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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 6 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Mixed-mode fracture prediction of notched components using phase-field approach

Bahador Bahrami, Hossein Ahmadian, Mohmmad R. Mehraban, Majid R. Ayatollahi



The application of the phase-field method (PFM) to brittle fracture for studying complex fracture phenomena has recently gained attention from researchers. However, there has been limited emphasis on predicting fracture loads for notched components. In this study, numerous phase-field simulations were conducted to compute the fracture load and crack initiation angle in brittle notched components under in-plane loading conditions. The accuracy of the results, verified against experimental data, demonstrates the PFM’s ability to precisely predict both fracture load and fracture initiation angle. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that Miehe’s spectral decomposition method provides more reliable results for notched Brazilian Disc specimens subjected to compressive loading than those obtained using Amor’s volumetric-deviatoric split method.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

A theoretical framework for multi-physics modeling of poro-visco-hyperelasticity-induced time-dependent fracture of blood clots

Dongxu Liu, Nhung Nguyen, Tinh Quoc Bui, Luka Pocivavsek



Fracture resistance of blood clots plays a crucial role in physiological hemostasis and pathological thromboembolism. Although recent experimental and computational studies uncovered the poro-viscoelastic property of blood clots and its connection to the time-dependent deformation behavior, the effect of these physical processes on clot fracture and the underlying fracture mechanisms are not well understood. This work aims to formulate a thermodynamically consistent, multi-physics theoretical framework for describing the time-dependent deformation and fracture of blood clots. This theory concurrently couples fluid transport through porous fibrin networks, non-linear visco-hyperelastic deformation of the solid skeleton, solid-fluid interactions, mechanical degradation of tissues, gradient enhancement of energy, and protein unfolding of fibrin molecules. The constitutive relations of tissue constituents and the governing equation of fluid transport are derived within the framework of porous media theory by extending non-linear continuum thermodynamics at large strains. A physics-based, compressible network model is developed for the fibrin network of blood clots to describe its mechanical response. The kinetic equations of the internal variables, introduced for describing the non-linear viscoelastic deformation, non-local damage driving force and protein unfolding, are formulated according to the thermodynamics principles by incorporating a non-equilibrium energy of fibrin networks, a gradient-enhanced energy, and a stretch-induced energy of fibrin molecules, respectively, into the total free energy density function. An energy-based damage model is developed to predict the damage and fracture of blood clots, and an evolving regularization parameter is proposed to limit the damage zone bandwidth. The proposed model is implemented into finite element code by writing subroutines and is experimentally validated using single-edge cracked clot specimens with different constituents. The fracture of blood clots subject to different loading conditions is simulated, and the mechanisms of clot fracture are systematically analyzed. Computational results show that this model can accurately capture the experimentally measured deformation and fracture. The viscoelasticity and fluid transport play essential roles in the fracture of blood clots under physiological loading.


Mechanics-informed, model-free symbolic regression framework for solving fracture problems

Ruibang Yi, Dimitrios Georgiou, Xing Liu, Christos E. Athanasiou



Data-driven methods have recently been introduced to address complex mechanics problems. While model-based, data-driven approaches are predominantly used, they often fall short of providing generalizable solutions due to their inherent reliance on pre-selected models. Model-free approaches, such as symbolic regression, hold promise for overcoming this limitation by extracting solutions directly from datasets. However, these approaches remain unexplored when dealing with high-dimensional fracture mechanics problems and require significant customization to be effective. In this work, we propose a new symbolic regression framework that integrates mechanics knowledge to enhance the ability to generalize solutions. This framework also includes a model-free variable separation scheme to decouple high-dimensional problems into simpler sub-problems with manageable complexity while preserving data fidelity. We demonstrate the advantages of this framework through two fracture mechanics problems, showing that it can potentially provide generalizable, analytical solutions to novel, easy-to-use fracture testing configurations.


