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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 3 篇,Mechanics of Materials 2 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 6 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Three-dimensional buckling analysis of stiffened plates with complex geometries using energy element method

Zhao Jing, Yanjie Liu, Lei Duan, Siqi Wang



A novel numerical method, energy element method (EEM), is proposed for the three-dimensional (3D) buckling analysis of stiffened plates with complex geometries. The problem is formulated in a cuboidal domain, and any complex geometric stiffened plate is modeled by assigning cutouts within the cuboidal domain. The stiffened plate is considered as an energy body and is discretized using Gauss points with variable stiffness properties to simulate its energy distribution. Incorporating the extended interval integration, Gauss quadrature, variable stiffness properties, and Chebyshev polynomials, the strain energy of stiffened plates with complex geometries can be numerically simulated by putting the stiffness and thickness of Gauss points in the cutouts to zero in the cuboidal domain. Using the principle of minimum potential energy and Ritz solution procedure, the deformation and buckling behaviors of stiffened plates with complex geometries can be captured. As a result of the new formulations in EEM, new standard energy functionals and solving procedures have been developed. In addition, Gauss points are generated within the energy elements accounting for the geometric boundaries of the stiffened plate, which are characterized by level set functions. EEM is employed to investigate complex-shaped stiffened plates with straight or curvilinear stiffeners, and the results are compared to those obtained using FEM or mesh-free method. The precision, generalization, and stability of EEM are demonstrated.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

ViscoNet: a lightweight FEA surrogate model for polymer nanocomposites viscoelastic response prediction

Anqi Lin, Richard J. Sheridan, Bingyin Hu, L. Catherine Brinson



Polymer-based nanocomposites (PNCs) are formed by dispersing nanoparticles (NPs) within a polymer matrix, which creates polymer interphase regions that drive property enhancement. However, data-driven PNC design is challenging due to limited data. To address the challenge, we present ViscoNet, a surrogate model for finite element analysis (FEA) simulations of PNC viscoelastic (VE) response. ViscoNet leverages pre-training and finetuning to accelerate predicting VE response of a new PNC system. By predicting the entire VE response, ViscoNet surpasses previous scalar-based surrogate models for FEA simulation, offering better fidelity and efficiency. We explore ViscoNet's effectiveness through generalization tasks, both within thermoplastics and from thermoplastics to thermosets, reporting a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of < 5% for rubbery modulus and < 1% for glassy modulus in all cases and 1.22% on tan δ peak height prediction. With only 500 FEA simulations for finetuning, ViscoNet can generate over 20k VE responses within 2 minutes with 1 CPU, compared to 97 days with 4 CPUs via FEA simulations.

聚合物基纳米复合材料(pnc)是通过将纳米颗粒(NPs)分散在聚合物基体中形成的,从而形成聚合物相间区域,从而提高性能。然而,由于数据有限,数据驱动的PNC设计具有挑战性。为了应对这一挑战,我们提出了ViscoNet,这是一种用于PNC粘弹性(VE)响应有限元分析(FEA)模拟的替代模型。ViscoNet利用预训练和微调来加速预测新的PNC系统的VE响应。通过预测整个VE响应,ViscoNet超越了以前基于标量的有限元模拟代理模型,提供了更好的保真度和效率。我们通过在热塑性塑料和从热塑性塑料到热固性塑料的泛化任务来探索ViscoNet的有效性,报告了在所有情况下,橡胶模量的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE) < 5%,玻璃模量< 1%,tan δ峰高预测的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)为1.22%。只有500个FEA模拟进行微调,ViscoNet可以在1个CPU的情况下在2分钟内生成超过20k的VE响应,而通过FEA模拟,4个CPU需要97天。

Understanding of topological mode and skin mode morphing in 1D and 2D non-Hermitian resonance-based meta-lattices

