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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 4 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 4 篇

Composite Structures

A novel cellular structure with center-symmetric cell walls for morphing applications

Dezhi Wu, Guang Yang, Jianguo Tao, Yue Wang, Hong Xiao, Hongwei Guo



Cellular structures are potential candidates for the supporting framework of flexible morphing skins. Unlike traditional zero Poisson’s ratio (ZPR) cellular structures with axisymmetric cell walls, this paper proposes a novel cellular structure with center-symmetric cell walls. The in-plane mechanical properties of this novel structure are explored through theoretical analysis and substantiated by both finite element simulations and experimental tests. Compared to the classic accordion honeycomb structure, the elastic modulus in the x-direction of the novel structure is reduced by an average of 58%, the strain amplification rate is increased by 122%, and the in-plane stiffness anisotropy is improved by 200%. These findings suggest that the proposed structure offers far superior stiffness anisotropy and large deformation potential, making it more suitable for morphing applications than the traditional ZPR cellular structures.


Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

In-plane properties of an in-situ consolidated automated fiber placement thermoplastic composite

Timothy Yap, Nathaniel Heathman, Behrooz Shirani Bidabari, Emile Motta de Castro, Ali Tamijani, Amir Asadi, Mehran Tehrani



Automated fiber placement (AFP) has been employed to manufacture aerospace structures for decades, recently focusing on thermoplastic composites (TPC). The in-situ consolidation AFP of TPCs is pursued as an energy-efficient additive manufacturing (AM) approach for fabricating composite structures. This work compares the in-plane mechanical properties of in-situ consolidated coupons with those of compression molded counterparts to provide new insights into their failure mechanics and processing-structure relationships. Tensile and compressive properties along the fiber and transverse directions, in-plane shear properties, and short beam strength were measured for all samples. Failure modes and mechanics in tested coupons were related to AFP defects and processing, i.e., resultant crystallinities, fiber misalignment, matrix mechanical properties, porosity, and fiber–matrix interfacial strength. The findings of this study can be used to guide the manufacturing of future TPC structures and potentially open new avenues for applications where post-processing is not feasible or reduced mechanical performance is acceptable.


Bearing performance and progressive failure analysis of bolted joint in 3D printed pseudo-woven CFRP composite with fibre steering

Aonan Li, Haoqi Zhang, Dongmin Yang



This study investigates the bearing failure process of 3D printed pseudo-woven carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite joints, with a particular focus on the damage mechanisms influenced by steered fibres. A multiscale finite element model employing LaRC05 failure criteria is developed and validated against the experimental load–displacement curves and micro-computed microtomography (CT) images of four distinct cases. The model clearly demonstrates the critical importance of maintaining fibre continuity around the bolt hole, as this significantly influences the ability to reduce stress concentrations caused by the direct bearing loads from the bolt. Moreover, the model reveals that fibre steering can substantially improve the composite joint’s performance. This enhancement is achieved by adjusting the level of shear-induced damage propagation in individual filaments. The results demonstrate the potential and capability of the model to capture individual filament behaviour for the failure analysis of 3D printed composites, achieving good correlations with experimental measurements and observations, in terms of failure modes and load-bearing capacities.


The moisture absorption of additively manufactured short carbon fibre reinforced polyamide

Yingwei Hou, Ajit Panesar



Polymer composites are commonly exposed to moisture and undergo reductions in mechanical properties. It is challenging to describe the moisture absorption dynamics of 3D printed parts due to manufacture-induced microstructures. This work investigates the moisture absorption of printed short carbon fibre reinforced polyamide (SFRP) with varied microstructures and its impact on mechanical properties. The printed SFRP have inferior microstructures and diffusivity increases with the number of interlayer interfaces by up to 119%, which is 258% higher than that of compression moulded composite. The yield stress and tensile modulus of SFRP decrease by up to 59% and 79%, respectively. This deterioration is irreversible and more significant than injection moulded samples as the microstructure is permanently degraded by moisture. Additionally, the shear moduli of printed polyamide and SFRP decrease by up to 63% and 74%, respectively. The results are crucial for prediction, evaluation, and maintenance of 3D printed applications in humid conditions.


