这对于理解 SRS 的变化也至关重要。最终,这项研究强调了 CP 方法在综合 SRS 分析中的有效性,它将实验观察与理论预测完美地结合在一起,从而实现了先进的材料表征。

Thin-Walled Structures

Discrete-continuum-discrete approach for the modeling of the dynamic behaviour of 2D lattice systems

F. Gómez-Silva, R. Zaera, H. Askes



This work presents a new methodology to model elastic lattice systems through a two-step approach that permits to reliably capture its dynamic behavior with a lower computational cost than modeling the lattice explicitly. The first step consists of a non-standard continualization accounting for scale effects. Several methods are explored to derive new continuum models, whose dispersive and vibrational behaviors are compared to that of the lattice, considered as a reference. Non-classical models with micro-inertia reveal high accuracy, not presenting physical inconsistencies. The second step follows a FEM spatial discretization of the developed continua, accounting for micro inertia terms in the mass matrix. Finally, the FEM formulation allows the use of element sizes larger (up to four times) than the physical length scale of the lattice system, thus significantly reducing the computational cost while maintaining accuracy and enabling a versatile application to materials, geometries and boundary conditions. The methodology is tested here for a 2D system with displacements in the plane, but can be extended to other lattice typologies as well.


Extending the Finite Area Method for enhanced simulation of deformable membranes and its application to extrusion blow moulding

Wagner de Campos Galuppo, Pedro Santana, Francisco Alves, João Miguel Nóbrega



This paper investigates the mechanics of the Extrusion Blow Moulding (EBM) process, focusing on the clamp and inflation phases. The simulation framework employed in this study has been developed using OpenFOAM ® and extended the available Finite Area Method with a vertex-centred approach. This cutting-edge developments integrated a corotational formulation with a quasi-static approximation. The computational code and algorithm are verified and validated through comparisons between analytical solutions, experimental measurements and simulation results, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the proposed approach. The implemented code is verified by checking fundamental principles of hyperelastic materials behaviour, demonstrated through equibiaxial deformation of spherical balloons. The use of neo-Hookean and Mooney–Rivlin material models provides crucial insights into material responses under different inflation conditions. The studies begin employing a conceptual mould within the EBM process that allows examining the effects of mould clamping on parison deformation. Then the study extends to analysing a real bottle manufactured via EBM, employing Stereolithography (STL) digitization and thickness mapping to quantify the material distribution. The simulation results closely replicates experimental observations, capturing the inherent non-linearity of these process stages, including large deformations and displacements, hyperelasticity and parison-mould contacts. This interdisciplinary research enhances understanding of the EBM process phases and analogous processes, providing valuable insights for plastic manufacturing. It improves the design process for meeting specific requirements and offers guidelines to avoid potential failures. The findings underscore the importance of such studies in advancing sustainable and efficient plastic manufacturing practices, with applications ranging from inflatable structures to EBM processes.

本文研究了挤压吹塑成型(EBM)工艺的力学原理,重点是夹模和充气阶段。本研究中采用的模拟框架是利用 OpenFOAM ® 开发的,并以顶点为中心扩展了现有的有限区域法。这一尖端技术的发展将矢量计算与准静态近似结合在一起。计算代码和算法通过分析解决方案、实验测量和模拟结果之间的比较进行了验证和确认,确保了所建议方法的准确性和可靠性。通过球形气球的等轴变形,检查超弹性材料行为的基本原理,验证了所实施的代码。通过使用新胡克恩和穆尼-里夫林材料模型,可以深入了解材料在不同充气条件下的反应。研究首先在 EBM 过程中使用概念模具,以检查模具夹紧对型坯变形的影响。然后,研究扩展到分析通过 EBM 制造的真实瓶子,采用立体光刻(STL)数字化和厚度映射来量化材料分布。模拟结果与实验观察结果非常接近,捕捉到了这些工艺阶段固有的非线性,包括大变形和位移、超弹性和型坯与模具接触。这项跨学科研究加深了对 EBM 工艺阶段和类似工艺的理解,为塑料制造提供了宝贵的见解。它改进了满足特定要求的设计过程,并提供了避免潜在故障的指导原则。研究结果强调了此类研究在推进可持续和高效塑料制造实践方面的重要性,其应用范围包括充气结构和 EBM 工艺。

Behavior of reinforced CHS T-joints by welding collar plates under load

Zhaowei Li, Hongfei Chang, Tenglong Ren, Ziyang Meng, Yichao Yin, Ningtao Liu, Yuner Huang, Junwu Xia