Mechanics of Materials

Comprehensive analysis of wave interactions and resulting spall damage in layered heterogeneous medium under impact

Satyendra Pratap Singh, Harpreet Singh, Puneet Mahajan



The effect of dynamic spall damage on the response of layered medium subjected to one-dimensional impact involving an impactor and a multi-layered target is investigated. The study examines the damage caused by elastic waves below the Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL) during impact events. Analytical expressions of stress and particle velocity derived from mass and momentum conservation principles are utilized to solve the wave interactions within the impactor-target system, considering reflections, transmissions, and wave interactions between layers. These analytical expressions, integrated into a computational framework, facilitate the monitoring of material responses following each wave interaction, thereby analysing the impact response of the layered medium. Wave interactions, resulting in tensile stresses, that can cause damage to the target have been identified. A strain-based damage initiation and evolution law is incorporated into the developed computer program to predict damage in each layer of a medium. Damage alters the medium’s impact behaviour by decreasing stress magnitude and inducing temporal delays in the response due to attenuated wave propagation speed. The occurrences of tensile stress are explored, analyzing spatial and temporal variations of multiple damage incidents within the layered medium. The tension at the interface between two layers can induce damage in one or both adjacent layers, leading to debonding between layers. The effect of damage on the impact response of the medium is analysed by comparing the results for the damaged and undamaged target scenarios. The impact behaviour of a single-layer and a multi-layer target obtained from the present model, in terms of stress and particle velocity, is verified through Finite Element simulations of the identical impact problems, where the damage evolution criterion is incorporated using a VUMAT subroutine. The outcomes derived from this study align closely with Finite Element (FE) results.


Thin-Walled Structures

Moment capacity of cold-formed steel channel beams with edge-stiffened and unstiffened elongated web holes

Dinesh Lakshmanan Chandramohan, Krishanu Roy, Zhiyuan Fang, Beulah Gnana Ananthi. G, James B.P. Lim



Cold-formed steel channel beams (CFSCB) often incorporate web holes to accommodate building services, but this reduces their moment capacity due to decreased web area. Recent studies have shown that a new type of edge-stiffened web holes can enhance moment capacity, especially for circular ones, and can now be extended to elongated web holes. However, there hasn't been research on the moment capacity of such CFSCB with elongated web holes. This paper uses finite element analysis (FEA) to examine the moment capacity and flexural behaviour of such beams with both elongated edge-stiffened web holes (EEH) and elongated unstiffened web holes (EUH). After validating the FEA models against experimental results available in the literature, a comprehensive parametric study involving 2160 FEA models was conducted. Results showed that CFSCB with EEH exhibited, on average, a 9% increase in moment capacity compared to those with EUH. Additionally, the parametric results were compared with the design capacities calculated from existing standards for CFSCB with unstiffened web holes. It was found that the current design equations for CFSCB with EUH were overly conservative by 9% and 66%, on average, for distortional or local buckling failure and lateral-torsional buckling failure, respectively. Consequently, modified Direct Strength Method (DSM) design equations were proposed to calculate the moment capacity of CFSCB with both EEH and EUH. Finally, a reliability analysis was conducted to assess the accuracy of the proposed design equations.

冷弯型钢槽梁(CFSCB)通常包含腹板孔以适应建筑服务,但由于腹板面积减少,这降低了它们的弯矩能力。最近的研究表明,一种新型的边加劲腹板孔可以提高弯矩承载力,特别是圆形腹板孔,现在可以扩展到细长腹板孔。然而,对这种带有细长腹板孔的CFSCB的弯矩承载力研究尚未见报道。本文采用有限元分析(FEA)来研究这类梁的弯矩承载力和抗弯性能,这两种梁都具有拉长的边缘加劲腹板孔(EEH)和拉长的未加劲腹板孔(EUH)。在将有限元模型与现有文献的实验结果进行验证后,对2160个有限元模型进行了全面的参数化研究。结果表明,加了EEH的CFSCB的弯矩容量比加了EUH的CFSCB平均增加了9%。此外,将参数计算结果与现有标准计算的无加劲腹板孔CFSCB设计承载力进行了比较。研究发现,对于扭曲或局部屈曲破坏,以及侧向扭转屈曲破坏,现有的含EUH CFSCB设计方程平均分别过于保守9%和66%。在此基础上,提出了修正的直接强度法(DSM)设计方程,用于计算具有EEH和EUH的CFSCB的弯矩承载力。最后,进行了可靠性分析,以评估所提出的设计方程的准确性。

