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今日更新:Composite Structures 6 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 4 篇

Composite Structures

Thermal buckling of variable stiffness composite laminates using high order plate finite elements

F. Bracaglia, R. Masia, A. Pagani, E. Zappino, E. Carrera



This paper proposes a study on the thermal buckling of Variable Angle Tow (VAT) composite plates using high-order theories. Here, the governing equations are derived via the principle of virtual work. Under the assumption of linear pre-buckling, the stability problem is reduced to a linear eigenvalue analysis considering proportional geometric stiffness. In contrast, a constant thermal load is assumed to be known along the plate thickness, and the uncoupled thermo-mechanical formulation is used, where the thermal effects are described as external loads. The plate is discretized using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and high-order theories are developed using the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF). Using the CUF, the equations are expressed as an invariant of the plate theory approximation order. Therefore, Equivalent Single Layer (ESL) and Layer-Wise (LW) models can be easily implemented. Several geometries and lamination cases are considered for verification purposes, including different side-to-thickness ratios and fiber orientations, which result in various anisotropy effects. In addition, the effect of changing constraints and materials is evaluated. Particular attention is paid to the effect of the structural theory approximation on the evaluation of the thermal buckling load. It is shown that the correct evaluation is highly dependent on the edge-to-thickness ratio and on the anisotropy given by both the fiber orientation and the material properties. As a final remark, sensitivity analysis and best fibre angle solutions are discussed to highlight the importance of the LW modelling approach.


Topological design of soft substrate acoustic metamaterial for mechanical tuning of sound propagation

Yan Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Qiming Tian, Yangjun Luo



The design of tunable acoustic waves is crucial in phononic crystals (PnCs), as acoustic waves exhibit continuous variation across diverse frequency ranges in practical applications. While there have been research efforts on tunable PnCs, existing design strategies predominantly rely on predetermined topology and scatterer shapes based on empirical experience. This reliance poses challenges in ensuring customized and reversible tuning of the bandgap. In this work, we present a customized tunable PnC design model and solution strategy based on soft substrates, which enables reversible tuning of a specific frequency/order bandgap. The designed structure consists of a soft substrate and crystalline columns dispersed in the soft substrate and air. The relative positions of the scatterers in the air are changed by stretching the substrate, thereby realizing the modulation of sound propagation. Since soft materials have both material nonlinearities and complex geometrical variations that are difficult to obtain design sensitivity information, the material-field series expansion topology optimization approach is employed to achieve custom tunable design of the bandgap. The paper presents simulation-based analyses and experimental verification of the customized bandgap opening and closing. The results demonstrate a close alignment between theoretical predictions of propagation curves and experimental findings. This concurrence serves as evidence that the soft-substrate PnC, derived through topology optimization, effectively facilitates the adjustment of bandgaps of arbitrary orders and enables switching between various acoustic functions.


Theoretical study on the bond performance of CFRP-to-steel single-lap shear tests with multiple debonding defects

Hugo C. Biscaia, Pedro Coelho, Fábio Conde, Tommaso D’Antino


含多剥离缺陷的cfrp -钢单搭接剪切试验粘结性能的理论研究

The amount of research on the external bonding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) to degraded structures has increased recently. The adhesive is the weakest element of the joint and the bonding of the adherends is critical for the efficiency of the joint. Therefore, the influence of multiple debonding defects on CFRP-to-steel joints has still not been correctly quantified nor fully understood. For this reason, the current work proposes a new numerical strategy that allows for studying the influence of multiple debonding defects when a brittle and ductile adhesive is used. A new nonlinear bond-slip relationship is used and four different ratios between the debonded and the bonded area (η) are assumed: 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%. The proposed model is based on the Finite Difference Method (FDM) and validation is carried out with a commercial Finite Element Method (FEM) package. The load-slip curves allowed for observing that the proposed FDM and the FEM are consistent and both revealed degradation of the load capacity of the joints with the increase of η. Moreover, by adopting a displacement control at the CFRP-free end, a snap-through and snap-back phenomenon are observed in the specimens with a localized debonding defect.

近年来,对碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)与降解结构外键合的研究越来越多。胶粘剂是接头最薄弱的环节,胶粘剂的粘结对接头的工作效率至关重要。因此,多重脱粘缺陷对cfrp -钢连接的影响还没有得到正确的量化和充分的认识。因此,目前的工作提出了一种新的数值策略,允许研究脆性和延性粘合剂使用时多重脱粘缺陷的影响。采用一种新的非线性粘结-滑移关系,并假设脱粘与粘结面积(η)的比值为0%、25%、50%和75%。所提出的模型基于有限差分法(FDM),并使用商业有限元方法(FEM)软件包进行了验证。从载荷-滑移曲线可以看出,所提出的FDM和FEM是一致的,都显示了节点的承载能力随着η的增加而退化。此外,通过在无cfrp端进行位移控制,在具有局部脱粘缺陷的试件中观察到弹穿和弹回现象。

Comparative study on the impact behaviors of CFWST columns reinforced with steel spiral and tube