通过焊接领圈板加固的 CHS T 型接头在荷载作用下的行为

The paper presents a comprehensive test program on collar plate reinforced CHS T-joints under different preload conditions, in order to investigate the effect of preload and welding thermal on reinforced joints. A total of four specimens, including specimens with and without preload when the collar plates were welded, were tested under brace axial loading. The test results, including welding temperature field, development of strain as well as welding residual deformation during the welding process are measured and presented in this paper. Furthermore, the failure model and compressive strength of the collar plate reinforced T-joints were determined. The test results demonstrated that the localized high temperature and rapid attenuation are the characteristics of the welding temperature field, which instantaneous peak temperature rose to 1808 °C at the local area and attenuated to 600 °C in an elliptic range of about 3.1 cm × 1.7 cm. The failure modes of collar plate reinforced CHS T-joints do not change with preload on the chord and welding thermal. Furthermore, preload on the chord reduces the compressive strength of reinforced joints. The strain distribution and residual deformation are affected by the thermal expansion and cold shrinkage, while the development of the welding temperature field is not affected by the preload. Finally, for compressive strength of CHS T-joints reinforced with collar plate by welding, the applicability of the reduction coefficient due to preload calculated by existing codes was assessed by comparing design values with experimental results. A finite element model by ANSYS, considering the welding heat, was established. Key parameters affecting the strength of the T-joint at the reinforced collar plate under load were identified through parametric study with finite element models. Construction recommendations of welded CHS T-joints are proposed.

本文介绍了不同预紧力条件下领圈板加固 CHS T 型接头的综合测试方案,以研究预紧力和焊接热对加固接头的影响。在支撑轴向载荷下,共测试了四个试样,包括领圈板焊接时有预载和无预载的试样。本文测量并展示了测试结果,包括焊接温度场、应变发展以及焊接过程中的焊接残余变形。此外,还确定了领圈板加固 T 型接头的失效模型和抗压强度。试验结果表明,局部高温和快速衰减是焊接温度场的特征,局部区域的瞬时峰值温度升至 1808 ℃,并在约 3.1 cm × 1.7 cm 的椭圆范围内衰减至 600 ℃。领圈板加固 CHS T 型接头的破坏模式并不随弦杆预紧力和焊接热而变化。此外,弦上的预紧力会降低加固接头的抗压强度。应变分布和残余变形受热膨胀和冷缩的影响,而焊接温度场的发展则不受预紧力的影响。最后,通过比较设计值和实验结果,评估了现有规范计算的因预载而降低的系数是否适用于通过焊接用领圈板加固的 CHS T 型接头的抗压强度。通过 ANSYS 建立了一个考虑到焊接热量的有限元模型。通过对有限元模型进行参数化研究,确定了影响加固领圈板 T 型接头在荷载作用下强度的关键参数。提出了焊接 CHS T 型接头的构造建议。

Towards accurate prediction of the dynamic behavior and failure mechanisms of three-dimensional braided composites: a multiscale analysis scheme

Yangxuan Zhu, Chunwang He, Tian Zhao, Ying Li



In this paper, a dynamic multiscale model is proposed for three-dimensional four-directional (3D4D) braided composites, considering the effects of strain rate and shear enhanced failure mechanism. The strain rate-dependent constitutive models are established for both resin and yarns. The accuracy of the yarn model is validated by comparing the simulated stress-strain curves with the experimental results obtained from the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) tests with various strain rates. The shear enhancement coefficient of the yarn is determined from the failure envelopes with a discussion of crack propagation angles. The results show that, based on the calculated microscale properties, the mesoscale model accurately predicts both the longitudinal and transverse compressive strain-stress behavior of 3D4D braided composites at different strain rates. A comparative analysis reveals that the shear-enhanced failure model achieves a better prediction compared with other counterparts, such as Hashin-Rotem and Tsai-Wu Models. The proposed dynamic multiscale scheme for 3D braided composites is an efficient and accurate tool to characterize their multiscale features and strain rate-dependent behavior.

本文提出了三维四向(3D4D)编织复合材料的动态多尺度模型,考虑了应变率和剪切增强失效机制的影响。为树脂和纱线建立了与应变速率相关的构成模型。通过比较模拟应力-应变曲线和不同应变率下的裂开霍普金森压力棒(SHPB)试验结果,验证了纱线模型的准确性。通过对裂纹扩展角度的讨论,从失效包络线中确定了纱线的剪切增强系数。结果表明,根据计算得出的微观特性,中尺度模型可以准确预测 3D4D 编织复合材料在不同应变速率下的纵向和横向压缩应变应力行为。对比分析表明,与其他同类模型(如 Hashin-Rotem 和 Tsai-Wu 模型)相比,剪切增强失效模型实现了更好的预测效果。针对三维编织复合材料提出的动态多尺度方案是表征其多尺度特征和应变速率相关行为的有效而精确的工具。