Translaminar fracture in (non–)hybrid thin-ply fibre-reinforced composites: An in-depth examination through a novel mini-compact tension specimen compatible with microscale 4D computed tomography

Sina AhmadvashAghbash, Guillaume Broggi, Abdullah Aydemir, Alexios Argyropoulos, Joël Cugnoni, Véronique Michaud, Mahoor Mehdikhani, Yentl Swolfs



Translaminar fracture toughness is pivotal for notch sensitivity and damage tolerance of fibre-reinforced composites. Hybridisation offers a promising pathway for enhancing this parameter in thin-ply composites. Three novel mini-compact tension specimen geometries were investigated for their competence in microscale characterisation of translaminar fracture using in-situ synchrotron radiation computed tomography (SRCT). Only “mini-protruded” design resulted in stable crack propagation with adequate crack increments. Based on this design, five baseline and hybrid cross-ply configurations incorporating low- and high-strain carbon fibres were studied. Crack propagation in low- and high-strain baseline configurations was stable. For interlayer and intrayarn fibre-hybrid configurations, a correlation between load–displacement curves and delamination is observed. The SRCT data confirmed that 90° ply-blocks cushion the interaction between 0° plies, enabling independent fracture. Additionally, crack fronts in 90° plies advance further than those in 0° plies. Moreover, mechanical interlocking and bundle bending within 0° plies serve as supplementary mechanisms for energy dissipation.


Composites Part B: Engineering

A New Path Planning Strategy Driven by Geometric Features and Tensile Properties for 3D Printing of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites

Wang Gongshuo, Wang Fuji, Guan Shouyan, Rao Fu, Wang Hongquan, Lei Yajing




Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology for continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites (C-FRTP), capable of rapid manufacturing of lightweight components with intricate geometric features, has emerged as one of the most promising technologies in the field of advanced composite manufacturing. Path planning is a crucial step for determining the fabrication quality of C-FRTP components. In this study, we proposed a new 3D printing path planning strategy driven by the geometric features and tensile properties of C-FRTP components. This strategy employed the properties of the Euler graph to generate the continuous full-field filling paths, ensuring the geometric features of the target components. The intersections were scattered along the printing path to enhance the tensile strength. The feasibility and advantages of the new path planning strategy were validated by comparative experiments with different printing paths. The results indicated that the new strategy not only achieved the geometric features of the target components but significantly enhanced their tensile strength. Using the printing path generated by the new path planning strategy, the tensile strength of specimens featuring mounting holes reached 349.4 MPa, which was only about 4.1% lower than the tensile strength of continuous fibers at straight paths. Compared to the existing contour-parallel path, the new strategy in this work improved the tensile properties by about 40.9%. The new path planning strategy proposed in this study shows great potential to design and fabricate C-FRTP components with enhanced mechanical properties for practical applications.

连续纤维增强热塑性复合材料(C-FRTP)的三维(3D)打印技术能够快速制造具有复杂几何特征的轻质部件,已成为先进复合材料制造领域最有前途的技术之一。路径规划是决定C-FRTP构件制造质量的关键步骤。在这项研究中,我们提出了一种新的3D打印路径规划策略,该策略由C-FRTP部件的几何特征和拉伸性能驱动。该策略利用欧拉图的特性生成连续的全场填充路径,保证了目标部件的几何特征。在打印路径上分散交点以提高拉伸强度。通过不同打印路径的对比实验,验证了新路径规划策略的可行性和优越性。结果表明,新策略既能满足目标部件的几何特征,又能显著提高目标部件的抗拉强度。采用新路径规划策略生成的打印路径,安装孔试件的抗拉强度达到349.4 MPa,仅比连续纤维在直线路径下的抗拉强度低4.1%左右。与现有的轮廓平行路径相比,新策略的拉伸性能提高了约40.9%。本研究提出的新的路径规划策略在设计和制造具有增强机械性能的C-FRTP部件的实际应用中具有很大的潜力。

Composites Science and Technology

Multiscale study of interfacial properties of carbon fiber reinforced polyphthalazine ether sulfone ketone resin matrix composites

Zhenyu Qian, Tianqi Zhu, Xingyao Liu, Xinyu Fan, Zhongwei Yan, Xigao Jian, Jian Xu




In view of the limitations of traditional research tools on interfacial failure mechanisms in fiber/PPESK composites, this work proposes a multiscale research tool to carry out an in-depth study of the interfacial behavior between fibers and matrix. Based on microdroplet debonding tests, at the mesoscopic scale, the influence of residual thermal stress on the interface damage mode is explored through finite element (FEM) simulations. The evolution mechanism of composite material interfaces in spatial and temporal dimensions is examined based on changes in interfacial stress distribution, energy dissipation, and damage morphology during the debonding process, which can be summarized as follows: accompanied by elastic-plastic deformation and friction effects, the progressive process from localized to complete failure presents a dominant Type II damage mode at the interface. To further explore the interface failure mechanism at the molecular level, an interface model of CF/PPESK composite materials was established using molecular dynamics (MD) method. By monitoring the atom movement trend, the "fiber-matrix displacement synergistic effect" in the interfacial shear damage process was revealed, thereby establishing a multiscale mapping relationship of composite material interface. Based on this, the combination of FEM and MD was utilized to investigate the interface damage process of composite materials under different service conditions and to reasonably predict the initiation and expansion of microcracks. This study provides a pioneering perspective on interface damage research in composite materials with a "top-down" multiscale approach.


