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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 4 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

A minimalist elastic metamaterial with meta-damping mechanism

Yun-Long Chen, Li Ma



A novel elastic mechanical metamaterial with extreme damping performance has been achieved skillfully by coupling snap-through and pseudo-constant-force behaviors. The proposed meta-damping mechanism is systematically expounded to tailor synthetical force–displacement response for programming hyper energy dissipations. Within this framework, detailed designs in functional sub-structures and collaborative design strategy combined with parametric optimization in integrated structure are further presented synthetically. By additive manufacturing and loading–unloading cyclic experiments, the physical realization of meta-damping elastic metamaterials reveals the extraordinary specific damping capacity (Ψ=7.03), which exceeds any research reported previously and is immensely close to the theoretical limit. Remarkably, this minimalist design method, with only two necessary functional components, reconciles the contradiction between load-bearing and damping dissipation, with strong multi-directional and periodic expansibility. This work has far-reaching implications on the compact design of recoverability, reusability, frequency-independent, material-independent elastic mechanical metamaterials for superior dynamic applications such as impact absorption vibration reduction, and energy trapping.


A numerical study on tensile strength of low-density Kagome networks made of brittle fibers

Soham M. Mane, Kenneth M. Liechti, Rui Huang



In this paper, we present a numerical study on the tensile strength of low-density Kagome networks made of brittle fibers. First, an elastic beam model is employed to analytically predict the effective elastic properties and tensile strength, as well as the critical condition for buckling of the fibers in Kagome networks. A series of finite element analyses are then conducted to simulate the elastic deformation and failure of Kagome networks under tension. The numerical results based on unit-cell models reveal four possible failure modes of the Kagome networks subject to uniaxial tension, summarized in a phase diagram in terms of the relative density and the fiber strength. The pre-buckling failure mode is restricted to cases with relatively high density and low fiber strength. A low-density Kagome network is likely to fail by one of the post-buckling modes, with an effective tensile strength much lower than the prediction by the elastic beam model. For Kagome networks consisting of a large number of unit cells, the effect of boundary conditions on the tensile strength is examined. Under periodic boundary conditions, the effective tensile strength is nearly identical to that predicted by the unit-cell model, independent of the model size. Under a roller boundary condition, with damage initiation near the free edges followed by a diffusive damage progression, the effective tensile strength is lower than that under periodic boundary conditions for the cases of relatively low fiber strengths. Under a clamped boundary condition, the effective tensile strength is higher than that under periodic boundary conditions for the cases of relatively high fiber strengths, where fiber buckling is largely suppressed by the clamped boundaries. Finally, the effect of a crack-like defect on the effective tensile strength is studied for Kagome networks under the clamped boundary condition. With a small defect, the effective strength is nearly independent of the defect size. In contrast, with a relatively long defect, the effective strength decreases almost linearly with the length of the crack-like defect. The effective toughness for damage initiation and steady-state damage progression in the Kagome networks are discussed from an energetic perspective.


International Journal of Plasticity

Dual-phase polycrystalline crystal plasticity model revealing the relationship between microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties in additively manufactured maraging steel

Jakub Mikula, Guglielmo Vastola, Zhang Yong-Wei



To elucidate the relationship between microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties in additively manufactured (AM) maraging steel, this study introduces a computational approach that addresses two fundamental challenges. Firstly, it addresses the creation of representative volume elements (RVEs) that mimic the observed microstructural complexities, such as meltpool boundaries, prior austenite grains, packets and blocks of lath martensite. This is accomplished through the application of Potts Monte-Carlo methods and grain segmentation techniques in accordance with the Kurdjumov-Sachs orientation relationship. Secondly, this study develops a comprehensive crystal plasticity (CP) model encompassing both bcc and fcc plasticity. Inspired by atomistic and discrete dislocation dynamics studies, the proposed CP model incorporates characteristics intrinsic to bcc plasticity, including non-Schmid effects, dislocation and precipitate strengthening, and Hall-Petch type strengthening of elongated martensitic blocks. Utilizing the created RVEs and the proposed CP framework, finite element simulations are conducted based on an update-Lagrangian formulation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the deformation behavior, texture evolution, tension-compression asymmetry, and evolution in dislocation density in RVEs representative of as-built and heat-treated samples of maraging steel. This computational approach and its findings deepen our understanding of the intricate interplay between microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties in maraging steel and also provide valuable guidelines for refining its additive manufacturing and heat treatment processes.


