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今日更新:Composite Structures 4 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇

Composite Structures

Rheology of flexible fiber-reinforced cement pastes: Maximum packing fraction determination and structural build-up analysis

Zhenbang Guo, Jingping Qiu, Duanping Huang, Kai Liu, Alex Kirichek, Chen Liu, Boyu Chen, Yingliang Zhao, Zhengyao Qu



The maximum packing fraction (φfm) of flexible fibers is an essential parameter for understanding the rheological behavior of flexible fiber-reinforced cement paste (FFRCP). However, direct measurement of φfm of flexible fibers is still lacking. In this study, a shear rheology-based method for direct measurement of φfm was proposed and the assumption of fiber conformation under shear was verified by micro-CT. Based on this, a yield stress model for FFRCP was constructed to explain the entanglement and friction effects in the fiber network. Finally, static yield stress tests and small amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) tests were carried out to explore the structural build-up of FFRCP. It was found that the proposed method enables direct determination of φfm through only a few viscosity-fiber content data for a given FFRCP. Furthermore, the proposed model can describe the static yield stress of FFRCP well. Finally, the relative structural build-up rate of FFRCP follows a similar trend as the relative yield stress, with a critical relative fiber volume fraction (0.299) as the boundary. Subsequently, the relative structural build-up gradually deviates from the relative yield stress due to the limiting effect of the fibers.


Examining the effect of the shear coefficient on the prediction of progressive failure of fiber-reinforced composites

Bowen Wu, Yang Chen, Chao Zhang



The ultimate damage of composites under tension usually results from fiber damage, which includes both tensile and shear contributions. In this study, the shear coefficient α of the fiber yarn is incorporated into the failure criterion to consider the shear effect of the fiber yarn. An analytical model is then proposed that combines a homogenization method and the enhanced failure criterion to facilitate quick evaluation of the progressive damage and failure of the composite. The sensitivity of α on the behaviors of progressive damage and failure are comprehensively explored for different types of fiber-reinforced composites, including a laminate, a plain weave composite, a two-dimensional triaxially braided composite, and a three-dimensional woven composite. The results indicate that damage and failure behaviors are generally sensitive to the shear coefficient, and composites with more complex textile structure demonstrates greater sensitivity to the α. An analysis of the sensitivity of α for different failure criteria was also conducted, and the results reveal that the Hashin–Hou criterion shows more sensitivity to α than the Chang–Chang criterion, the Hoffman criterion, or the Tsai–Wu criterion. Therefore, the identification of the shear coefficient is significant for exploring the damage and failure behaviors of fiber-reinforced composites.


Interfacial dynamic impermeable crack analysis in dissimilar piezoelectric materials by a new interaction integral

Shuai Zhu, Hongjun Yu, Zhiyong Wang



Dynamic intensity factors (IFs) provide an important parameter for assessing the failure risk of an interfacial crack for piezoelectric composites exposed to electromechanical impact loadings. In the present research, a new dynamic interaction integral (I-integral) is built for computing the dynamic stress IFs (SIFs) and electric displacement IF (EDIF) of an interfacial crack located in dissimilar inhomogeneous piezoelectric media. Through proper selection of auxiliary variables, the domain expression of I-integral for the inhomogeneous piezoelectric bi-materials does not need to take into account any derivative term for any piezoelectric material property. Further, after rigorous theoretical derivation, the resulting I-integral is still valid for complex models where the integration domain contains other multiple interfaces, regardless of whether the extra materials are straight or curved. Incorporating the modified extended finite element approach, the accuracy is confirmed by checking the dynamic IFs extracted from the I-integral with referenced results. The domain-independence is tested by varying ranges of integration domains for inhomogeneous piezoelectric bi-materials and multi-interface piezoelectric composites. Finally, typical examples are employed to discuss the influences of the direction and magnitude of electric impact loading, combination of polarizations, inhomogeneous degree of piezoelectric bi-materials and complex distribution of diverse material properties on the dynamic IFs.