Qian Wu, Shaoyun Wang, Honghua Qian, Yanzheng Wang, Guoliang Huang



Recent advances have demonstrated that the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE), induced by system non-Hermiticity, can manipulate the localization of in-gap topological edge modes (TEMs) within mechanical topological insulators. This study introduces a straightforward analytical framework to elucidate the competition between NHSE and TEM localization in a classical mechanical meta-lattice, highlighting its impact on the dynamic behavior of TEMs within separate Bragg scattering band gaps (BSBGs). We propose a 1D non-Hermitian meta-lattice featuring a locally resonant system with active feedback control, characterized by a real-valued transfer function. This local resonance creates two separate BSBGs, each hosting a TEM defined by non-Hermitian bulk-edge correspondence. Our theoretical and numerical analyses reveal that the NHSE, with its asymmetric localization within the two BSBGs, can shift the localization of TEMs in distinct ways. This leads to an asymmetric phase transition, wherein one TEM can be delocalized and relocalized by tuning the transfer function, while the other maintains its initial localization. Moreover, we extend the mechanism of 1D asymmetric TEM delocalization to the non-Hermitian morphing of TEMs, showcasing notable examples such as temporal and spatial topological wave pumping with space- and time-dependent transfer functions in 1D time-varying and 2D stacked meta-lattices. This research bridges a gap between non-Hermitian mechanical constructs and their potential applications in classical mechanics, reinterpreting known topological wave control in 1D and uncovering new mechanisms in 2D.

最近的研究表明,由系统非厄米性引起的非厄米集肤效应(non- hermite skin effect, NHSE)可以操纵机械拓扑绝缘体内隙内拓扑边缘模式(tem)的局域化。本研究引入了一个简单的分析框架来阐明经典力学元晶格中NHSE和TEM局域化之间的竞争,强调了其对单独Bragg散射带隙(BSBGs)内TEM动态行为的影响。我们提出了一个具有主动反馈控制的局部共振系统的一维非厄米元晶格,其特征为实值传递函数。这种局部共振创建了两个独立的BSBGs,每个BSBGs都承载一个由非厄米体边对应定义的TEM。我们的理论和数值分析表明,由于NHSE在两个BSBGs中的不对称定位,可以以不同的方式改变tem的定位。这导致了不对称相变,其中一个TEM可以通过调整传递函数来脱域和重新定位,而另一个则保持其初始定位。此外,我们将一维非对称瞬变电磁法的离域机制扩展到瞬变电磁法的非厄米变形,展示了一维时变和二维堆叠元晶格中具有时空相关传递函数的时空拓扑波抽运等显著例子。这项研究填补了非厄米力学结构及其在经典力学中的潜在应用之间的空白,重新解释了已知的一维拓扑波控制,并揭示了二维的新机制。

Traction-based microplane model for charactering the progressive failure of rock-like material

Lingwei Kong, Heping Xie, Cunbao Li



Accurately understanding and predicting the progressive failure behavior of rock is crucial in rock engineering. In this study, a new microplane prediction model characterized by the intrinsic properties of the traction vector is proposed to describe the rock's multi-scale behavior, anisotropy, and the microscopic tensile and compressive-shear failure effects based on a physical foundation. Under the thermodynamic consistency framework, the microplane's free energy and state equations are derived to determine the elastic, plastic, and damage properties of a single microplane. Damage and plastic yield criteria are innovatively established according to the traction's tensile and compressive-shear effects on the rock's failure behavior. A novel efficient implicit return mapping algorithm is proposed. A nonlinear constitutive equation at the macroscopic scale is derived. The proposed theoretical model is developed to obtain the stress-strain curves and anisotropic damage evolutions of rock under tensile, compressive, and shear stress. The microplane configurations are visualized to analyze the relationship between the anisotropic microscopic damage mechanism and the macroscopic failure characteristics. The simulated and experimental results are in good agreement, indicating that the model accurately describes the multi-scale failure of the rock specimen under different stress paths.


Mechanics of Materials

Electromechanical properties of different phases in ferroelectric crystals regulated by variously oriented electric fields

Zhanpeng Zhang, Dongliang Shan, Jinlin Peng, Yunya Liu, Chihou Lei



Electric fields offer a convenient and tunable way to induce phase transitions for regulating the electromechanical properties of ferroelectrics. However, regulating the electromechanical properties by using electric fields in various directions for different ferroelectric phases has yet to be systematically investigated, especially for lead-free material KNbO3. Based on the nonlinear thermodynamics analysis, the electric field-temperature phase diagrams of KNbO3 single crystals under different electric field directions (E[001], E[011], E[111]) have been constructed, along with the electric-field-induced electromechanical responses. The results show that the phase diagrams are markedly different under different electric field directions. Specifically, the electric field-temperature phase diagram appears as a "line"-shaped phase boundary under E[001], while it appears as a "U"-shaped phase boundary under E[011], and an arrowhead-shaped phase boundary under E[111]. It is also found that there are excellent electromechanical responses near both "U"-shaped and arrowhead-shaped phase boundaries due to the significant alterations in polarization slopes near the phase boundaries, offering an alternative pathway to regulate and enhance the electromechanical properties in ferroelectrics.