Thermal performance analysis and optimization of air-supported membrane building envelope based on numerical simulation

Chengyang Huang, Yuying Sun, Hongyan Wang, Mingxin Pang, Wei Wang, Wenzhe Wei



Air-supported membrane (ASM) envelopes offer an effective solution for creating large interior spaces for buildings with lower energy consumption and carbon emissions. However, there is little research on the thermal performance of ASM envelopes, particularly regarding the natural convection within the air interlayer and its impact on thermal resistance. To address this gap, this study developed a numerical model of ASM envelopes and validated it through experiments. Subsequently, a numerical investigation was conducted to analyze natural convection and thermal resistance while considering factors such as indoor-outdoor temperature difference, membrane emissivity and air interlayer thickness. Results indicated that with the emissivity increased from 0.2 to 1, the thermal resistance of the air interlayer and the envelope decreased by 32.35% and 9.13%, respectively. Besides, the thickness of air interlayer also had evident effect on thermal resistance. When it increased from 5 mm to 35 mm, the thermal resistance of the air interlayer and the envelope increased by 156.19% and 14.74%, and further results in the heat transfer decreased by 13.85%. However, the convective heat transfer would remain constant when the thickness exceeded 35 mm. This study provided valuable reference for optimizing the design of ASM envelopes and accurately calculating their thermal resistance.

空气支撑膜(ASM)围护结构提供了一个有效的解决方案,为建筑创造更大的内部空间,降低能耗和碳排放。然而,关于ASM包膜热性能的研究很少,特别是关于空气夹层内的自然对流及其对热阻的影响的研究很少。为了解决这一差距,本研究开发了ASM包络的数值模型,并通过实验对其进行了验证。随后,在考虑室内外温差、膜发射率和空气层间厚度等因素的情况下,对自然对流和热阻进行了数值分析。结果表明,当发射率由0.2提高到1时,空气夹层和包络层的热阻分别降低了32.35%和9.13%。此外,空气夹层厚度对热阻也有明显的影响。当其由5 mm增大到35 mm时,空气夹层和包络层的热阻分别增大了156.19%和14.74%,换热量进一步减小了13.85%。然而,当厚度超过35 mm时,对流换热保持不变。该研究为ASM包壳优化设计和准确计算其热阻提供了有价值的参考。

Effect of elastic support on the vibration characteristics of mistuned coated blisks

Xianfei Yan, Wei Sun



Boundary conditions significantly affect the vibration characteristics of mechanical structures. Hard coatings are applied to reduce the vibration levels of blisks, and the modelling methods and vibration characteristics of mistuned coated blisks have been investigated under hard-support boundary conditions. However, the behavior of coated blisks under elastic support has not been previously studied. This paper presents a finite element model to simulate elastic support using two methods and develops reduced-order models to analyze coated blisks under elastic support. Furthermore, the effects of elastic support on the vibration characteristics of tuned, deterministic, and randomly mistuned blisks are investigated with a detailed discussion of the underlying mechanisms. The results indicate that elastic support has a notable impact on the natural frequencies and resonant responses at nodal diameters 1 and 2 in tuned-coated blisks. For deterministic mistuned blisks, the amplitude amplification factor varies in frequency-veering regions and frequency-intersecting regions with increasing support stiffness. Elastic support can reduce the forced responses of randomly mistuned blisks, and the well-known peak-value phenomenon is not observed in some cases based on statistical analyses.