动态强度因子(IFs)是评估压电复合材料在机电冲击载荷作用下界面裂纹失效风险的重要参数。本文建立了一种新的动态相互作用积分(i积分),用于计算不同非均质压电介质中界面裂纹的动应力IF (SIFs)和电位移IF (EDIF)。通过选择适当的辅助变量,非齐次双压电材料的i积分的定义域表达式不需要考虑任何压电材料性质的导数项。此外,经过严格的理论推导,所得的i积分对于积分域包含其他多个界面的复杂模型仍然有效,无论额外的材料是直的还是弯曲的。结合改进的扩展有限元法,通过将从i积分中提取的动态if与参考结果进行比对,验证了该方法的准确性。通过改变非均质双压电材料和多界面压电复合材料的积分域范围来测试其域无关性。最后,通过典型实例讨论了电冲击载荷的方向和大小、极化组合、压电双材料的不均匀程度以及多种材料性能的复杂分布对动态if的影响。

Broadband large-scale acoustic topological waveguides

Yafeng Chen, Xueyun Wen, Yan Lu, Zhihao Lan, Lei Fan, Harold S. Park, Zhongming Gu, Jie Zhu, Zhongqing Su



The acoustic topological waveguide (ATW) hosting topologically protected waveguide modes provides a unique opportunity for achieving large-scale sound transport with robustness. However, prevailing ATWs are typically designed by forward-designed sonic crystals (SCs) based on physical intuitions, unavoidably leading to restricted bandwidths. Here, using the inverse-designed SCs with maximized topological bandgaps, we construct broadband ATWs based on both the quantum spin Hall effect and the quantum valley Hall effect. Broadband large-scale transportation, spin-locked one-way transportation, and the squeezing effect of acoustic waves are demonstrated. This study ushers a new path for designing topological devices with broadband performance for large-scale acoustic wave transportation.


Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

Fused filament fabrication and mechanical characterization of hybrid reinforced polypropylene composites with talc fillers and cellulose nanofibers

Tatsuto Yamamoto, Chao Luo, Kouta Ide, Kenji Aoki, Yang-Kai Jian, Yu-Hsi Huang, Yasutomo Uetsuji




Hybrid reinforced composites with talc fillers and cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) were proposed as a new fused filament fabrication for polypropylene (PP). The effect of filler addition was clarified by experiments and multiscale finite element method (FEM). PP filaments with talc and CNF dispersion were fabricated using maleic anhydride-modified PP. Mechanical properties of printed PP composites were clarified by tensile tests and micro-ball impact tests. The experimentals were in good agreement with the multiscale FEM developed through three-step homogenization. The effects of voids due to poor filling and interfaces between solidified filaments formed by printing were quantified, and the mechanism of property degradation was elucidated. The multiscale FEM indicated that the Young’s modulus and maximum stress had a good linearity with talc content. It was suggested that this linear relationship can be used for efficient design of hybrid PP composites.


Composites Part B: Engineering

Pull-off Behavior of Stitched Composite T-Joints

Aditya Shah, Andrew E. Lovejoy, Rani W. Sullivan, Daniel A. Drake



T-joints are key structural elements that connect opposing surfaces, thereby providing the load path between flat or curved panels (i.e., upper and lower wing skins) and transverse components (i.e., stiffeners). Due to the low interlaminar strength of polymer matrix composites and their geometrical discontinuities, these joints are vulnerable to pull-off loads. To address these issues, through-thickness reinforcements can be employed to enhance the interlaminar capability of these type of joints. In this study, T-joints were manufactured using through-thickness stitching in dry carbon preforms and cured using the vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) process. Stitched and unstitched T-joints were tested under pull-off loading conditions, and surface strain fields were obtained using a 3D digital image correlation system. The ultimate load, displacement, and absorbed energy of the stitched T-joints were greater than their unstitched counterparts by approximately 16%, 34%, and 58%, respectively. Failure mechanisms were identified by examining fracture surfaces using optical microscopy. Results demonstrate that through-thickness stitching significantly improves the damage tolerance of T-joints, which highlights the effectiveness of stitching to enhance the structural integrity of large aerospace components.