Xia Yang, Jiu-Yuan Wang, Yu Chen, Geng-chen Wu



To obtain superior corrosion resistance and impact resistance, as well as good economic benefits, two new types of composite structure called as steel tube internally-reinforced concrete-filled weathering steel tube (STRCFWST) and steel spiral internally-reinforced concrete-filled weathering steel (SSRCFWST) columns are proposed and compared in terms of their impact resistance in this paper. Eleven impact tests were conducted and three parameters comprising steel spiral diameter, wall thicknesses of outer and inner steel tube were considered to evaluate their influences on the lateral impact behaviors. Results show the presence of inner steel tube and reinforcement cage significantly enhances the impact resistance while slightly decreases the energy absorption capacity. Increasing inner steel tube wall thickness helps to improve the impact resistance, however the contribution is not so good as that produced by increasing the outer steel tube wall thickness, whilst varying steel spiral diameter almost has no impact. Numerical models were developed by ABAQUS/Explicit and verified via the test, based on which the full-range behaviors of STRCFWST, SSRCFWST and unreinforced concrete-filled weathering steel tube (CFWST) columns under impact loading were compared and discussed. It is demonstrated that steel tube and reinforcement cage provide little confinement on concrete infill under impact. With the same internal steel ratio, inner steel tube makes a greater contribution to sectional bending moment resistance and energy absorption as compared to the reinforcement cage.


Influence of rate effects on delamination: From Crack Leap Shear tests to low-velocity impacts

Maxime Pouliquen, Olivier Allix, Roland Ortiz, Juan Pedro Berro Ramirez



This paper is devoted to the study of different aspects of rate effects in the case of delamination. Two rate dependent cohesive zone models are compared for which the shear rate dependency is identified using Crack Leap Shear experiments. For both models, the key factor appears to be the evolution of the critical energy release rate as function of the crack opening. Moreover, if for very low velocity (1 m/s) rate effects can be neglected, it is not the case for quite low velocity (10 m/s). In the case of a 16 plies quasi-isotropic plate for the size and the shape of the delamination are significantly influenced by the rate effects.

本文致力于研究分层情况下速率效应的不同方面。比较了两种速率相关的黏聚带模型,并利用裂缝跃进剪切实验识别出剪切速率相关。对于这两种模型,关键因素似乎是临界能量释放率随裂纹开度的变化。此外,如果对于非常低的速度(1m /s)速率效应可以忽略不计,那么对于非常低的速度(10m /s)就不是这样了。在16层准各向同性板的情况下,分层的大小和形状受到速率效应的显著影响。

An explicit finite element discrete crack analysis of open hole tension failure in composites

K. Tian, J. Zhi, V.B.C. Tan, T.E. Tay



Developing efficient, robust methods for predicting the progressive failure of carbon fiber composites under tension is essential for optimal design, balancing weight reduction, damage tolerance, and service life. Implicit finite element (FE) methods struggle with the complex interplay of failure mechanisms, leading to a heavy reliance on costly, time-consuming experimental testing. This study introduces a novel explicit algorithm designed for laminate-level mesh models, capable of simulating cohesive cracks without predefined paths. Utilizing an explicit finite element software approach, our method effectively addresses convergence issues associated with the non-linear and unstable nature of composite failures during quasi-static loading. Contrasting with implicit FE method, this mesh-independent approach is both practical and numerically robust. The algorithm’s performance, tested on carbon-fiber reinforced composites with varying ply configurations [45_2 /-45_2]s, [45n/90n/-45n/0n]s and [45/90/-45/0]ns (n=1/2/4/8), demonstrates improved simulation accuracy and efficiency over implicit FE methods, aligning well with prior experimental and simulation data. This advancement offers a promising solution for accurately simulating and understanding the complex failure behavior of these composites.

开发高效、可靠的方法来预测碳纤维复合材料在拉力作用下的渐进失效,对于优化设计、平衡减重、损伤容限和使用寿命至关重要。隐式有限元 (FE) 方法难以应对复杂的失效机制相互作用,导致严重依赖昂贵、耗时的实验测试。本研究介绍了一种专为层状网格模型设计的新型显式算法,能够模拟无预定路径的内聚裂纹。利用显式有限元软件方法,我们的方法能有效解决与准静态加载期间复合材料失效的非线性和不稳定性相关的收敛问题。与隐式有限元方法相比,这种与网格无关的方法既实用又具有数值稳定性。该算法在不同层配置 [45_2/-45_2]s、[45n/90n/-45n/0n]s 和 [45/90/-45/0]ns(n=1/2/4/8)的碳纤维增强复合材料上进行了性能测试,结果表明,与隐式 FE 方法相比,该算法提高了模拟精度和效率,与之前的实验和模拟数据非常吻合。这一进步为准确模拟和理解这些复合材料的复杂失效行为提供了一种有前途的解决方案。

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

A new modified direct method for determining the mode I delamination traction-separation law

A.B. de Morais



A new equation was developed for the crack-tip separation in the double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen, which has been standardised for mode I delamination of composites. The very simple closed-form equation is based on a pseudo-elastic beam model and on the effective crack concept. Moreover, it only requires the common load–displacement data up to crack initiation and easy to obtain elastic moduli. Strain-energy release rate versus crack-tip separation curves can then be differentiated for obtaining the tractions, as in the classical direct method. Numerical results for piecewise linear traction-separation laws (TSL) showed good accuracy of strain-energy release rate versus crack-tip separation curves predicted. Application to two carbon/epoxy materials gave very promising TSL results, including cohesive strengths similar to transverse tensile strengths and post-peak steep traction decreases.