Thin-Walled Structures

Quantifying efficient shape-shifting: Energy barrier measurement in multi-stable lattice metamaterials

Qicheng Zhang, Jiajia Shen, Martin Garrad, Fabrizio Scarpa, Alberto Pirrera, Rainer M.J. Groh



Shape-shifting between multiple stable deformation states offers attractive pathways to design adaptive structures. Ideas have been conceptualised in diverse fields, including soft robotics and aerospace engineering. The success of shape-shifting relies on overcoming the energy barrier separating adjacent stable configurations, which necessitates efficient actuation strategies. Recently, multistable mechanical metamaterials have been designed with shape-shifting controlled by an actuator at the local scale, i.e with embedded actuation. This local, embedded actuation creates challenges for quantifying the energy barriers required for shape-shifting. Specifically, the local actuation requires a pair of forces with opposite directions and the direction of the forces must remain constant throughout the entire loading process. Moreover, the loading points must move freely in a direction perpendicular to the loading direction. We present a novel bi-axial test rig for a typical multi-stable lattice metamaterial that accurately determines the energy barrier between stable states by using an embedded actuator and inducing shape-shifting. Our experimental design features two independent actuation systems operating at different length scales: a primary one for a globally applied axial compression of the metamaterial, and a secondary local system for triggering shape-shifting between different stable configurations. Experimental data obtained using this bespoke test rig unveil the metamaterial’s response to local, embedded actuation. Excellent agreement with finite element simulations is observed, demonstrating the effectiveness of the test setup in providing measurements of the energy barrier. This work provides a valuable benchmark for measuring energy barriers in multi-stable metamaterials and paves the way for rigorous validation and verification of novel functional metamaterial and structures that leverage shape-shifting mechanisms.


A novel single-DoF deployable antenna mechanism based on heterogeneous modules: Configuration design and performance analysis

Guoxing Zhang, Jie Wang, Jinwei Guo, Jianliang He, Yundou Xu, Yongsheng Zhao



The truss-type deployable antenna is the core equipment for information acquisition and transmission in aerospace engineering. As an important implementation method for large-aperture and high-precision space deployable antennas, the truss-type deployable antenna mechanism has advantages in surface accuracy, deployable ratio, and brace stiffness. However, existing parabolic deployable antennas based on isomorphic modules have shortcomings such as insufficient surface accuracy, complex actuation, and low deployable ratio. We propose a parabolic deployable antenna mechanism with single-DoF and deployable ratio, which combines research content such as parabolic reflector surface division, configuration synthesis, performance analysis and experimental verification of the deployable antenna mechanism. The research results indicate that the proposed mechanism has the characteristics of high surface accuracy, high deployable ratio, and single actuation. The research work provides a solid theoretical foundation and technical reserves for the application and research and development of high-precision and ultra large parabolic truss-type deployable antenna mechanisms.


Fire resistance and stability of non-uniformly heated steel plate girders with slender section

Piotr Woźniczka



The results of experimental tests and computer simulations pertaining to the bearing capacity of unevenly heated girders made of slender thin walled class 4 sections are presented in this paper. It has been shown, that for the analyzed group of elements the value of lateral-torsional buckling coefficient depends on the initial load level applied to the considered element and the cross section bearing capacity reduction level under fire conditions. It has been determined as well that the influence of steel grade used on the value of buckling coefficient is negligible. Based on the research conducted, a new proposal for calculation of the lateral-torsional buckling coefficient for considered group of elements has been prepared. A simplified method to determine the bearing capacity of non-uniformly heated class 4 sections is proposed in this paper as well. It has been shown that both proposed methods exhibit sufficient convergence of results with the results of computer simulations, and satisfy appropriate acceptance criteria as well.