Mechanical behaviour of rigid-flexible combined structures: aluminium-inflated membrane beams for application in floating photovoltaic platform

Yunling Ye, Jin Gan, Weiguo Wu, Shan Wang, C. Guedes Soares



This study aims to investigate the bending and failure behaviour of aluminium-inflated membrane beams for their applications in floating photovoltaic platforms. Four-point bending tests are conducted for a range of inflated pressures and two different deck heights to assess their effect on structural stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity. Meanwhile, the surface-based fluid cavity method is employed to develop the finite element model with the material properties determined by independent coupon-level tests. The bearing capacity of the aluminium-inflated membrane beam is positively correlated with the internal pressure and deck height. The midspan strain distribution is similar to those of the traditional four-point bending beam with the upper part undergoing compression and the lower part experiencing tension, however, the structural behaviour at the failure stage is different. Failure typically occurs due to localised depressions at the loading points on the aluminium deck, ultimately leading to structural failure. The numerical model closely matches the experimental data for the initial inflated and bending configurations, exhibiting a deviation of only 0.10% to 0.46% in diameter and 0.32% to 5.57% in equivalent bending stiffness. A parametric study shows that the loading properties of the beam are more sensitive to the internal pressure than the deck height and thickness.

本研究旨在研究用于浮动光伏平台的铝膨胀膜梁的弯曲和破坏行为。在充气压力范围和两种不同的甲板高度下进行四点弯曲试验,以评估其对结构刚度和极限承载能力的影响。同时,采用基于表面的流体腔法建立了基于独立耦合水平试验确定材料性能的有限元模型。充气铝膜梁的承载力与内压、桥面高度呈正相关。跨中应变分布与传统四点弯梁的上受压下受拉相似,但破坏阶段的结构行为不同。失效通常发生在铝制甲板上的加载点的局部凹陷,最终导致结构失效。数值模型与初始膨胀和弯曲构型的实验数据非常吻合,直径偏差仅为0.10% ~ 0.46%,等效弯曲刚度偏差仅为0.32% ~ 5.57%。参数化研究表明,梁的受力特性对内压的敏感性大于对桥面高度和厚度的敏感性。

Quasi-static crushing response of a novel triaxial isotropy mechanical metamaterial with dual-platform property

Runzhi Lu, Qian Zhang, Huizhong Zhang, Marco Meloni, Jian Feng, Jianguo Cai



A novel triaxial isotropy origami metamaterial with dual-platform is proposed by combining the tachi tubes and the honeycomb structures. Crushing responses of the hexahedral metamaterial under quasi-static compression load are investigated through experimental tests and numerical simulations. Experimental and numerical results reveal that the hexahedral metamaterial sample shows three deformation modes. Meanwhile, the numerical predictions of deformation modes and locations agree very well with the experimental results. Moreover, the effect of aspect ratio, thickness-to-span ratio, angle on the deformation mode, peak stress, plateau stress of different stages, and specific energy absorption (SEAM, SEAV) is investigated. Finally, the proposed metamaterial is compared with traditional honeycomb. The numerical results demonstrate that the SEAM of the hexahedral metamaterial is 90.6% of the traditional honeycomb in the Z-direction. However, during X/Y-direction compression, the energy absorption capacity of the hexahedral metamaterial is 13.0 and 12.2 times that of the traditional honeycomb, respectively.

提出了一种新型的三轴各向同性双平台折纸材料。通过实验和数值模拟研究了准静态压缩载荷作用下六面体超材料的破碎响应。实验和数值结果表明,六面体超材料试样呈现出三种变形模式。同时,数值预测的变形模式和变形位置与试验结果吻合较好。此外,还研究了纵横比、厚跨比、角度对变形模式、峰值应力、不同阶段的高原应力和比能吸收(SEAM, SEAV)的影响。最后,将该材料与传统蜂窝材料进行了比较。数值结果表明:六面体超材料在z方向上的SEAM是传统蜂窝的90.6%;然而,在X/ y方向压缩过程中,六面体超材料的能量吸收能力分别是传统蜂窝的13.0倍和12.2倍。