Composites Part B: Engineering

Design optimization of advanced tow-steered composites with manufacturing constraints

Chuan Luo, Federico Ferrari, James K. Guest



Tow steering technologies, such as automated fiber placement, enable the fabrication of composite laminates with curvilinear fiber, tow, or tape paths. Designers may therefore tailor tow orientations locally according to the expected local stress state within a structure, such that strong and stiff orientations of the tow are (for example) optimized to provide maximal mechanical benefit. Tow path optimization can be an effective tool in automating this design process, yet has a tendency to create complex designs that may be challenging to manufacture. In the context of tow steering, these complexities can manifest in defects such as tow wrinkling, gaps, overlaps. In this work, we implement manufacturing constraints within the tow path optimization formulation to restrict the minimum tow turning radius and the maximum density of gaps between and overlaps of tows. This is achieved by bounding the local value of the curl and divergence of the vector field associated with the tow orientations. The resulting local constraints are effectively enforced in the optimization framework through the Augmented Lagrangian method. The resulting optimization methodology is demonstrated by designing 2D and 3D structures with optimized tow orientation paths that maximize stiffness (minimize compliance) considering various levels of manufacturing restrictions. The optimized tow paths are shown to be structurally efficient and to respect imposed manufacturing constraints. As expected, the more geometrical complexity that can be achieved by the feedstock tow and placement technology, the higher the stiffness of the resulting optimized design.


Composites Science and Technology

Characterization on fibre kinking fracture of laminated composites under combined compression and shear at high loading rate

Rui He, Longfei Cheng, Yidi Gao, Hao Cui, Yulong Li, Jianhu Liu




This paper presented a novel method to characterize the fracture toughness and cohesive law of laminated composites under combined compression and shear at high loading rate. Compact compression specimens with off-axis fibres which introduce the in-plane shear stresses were conducted on the uniaxial bidirectional electromagnetic Hopkinson bar system and the displacement field and strain field were recorded by the high-speed camera for the digital image correlation analysis and J-integral calculation. The results reveal that the in-plane shear stresses bring the increase of fracture toughness at crack initiation and propagation and advance the damage initiation of the specimens. The fracture surfaces indicate that the shear stresses cause the fibre bundles' shear failure during the formation of the kink band, accompanied by more energy dissipation with the increase of off-axis angle.


Investigation on Thermal Conductivities of Plain-woven Carbon/Phenolic and Silica/Phenolic Composites at High Temperature: Theoretical Prediction and Experiment

Yifan Wang, Qiuyu Wang, Shuangyu Lv, Bowen Zuo, Lei Chen, Taofeng Cao, Chen Chen, Wen-Quan Tao




Phenolic resin-based ablation materials have found widespread applications in the aerospace industry. The prediction of their thermal conductivity is of paramount importance for the optimization and evaluation for thermal protection systems. However, there is rarely reported thermal conductivity performance of phenolic composites during ablation processes. Therefore, this investigation theoretically predicts the dynamic response of thermal conductivity at high temperatures for plain-woven carbon/phenolic and high silica/phenolic composites. By combining the progressive cubic ablation model with existing composite material property formulas, a multiscale prediction model for effective thermal conductivity is developed. The thermal performance of the resin matrix, reinforcing fibers, yarns, and overall fabric composites is calculated. Additionally, mesoscale representative volume elements are implemented to investigate the overall heat transfer characteristics of carbon/phenolic and high-silica/phenolic composites, including temperature and heat flux distributions. Moreover, both composites thermal conductivities are measured in the range from 298 K to 473 K. The proposed prediction model demonstrates good reliability, with average deviations of 3.76% and 7.36% compared to finite element analysis results and experimental data, respectively.

酚醛树脂基烧蚀材料在航空航天工业中有着广泛的应用。其导热系数的预测对于热防护系统的优化和评价具有至关重要的意义。然而,在烧蚀过程中,酚醛复合材料的导热性能却鲜有报道。因此,本研究从理论上预测了普通编织碳/酚醛和高硅/酚醛复合材料在高温下导热系数的动态响应。将渐进立方烧蚀模型与现有的复合材料性能公式相结合,建立了复合材料有效导热系数的多尺度预测模型。计算了树脂基体、增强纤维、纱线和整体织物复合材料的热性能。此外,采用中尺度代表性体积元来研究碳/酚醛和高硅/酚醛复合材料的整体传热特性,包括温度和热流密度分布。此外,两种复合材料的热导率在298 ~ 473 K范围内进行了测量。该预测模型具有良好的可靠性,与有限元分析结果和实验数据相比,平均偏差分别为3.76%和7.36%。

Fully 3D printed functional PDMS composites with designable structures and performances

Yi An, Wenhao Wang, Renyi Cheng, Chenglin Li, Jiaming Liu, Hong Xu, Xiaoli Wang, Daming Wu, Jingyao Sun




Three-dimensional (3D) printing, as a layer-to-layer additive manufacturing technology, has received widespread attention for excellent designability. However, as for direct ink writing (DIW), current printing level is difficult to achieve high-precision printing of thermoset composites of different compositions. Therefore, fully 3D printing based on thermoset composites with high designability is proposed. The intralayer and interlayer of structure and materials prepared by this method are designable, and layer thicknesses as well as inter-layer patterns are adjustable. In this work, alumina (Al2O3) and short carbon fiber (SCF) are used as thermally conductive fillers, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is conducted as thermoset matrix. Benefit from the high designability of our method, a series of Al2O3/SCF/Al2O3 (ASA) and SCF/Al2O3/SCF (SAS) composite samples with sandwich structures are fabricated and compared. The different materials and structural designs of these composite samples give them completely different properties in terms of thermal, electromagnetic shielding, and mechanical properties, making it possible to create customized designs for different scenarios. Taking thermal management materials (TMMs) as an example, we use this method to prepare ASA and SAS composites with sandwich structure, thermal conductivity of A40S30A40 and S30A40S30 reached 1.00 W/(m·K) and 1.55 W/(m·K) respectively. In all, customized and multifunctional applications make PDMS composites have a widespread prospect.