Spectro-Geometry dynamic analysis of FG-GPLRC cylindrical shell with periodically embedded dynamic vibration absorbers

Haochen Hu, Rui Zhong, Qingshan Wang, Xianjie Shi



This study presents a theoretical model of the functionally graded graphene platelet-reinforced composite (FG-GPLRC) cylindrical shell with periodically embedded dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) under different boundary constraints. The material parameters of the FG-GPLRC were first determined using the Halpin-Tsai micromechanical method and the general law of mixing. The energy expression for the system is developed based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT). A simplified model of the DVA is carried out, which consists of a mass block, a linear damper and a linear spring after simplification. Displacement field vectors of the cylindrical shell are established based on the spectro-geometric method (SGM). The Rayleigh-Ritz method was used to determine the vibration response of the coupled model. The validity of the proposed method is confirmed through comparing with results from existing literature and finite element method (FEM) calculations. The effect of boundary conditions, FG-GPLRC material properties, geometrical parameters of cylindrical shells, distribution parameters of DVAs, and damping coefficient on the steady-state vibration of the coupled model is investigated on this basis.


来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 2 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇Composite StructuresFlexible, lightweight, tunable robotic arms enabled by X-tensegrity inspired structuresXiao-Hui Yue, Xu Yin, Zi-Yan Sun, Long-Yue Liu, Yantao Wang, Guang-Kui Xu, Changyong Cao, Li-Yuan Zhangdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118331受 X-tensegrity 结构启发的灵活、轻质、可调机械臂Robotic arms have remarkable applications in diverse fields such as medical rehabilitation, disaster relief, and space exploration. Enhancing their rigidity, load-bearing capacity, and motion simplicity is key to broadening their usage. Utilizing the admirable flexibility and strength of tensegrity structures, made of rigid bars and elastic strings, we introduce a new type of flexible robotic arm. This arm is constructed using a sequence of two-dimensional X-tensegrity inspired modules. Each module comprises two sets of triangular bars linked by three strings, enhancing the arm’s ability to deform and resist impact forces. The joints between modules are stiff, allowing for angular adjustments to create three-dimensional configurations with adjustable stiffness and curvature. Through theoretical analysis, simulations, and experiments, we have shown that this tensegrity-based robotic arm exhibits superior stability, flexibility, and scalability.机械臂在医疗康复、救灾和太空探索等多个领域都有出色的应用。提高机械臂的刚度、承重能力和运动简易性是扩大其应用范围的关键。利用由刚性杆和弹性弦组成的张拉整体结构令人钦佩的柔韧性和强度,我们推出了一种新型柔性机械臂。这种机械臂由一系列二维 X-张拉整体模块构成。每个模块由两组三角形杆组成,并由三根绳索连接,从而增强了机械臂的变形和抗冲击能力。模块之间的连接处具有一定的硬度,可以进行角度调整,从而形成具有可调硬度和曲率的三维结构。通过理论分析、模拟和实验,我们证明了这种基于张力整体的机械臂具有卓越的稳定性、灵活性和可扩展性。