A novel approach for accurate development of the incremental plastic multiplier and consistent tangent operator in thermo-elasto-plastic modeling of materials

Morteza Sadeghifar, Rene Billardon, Denis Delagnes, Henri Champliaud, Antoine Tahan, Mohammad Jahazi



In the present research, new and accurate equations were developed for the incremental plastic multiplier (IPM) and the consistent tangent operator (CTO) to solve numerical problems in thermo-elasto-plastic (TEP) processes using the finite element method (FEM). To ensure accuracy, all material hardening coefficients were treated as temperature-dependent, and no terms and their derivatives in the analytical-mathematical solution were ignored. Two UMAT (User MATerial) subroutines with temperature-independent and temperature-dependent parameters were programmed for the EP and TEP behavior, respectively. Finite element models were created using both the Abaqus® built-in material models and the newly developed UMAT subroutines, designated as the reference and new models, respectively. In the reference model, flow stress was implemented using tabulated plastic strain and temperature data available in Abaqus®, while in the new model, the flow stress (yield function) was derived and numerically calculated based on the developed formulation. The new equations were successfully validated by comparing the results from the new model with those from the reference model. The developed IPM and CTO can be used for accurate predictions of strains, stresses, and temperatures in TEP problems, making them well-suited for industrial applications.

本文建立了增量塑性乘数(IPM)和一致切线算子(CTO)的新的精确方程,用于用有限元法求解热弹塑性(TEP)过程的数值问题。为了确保准确性,所有材料硬化系数都被视为温度相关,并且在解析数学解中没有项及其导数被忽略。分别为EP和TEP行为编写了具有温度无关和温度相关参数的两个UMAT (User MATerial)子程序。使用Abaqus®内置材料模型和新开发的UMAT子程序创建有限元模型,分别指定为参考模型和新模型。在参考模型中,流动应力是使用Abaqus®提供的塑性应变和温度数据表来实现的,而在新模型中,流动应力(屈服函数)是基于所开发的公式推导和数值计算的。通过将新模型与参考模型的结果进行比较,验证了新方程的正确性。开发的IPM和CTO可用于准确预测TEP问题中的应变,应力和温度,使其非常适合工业应用。

Thin-Walled Structures

Uniaxial compression performance of anti-tetrachiral structures considering the effects of cell size and boundary conditions

Jinwen Xia, Youjiang Cui, Baolin Wang, Kaifa Wang



Anti-tetrachiral structures (AS) are typical metamaterials known for their negative Poisson's ratio. The existing analysis of the mechanical properties of AS is conducted by applying the energy method to a unit cell with periodic boundary conditions (PBC). In available works, the shear force at the structure's boundaries is neglected. But is it permissible to disregard the impact of shear forces at the boundaries on the structure's equivalent mechanical properties? By examining the deformation relationship between the ribs and the nodal rings, we developed a uniaxial compression model for AS under both free and constrained boundary conditions, which accurately predicts the mechanical properties of the AS structure. This model was validated through numerical simulations and experiments. The findings reveal that the equivalent mechanical properties of AS exhibit a size dependence related to the cell size. For example, for AS with equivalent density and identical overall dimensions, the equivalent Young's modulus of an AS with 2×2 cells will be twice that of an AS with 4×4 cells. Furthermore, the size effect of the structure can be neglected when the number of cells larger than 8×8. Moreover, it is found that the present model considering boundary conditions exhibits an equivalent Young's modulus 25% higher than the model neglecting boundary conditions. The study's findings indicate that the presence of boundary conditions can disrupt PBC, leading to significant discrepancies between theoretical derivations and practical applications.