三维打印作为一种层对层增材制造技术,因其优异的可设计性而受到广泛关注。然而,对于直墨书写(DIW),目前的印刷水平很难实现不同成分热固性复合材料的高精度印刷。因此,提出了基于高可设计性热固性复合材料的全3D打印技术。用该方法制备的结构和材料的层内和层间是可设计的,层厚度和层间图案是可调节的。本文采用氧化铝(Al2O3)和短碳纤维(SCF)作为导热填料,聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)作为热固性基体。利用该方法的高可设计性,制备了一系列具有夹层结构的Al2O3/SCF/Al2O3 (ASA)和SCF/Al2O3/SCF (SAS)复合样品并进行了比较。这些复合材料样品的不同材料和结构设计使其在热、电磁屏蔽和机械性能方面具有完全不同的性能,从而可以针对不同的场景创建定制设计。以热管理材料(TMMs)为例,利用该方法制备了具有夹层结构的ASA和SAS复合材料,A40S30A40和S30A40S30的导热系数分别达到1.00 W/(m·K)和1.55 W/(m·K)。总之,定制化和多功能的应用使得PDMS复合材料具有广泛的应用前景。

Microscopic damage behavior in CFRP cross-ply laminates at cryogenic temperature





For the practical use of cryogenic propellant tanks made of CFRP laminates, experimental elucidation of the laminates’ microstructural damage propagation behavior at cryogenic temperatures is important. This paper presents a newly developed tensile test rig that enables in-situ observation of microscopic damage using an optical microscope at cryogenic temperatures using a Gifford–McMahon refrigerator. In-situ observations of microscopic damage under uniaxial tensile loading were done at room temperature (290 K, 17 °C) and at 30 K (-243 °C) on cross-ply thin-layer CFRP specimens of three kinds with different 90° layer thicknesses. The results demonstrated that the crack propagation behavior is independent of temperature, that the matrix crack density is higher, and that the onset of matrix crack initiation strain is lower at 30 K than at 290 K. Furthermore, the thermal strain within 90° layer at 30 K and 290 K was estimated using finite element analyses (FEA). The FEA results suggest that the decrease in onset strain of matrix crack initiation at 30 K is mainly attributed to the increase in the thermal strains within the 90° layer.