来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇Composite StructuresThree-dimensional elasticity solutions for doubly-curved composite shells by extended differential quadrature methodG.M. Kulikovdoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118647用扩展微分正交法求解双弯曲复合材料壳的三维弹性This paper presents the three-dimensional (3D) stress analysis of doubly-curved composite shells with general boundary conditions using the strong sampling surfaces (SaS) formulation. The SaS method is based on the choice of SaS parallel to the middle surface and located at Chebyshev polynomial nodes to introduce the displacements of these surfaces as unknown functions that leads to a non-conventional shell formulation, in which strain–displacement and stress–strain relationships are represented in terms of SaS displacements. This is due to the use of Lagrange polynomials in approximating displacements, strains and stresses in the thickness direction. The outer surfaces are not included into a set of SaS that makes it possible to uniformly minimize the error ca used by Lagrange interpolation. The strong SaS formulation, based on direct integration of elasticity equilibrium equations in the thickness direction by the extended differential quadrature (EDQ) method, can be applied efficiently for high-precision calculations of doubly-curved composite shells with clamped and free edges. This is because in the SaS/EDQ formulation, displacements, strains and stresses of SaS are interpolated in a rectangular domain specified in a curvilinear coordinate system using a Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto grid and Lagrange polynomials are also used as basis functions. The proposed approach deals with equilibrium equations in terms of SaS stresses, avoiding the integration of second order differential equations in terms of SaS displacements, that greatly simplifies the implementation of the EDQ method.本文采用强采样面公式,对具有一般边界条件的双弯曲复合材料壳进行了三维应力分析。SaS方法是基于选择与中间表面平行且位于切比雪夫多项式节点的SaS,将这些表面的位移作为未知函数引入,从而导致非常规的壳公式,其中应变-位移和应力-应变关系由SaS位移表示。这是由于在厚度方向上使用拉格朗日多项式近似位移、应变和应力。外表面不包括在一组sa中,这使得可以均匀地最小化拉格朗日插值所使用的误差。采用扩展微分正交法(EDQ)对弹性平衡方程在厚度方向上直接积分的强SaS公式,可有效地应用于夹紧边和自由边双弯曲复合材料壳的高精度计算。这是因为在SaS/EDQ公式中,SaS的位移,应变和应力在曲线坐标系中使用切比舍夫-高斯-洛巴托网格在指定的矩形域内插值,并且拉格朗日多项式也用作基函数。所提出的方法处理的平衡方程以sa应力,避免了二阶微分方程的积分以sa位移,大大简化了EDQ方法的实现。Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingShape-programmable hard-magnetic soft actuators with high magnetic particle content via digital light processing methodXin Li, Dingcong Zhang, Huiru Wang, Rui Yang, Hongyan Yuandoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108554通过数字光处理方法实现高磁粉含量的形状可编程硬磁软执行器In this work, we developed a novel hard-magnetic photosensitive suspension with high solid loadings of 50 wt% for digital light processing 3D printing. The suspension combining photosensitive resin and reactive diluent can retain stability for 6 h. The printed materials from the suspension achieve a low modulus of below 900 kPa and high remanence of 83.7 kA/m. The suspension’s cure behavior was studied in detail to obtain the optimal printing parameters. The printing error of the small structures with feature size of about 1000 μm is kept below 20 %. Moreover, we proposed an efficient magnetization programming strategy for hard-magnetic soft actuators with desirable shapes based on the rod model considering the non-magnetic load. The accuracy and reliability of the strategy are verified by the experiment results. Finally, we designed and fabricated a “flower” using our method, achieving its closing action in accordance with the prescribed shape.