Explainable machine learning models for predicting the ultimate bending capacity of slotted perforated cold-formed steel beams under distortional buckling

L. Simwanda, P. Gatheeshgar, F.M. Ilunga, B.D. Ikotun, S.M. Mojtabaei, E.K. Onyari



This study develops explainable machine learning (ML) models to predict the ultimate bending capacity of cold-formed steel (CFS) beams with staggered slotted perforations, focusing on distortional buckling behavior. Utilizing a dataset from 432 non-linear finite element analysis simulations of CFS Lipped channels, ten ML algorithms, including four basic and six ensemble models, were evaluated. Ensemble models, specifically CatBoost and XGBoost, demonstrated superior accuracy, with test-set performances reaching a coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) of 99.9%, outperforming traditional analytical methods such as the Direct Strength Method (DSM). SHapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) were applied to highlight how features like plate thickness and root radius critically influence predictions. The findings underscore the enhanced predictive capabilities of ML models for structural performance, suggesting a significant potential to refine traditional design methodologies and optimize CFS beam designs.


Thin-Layer Ultra-High-Strength Engineered Cementitious Composites (UHS-ECC) Reinforced with Small-Diameter FRP Bars for Structural Strengthening

Ji-Xiang Zhu, Ke-Fan Weng, Wei-He Liu, Bo-Tao Huang, Kai-Di Peng, Ji-Hua Zhu, Jian-Guo Dai



This study proposed a novel strengthening system for reinforced concrete (RC) structures using a thin layer of Ultra-High-Strength Engineered Cementitious Composites (UHS-ECC) reinforced with small-diameter Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars. Experimental investigation, digital image correlation analysis, and numerical simulation were conducted to evaluate the flexural performance and failure mechanism of RC beams strengthened with 20-mm UHS-ECC layers and 3-mm FRP bars. It was found that the 20-mm UHS-ECC layer alone improved the load capacity of RC beams by 8.3%, though with reduced deflection, whereas incorporating two 3-mm FRP bars increased load capacity by up to 40.4%, without sacrificing deflection. Failure in all specimens was caused by concrete crushing; however, FRP-reinforced UHS-ECC layers mitigated early crack localization, significantly enhancing both strength and ductility. This study also revealed that compared to epoxy-bonded prefabricated layers, cast-in-place FRP-reinforced UHS-ECC layers exhibited higher load capacity and could avoid ECC/concrete interfacial cracks. A three-dimensional finite element model was proposed for the strengthening system and successfully predicted the flexural behavior. It is revealed that the FRP-to-UHS-ECC bond had marginal influence on performance, while the bond at the UHS-ECC-to-concrete interface significantly impacted flexural behavior. Remarkably, the small-diameter FRP bar achieved 75% of its tensile strength at the ultimate stage. These findings underscore the potential of FRP-reinforced UHS-ECC layers as an effective solution for enhancing the mechanical and durability performance of RC structures.

本研究提出了一种新型的钢筋混凝土(RC)结构加固体系,该体系使用薄层超高强度工程胶凝复合材料(UHS-ECC)和小直径纤维增强聚合物(FRP)棒进行加固。通过试验研究、数字图像相关分析和数值模拟,对采用20mm UHS-ECC层和3mm FRP筋加固的RC梁的抗弯性能和破坏机制进行了评价。研究发现,仅20mm的UHS-ECC层就能使RC梁的承载能力提高8.3%,尽管挠度有所减少,而结合两根3mm FRP筋则能在不牺牲挠度的情况下将承载能力提高40.4%。所有试件的破坏均由混凝土破碎引起;然而,frp增强的UHS-ECC层缓解了早期裂纹局部化,显著提高了强度和延性。研究还发现,与环氧树脂粘结预制层相比,现浇frp增强UHS-ECC层具有更高的承载能力,并且可以避免ECC/混凝土界面裂缝。提出了加固体系的三维有限元模型,并成功地预测了其抗弯性能。结果表明,frp - uhs - ecc粘结对混凝土抗弯性能影响较小,而uhs - ecc -混凝土界面粘结对抗弯性能影响较大。值得注意的是,小直径FRP筋在极限阶段达到了其抗拉强度的75%。这些发现强调了frp增强UHS-ECC层作为提高RC结构力学和耐久性的有效解决方案的潜力。