为了实际应用碳纤维复合材料制成的低温推进剂储罐,对复合材料在低温下的微结构损伤扩展行为进行实验研究具有重要意义。本文介绍了一种新开发的拉伸试验台,该试验台使用Gifford-McMahon冰箱在低温下使用光学显微镜对微观损伤进行原位观察。在室温(290 K, 17°C)和30 K(-243°C)条件下,对三种不同90°层厚的交叉铺层CFRP薄层试样进行了单轴拉伸加载下的微观损伤现场观察。结果表明:裂纹扩展行为与温度无关,基体裂纹密度较高,30k时基体裂纹起裂应变小于290k;此外,利用有限元分析(FEA)估算了30 K和290 K时90°层内的热应变。有限元分析结果表明,30k时基体裂纹起裂应变的减小主要是由于90°层内热应变的增大。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 6 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 3 篇Composite StructuresAnalytical homogenization for equivalent in-plane elastic moduli of prestressed lattices based on the micropolar elasticity modelZhi Guo, Xiang Liu, Li Huang, S. Adhikari, Xifeng Liangdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118391基于微极弹性模型的预应力网格等效面内弹性模量解析均匀化Highly compressible and stretchable lattice materials have gained significant attention due to their advanced structural characteristics. However, most existing research on homogenization relies on linear classical elasticity theory, omitting nonlinear deformation and/or the micropolar elasticity rotation. This paper addresses this gap by introducing a novel analytical homogenization method for the in-plane equivalent elastic moduli of prestressed two-dimensional lattices that incorporates both nonlinear elastic deformation and micropolar elastic effects. First, the stiffness matrices of a lattice cell wall under axial force is formulated. Based on the micropolar elasticity theory, the micropolar elastic constitutive relations for four lattice materials under prestresses were established, i.e., rectangular, diamond, equilateral triangular, and mixed diamond lattices. Then, the micropolar elastic constants for different prestressed lattices are formulated. The closed-form expressions for the equivalent elastic moduli of nonlinear micropolar elastic bodies were derived from these micropolar elastic constants by their physical significance. The analytical expressions for the lattice elastic moduli are validated by using independent nonlinear finite element simulation in ANSYS with relative errors less than 4%. The proposed analytical method and new closed-form expressions provide a framework with high computational efficiency and accuracy for the analysis and parametric design of lattice materials under external stress.高可压缩和高可拉伸晶格材料因其先进的结构特性而受到广泛关注。然而,现有的均匀化研究大多依赖于线性经典弹性理论,忽略了非线性变形和/或微极弹性旋转。本文通过引入一种新的二维预应力网格面内等效弹性模量的解析均匀化方法来解决这一空白,该方法同时考虑了非线性弹性变形和微极弹性效应。首先,建立了轴向力作用下晶格胞壁的刚度矩阵。基于微极弹性理论,建立了矩形、菱形、等边三角形和混合菱形四种晶格材料在预应力作用下的微极弹性本构关系。然后,给出了不同预应力格的微极弹性常数。根据这些微极弹性常数的物理意义,导出了非线性微极弹性体等效弹性模量的封闭表达式。通过ANSYS独立非线性有限元仿真,验证了晶格弹性模量解析表达式的正确性,相对误差小于4%。所提出的解析方法和新的封闭表达式为晶格材料在外加应力作用下的分析和参数化设计提供了一个计算效率高、精度高的框架。Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingModified lap shear test for intralaminar shear failure of fiber reinforced compositesMalik John, John Park, Kedar Kiranedoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108368纤维增强复合材料层间剪切破坏的改进搭接剪切试验This work presents a modification of the lap shear test for application to the intralaminar shear failure of fiber reinforced composites. The proposed method involves an S-shaped double-cracked specimen loaded under uniaxial in-plane compression. The resulting loading is akin to a lap shear test but inducing intralaminar shear failure (not interlaminar). Elastic stress analysis confirms a shear dominated stress state in specimen ligament, and numerical contour-integral confirms a mode II dominance in the near tip region. Experimental results for an epoxy/carbon twill woven composite are presented, demonstrating the ease of the test method. Nonlinear quasi-ductile behavior is observed, as expected, and necessitates the use of elastoplastic fracture mechanics to interpret the fracture toughness. The estimated initiation toughness values are successfully verified via cohesive crack simulations. The presented test represents a simple and repeatable method to characterize the intralaminar shear failure of fiber-reinforced composites.提出了一种适用于纤维增强复合材料层间剪切破坏的搭接剪切试验的改进方法。所提出的方法涉及一个s形双裂纹试件,在单轴面内压缩下加载。由此产生的荷载类似于搭接剪切试验,但会引起层内剪切破坏(而不是层间)。弹性应力分析证实了试样韧带的剪切主导应力状态,数值轮廓积分证实了近尖端区域的II型主导应力状态。最后给出了环氧/碳斜纹织物复合材料的实验结果,证明了该测试方法的可行性。正如预期的那样,观察到非线性准延性行为,需要使用弹塑性断裂力学来解释断裂韧性。通过内聚裂纹模拟成功验证了估算的起裂韧性值。本试验为表征纤维增强复合材料层间剪切破坏提供了一种简单、可重复的方法。