今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 3 篇
International Journal of Solids and Structures
A parametrized continuum constitutive model for reinforced thermoplastic composites with mechanically interlocked interface
Anmol Kothari, Istemi B. Ozsoy, Gang Li
Reinforced thermoplastic composites (RTPC) exhibit weak interfacial strength due to the low surface energy of the polymer matrix. Recently, a concept of controlled mechanical interlocking was introduced that showed significant improvement in the interfacial shear strength with pure mechanical interlocking and no chemical bond/friction. In this paper, a parameterized continuum material model is developed through computational homogenization for an E-glass/polypropylene (PP) composite system with a mechanically interlocked interface. Such parametric models not only elucidate the effects of the microstructural parameters on the mechanical behavior of the material but also enables the optimization of the composite at the microstructure level.
Constitutive description of distortional hardening in a TWIP steel: Addressing differential hardening under nonlinear strain paths
Kang Wu, Chengchao Fang, Yong Sun, Jun Yang
The present study aims to describe the in-plane differential hardening behaviour of the twinning induced plasticity sheet metal TWIP980 under various stress states, including uniaxial tension, plane strain tension, and pure shear, particularly focusing on non-proportional loading conditions. The true stress–strain curves for each stress states were inversely obtained from their corresponding load–displacement curves and modeled using a differential hardening model that can accommodate all three stress states simultaneously on plastic work (density) contours. For non-proportional loading tests, oversize specimens were initially stretched under uniaxial tension up to a 10% pre-strain along the rolling, diagonal, and transverse directions, respectively. Subsequently, the three stress states were applied to subsize specimens cut from the deformed oversize specimens along the rolling direction. To describe the hardening behaviours during non-proportional loading, a homogeneous anisotropic hardening model was adopted and calibrated using two-step uniaxial tension tests. Subsequently, the differential hardening model was successfully incorporated into the homogeneous anisotropic hardening model to describe both the differential hardening and the strain path change-induced hardening behaviours under the two-step loadings, i.e., uniaxial tension to pure shear and uniaxial tension to plane strain tension. Both experimental and simulation results underscore the necessity to consider differential hardening under non-proportional loading conditions.
The adjustable adhesion strength of multiferroic composite materials via electromagnetic loadings and shape effect of punch
Qing-Hui Luo, Yue-Ting Zhou, Yuxiao Yang, Shenghu Ding, Lihua Wang
Tunable and reversible dry adhesion possess great potential in a wide range of applications including transfer printing, climbing robots, wearable devices/electronics, and gripping in pick-and-place operations. Multiferroic composite materials offer new routines and approaches to achieve tunable adhesion due to their multi-field coupling effects. In this paper, the classical Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) adhesion model is extended to investigate the adhesive contact problem of a multiferroic composite half-space indented by an axisymmetric power-law shaped punch, whose shape index is denoted by n. The JKR-n adhesion models under the action of the power-law shaped punches with four different electromagnetic properties are set up by means of the total energy method. The explicit analytical expressions relating the indentation load and indentation depth to the contact radius are obtained, which can include the existing results in open literature as special cases. The generalized Tabor parameter and the interfacial adhesion strength applicable to multiferroic composite materials are defined. The effects of the shape index and the electromagnetic loadings on adhesion behaviors are revealed. It is found that both of them have prominent influences on the relationships among the indentation load, indentation depth and contact radius, the contact radius and indentation depth at self-equilibrium state, and the critical contact radius and indentation depth at pull-off moment. The pull-off force under the action of the conducting spherical punch subjected to non-zero electromagnetic loadings is dependent on material properties, which is different from the classical JKR result. More importantly, our analysis indicates that the pull-off force and the interfacial adhesion strength can be adjusted via altering the electromagnetic loadings and the shape index of the punch, which provides new approaches to achieve tunable adhesion.
Pressurized membranes between walls: Thermodynamic process changes force and stiffness
Paul Lacorre, Louison Fiore, Jean-Marc Linares, Loïc Tadrist
Pressurized solids are ubiquitous in nature. Mechanical properties of biological tissues arise from cell turgor pressure and membrane elasticity. Flat contact between cells generate nonlinear forces. In this work, cells are idealized as pressurized elastic membranes in frictionless contact with one another. Contact forces are experimentally measured on rubber-like membranes and computed using finite element analysis (FEA). FEA matches experimental force-indentation relationships from small to large indentations. With the chosen dimensionless numbers, data gather on a master curve. The isobaric force exhibits a 4/3 power law over 1.5 decades of indentation. Forces for other thermodynamic processes (adiabatic, isothermal/osmotic and isochoric) are interpolated from isobaric data. Regarding stiffness, the isochoric process is superlinear contrary to the sublinear isobaric stiffness. Simple force-indentation relationships are given for each process.