Machine learning based multi-objective optimization on shear behavior of the inter-module connection

En-Feng Deng, You-Peng Du, Xun Zhang, Jun-Yi Lian, Zhe Zhang, Jun-Feng Zhang



Prefabricated prefinished volumetric construction (PPVC) has become a research hotspot in recent years. Inter-module connections have a crucial influence on the mechanical behavior of PPVC. However, current studies on shear behavior and optimization design method of the inter-module connection are insufficient. This paper investigated shear behavior and machine learning based optimization method of an innovative fully bolted liftable connection (FBLC) for PPVC. The failure mode, force transferring mechanism, and ultimate load bearing capacity of the FBLC under shear force were revealed by the shear behavior tests. Four specimens were tested and the design parameters included the strength and number of the long stay bolts. Subsequently, a refined finite element model (FEM) of the FBLC was established and validated with the ratios of the shear bearing capacity between the FEA and test results ranging from 0.99 to 1.10. Then, six mainstream machine learning algorithms were utilized to predict shear behavior of the FBLC. The Genetic Algorithm Optimized Neural Network (GANN) provided better prediction accuracy on the shear bearing capacity, with an improvement on R2 by 0.1% to 3% compared with other algorithms. Similarly, the Support Vector Regression (SVR) showed higher prediction accuracy on the ultimate displacement, improving R2 by 0.4% to 12.9% compared with other algorithms. A stacking algorithm combing the GANN and SVR was developed as the proxy model between the input variables and optimization metrics. In addition, the NSGA-II algorithm was linked to establish a multi-objective optimization method on shear behavior of the FBLC. The yield load, ultimate load and steel consumption were selected as the optimization objectives and the stacking algorithm was used as the proxy model. The Pareto optimal solution sets on the optimization objectives were explored by the NSGA-II algorithm and the optimization design method of the FBLC was established. Compared with the unoptimized specimen, the yield and ultimate shear bearing capacity of the optimized specimen were increased by 113.5% and 123.6%, respectively, with the steel consumption reduced by 26.3%. Finally, a four-story PPVC was established, and the static analysis was carried out under vertical load and wind load. The shear behavior of the FBLC and inter-story drift ratio of the PPVC before and after optimization were compared to verify the reliability of the optimization method.


Uncertainty sensitivity analysis for vibration properties of composite doubly-curved shallow shells using Kriging method

Yaoye Wang, Rui Zhong, Qingshan Wang, Liming Chen, Bin Qin



This paper presents a Kriging based global sensitivity analysis (GSA) method for the frequency response of displacements of composite doubly-curved shallow shells. A unified solution is utilized to develop the dynamic vibration formulation using the First-order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT) and the Rayleigh-Ritz method. Kriging surrogate model is employed to substitute the frequency response function (FRF) of displacements. Ten parameters including materials and geometrical dimension are considered as input uncertain variables. A variance-based GSA method for dynamic model is employed to quantify the influence of each uncertain parameter. In addition, to avoid the computational burden of Monte Carlo simulation method (MCS), the presented sensitivity indices are computed analytically based on the Kriging mode, which further improves computational efficiency. Based on the convergence studies and comparison with traditional methods, the accuracy and efficiency of the present method are validated. The results shows that the frequency response of displacements exhibits greater sensitivity to changes in width, and thickness is more influential than others in the example from this article. Finally, the presented numerical results demonstrate vibration characteristics of different types of shells and observation points, which can also serve as a reference for further study on uncertainty-propagation analysis.


Propagation of leaky surface acoustic wave in a layered piezoelectric semiconductor structure

Yuyang Zou, Qingguo Xia, Menghui Xu, Jia Lou, Minghua Zhang, Jianke Du



Some piezoelectric materials, such as ZnO and AlN, have not only piezoelectric properties but also semiconductor property. In this paper, an analytical solution of the leaky surface acoustic wave (LSAW) is developed for the structure composed of piezoelectric substrate boned with piezoelectric semiconductor (PSC) film using the partial wave method. Furthermore, the dispersion, loss, and attenuation curves of the LSAW in the composite structure have been obtained by combining the boundary conditions at the top of the film and the continuity conditions on the interface between the film and the substrate. Numerical examples illustrate the effects of PSC film thickness-to-wavelength ratio, steady-state carrier concentration, and biasing electric field on the dispersion, loss, and attenuation curves of LSAW in AlN film/LiNbO3 substrate. In addition, we conducted simulation by means of the PDE module in COMSOL. The theoretical results are consistent with the simulations, which could be helpful for the design of surface acoustic wave devices based on PSC materials.