Copper oxide decorated one-dimensional mineral nanorods: Construction of strengthened gas-phase and condensed-phase coupled intumescent flame retardantZeyang Gao, Yu Zhu, Xiaoyong Liu, Bihe Yuan, Ranzhao Shen, Kailin Li, Yao Yin, Zhipeng Zhangdoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108373氧化铜修饰一维矿物纳米棒:强化气相-冷凝相耦合膨胀阻燃剂的构建Polycarbonate/acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (PC/ABS) features superior mechanical properties but suffers from high flammability, presenting a grand challenge in enhancing its flame retardancy with halogen-free additives. Herein, we developed an efficient flame-retardant system (BH/CuATP) by incorporating phosphazene additive (HP), copper oxide modified attapulgite (CuATP) and bisphenol A bis (diphenyl phosphate) (BDP). This system achieves a UL-94V-0 rating without melt-dripping and leads to reductions in the peak heat release rate (43.1 %), total heat release (29.8 %) and total smoke production (5.7 %). The strength effect of CuATP in both gas-phase and condensed-phase significantly contributes to its enhanced fire safety. Additionally, the mechanical properties of PC/ABS/B1H1/CuATP1 are improved due to the rod-like CuATP, showing enhanced comprehensive properties superior to other reported systems. This work presents valuable insights into the effectiveness of mineral-strength intumescent flame retardancy for PC/ABS, offering practical guidance for the development of high-performance PC/ABS composites.聚碳酸酯/丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(PC/ABS)具有优异的机械性能,但具有较高的可燃性,使用无卤添加剂增强其阻燃性是一个巨大的挑战。本文采用磷腈添加剂(HP)、氧化铜改性凹凸棒土(CuATP)和双酚A双(二苯基磷酸)(BDP)为原料,研制了一种高效阻燃体系(BH/CuATP)。该系统达到UL-94V-0等级,无熔滴,并导致峰值放热率(43.1% %),总放热率(29.8% %)和总烟雾产量(5.7% %)的降低。CuATP在气相和冷凝相中的强度效应显著提高了其防火安全性。此外,由于棒状CuATP的存在,PC/ABS/B1H1/CuATP1的力学性能得到了改善,其综合性能优于其他已报道的体系。本工作对PC/ABS矿物强度膨胀阻燃的有效性提出了有价值的见解,为高性能PC/ABS复合材料的开发提供了实践指导。Developing an efficient analytical model for predicting the electrical conductivity of polymeric nanocomposites containing hybrid carbon nanotube/carbon black nanofillersMaedeh Saberi, Alireza Moradi, Reza Ansari, Mohammad Kazem Hassanzadeh-Aghdam, Jamaloddin Jamalidoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108374建立了一种预测含碳纳米管/炭黑纳米填料的聚合物纳米复合材料电导率的有效分析模型Inter-cluster bridging of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon black (CB) nanoparticles conjoins inactive branches of carbonaceous nanofillers within the matrix and reduces the electron tunneling distance. This mechanism moderately overcomes quantum tunneling and provides percolative polymer networks exhibiting favorable electrical responses. This study focuses on devising an analytical procedure to scrutinize the electrical conductivity and percolation threshold of CNT/CB/polymer nanocomposites. To involve the physics of electrical processes, the modeling approach considers cylindrical CNTs and spherical CB nanoparticles surrounded by a continuum interphase, which serves as an electron hopping duct. This model is extended in a bottom-up micromechanics generalization to a level where it is capable of predicting the effects of a wide range of microstructural properties. The comparison of predictions with those obtained via experimental examinations, while affirming the infrastructure for investigating the electrical behavior of binary systems, convincingly captures the electrical conductivity/percolation threshold of ternary nanocomposites containing CNT/CB nanofillers.碳纳米管(CNTs)和炭黑(CB)纳米颗粒簇间桥接连接了基体内碳基纳米填料的非活性分支,减少了电子隧穿距离。这种机制适度地克服了量子隧道效应,并提供了具有良好电响应的渗透聚合物网络。本研究的重点是设计一种分析程序来仔细检查碳纳米管/碳炭黑/聚合物纳米复合材料的电导率和渗透阈值。为了涉及电过程的物理学,建模方法考虑了圆柱形碳纳米管和球形碳纳米管,它们被一个连续的界面所包围,作为一个电子跳跃管道。该模型在自下而上的微观力学推广中扩展到能够预测各种微观结构特性的影响的水平。将预测结果与实验结果进行比较,确定了研究二元体系电学行为的基础设施,并令人信服地捕获了含有碳纳米管/碳纳米管纳米填料的三元纳米复合材料的电导率/渗透阈值。Regulating the bimodal structure and strength-ductility synergy of Zn-decorated Ti particles reinforced AZ91 composite through high-volume fraction Mg17Al12 precipitationsYuhui Zhang, Shengli Han, Pengfei Gao, Pengju Chen, Jun Xia, Jianbo Li, Jia She, Xianhua Chen, Kaihong Zheng, Fusheng Pandoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108376通过高体积分数Mg17Al12析出调节zn修饰Ti颗粒增强AZ91复合材料的双峰结构和强度-塑性协同作用In this work, Mg-9Al-1Zn (AZ91) alloy reinforced with zinc-decorated titanium (Zn@Ti) particles was fabricated using the powder metallurgy method. Zn nanoparticles effectively dissolved into magnesium (Mg) matrix, which led to a reduction in the solid solubility of aluminum (Al) and precipitations of submicron sized Mg17Al12. As a result, the Zn@Ti/AZ91 composite displays a bimodal grain structure, achieving a remarkable balance between strength and ductility, with a yield strength of 248 ± 3.5 MPa, an ultimate tensile strength of 378 ± 5.3 MPa, and an elongation of 15.0 ± 2.8 %. The improved strength of Zn@Ti/AZ91 composite primarily stems from the synergistic effect of a significant volume fraction of submicron sized Mg17Al12 and Al8Mn5 precipitations strengthening, Zn solid solution strengthening, and grain boundary strengthening. Regarding ductility mechanisms, the presence of Mg17Al12 and Al8Mn5 precipitations effectively impede crack propagation and enhance ductility. This innovative approach represents a promising strategy for developing high strength and ductility of Mg composites.本文采用粉末冶金方法制备了锌修饰钛(Zn@Ti)颗粒增强Mg-9Al-1Zn (AZ91)合金。锌纳米粒子有效地溶解在镁基体中,导致铝的固溶性降低,亚微米级Mg17Al12析出。因此,Zn@Ti / AZ91复合显示双峰晶粒结构,实现非凡的强度和延性之间的平衡,屈服强度248 ±3.5  MPa,极限抗拉强度378 ±5.3  MPa,和15.0的伸长 ±2.8  %。Zn@Ti/AZ91复合材料强度的提高主要源于大量体积分数的亚微米级Mg17Al12和Al8Mn5析出强化、Zn固溶体强化和晶界强化的协同作用。