Composite Janus film based on the synergistic interactions of π-π stacking and dynamic covalent bond toward direction recognition sensing

Yang Bai, Guoliang Yang, Zhong Jing, Boyuan Zhang, Xinrui Li, Guiqiang Fei




Although flexible strain sensors have made important advancements recently, most of them are unable to recognize the direction of motion, which greatly limits their application in fields such as human-machine interaction. This paper presents the fabrication of a bilayer asymmetric composite film that exhibits Janus dual-sided characteristics and interfacial properties. Specifically, the two sides possess different chemical compositions and surface features. The strong π-π stacking interaction between carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and pyrene enables a tight coating on the surface of poly(glycidyl propyl urethane) (PGPU), resulting in excellent sensing capabilities and electromagnetic shielding properties for the composite material. This composite film can effectively monitor the amplitude and direction of motion. Firstly, pyrene-grafted polyurethane (PGPU) was synthesized including on dynamic covalent bonds. The tensile strength of different samples can reach up to 19.69 MPa, and the strain at break is up to 501.95%. Furthermore, PGPU/CNTs conductive composite films were fabricated by spray-coating carbon nanotubes (CNTs) onto PGPU, and the pyrene units in PGPU can effectively interact with CNTs via π-π stacking, ensuring that stable adhesion of CNTs layer during long-term usage. Due to the dynamic covalent bonds and hydrogen bonds inside PGPU, PGPU and PGPU/CNTs both exhibit well-performed self-healing capability. Notably, the Janus structure of PGPU/CNTs can adjust the positive and negative values of relative resistance based on stretchable and compressive status of CNTs layer. Thus, PGPU/CNTs are directionally sensitive and self-healing flexible wearable sensor, which might apply in human-machine interaction field.

虽然柔性应变传感器近年来取得了重要的进展,但它们大多无法识别运动方向,这极大地限制了它们在人机交互等领域的应用。本文介绍了一种具有双面特性和界面特性的双层非对称复合膜的制备方法。具体来说,两面具有不同的化学成分和表面特征。碳纳米管(CNTs)和芘之间的强π-π堆叠相互作用使得聚甘油三酯(PGPU)表面具有紧密的涂层,从而使复合材料具有优异的传感能力和电磁屏蔽性能。这种复合薄膜可以有效地监测运动的幅度和方向。首先合成了含动态共价键的芘接枝聚氨酯(PGPU)。不同试样的抗拉强度可达19.69 MPa,断裂应变可达501.95%。此外,通过在PGPU上喷涂碳纳米管(carbon nanotubes, CNTs)制备了PGPU/CNTs导电复合膜,PGPU中的芘单元可以通过π-π堆叠与CNTs有效相互作用,保证了长期使用过程中CNTs层的稳定粘附。由于PGPU内部的动态共价键和氢键,PGPU和PGPU/CNTs都表现出良好的自愈能力。值得注意的是,PGPU/CNTs的Janus结构可以根据CNTs层的可拉伸和压缩状态调节相对阻力的正负值。因此,PGPU/CNTs是一种方向敏感、自修复的柔性可穿戴传感器,有望应用于人机交互领域。

Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Tensile Response of Pin-Loaded Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer Straps

Danijela Stankovic, James R. Davidson, Valentin Ott, Luke A. Bisby, Giovanni P. Terrasi




Carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) pin-loaded looped straps are increasingly being used in a range of structural load-bearing applications, notably for bridge hanger cables in network arch rail and highway bridges. The static performance of such CFRP straps is investigated through experimental and numerical analyses. Finite element (FE) models based on both one-eighth and half pin-strap assembly geometries were modelled. The resulting strains, stresses, and applied loads were compared against experimental data obtained using Digital Image Correlation, Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing (DFOS), and Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) Sensing. The FE models effectively captured local strain distributions around the vertex area, close to the pin ends of the straps, as well as in the mid-shaft region, and aligned reasonably with experimental observations. The half FE model accurately predicted the overall strain distribution when compared to DFOS data; however, higher strain magnitudes (by 0.45-10.2%) and larger strain reductions were observed in some locations. Regarding failure loads, the FE models agreed well with Schürmann's analytical solution and the maximum stress criterion, exhibiting less than 2.5% deviations from the experimental data. Furthermore, the predicted onset of strap failure (by delamination) in the half model agreed with experimental values, with a maximum variance of 9.2%.

碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)销加载环带越来越多地应用于一系列结构承重应用,特别是在网络拱轨道和公路桥梁的桥吊索中。通过试验和数值分析研究了碳纤维布带的静力性能。基于八分之一和二分之一针带装配几何形状的有限元模型进行了建模。将得到的应变、应力和施加的载荷与使用数字图像相关、分布式光纤传感(DFOS)和光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)传感获得的实验数据进行比较。有限元模型有效地捕获了顶点区域周围、靠近吊带销端以及中轴区域的局部应变分布,与实验观测值吻合较好。与DFOS数据相比,半有限元模型更准确地预测了整体应变分布;然而,在某些位置观察到更高的应变大小(0.45-10.2%)和更大的应变减小。在破坏荷载方面,有限元模型与sch<s:1> rmann解析解和最大应力准则吻合较好,与试验数据偏差小于2.5%。此外,在半模型中,预测的皮带失效(由分层)开始与实验值一致,最大方差为9.2%。

Hollow core-shell structure Fe3O4@Polypyrrole composites for enhanced electromagnetic wave absorption

Jiang Guo, Yukun Sun, Xu Li, Shaohua Xi, Mohamed M. Ibrahim, Hua Qiu, Gaber A.M. Mersal, Zeinhom M. El-Bahy, Vignesh Murugadoss, Waras Abdul, Fujian Zhou, Juanna Ren, Zhanhu Guo, Jianfeng Zhu




Due to the rapid development of electronic devices, the electromagnetic pollution has become increasingly serious. Developing electromagnetic wave absorption (EWA) materials with lightweight, strong absorption capacity and wide effective absorption bandwidth (EAB) becomes a research hotspot. In this work, the hollow-Fe3O4@polypyrrole (HFO@PPy) composites with core-shell structure were successfully synthesized by in situ polymerization method. The electromagnetic parameters could be adjusted by controlling the content of HFO in HFO@PPy. In addition, HFO@PPy composites show both dielectric and magnetic losses. The synergistic effect of both two losses contributes to an enhanced electromagnetic attenuation. The enhanced impedance matching is achieved by the composition (HFO and PPy) and designed unique structure (core-shell and hollow structure). The maximum reflection loss (RL) and EAB are -52.01 dB and 2.72 GHz at 3.1 mm for 60.0 wt% HFO@PPy composites. Therefore, by reasonably regulating the component content and optimizing the structural design, the EWA performance of HFO@PPy composites could be effectively improved, providing a significant inspiration for fabrication of microwave absorbers.