Experimental behaviour of axially loaded circular high-strength concrete-filled high-strength steel tubular stub columns after exposure to fire

Ying Li, Faqi Liu, Tao Du, Yanchong Pan, Hua Yang, Yinglong Li



The high-strength concrete-filled high-strength steel tubular (HCFHST) column is an innovative type of high-performance steel-concrete composite component, which has a broad prospect for engineering applications. To investigate the axial compressive behaviour of post-fire HCFHST stub columns with circular cross-sections, twenty-five specimens were heated following ISO 834 standard fire and then loaded to failure under axial compression after being cooled. The effects of various heating durations, concrete and steel strength on the temperature distribution, spalling of the steel-concrete interface, post-fire ultimate bearing capacity and axial stiffness were analyzed. The residual ultimate capacity and axial stiffness of HCFHST stub columns experience a pronounced decrease as the heating duration increases. High strength steel has no significant contribution to the enhancement of the post-fire axial stiffness of HCFHST stub columns, and the effect level of high-strength concrete on the failure load of composite columns subjected to different heating durations is similar. Finally, the applicability of relevant equations for the residual compressive capacity of the ordinary strength CFST column to HCFHST stub columns was evaluated. The evaluation results revealed that available methods of conventional strength CFST stub columns cannot obtain accurate post-fire resistance predictions of circular HCFHST stub columns.

高强度混凝土填充高强度钢管(HCFHST)柱是一种创新型高性能钢-混凝土复合材料构件,在工程应用中具有广阔的前景。为了研究火灾后圆形截面 HCFHST 短柱的轴向压缩行为,我们按照 ISO 834 标准对 25 个试件进行了火灾加热,冷却后对其进行轴向压缩加载至破坏。分析了各种加热持续时间、混凝土和钢强度对温度分布、钢-混凝土界面剥落、火灾后极限承载力和轴向刚度的影响。随着加热时间的延长,HCFHST 存根柱的残余极限承载力和轴向刚度明显下降。高强度钢对 HCFHST 存根柱火后轴向刚度的增强作用不明显,高强度混凝土对不同加热持续时间下复合材料柱破坏荷载的影响程度相似。最后,评估了普通强度 CFST 柱的残余抗压能力相关公式对 HCFHST 存根柱的适用性。评估结果表明,常规强度 CFST 存根柱的现有方法无法准确预测圆形 HCFHST 存根柱的耐火后性能。

Bending-bearing capacity design of transformed triangular corrugated plates with top stringers

Yanguo Hou, Chenbao Wen, Yanlin Guo, Haojun Sun



This study investigates the bending-bearing capacity and design method of Transformed Triangular Corrugated Steel Plates (TT-CSPs) with top stringers adopted in trestles subjected to possible pure bending. Elastic buckling load and ultimate strength are derived through theoretical deduction and numerical analysis. Exploration focuses on the impact of boundary conditions, aspect ratio, corrugation density, and top stringers on buckling behavior and ultimate strength. This paper advances a design approach for the bending-bearing capacity of TT-CSPs with top stringers. Findings indicate that the vertical boundaries of TT-CSPs cannot meet the plane assumption and are close to being free-warping. Higher corrugation densities increase structural stiffness and uniformity, while TT-CSP height variations significantly affect stability. Top stringers behave as lateral constraints and undergo significant bending stresses, with their various buckling modes influencing the bending-bearing stability capacity of TT-CSPs.

本研究探讨了变形三角形波纹钢板(TT-CSP)的抗弯承载能力和设计方法,该钢板在栈桥中采用了上弦杆,可能会受到纯弯曲的影响。通过理论推导和数值分析得出了弹性屈曲载荷和极限强度。探讨的重点是边界条件、长宽比、波纹密度和上弦对屈曲行为和极限强度的影响。本文提出了一种带有顶弦杆的 TT-CSP 弯曲承载能力设计方法。研究结果表明,TT-CSP 的垂直边界无法满足平面假设,接近于自由弯曲。较高的波纹密度可提高结构刚度和均匀性,而 TT-CSP 高度变化则会严重影响稳定性。顶部弦杆起横向约束作用,承受巨大的弯曲应力,其各种屈曲模式影响着 TT-CSP 的弯曲承载稳定性能力。

Dynamic Response of Girder Bridges with Corrugated Steel Webs Subjected to Moving Loads