在延性机制方面,Mg17Al12和Al8Mn5析出物的存在有效地阻碍了裂纹扩展,增强了延性。这种创新的方法代表了开发高强度和高塑性镁复合材料的一种有前途的策略。Experimental investigation on microstructure, mechanical and optical properties of RB-SiC ablated by nanosecond pulsed laser in nitrogen atmosphereHong An, Yongfeng Qian, Zhiyu Zhang, Hu Huang, Jiwang Yandoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108377氮气氛下纳秒脉冲激光烧蚀RB-SiC的显微组织、力学和光学性能的实验研究Reaction-bonded silicon carbide (RB-SiC) has gained significant attention owing to its exceptional physical and chemical properties. Improving the photovoltaic efficiency and mechanical properties of RB-SiC is conducive to further enhancing its applicability. Laser gas nitriding is an effective strategy to simultaneously reduce the surface reflectivity and enhance the surface hardness of materials. Accordingly, the evolution of microstructure, mechanical and optical properties of RB-SiC composite ablated by nanosecond pulsed laser in nitrogen atmosphere was comprehensively investigated. After laser gas nitriding, the surface hardness of RB-SiC composite was increased by 10.6–44.6 %. The chemical composition analysis indicated that Si-based nitride was formed on the laser-ablated surface, which was mainly responsible for the hardness enhancement. Additionally, the reflectivity of the laser-ablated surface was reduced by up to 95.2 % compared to the original RB-SiC composite. This study provides a straightforward and effective method to simultaneously improve the mechanical and optical properties of RB-SiC composites.反应键合碳化硅(RB-SiC)由于其优异的物理和化学性能而受到广泛关注。提高RB-SiC的光伏效率和力学性能有利于进一步增强其适用性。激 光气体氮化是降低材料表面反射率、提高材料表面硬度的有效方法。在此基础上,对纳秒脉冲激光在氮气气氛下烧蚀RB-SiC复合材料的显微组织、力学性能和光学性能的演变进行了全面研究。激光 气体氮化后,RB-SiC复合材料的表面硬度提高了10.6 ~ 44.6% %。化学成分分析表明,激光烧蚀表面形成了硅基氮化物,这是硬度增强的主要原因。此外,激光烧蚀表面的反射率比原始RB-SiC复合材料降低了95.2% %。本研究为同时提高RB-SiC复合材料的力学性能和光学性能提供了一种简单有效的方法。Data-driven thermal modeling of in-situ Automated Fiber PlacementAllyson Fontes, Farjad Shadmehridoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108379原位自动铺放纤维的数据驱动热建模This study proposes a data-driven model for thermal history prediction during in-situ Automated Fiber Placement of thermoplastic composites. Temperature data was experimentally collected with fast-response thermocouples placed within carbon fiber AS4/PEEK composite substrates. The temperature for various combinations of hot gas torch temperatures, heat source velocity, and locations through the thickness and width were collected. A feedforward neural network (FNN) was developed to predict the entire 3-dimensional thermal history. The FNN had five input features and one output: the temperature at a given position and a combination of the process parameters. The FNN predictions for data unseen during training are validated for cases of interpolation and extrapolation. As expected, suitable performance was obtained for cases of interpolation, but predictions suffered in extrapolation. The computational efficiency of FNNs makes them an appropriate candidate for on-line thermal history prediction or process optimization, given that they are used within their training range本研究提出了一种数据驱动模型,用于热塑性复合材料原位自动铺放纤维过程中的热历史预测。温度数据通过放置在碳纤维AS4/PEEK复合材料衬底内的快速响应热电偶进行实验采集。收集了不同温度组合下的温度、热源速度以及不同厚度和宽度下的位置。提出了一种前馈神经网络(FNN)来预测整个三维热历史。FNN有五个输入特征和一个输出特征:给定位置的温度和过程参数的组合。FNN对训练期间未见数据的预测在插值和外推的情况下得到验证。正如预期的那样,在插值的情况下获得了合适的性能,但外推的预测受到影响。fnn的计算效率使其成为在线热历史预测或过程优化的合适候选者,因为它们在其训练范围内使用Composites Part B: EngineeringApplications of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to High-Performance CompositesYifeng Wang, Kan Wang, Chuck Zhangdoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111740人工智能/机器学习在高性能复合材料中的应用With the booming prosperity of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it triggers a paradigm shift in engineering fields including material science. The integration of AI and machine learning (ML) techniques in material science brings significant advancements in understanding and characterizing underlying physics. Due to the overall outstanding properties compared to conventional metallic materials, high-performance fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have attracted great interest. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art works of applying AI/ML methods in high-performance FRP composites, focusing on four critical stages throughout the product life cycle, i.e., design, manufacturing, testing, and monitoring. This present study covers the tasks of material development and selection, process modeling and optimization, material property prediction, and damage diagnosis and prognosis in the four stages, which are conducted with the aid of advanced AI/ML algorithms. An outlook for the incorporation of modern advanced AI/ML models into FRP composite research is provided by the identification of current challenges and potential future research directions.随着人工智能(AI)技术的蓬勃发展,引发了包括材料科学在内的工程领域的范式转变。