由于电子设备的快速发展,电磁污染日益严重。开发重量轻、吸收能力强、有效吸收带宽宽的电磁波吸收材料成为研究热点。本文采用原位聚合法制备了具有核壳结构的hollow-Fe3O4@polypyrrole (HFO@PPy)复合材料。通过控制HFO@PPy中HFO的含量,可以调节电磁参数。此外,HFO@PPy复合材料同时显示介电和磁损耗。这两种损耗的协同效应有助于增强电磁衰减。通过HFO和PPy组成和独特的结构(核壳和空心结构)实现了增强的阻抗匹配。60.0 wt% HFO@PPy复合材料在3.1 mm处的最大反射损耗(RL)和EAB分别为-52.01 dB和2.72 GHz。因此,通过合理调节组分含量和优化结构设计,可有效提高HFO@PPy复合材料的EWA性能,为微波吸收材料的制造提供重要启示。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 3 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 3 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingUltrahigh room and high − temperature mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC composites prepared by hybrid CVI and PIP methods: Effects of PIP temperatureWei Yucong, Ye Fang, Zhang Yi, Guo Guangda, Cao Yuchen, Cheng Laifeidoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108502复合CVI和PIP法制备SiCf/SiC复合材料的超高室温和 − 高温力学性能:PIP温度的影响Unidirectional (UD) SiCf/SiC composites were prepared using chemical vapor infiltration (CVI)-polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) hybrid procedure at different PIP temperatures of 1100 °C (1100PIP), 1300 °C (1300PIP), and 1500 °C (1500PIP). The effect of PIP temperature on the microstructure of each component was studied. Results showed that SiC fiber strength and interfacial shear strength (IFSS) were the main factors affecting the mechanical properties of the composite. At 1100 °C, the fiber was thermally stable and IFSS was high, due to which 1100PIP achieved ultrahigh mechanical performance with tensile strength of 901.0 ± 87.7 MPa, flexural strength of 2186.5 ± 192.5 MPa, and toughness of 80.6 ± 12.0 MPa·m1/2. At 1300 °C, IFSS decreased slightly, due to the crystallization of BN interphase. Hence, the mechanical performance of 1300PIP decreased slightly to 789.8 ± 42.9 MPa, 1935.9 ± 163.2 MPa, and 58.2 ± 4.0 MPa·m1/2, respectively. At 1500 °C, severe fiber ceramization and decrease in IFSS caused severe decline in mechanical performance to about half of that of 1100PIP. The crack could be deflected not only at the fiber/BN (F/B) interface, but also at the CVI SiC/PIP SiC (C/P) interface, due to the existence of free carbon layers at the C/P interface, which played an important role in improving the strength and toughness of the composite. 1300PIP also showed excellent strength at high − temperature. At 1350 °C and 1500 °C, its flexural strengths were as high as 1529.0 ± 73.0 MPa and 1223.1 ± 81.1 MPa, respectively. The thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient were also tested. Their values were mainly affected by the grain size and thermal stabilities of the SiC fiber and PIP matrix.在1100 °C (1100PIP)、1300 °C (1300PIP)和1500 °C (1500PIP)的PIP温度下,采用化学蒸汽渗透(CVI)-聚合物渗透和热解(PIP)混合工艺制备了单向(UD) SiCf/SiC复合材料。研究了PIP温度对各组分显微组织的影响。结果表明,SiC纤维强度和界面剪切强度是影响复合材料力学性能的主要因素。 1100°C,纤维耐热,仿射高,由于1100脉冲实现超高力学性能与抗拉强度901.0 ±87.7  MPa, 挠曲强度2186.5±192.5  MPa, 和韧性80.6±12.0  MPa·m1/2。在1300 °C时,由于BN间相的结晶,IFSS略有下降。因此,1300年的力学性能pip 稍微下降为789.8±42.9  MPa, 1935.9±163.2  MPa,和58.2 ±4.0  MPa·m1/2,分别。在1500 °C时,纤维严重的陶瓷化和IFSS的降低导致机械性能严重下降,约为1100PIP的一半。由于C/P界面存在自由碳层,裂纹不仅在纤维/BN (F/B)界面发生偏转,而且在CVI SiC/PIP SiC (C/P)界面发生偏转,这对提高复合材料的强度和韧性起着重要作用。1300PIP在 − 高温下也表现出优异的强度。在1350 °C和1500 °C时,其抗弯强度分别高达1529.0 ± 73.0 MPa和1223.1 ± 81.1 MPa。测试了材料的导热系数和热膨胀系数。它们的值主要受SiC纤维和PIP基体的晶粒尺寸和热稳定性的影响。Low-velocity impact response of hybrid sheet moulding compound composite laminatesJames Pheysey, Ramon Del Cuvillo Mezquita, Fernando Naya Montans, Jesus Pernas Sanchez, Francesco De Cola, Francisca Martinez-Herguetadoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108527混合板料成型复合复合层压板的低速冲击响应This work presents a comprehensive study on the impact damage tolerance of Sheet Moulding Compounds (SMCs). The performance of glass, carbon and hybrid glass/carbon SMCs are compared by means of tensile, compression, low-velocity impact and compression after impact experiments. Damage analysis of the impacted laminates was performed by ultrasonic and X-ray methodologies. The glass SMC exhibited the highest damage