HSMAOA: An enhanced arithmetic optimization algorithm with an adaptive hierarchical structure for its solution analysis and application in optimization problems

Jingsen Liu, Jianggui Zhao, Yu Li, Huan Zhou



The Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA) has recently gained significant attention as a novel meta-heuristic algorithm. However, it faces challenges such as premature convergence and entrapment in local optima when addressing complex optimization problems. To overcome these limitations, this paper proposes an enhanced AOA, termed the Self-Adaptive Hierarchical Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (HSMAOA). The proposed method integrates three key strategies: Firstly, a spiral-guided random walk mechanism is introduced to improve global search ability. Secondly, a novel adaptive hierarchy leader and follower mechanism is proposed, which establishes a complete multi-branch tree hierarchy with decreasing branching degrees within the population, thereby increasing information exchange among population individuals to escape local optima. Finally, a differential mutation strategy based on ranked selection is introduced to enhance candidate solution quality. HSMAOA's performance was evaluated on the CEC2022 test suite against some state-of-the-art algorithms. Results, including optimization accuracy analysis, convergence curves, and various statistical tests, demonstrate HSMAOA's superior optimization capability and robustness. In addition, tests on eight engineering structure optimization problems, including the pressure vessel design problem, the multiple disk clutch brake design problem, and the step-cone pulley problem, and so forth, further validate its effectiveness. Thus, HSMAOA shows strong competitiveness in complex optimization tasks and potential for a wide range of applications, and is an advantageous and promising alternative solution for optimization problems.