人工智能和机器学习(ML)技术在材料科学中的整合,在理解和表征基础物理方面取得了重大进展。由于与传统金属材料相比,高性能纤维增强聚合物(FRP)复合材料的整体性能突出,引起了人们的极大兴趣。本文旨在全面回顾在高性能FRP复合材料中应用AI/ML方法的最新工作,重点关注整个产品生命周期的四个关键阶段,即设计、制造、测试和监控。本研究采用先进的AI/ML算法,完成了材料开发与选择、工艺建模与优化、材料性能预测、损伤诊断与预测四个阶段的工作。通过确定当前的挑战和潜在的未来研究方向,展望了将现代先进的AI/ML模型纳入FRP复合材料研究的前景。Based on the preparation of dual-absorber agents using Ni and Ni/rGO for the fabrication of a dual honeycomb nested structure for wideband microwave absorptionShaokang Liu, Fangxin Zhang, Bin Chao, Wenxin Fu, Kaixin Deng, Yan Li, Haihua Wudoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111735本文在制备双吸收剂的基础上,利用Ni和Ni/rGO制备了用于宽带微波吸收的双蜂窝嵌套结构Designing absorbers with structural support to achieve ultra-wideband and wide-angle absorption properties is crucial for addressing the growing concern of electromagnetic pollution. In this study, a strategy is proposed to further broaden the bandwidth of structural absorbers by applying different materials to different structures and then nesting these different structures. Six composite materials were prepared using Ni and rGO as absorbers, and a dual honeycomb nested structure was fabricated using 3D printing technology. The minimum reflection loss (RL) of the two types of composite materials was −19.3 dB and −15.8 dB, respectively, with effective absorption bandwidths (EAB) of 4.6 GHz and 4.4 GHz, demonstrating mechanical compatibility and electromagnetic substitutability. The dual honeycomb nested structure utilized a multiscale design approach, achieving broadband absorption up to 14.27 GHz and compressive strength of 5.92 MPa. Furthermore, stable frequency response of transverse electric (TE) waves was observed within an incident angle range of 0°–40°, while absorption frequencies exceeded 12 GHz as transverse magnetic (TM) waves incident angle varied from 0° to 60°, highlighting wide-angle absorption characteristics. The dual composite preparation strategy of materials and structures for absorber fabrication provides a new perspective for further expanding the bandwidth of absorbers.设计具有结构支撑的吸波器以实现超宽带广角吸收特性是解决日益受到关注的电磁污染问题的关键。本研究提出了一种策略,通过将不同的材料应用于不同的结构,然后将这些不同的结构嵌套,进一步拓宽结构吸收器的带宽。以Ni和还原氧化石墨烯为吸波剂制备了6种复合材料,并利用3D打印技术制备了双蜂窝嵌套结构。两种复合材料的最小反射损耗(RL)分别为- 19.3 dB和- 15.8 dB,有效吸收带宽(EAB)分别为4.6 GHz和4.4 GHz,具有良好的机械相容性和电磁可替代性。双蜂窝嵌套结构采用多尺度设计方法,实现了高达14.27 GHz的宽带吸收和5.92 MPa的抗压强度。此外,在0°~ 40°入射角范围内,横电波的频率响应稳定,而横磁波在0°~ 60°入射角范围内,吸收频率超过12 GHz,显示出广角吸收特征。材料和结构的双重复合制备策略为进一步扩大吸波器的带宽提供了新的前景。Multi-Objective Optimization Through Desirability Function Analysis on the Crashworthiness Performance of Thermoplastic/Thermoset Hybrid StructuresMahmoud M. Awd Allah, Marwa A. Abd El-bakydoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111742基于期望函数分析的热塑性/热固性混合结构耐撞性能多目标优化This paper aims to optimize the crashworthiness capability of glass-reinforced epoxy composites (GFRE) over wrapped polyvinyl chloride (PVC) circular tubes with cutouts. The intended tubes were prepared by a wet wrapping method; then subjected to quasi-static axial compression. To compute crashworthiness indications, three design parameters, each at three levels, were used. The design parameters are the hole diameter (d), the hole’s number (n), and the hole position (L). A few runs were accompanied by the L9 orthogonal array based on the Taguchi technique. With the lowest initial peak crash force () and the largest absorbed energy (U), the optimal parameters were found. Furthermore, the main effect, signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), as well as the analysis of variance (ANOVA), have been studied using the commercial software program MINITAB 18. Furthermore, to optimize the process parameters in terms of the crashworthiness indicators, desirability function analysis (DFA) was applied. Lastly, tests for confirmation were performed to verify the predicted values in light of the experimental results and compare them with the intact tubes. Regarding the single optimization, the optimum tube is smaller than the intact PVC tube and intact hybrid tube, at 24.01 and 72.85%, respectively. Nonetheless, the optimal U was 21.43% lower than the intact hybrid tube and 152.75% greater than the intact PVC tube. While, for and U, the multi-objective optimization specimen achieves 5.13 and 70.02% greater than the intact PVC tube. But it was 62.44% and 47.14% less than what the intact hybrid tube had accomplished.本文旨在优化玻璃增强环氧复合材料(gfr)覆盖有切口的聚氯乙烯(PVC)圆管的耐撞性能。所述管采用湿包膜法制备;然后进行准静态轴向压缩。为了计算耐撞性指标,使用了三个设计参数,每个参数在三个级别上。设计参数为孔直径(d)、孔数(n)和孔位置(L)。少量井眼采用基于田口技术的L9正交阵列。以最小的初始峰值碰撞力()和最大的吸收能量(U)为最优参数。此外,利用商业软件MINITAB 18对主效应、信噪比(S/N)以及方差分析(ANOVA)进行了研究。在此基础上,应用理想函数分析(DFA)方法,从耐撞性指标出发对工艺参数进行优化。最后,根据实验结果对预测值进行了验证,并与完整管进行了对比。对于单次优化,最优管材比完整PVC管材和完整杂化管材小,分别为24.01和72.85%。最优U值比杂交管材整体低21.43%,比聚氯乙烯管材整体高152.75%。而对于和U,多目标优化试样比完整PVC管分别大5.13和70.02%。但与完整杂交管相比,分别降低了62.44%和47.14%。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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