tolerance in low-velocity impact with the smallest damaged area, crack density and loss in compression after impact (CAI) strength. On the other hand, the carbon SMC demonstrated superior in-plane stiffness and strength, but exhibited a large damaged area and crack density under impact. The hybrid SMC displayed an optimal compromise, exhibiting intermediate tensile in-plane performance and excellent damage tolerance at lower impact energy levels, but suffered from extensive delamination at the highest impact energy. Overall, the findings highlight the suitability of hybrid SMCs for structural applications with potential impact risks.本文对板料模压复合材料的冲击损伤容限进行了全面的研究。通过拉伸、压缩、低速冲击和冲击后压缩实验,比较了玻璃、碳和玻璃/碳混合SMCs的性能。采用超声和x射线方法对撞击层板进行损伤分析。玻璃SMC在低速冲击中表现出最高的损伤容限,损伤面积、裂纹密度和冲击后压缩损失(CAI)强度最小。另一方面,碳SMC具有优越的面内刚度和强度,但在冲击下表现出较大的损伤面积和裂纹密度。混合SMC表现出最佳的折衷,在较低的冲击能量水平下具有中等的平面内拉伸性能和优异的损伤容限,但在最高的冲击能量下存在广泛的分层。总的来说,研究结果强调了混合SMCs在具有潜在影响风险的结构应用中的适用性。Joule debonding of carbon reinforced polymer (CFRP) lap shear joints bonded with graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs)/epoxy nanocompositesYuheng Huang, Lingshu Lei, Zhengyang Wang, Hanieh Eftekhari, Ian Kinloch, Cristina Vallésdoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108535碳增强聚合物(CFRP)搭接剪切接头与石墨烯纳米片(GNPs)/环氧纳米复合材料的焦耳脱粘The potential of Joule heating CFRPs joints bonded with conductive graphene/epoxy nanocomposites as adhesives for a selective debonding was investigated. To ensure a localized softening of the bondline without altering the adherend’s structure, the epoxy used in the adhesive’s formulation was chosen to have a considerably lower Tg than the adherend. Joule heating the bondline considerably reduced the lap shear strength (LSS) relative to when the test was performed at room temperature, due to thermally induced structural changes promoted in the polymer network, which was consistent with the nanocomposites’ thermomechanical behavior predicted by DMTA. The minimum LSS value was reached in the vicinity of the adhesive’s Tg , allowing an ease deconstruction of the joints. SEM characterization of their fracture surfaces revealed that by controlling the adhesive’s formulation and their Joule heating the joints’ failure mechanism can be tuned to ensure the recovery of undamaged adherends that can be reused.研究了焦耳加热cfrp接头与导电石墨烯/环氧纳米复合材料结合作为粘合剂的选择性脱粘的潜力。为了确保结合线的局部软化而不改变粘附体的结构,粘合剂配方中使用的环氧树脂的Tg比粘附体低得多。与室温下相比,焦耳加热键合线大大降低了搭接剪切强度(LSS),这是由于热诱导的聚合物网络结构变化,这与DMTA预测的纳米复合材料的热力学行为相一致。最小LSS值在粘合剂的Tg附近达到,允许轻松解构关节。断裂表面的SEM表征表明,通过控制粘合剂的配方和焦耳加热,可以调整接头的破坏机制,以确保未损坏的粘附物的恢复,并可以重复使用。Composites Part B: EngineeringMultidisciplinary Space Shield Origami Composite: Incorporating Cosmic Radiation Shielding, Space Debris Impact Protection, Solar Radiative Heat Shielding, and Atomic Oxygen Erosion ResistanceJi-Hun Cha, Sarath Kumar Sathish Kumar, Woo-Hyeok Jang, Hanjun Lee, Jong Guk Kim, Gilsu Park, Chun-Gon Kimdoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111876多学科空间屏蔽折纸复合材料:结合宇宙辐射屏蔽、空间碎片撞击防护、太阳辐射热屏蔽和抗原子氧侵蚀Origami composites have been extensively utilized in space structures with constrained payload volumes due to their capability to efficiently transform compact structures into larger surface area or volume configurations. The proposed origami composite incorporates hydrogen-rich benzoxazine polymers known for their high radiation shielding capability and ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene fibers known for their high ballistic performance, radiation shielding capability, and flexibility. The proposed origami composite and manufacturing method can enhance bonding strength by achieving precise origami shapes and utilizing the same matrix for both flexible and rigid components. Membrane sheets are manufactured at a low curing temperature to provide flexibility, while rigid facets are separately manufactured at a high curing temperature to increase rigidity. The integration of a polyimide protection layer significantly enhances space environment resistance and reduces mass loss