Composites Part B: EngineeringUnveiling the microscopic compression failure behavior of mesophase-pitch-based carbon fibers for improving the compressive strength of their polymer compositesNingyuan Zhang, Dong Huang, Huafeng Quan, Chong Ye, Chaoyi Peng, Lei Tao, Shipeng Zhu, Zhen Fan, Kui shi, Feng Qian, Jinshui Liudoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111658揭示介相沥青基碳纤维的微观压缩失效行为,提高其聚合物复合材料的抗压强度Mesophase-pitch-based carbon fiber (MPCF) reinforced polymer (MPCFRP) composites show great potential for aerospace applications due to their excellent thermal conductivity and dimensional stability. However, the low compressive strength severely limits their application in high load-bearing areas. To address this issue, MPCF-A with a split-radial structure and MPCF-B with a skin-core structure were meticulously prepared by fiber structure regulation. The compression failure behavior of MPCFs at the monofilament and the microregion levels was investigated using the tensile recoil method and in-situ micropillar compression technique. MPCF-A exhibits the failure mode of petal-like lamellar separation due to axial crack penetrating along the (002) crystal plane of graphite layers, with the compressive strength of the core region (391 MPa) being higher than that of the skin region (360 MPa). Conversely, MPCF-B demonstrates a large transverse fracture in the skin region during damage, along with uniform microcracks in the core region. Notably, the compressive strength of the core region (547 MPa) significantly exceeds that of the skin region (456 MPa). Furthermore, the compressive strength of MPCF-B monofilaments (583 MPa) is higher than that of MPCF-A (462 MPa), attributed to factors such as the smaller graphite crystallite size (La = 36.54 nm, Lc = 26.75 nm), lower crystallite orientation (Z = 10.21°, R = 0.25), smaller pore size (Rg = 9.56 nm), and higher amorphous carbon content (g = 69.77%, K = 20.38). Consequently, the compressive strength of MPCFRP-B (232 MPa) is enhanced by 30.3% compared to MPCFRP-A.介相沥青基碳纤维(MPCF)增强聚合物(MPCFRP)复合材料具有优异的导热性和尺寸稳定性,因此在航空航天领域具有巨大的应用潜力。然而,较低的抗压强度严重限制了其在高承载区域的应用。为解决这一问题,我们通过纤维结构调控技术精心制备了具有劈裂径向结构的 MPCF-A 和具有皮芯结构的 MPCF-B。采用拉伸反冲法和原位微柱压缩技术研究了 MPCF 在单丝和微区层面的压缩失效行为。MPCF-A表现出沿石墨层(002)晶面穿透的轴向裂纹导致花瓣状薄片分离的失效模式,芯区的抗压强度(391 兆帕)高于表皮区(360 兆帕)。相反,MPCF-B 在损坏过程中,表皮区域出现大面积横向断裂,同时在核心区域出现均匀的微裂缝。值得注意的是,核心区域的抗压强度(547 兆帕)大大超过了表皮区域的抗压强度(456 兆帕)。此外,MPCF-B 单丝的抗压强度(583 兆帕)高于 MPCF-A(462 兆帕),这归因于较小的石墨结晶尺寸(La = 36.54 nm,Lc = 26.75 nm)、较低的结晶取向(Z = 10.21°,R = 0.25)、较小的孔径(Rg = 9.56 nm)和较高的无定形碳含量(g = 69.77%,K = 20.38)等因素。因此,与 MPCFRP-A 相比,MPCFRP-B 的抗压强度(232 兆帕)提高了 30.3%。Fully bio-based polylactic acid composites based on molecular crosslinking interface engineeringKang Chen, Pengrui Chen, Bei Qi, Xinyu Zhang, Lijun Cao, Ce Sun, Haiyan Tan, Yanhua Zhangdoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111663 基于分子交联界面工程的全生物基聚乳酸复合材料The key to achieving high-performance plant fiber/polylactic acid (PLA) composites lies in solving the interfacial compatibility issue between the two components. However, current mainstream methods for interfacial modulation often come with energy consumption and environmental concerns. To address this, our study proposed the development of fully bio-based bamboo fiber (BF)/PLA composites based on the principles of non-toxicity, low carbon footprint, and environmental friendliness. In this study, we aimed to construct a molecular-scale multiphase crosslinking network structure in BF/PLA composites. To achieve this, we utilized cyclodextrins (CD) to induce a regularized alignment of PLA molecular chains and employed epoxidized soybean oil (ESO) ring opening reaction to form bonds connecting BF, CD, and PLA molecules. This approach ensured that the composite is fully bio-based while still exhibiting remarkable mechanical properties. The resulting BF/PLA@CD-ESO composites demonstrated impressive bending strength, reaching 108.65 MPa, which was 23.11% higher than that of the BF/PLA composites. Moreover, the tensile strength reached 67.48 MPa, which was 39.06% higher than that of BF/PLA composites. This study provides a convenient, green and sustainable method for preparing PLA-based composites. The resulting composites are expected to be used in disposable tableware, food packaging and environmentally friendly furniture.