Carbon nanotubes as a basis of metamaterials and nanostructures: Crafting via design optimization
Marko Čanađija, Stefan Ivić
Nanotruss structures made of carbon nanotubes are investigated in two conceptual applications: either as building blocks of metamaterials or for nanostructural applications. The nanotrusses are optimized for different purposes, including various loadings, boundary conditions, parameterizations, objectives and constraints used to formulate optimization problems. The procedure relies on a recently developed framework consisting of molecular dynamics simulations, neural networks and finite elements. This framework is now used in the design optimization of nanostructures and the performances of different popular heuristic optimization methods are compared. Five applications of nanotrusses made of carbon nanotubes are analyzed in detail to investigate the mechanical behavior of such structures and the efficiency of the optimizations. Besides an introductory example, the design of an energy trapping carbon nanotube nanotruss, an auxetic nanotruss, a cantilever nanotruss and the maximization of the compressive strength of a metamaterial are presented. It is shown that the exceptional mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes can indeed be exploited for the development of structures and materials with extraordinary mechanical properties. Although hampered by material and geometrical nonlinearity of the problem, most of the tested optimization methods have proven to be a good choice for the design of such materials and structures.
A study into the mechanical behaviour and design of flanged cruciform section steel members subjected to axial compression is presented herein. The mechanical behaviour of flanged cruciform section columns is first described, with particular emphasis on the newly developed approach for determining the elastic local buckling load for full flanged cruciform cross-sections. Existing experimental data on flanged cruciform section steel columns collected from the literature are then employed to validate numerical models developed within the finite element package ABAQUS. A comprehensive parametric study is subsequently conducted that encompasses a broad spectrum of cross-sectional geometries and global slenderness values. The mechanical behaviour and ultimate resistance of flanged cruciform section columns are shown to be dependent on not only the global slenderness, but also on the ratio of the elastic torsional to flexural buckling loads. The existing experimental data alongside the numerical parametric study results are employed to evaluate the resistance predictions provided in the current Eurocode 3 design codes, revealing a high level of conservatism. Finally, a new design approach for flanged cruciform section columns, suitable for incorporation into future revisions of Eurocode 3, is proposed which provides significantly improved accuracy and consistency in resistance predictions compared with the current provisions. A reliability analysis of the proposed design approach is conducted in accordance with the EN 1990 procedure, resulting in a recommended partial safety factor γ M1 = 1 . 0 .
Flexible Roll Forming of surface developable profiles from Dual Phase steel.
Achuth Sreenivas, Buddhika Abeyrathna, Bernard Rolfe, Matthias Weiss
Flexible Roll Forming (FRF) can roll-form variable cross-sectional profiles for Electric Vehicle (EV) production however, a major limitation exists due to flange wrinkling while forming high-strength steels. Flange wrinkling can be eliminated by reducing the required level of membrane deformation in the longitudinal direction. Although reducing the severity of the profile's transitions minimises the strains, the overall complexity of the parts is also lowered. Origami-based developable profiles can be created from curved creased folding without membrane stretching or compression. In FRF, such types of profiles can be formed by combining a variation in width and depth over the length of the part. This study presents, for the first time, the analyses of forming a developable shape in a FRF operation. Firstly, analytical equations are applied to calculate the strains and forming stability of each pass which is followed by experimental FRF trials on two high-strength Dual Phase steels. Finally, Finite Element Analysis is used to investigate the forming behaviour of the two types of developable profiles. The experimental results show that the forming of one type of developable profile improves the shape, while the numerical analyses showed that an additional top-hat forming is required for the second profile type.
Metamaterial design enabling simultaneous manipulation of Rayleigh and Love waves
Jia Lou, Hui Fan, Jie Yang, Menghui Xu, Jianke Du
Studies on elastic metamaterials have expanded from manipulating bulk waves to surface waves, aiming to control the propagation of in-plane Rayleigh waves or anti-plane Love waves. Considering the coexistence of Rayleigh and Love waves in various scenarios, the objective of this study is to develop a metamaterial capable of simultaneously manipulating both types of waves. The proposed metamaterial consists of horizontal resonators with an oblique mounting angle relative to the wave propagation direction, as well as vertical resonators. Initially, analytical solutions for the dispersion of surface waves are derived, followed by Finite Element (FE) simulations to validate the analytically predicted dispersion and illustrate the corresponding wave modes, as well as the in-plane and out-of-plane displacement fields at specified frequencies. The present study reveals that the mounting angle of the horizontal resonators plays a crucial role in surface wave manipulation. By adjusting the mounting angle, three distinct objectives can be achieved: i) the attenuation of Rayleigh waves alone; ii) the independent attenuation of Rayleigh and Love waves, targeting different frequency ranges; and iii) the simultaneous attenuation of both Rayleigh and Love waves.