due to atomic oxygen erosion. Despite a slight decrease in ballistic performance after exposure to space conditions, the proposed origami composite maintains superior ballistic performance compared to conventional space materials and conventional origami composites. Compared to existing origami composites or conventional space materials, the proposed origami composite exhibited superior radiation shielding performance. The laminated structure of the proposed origami composite can offer some solar radiation shielding capability. The proposed origami composite offers a multifunctional origami solution as a membrane-space shield material, fulfilling requirements for high ballistic performance, cosmic radiation shielding, solar radiative heat shielding, and space environmental resistance.由于折纸复合材料能够有效地将紧凑结构转化为更大的表面积或体积构型,因此在载荷体积受限的空间结构中得到了广泛的应用。拟议的折纸复合材料结合了富氢的苯并恶嗪聚合物,以其高辐射屏蔽能力而闻名,以及超高分子量聚乙烯纤维,以其高弹道性能、辐射屏蔽能力和灵活性而闻名。所提出的折纸复合材料及其制造方法可以通过实现精确的折纸形状和对柔性和刚性部件使用相同的矩阵来提高粘合强度。膜片在低固化温度下制造以提供灵活性,而刚性面在高固化温度下单独制造以增加刚性。聚酰亚胺保护层的集成显著增强了空间环境抗性,减少了原子氧侵蚀造成的质量损失。尽管暴露在空间条件下的弹道性能略有下降,但与传统空间材料和传统折纸复合材料相比,拟议的折纸复合材料保持了优越的弹道性能。与现有的折纸复合材料或常规空间材料相比,所提出的折纸复合材料具有更好的辐射屏蔽性能。所提出的折纸复合材料的层压结构可以提供一定的太阳辐射屏蔽能力。所提出的折纸复合材料提供了一种多功能的折纸解决方案,作为膜空间屏蔽材料,满足高弹道性能、宇宙辐射屏蔽、太阳辐射热屏蔽和空间环境抗性的要求。Heterogeneous oxidation involving different atomic clusters in sintering-free amorphous SiBCN ceramic with MA@PDC-SiBCN structureZi-bo Niu, Daxin Li, Dechang Jia, Zhihua Yang, Kunpeng Lin, Yan Wang, Paolo Colombo, Ralf Riedel, Yu Zhoudoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111903 MA@PDC-SiBCN结构无烧结非晶SiBCN陶瓷中不同原子团簇的非均相氧化Amorphous SiBCN monoliths featuring a structure of three-dimensional PDC-SiBCN network encapsulating MA-SiBCN nanoparticles (MA@PDC-SiBCN), were prepared without the need for sintering densification (&gt;1800°C), enabling preparation of dense ceramics at a much lower temperature (1100°C). The continuous PDC-SiBCN network effectively inhibits oxygen diffusion, reducing the mass loss from B-C-N cluster oxidation and mass gain from silicon-containing clusters by 51.5% and 86.9%, respectively. Besides, the phase-separation coupled heterogeneous oxidation behaviors and kinetics of different atomic clusters in MA@PDC-SiBCN ceramic during non-isothermal oxidation up to 1500°C were investigated. Finally, the evolution of the different atomic clusters within the oxide layer during the heterogeneous oxidation process was analyzed to elucidate the micro-mechanisms behind the enhanced oxidation resistance.无定形SiBCN单块具有三维PDC-SiBCN网络结构,封装MA-SiBCN纳米颗粒(MA@PDC-SiBCN),无需烧结致密化(&gt;1800℃),可以在更低的温度(1100℃)下制备致密陶瓷。连续的PDC-SiBCN网络有效地抑制了氧的扩散,使B-C-N团簇氧化的质量损失和含硅团簇的质量增加分别降低了51.5%和86.9%。此外,研究了MA@PDC-SiBCN陶瓷中不同原子团簇在1500℃非等温氧化过程中的相分离耦合非均相氧化行为和动力学。最后,分析了非均相氧化过程中氧化层内不同原子团簇的演变,阐明了增强抗氧化性的微观机制。Highly Robust, Processable and Multi-functional PDMS/Graphene Composite Aerogel Constructed by &quot;Soft-Hard&quot; Interface Engineering StrategyGaochuang Yang, Yiyun Li, Jinyu Zhu, Limin Ma, Zhangpeng Li, Jinqing Wang, Shengrong Yangdoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111904 基于“软硬”界面工程策略构建高鲁棒、可加工、多功能的PDMS/石墨烯复合气凝胶Graphene aerogel (GA) has attracked wide attention for its potential applications in various fields. However, the graphene nanosheets in the GA framework often exhibit insufficient adhesion and interfacial contacts due to weak interactions, resulting in fragile cell walls and poor structural stability. Here, inspired by the principle of &quot;soft-hard&quot; compounding, a class of GA with extraordinary structural stability and mechanical property was prepared based on the in-situ bonding interfacial engineering between different phases in Pickering emulsion. Through interfacial engineering, the fatal compounding drawback between fusing oily polymer soft chains and water-soluble hard graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets is resolved, which enables polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) chains to in-situ adhere onto GO nanosheets, eventually