在这项工作中,我们开发了一种新型的硬磁光敏悬浮液,固体负载高达50 wt%,用于数字光处理3D打印。由光敏树脂和活性稀释剂组成的悬浮液可保持6 h的稳定性。从悬浮液中打印的材料实现了低于900 kPa的低模量和83.7 kA/m的高剩余率。对悬浮液的固化性能进行了详细的研究,得到了最佳的打印参数。特征尺寸在1000 μm左右的小结构的打印误差保持在20% %以下。此外,在考虑非磁性负载的基础上,提出了一种具有理想形状的硬磁软执行器的有效磁化规划策略。实验结果验证了该策略的准确性和可靠性。最后,我们用我们的方法设计和制作了一个“花”,实现了它按照规定形状闭合的动作。Composites Science and TechnologyCovalently engineering novel sandwich-like rGO@POSS nanofillers for high-performance dielectric energy storage of PVDF film capacitorHui Liu, Mingming Ding, Xuecheng Chen, Zhaotian Ba, Zhewen Ma, Lili Ma, Xin Wen, Pingan Song, Qingquan Leidoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110938 共价工程新型三明治状rGO@POSS纳米填料用于PVDF薄膜电容器的高性能介电储能With the development of modern electronic and electrical industry, it is still a great challenge to develop poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) based dielectric capacitors with high energy storage capability. Herein, a novel sandwich-like nanofiller was constructed via covalently grafting polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane onto graphene oxide nanosheets (GO@POSS), further PVDF/rGO@POSS film were fabricated via solvent-casting and in-situ thermal reduction processes. The results indicated that the grafting of POSS promoted the uniform dispersion of nanofillers to realize strong interfacial interaction with PVDF matrix. The optimal PVDF film containing 0.75wt% rGO@POSS (0.75PGP-60) exhibited larger dielectric constant (εr = 13.32) and higher breakdown strength (Eb = 339.1 MV·m-1), thus resulting in synchronous improvements on energy density (Ue = 5.42 J·cm-3) and charge-discharge efficiency (η = 73.1%), which increased by 95.0% and 19.4% compared to pure PVDF, respectively. Meanwhile, it presented excellent cycling stability with 97.6% energy density retention after 10000th cycles. The improved energy storage capability was attributed to reasonably-designed sandwich-like nanofiller: the formation of rGO micro-capacitors raised the dielectric constant of PVDF nanocomposites, while the insulative POSS layer helped to improve its breakdown strength and decrease its dielectric loss. The current work provides a novel and efficient paradigm to design PVDF nanocomposites with promising dielectric properties and energy storage capacity, and further contributes to broadening the practical applications of advanced dielectric capacitors.随着现代电子和电气工业的发展,开发具有高能量存储能力的聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)基电介质电容器仍然是一项巨大的挑战。为此,通过共价接枝聚多面体低聚倍半硅氧烷(POSS)到石墨烯氧化物纳米片(GO@POSS)上,构建了一种新型的层状纳米填料。通过溶剂浇铸和原位热还原过程制备了PVDF/rGO@POSS薄膜。结果表明,POSS接枝促进了纳米填料的均匀分散,实现了与PVDF基体的强界面相互作用。含有0.75wt% rGO@POSS(0.75PGP-60)的PVDF薄膜具有较大的介电常数(εr = 13.32)和更高的击穿强度(Eb = 339.1 MV·m-1),从而实现了能量密度(Ue = 5.42 J·cm-3)和充放电效率(η = 73.1%)的同步提高,分别比纯PVDF提高了95.0%和19.%。同时,它具有出色的循环稳定性,在10000次循环后仍保留了97.6%的能量密度。改进后的能量存储能力归因于合理设计的三明治状纳米填料:石墨烯微电容器的形成提高了PVDF纳米复合材料的介电常数,而绝缘的POSS层有助于提高其击穿强度并降低其介电损耗。该工作为设计具有潜在的介电性能和能量存储能力的PVDF纳米复合材料提供了一种新颖而有效的方法,并进一步促进了先进电容器的实际应用的扩展。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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