来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇Composite StructuresThe application of novel shear deformation theory and nonlocal elasticity theory to study the mechanical response of composite nanoplatesPhan Quang Phuc, Pham Van Dong, Nguyen Trong Hai, Ashraf M. Zenkour, Luu Gia Thiendoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118646应用新型剪切变形理论和非局部弹性理论研究复合材料纳米板的力学响应The use of composite structures, which have many layers of materials, has become more prevalent in the field of engineering. One of the advantages of this approach is its ability to use the inherent strengths of the constituent materials, resulting in a substantial increase in their load-bearing capability. Hence, this research represents the pioneering investigation into the static bending and free vibration characteristics of composite nanoplates including several layers of materials, whereby the material layers are interconnected via intricate profiles characterized by square wave and sine waveforms. The purpose of this endeavor is to fully capitalize on the benefits of attending courses in order to enhance practical working efficiency. This study also incorporates the use of two innovative third-order shear deformation theories. Simultaneously, considering the negligible size impact facilitated by the nonlocal theory, the mathematical formulations and equilibrium equations are derived using the Hamilton principle. The issue has been addressed using a four-node element with six degrees of freedom per node. One novel aspect of this study is its consideration of the impact of initial shape imperfections in various manifestations. Additionally, the elastic foundation incorporates characteristics that exhibit spatial variation. This statement provides a somewhat more accurate depiction of the behavior shown by actual structures. The numerical findings have been meticulously computed and thoroughly examined. Notably, it is possible to determine the optimal number of wavelengths in the profile to enhance the load-bearing capability of the structure. The findings derived from this study have significant value in informing the design of operational frameworks in practical settings.具有多层材料的复合结构的使用在工程领域已变得越来越普遍。这种方法的优点之一是它能够利用组成材料的固有强度,从而大大增加其承载能力。因此,本研究代表了对复合纳米板的静态弯曲和自由振动特性的开创性研究,包括多层材料,其中材料层通过方波和正弦波形特征的复杂轮廓相互连接。这样做的目的是为了充分利用上课的好处,以提高实际工作效率。本研究还采用了两种创新的三阶剪切变形理论。同时,考虑到非局域理论带来的可忽略的尺寸影响,利用Hamilton原理推导了数学公式和平衡方程。使用每个节点有六个自由度的四节点元素解决了这个问题。本研究的一个新颖方面是它考虑了各种表现形式的初始形状缺陷的影响。此外,弹性基础还具有空间变化的特征。这种说法对实际结构所显示的行为提供了更准确的描述。这些数值结果经过了仔细的计算和彻底的检验。值得注意的是,可以确定轮廓中的最佳波长数,以增强结构的承重能力。本研究得出的结论对实际环境中操作框架的设计具有重要价值。Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingEffect of plasma treatment on LMPAEK/CF tape and composites manufactured by automated tape placement (ATP)Georges Chahine, Umesh Marathe, Liam Collins, Vinoy Thomas, Vipin Kumar, Ahmed Arabi Hassen, Halil Tekinalp, Soydan Ozcan, Uday Vaidyadoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108540等离子体处理对LMPAEK/CF胶带及ATP复合材料的影响Automated tape placement (ATP) process is widely used in aerospace for its advanced process control and multi-axis capabilities but faces issues like limited choice of materials and suboptimal tape consolidation. This study investigates air plasma treatment on ATP carbon fiber thermoplastic feedstock tape to address these challenges. The effects on low melt Polyaryletherketone/carbon fiber unidirectional tape (LMPAEK/CF UD tape) were analyzed. Treated and untreated tapes were used to fabricate composites and evaluated for physical, thermal, mechanical, and interfacial properties. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analyses revealed surface roughness changes (on LMPAEK), extent of oxidation, and the presence of hydroxyl/carboxyl groups. Composites from plasma-treated tapes showed a 7.6% increase in tensile strength, 8% in tensile modulus, 18% in flexural strength, and 8.3% in flexural modulus. The interlaminar shear strength improved by 18.7%. Failure analysis showed untreated composites failed via inter-ply and fiber-matrix delamination, while treated composites experienced matrix cracking and fiber breakage. This study highlights atmospheric plasma treatment as a solution to ATP’s limitations, significantly enhancing LMPAEK/CF UD tape composites’ properties.自动化胶带放置(ATP)工艺因其先进的工艺控制和多轴功能而广泛应用于航空航天领域,但面临着材料选择有限和胶带固化不理想等问题。为了解决这些问题,本研究对ATP碳纤维热塑性原料胶带进行了空气等离子体处理。分析了低熔点聚芳醚酮/碳纤维单向带(LMPAEK/CF UD)的影响。处理过和未处理过的胶带被用来制造复合材料,并对其物理、热、机械和界面性能进行了评估。原子力显微镜(AFM)、x射线光电子能谱(XPS)和傅里叶变换红外(FTIR)分析揭示了表面粗糙度的变化(在LMPAEK上)、氧化程度和羟基/羧基的存在。等离子体处理带复合材料的拉伸强度提高7.6%,拉伸模量提高8%,弯曲强度提高18%,弯曲模量提高8.3%。层间抗剪强度提高18.7%。失效分析表明,未处理复合材料的失效主要表现为层间和纤维基体脱层,而处理复合材料的失效主要表现为基体开裂和纤维断裂。这项研究强调了大气等离子体处理作为ATP局限性的解决方案,显著提高了LMPAEK/CF UD带复合材料的性能。Composites Part B: EngineeringOne-dimensional N-layer thermal modelling as a basis for effective machine learning training data generation for nondestructive testing of composite parts.Harutyun Yagdjian, Martin Gurkadoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111902一维n层热建模作为复合材料零件无损检测中有效的机器学习训练数据生成的基础。The analytical solution of the one-dimensional N-layer thermal model (NLM) was successfully employed to generate training data for a machine learning (ML) based procedure for the nondestructive inspection of carbon fiber reinforced composite parts with infrared thermography (IRT). The main objective was to identify a reliable correlation between the experimental data of a pulsed IRT experiment and the NLM prediction, thereby enabling the use of simulated data for ML training. This paper focuses on the initial stages of this process, in more detail on the analytical modelling and experimental data preprocessing, such as normalization, correction of experimental shortcomings and feature selection for machine learning. For pulse phase thermography (PPT) simulated and experimentally derived phase data was compared directly in the frequency domain. Therefore, the features for training and validation of ML were defined from those phase spectra in frequency domain. The suitability of these features for automated and reliable defect depth and/or defect material detection was investigated in both simulated and measured IRT test data. As a basis for feature selection, we used referenced and normalized phase-frequency curves as a function of defect depth. A correlation was identified between the results of the experimental and the simulated feature sets, both qualitatively and quantitatively. To demonstrate the practical applicability of this method, two different, generic ML techniques, multilayer perceptron and random forest regression, were tested as examples. The investigation was performed on plates made of multidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) with artificial defects made from three different materials.利用一维n层热模型(NLM)的解析解,成功地为基于机器学习(ML)的碳纤维增强复合材料零件红外热像仪(IRT)无损检测过程生成训练数据。主要目标是确定脉冲IRT实验数据与NLM预测之间的可靠相关性,从而能够使用模拟数据进行机器学习训练。本文重点介绍了这一过程的初始阶段,更详细地介绍了分析建模和实验数据预处理,如归一化、实验缺陷的纠正和机器学习的特征选择。对于脉冲相位热成像(PPT),在频域直接比较了模拟和实验得出的相位数据。因此,从这些频域相谱中定义用于机器学习训练和验证的特征。在模拟和测量的IRT测试数据中,研究了这些特征对自动化和可靠的缺陷深度和/或缺陷材料检测的适用性。作为特征选择的基础,我们使用参考和归一化的相位频率曲线作为缺陷深度的函数。定性和定量地确定了实验结果和模拟特征集之间的相关性。为了证明该方法的实际适用性,我们以两种不同的通用机器学习技术——多层感知器和随机森林回归——为例进行了测试。研究了由三种不同材料制成的带有人工缺陷的多向碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)板。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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