resulting in compelling structural-stable PDMS/GO aerogel (PGOA) backbone. Later, PDMS/GA (PGA) can be easily obtained by simple reduction of PGOA. The obtained PGA achieves excellent structural stability, 97.5% elasticity, 1.7 MPa compressive capacity, and unprecedented isotropic characteristics. The assembled flexible sensor based on PGA has a high sensitivity of 17.08 kPa-1. Additionally, PGA has low thermal conductivity (0.0245-0.0301 W/(m K)) and good flame retardancy (∼1000 °C). Because of these excellent properties, PGA has a wide range of potential applications in areas such as flexible sensing, thermal protection, and fire detection.石墨烯气凝胶(GA)因其在各个领域的潜在应用而受到广泛关注。然而,由于弱相互作用,GA框架中的石墨烯纳米片往往表现出粘附和界面接触不足,导致细胞壁脆弱,结构稳定性差。受“软硬”复合原理的启发,基于Pickering乳液中不同相之间的原位键合界面工程,制备了一类具有优异结构稳定性和力学性能的GA。通过界面工程,解决了油性聚合物软链与水溶性硬氧化石墨烯(GO)纳米片之间的致命复合缺陷,使聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)链能够原位粘附在氧化石墨烯纳米片上,最终形成引人注意的结构稳定的PDMS/GO气凝胶(PGOA)骨架。随后,通过对PGOA进行简单还原,就可以得到PDMS/GA (PGA)。得到的PGA具有优异的结构稳定性、97.5%的弹性、1.7 MPa的抗压能力和前所未有的各向同性特性。基于PGA组装的柔性传感器具有17.08 kPa-1的高灵敏度。此外,PGA具有低导热系数(0.0245-0.0301 W/(m K))和良好的阻燃性(~ 1000°C)。由于这些优异的性能,PGA在柔性传感、热保护和火灾探测等领域具有广泛的潜在应用。Composites Science and TechnologyUltrathin, Flexible, and High-performance Bacterial Cellulose/Copper Nanowires Film for Broadband Electromagnetic Interference Shielding and Photothermal ConversionDan Guo, Bochong Wang, Jianyong Xiang, Anmin Nie, Kun Zhai, Tianyu Xue, Fusheng Wen, Yingchun Cheng, Congpu Mudoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110919 用于宽带电磁干扰屏蔽和光热转换的超薄、柔性和高性能细菌纤维素/铜纳米线薄膜The swift advancements in wearable electronics, implantable medical devices, fifth-generation mobile communication, unmanned aerial vehicles, and military stealth technology have led to a surge in demand for highly flexible multifunctional films. Consequently, the enhancement of electromagnetic radiation and the requirement for normal operation in extreme environments have posed significant challenges for flexible electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding films. In this paper, ultra-thin, flexible bacterial cellulose (BC)/copper nanowires (CuNWs) (BCu) films with Janus structure are prepared by the combination of microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis and vacuum filtration method, which can be used for broadband EMI shielding and photothermal conversion. BCu films demonstrate exceptional mechanical properties, boasting a tensile strength range from 48.5 to 77.3 MPa, accompanied fracture strain 4.1 to 5.9%. When CuNWs mass in Janus film increases to 10 mg, the conductivity of BCu-4 Janus films can reach 4761.90 S cm-1. The ultra-strong EMI shielding effectiveness (SE, above 56.00 dB) is achieved in 6-26.5 GHz for BCu-4 film with an ultra-thin thickness (16 μm). Moreover, the specific EMI SE of BCu-4 is as high as 4294.38 dB mm-1. Furthermore, BCu Janus films exhibit outstanding photothermal conversion performance. A saturation temperature of BCu-4 Janus film reaches as high as 75 oC under irradiation of one sunlight (100 mW cm-2). The facile and collaborative strategy is provided for fabricating ultra-thin, flexible multifunctional Janus films with EMI shielding and photothermal conversion capabilities, addressing EMI problems in modern electronic technology and offering new avenues for applications in various fields.随着可穿戴电子产品、植入式医疗设备、第五代移动通信、无人机、军用隐身技术的迅速发展,对高柔性多功能薄膜的需求激增。因此,电磁辐射的增强和极端环境下正常工作的要求对柔性电磁干扰(EMI)屏蔽膜提出了重大挑战。本文采用微波辅助水热合成和真空过滤相结合的方法制备了具有Janus结构的超薄柔性细菌纤维素/铜纳米线(BCu)薄膜,该薄膜可用于宽带电磁干扰屏蔽和光热转换。BCu薄膜具有优异的力学性能,抗拉强度为48.5 ~ 77.3 MPa,断裂应变为4.1 ~ 5.9%。当Janus膜中的CuNWs质量增加到10 mg时,BCu-4 Janus膜的电导率可达4761.90 S cm-1。超薄厚度(16 μm)的BCu-4薄膜在6-26.5 GHz频段具有超强的电磁干扰屏蔽效果(SE &gt; 56.00 dB)。BCu-4的比EMI SE高达4294.38 dB mm-1。此外,BCu Janus薄膜具有出色的光热转换性能。BCu-4 Janus薄膜在一次太阳光(100mw cm-2)照射下饱和温度高达75℃。为制造具有电磁干扰屏蔽和光热转换能力的超薄、柔性多功能Janus薄膜提供了方便和协作的策略,解决了现代电子技术中的电磁干扰问题,并为各个领域的应用提供了新的途径。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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