实现高性能植物纤维/聚乳酸(PLA)复合材料的关键在于解决两种成分之间的界面相容性问题。然而,目前主流的界面调制方法往往伴随着能耗和环境问题。针对这一问题,我们的研究基于无毒、低碳、环保的原则,提出了开发全生物基竹纤维(BF)/聚乳酸(PLA)复合材料的建议。在本研究中,我们的目标是在 BF/PLA 复合材料中构建分子尺度的多相交联网络结构。为此,我们利用环糊精(CD)诱导聚乳酸分子链规整排列,并采用环氧化大豆油(ESO)开环反应形成连接 BF、CD 和聚乳酸分子的键。这种方法确保了复合材料完全以生物为基础,同时仍具有显著的机械性能。所制备的 BF/PLA@CD-ESO 复合材料表现出惊人的抗弯强度,达到 108.65 兆帕,比 BF/PLA 复合材料高出 23.11%。此外,拉伸强度达到 67.48 兆帕,比 BF/PLA 复合材料高出 39.06%。本研究为制备聚乳酸基复合材料提供了一种便捷、绿色和可持续的方法。所制备的复合材料有望用于一次性餐具、食品包装和环保家具。Composites Science and TechnologyFiber bundle deposition model and variable speed printing strategy for in-situ impregnation 3D printing of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic compositesZhenzhen Quan, Cheng Liu, Junjie Li, Xiaohong Qin, Jianyong Yudoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110723 用于连续纤维增强热塑性复合材料原位浸渍三维打印的纤维束沉积模型和变速打印策略In the in-situ impregnation 3D printing of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites (CFRTPCs) at constant printing speed, in order to pursue higher printing efficiency, a higher speed for printing is adopted generally, which has no effect on the printing of the straight section, but at the same speed of printing at the corner, the printing speed will cause the fiber bundle to deviate from the printing path at the corner, which affects the accurate laying of fiber bundle along the printing path. Obviously, reducing the printing speed is an effective method to improve the print quality at the turn, but printing the entire part at the reduced speed will greatly limit the overall printing speed. However, the problem of different corner angles and shifting points from the straight section of high-speed printing to the corner section of low-speed printing has been puzzling researchers. In this paper, a fiber bundle deposition model has been proposed to reveal the deposition of fiber bundles, and the maximum offsets of fiber bundles were predicted under different turning angles. Compared with the measured results, the prediction error at different turning angles ranged from -1.07% to 10.30%. Then, combining with the finite element analysis method, the fiber bundle deposition model was adopted to study the effects of printing speeds, and the maximum printing speeds for different printing angles and the variable printing speed strategy have been put forward. The results have revealed that, by using the optimized variable printing speed strategy, the surface quality of the fabricated parts and the deposition of the fiber bundles along the designed printing path were significantly improved. The fiber bundle deposition model and the variable speed printing strategy could be helpful for the high-precision 3D printing of CFRTPCs.在匀速原位浸渍三维打印连续纤维增强热塑性复合材料(CFRTPC)时,为了追求更高的打印效率,一般采用较高的打印速度,这对直线部分的打印没有影响,但在转角处以同样的速度打印时,打印速度会使纤维束在转角处偏离打印路径,影响纤维束沿打印路径的准确铺设。显然,降低印刷速度是提高转角处印刷质量的有效方法,但以降低的速度印刷整个部件会大大限制整体印刷速度。然而,从高速印刷的直线段到低速印刷的转角段,转角角度和移位点不同的问题一直困扰着研究人员。本文提出了一种纤维束沉积模型来揭示纤维束的沉积,并预测了不同转角下纤维束的最大偏移量。与实测结果相比,不同转角下的预测误差在-1.07%到10.30%之间。然后,结合有限元分析方法,采用纤维束沉积模型研究了印刷速度的影响,提出了不同印刷角度下的最大印刷速度和变速印刷策略。结果表明,通过采用优化的变速印刷策略,制件的表面质量和纤维束在设计印刷路径上的沉积情况都得到了显著改善。纤维束沉积模型和变速打印策略有助于 CFRTPC 的高精度三维打印。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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