Qiangbo Li, Man Zhou



Girders with corrugated steel webs (CSWs), replacing traditional concrete webs in prestressed concrete box girders, exhibit a unique dynamic behavior due to the accordion effect and the thinner dimension of CSWs. The study aims to investigate the dynamic response of girder bridges with CSWs under moving loads. Utilizing the Timoshenko beam theory and modal analysis method, the analytical formula for the dynamic response, considering shear deformation and rotational inertia, was developed. The proposed analytical formula was validated through finite element simulation. Employing dimensionless parameters, a parametric analysis was conducted to examine the effects of multi-modes, loading position and shear deformation on the dynamic response of girders with CSWs. The results highlighted the significant influence of the shear parameter αS and the speed parameter SE1 on the magnitude of the impact factor. Precise calculations for deflection and bending moment only require consideration of low-order modes, whereas accurate estimation of shear force requires attention to higher-order modes. In particular, a high-frequency resonance phenomenon is identified when the speed parameter SE1 and the shear parameter αS conformed to the formula “πSE1αS = 1”. The suggested impact factor formulas for midpoint deflection, midpoint bending moment and end shear force have been develop and categorized into three groups based on the magnitude of the shear parameter αS.

波形钢腹板(CSW)梁取代了预应力混凝土箱梁中传统的混凝土腹板,由于波形钢腹板的风琴效应和较薄的尺寸,CSW 表现出独特的动态特性。本研究旨在探讨采用 CSW 的梁桥在移动荷载作用下的动态响应。利用季莫申科梁理论和模态分析方法,考虑剪切变形和转动惯量,建立了动态响应分析公式。通过有限元模拟对所提出的分析公式进行了验证。采用无量纲参数,进行了参数分析,以研究多模式、加载位置和剪切变形对带有 CSW 的大梁动态响应的影响。结果表明,剪切参数 αS 和速度参数 SE1 对影响因子的大小有显著影响。挠度和弯矩的精确计算只需要考虑低阶模态,而剪力的精确估算则需要关注高阶模态。特别是,当速度参数 SE1 和剪切参数 αS 符合公式 "πSE1αS=1 "时,就会出现高频共振现象。根据剪力参数 αS 的大小,中点挠度、中点弯矩和端面剪力的影响系数公式被分为三组。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
获赞 9粉丝 3文章 857课程 0


今日更新:Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 篇Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsDeformation, shape transformations, and stability of elastic rod loops within spherical confinementMeng Wang, Xiying Li, Xin Yidoi:10.1016/j.jmps.2024.105771球形约束内弹性杆环的变形、形状转换和稳定性Mechanical insight into the packing of slender objects within confinement is essential for understanding how polymers, filaments, or wires organize and rearrange in limited space. Here we combine analytical modeling, numerical optimization, and experimental studies to reveal spherical packing behavior of thin elastic rod loops of homogeneous or inhomogeneous stiffness. Across varying loop lengths, a rich array of configurations including circle, saddle, figure-eight, and more intricate patterns are identified. A theoretical framework rooted in the local equilibrium of force and moment is proposed for the rod loop deformation, facilitating the determination of internal and contact forces experienced by the rods during deformation. For the confined homogeneous rod loops, their stable and metastable configurations are well described using proposed Euler rotation curves, which offer a concise and effective approach for configuration prediction. Moreover, formulated analysis on the stability and critical force for homogeneous rod loops on great circles of the spherical confinement are performed. For inhomogeneous rod loops with two segments of differing stiffness, the stiffer segment exhibits less deviation from the great circle, while the softer segment undergoes more pronounced deformation. These findings not only enhance our understanding of buckling and post-buckling phenomena but also offer insights into filament patterning within confining environments.要了解聚合物、细丝或导线如何在有限空间内组织和重新排列,就必须从力学角度深入了解细长物体在密闭环境中的堆积情况。在这里,我们将分析建模、数值优化和实验研究结合起来,揭示了同质或非同质刚度的细弹性杆环的球形堆积行为。在不同长度的回路中,我们发现了丰富的构型,包括圆形、马鞍形、八字形以及更复杂的图案。针对杆环变形提出了一个以力和力矩的局部平衡为基础的理论框架,有助于确定杆在变形过程中的内力和接触力。对于约束均质杆环,利用提出的欧拉旋转曲线很好地描述了它们的稳定和陨落构型,为构型预测提供了一种简洁有效的方法。此外,还对球形约束大圆上均质杆环的稳定性和临界力进行了计算分析。对于两段刚度不同的非均质杆环,刚度较高的一段偏离大圆的程度较小,而较软的一段则会发生更明显的变形。这些发现不仅加深了我们对屈曲和屈曲后现象的理解,还为我们深入了解约束环境中的细丝形态提供了启示。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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