来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:Composite Structures 2 篇,Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 1 篇Composite StructuresA multi-objective optimization approach to design bistable collapsible tubular mastFlavia Palmeri, Susanna Laurenzidoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118593双稳折叠式管状桅杆的多目标优化设计方法The collapsible tubular mast (CTM) is a deployable structure made of two omega shaped shells, with each omega composed of three arc segments. In the bistable CTM (Bi-CTM), in addition to the strain energy well associated with the stable deployed state, another strain energy well can be found corresponding to the stable coiled state. The arcs’ geometries influence the existence of the second strain energy well and the associated stable coiled radius, responsible for the boom’s packaging efficiency. Besides packaging efficiency, factors like bending stiffness are also contingent on the geometries of the arcs, leading to significant trade-offs among these metrics. In this work, we propose a multi-objective optimization (MOO) to find optimal compromises that balance these conflicting requirements of a CTM. Particularly, a coupling analytical models and evolutionary algorithms (EA) technique is presented, utilizing and bench-marking various state-of-the-art EAs. The MOO approach gives as output the Pareto front, a set of the non-dominated design points, which showcases different trade-offs solutions tailorable for specific space-applications. Different design points are presented and discussed based on higher-level considerations.可折叠管状桅杆(CTM)是一种可展开结构,由两个欧米茄形壳体组成,每个欧米茄由三个弧段组成。在双稳态CTM (Bi-CTM)中,除了与稳定展开状态相对应的应变能井外,还可以找到与稳定盘绕状态相对应的应变能井。弧的几何形状影响第二应变能井的存在和相关的稳定盘绕半径,这是悬臂的包装效率的关键。除了封装效率,弯曲刚度等因素也取决于弧线的几何形状,导致这些指标之间的重大权衡。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个多目标优化(MOO)来找到平衡CTM这些冲突要求的最佳妥协。特别地,提出了一种耦合分析模型和进化算法(EA)的技术,利用各种最先进的EA并对其进行基准测试。MOO方法将帕累托前沿作为输出,这是一组非主导设计点,展示了针对特定空间应用量身定制的不同权衡解决方案。基于更高层次的考虑,提出并讨论了不同的设计点。Fatigue delamination damage analysis in composite materials through a rule of mixtures approachAlireza Taherzadeh-Fard, Sergio Jiménez, Alejandro Cornejo, Eugenio Oñate, Lucia Gratiela Barbudoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118613基于混合规则的复合材料疲劳分层损伤分析The present study investigates delamination damage initiation and propagation within a homogenization theory of mixtures, using the concept of virtual layers and virtual interfaces. It eliminates spatial discretization of layers, introducing a resultant damage variable to capture structure’s bulk response under both monotonic and cyclic loads. Fatigue-induced deterioration is classified into sub-critical, critical, and over-critical stages based on interfacial stresses. Calibration is conducted employing the widely-available Wöhler curves for each loading mode independently. An advance-in-time strategy is included in the model to enhance the simulation speed. The reliability of the approach is assessed for crack initiation and propagation separately through standard test coupons, showing good correlation with experimental data in mode I, mode II, and mixed-mode loading conditions. Depending on the calibration procedure adopted, the model is applicable to a wide range of stress ratios. In addition, it could be integrated into any standard finite element framework using the desired number of elements through the thickness regardless of the physical amount of layers. This allows easy modification of stacking sequences or the number of layers within the constitutive law without mesh structure changes, facilitating simulation of large-scale composite laminates with minimal accuracy loss and reduced computational costs.本研究利用虚拟层和虚拟界面的概念,在混合均匀化理论中研究分层损伤的产生和扩展。它消除了层的空间离散化,引入了一个综合损伤变量来捕捉结构在单调和循环荷载下的整体响应。根据界面应力,疲劳诱发劣化分为亚临界、临界和过临界阶段。校准是采用广泛可用的Wöhler曲线为每个加载模式独立进行的。模型中引入了超前策略,提高了仿真速度。通过标准试样分别对裂纹萌生和扩展进行了可靠性评估,在ⅰ型、ⅱ型和混合模态加载条件下,该方法与试验数据具有良好的相关性。根据所采用的校正程序,该模型适用于各种应力比。此外,它可以集成到任何标准的有限元框架中,使用所需的元素数量通过厚度,而不考虑层的物理量。这使得在不改变网格结构的情况下,可以轻松修改堆叠序列或本构律内的层数,从而以最小的精度损失和降低的计算成本促进大规模复合材料层压板的模拟。Composites Part A: Applied Science and ManufacturingMultiscale modelling of CFRP composites exposed to thermo-mechanical loading from fireLei Wan, Scott L.J. Millendoi:10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108481火灾热机械载荷下CFRP复合材料的多尺度建模Carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) are prone to structural damage during extreme events such as fire. Typically, modelling the effect of fire on CFRP structures is carried out through mesoscale analysis to predict overall structural performance. In this study, Finite Element (FE) modelling has been conducted to investigate the effects of fire on CFRP specimens at both meso- and micro-scales. The mesoscale analysis informs the microscale analysis to examine the effects of fire on each constituent of the material. A comparison of thermal analysis at the meso- and micro-scales reveals less than a 6% difference in the predicted node temperature. For the first time, fire-induced progressive failure analysis has been conducted on the fibres, matrix, and fibre/matrix interface of representative plies within the composite laminates. Fibre breakage, matrix cracking, and interface debonding were accurately captured using representative volume element (RVE) models under thermo-mechanical loading, showing qualitatively excellent agreement with experimental data.碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)在火灾等极端事件中容易造成结构损坏。通常,模拟火灾对CFRP结构的影响是通过中尺度分析来预测整体结构性能的。在这项研究中,有限元(FE)模型已经进行了研究火灾对CFRP试样在中观和微观尺度的影响。中尺度分析通知微观尺度分析,以检查火对材料的每个组成部分的影响。中尺度和微观尺度的热分析比较表明,预测节点温度的差异不到6%。首次对复合材料层合板中具有代表性层的纤维、基体和纤维/基体界面进行了火致渐进破坏分析。采用代表性体积元(RVE)模型准确捕捉了热机械载荷下纤维断裂、基体开裂和界面剥离,与实验数据在质量上非常吻合。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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