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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 4 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 4 篇,Mechanics of Materials 1 篇,International Journal of Plasticity 2 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 2 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Three-dimensional elastic–plastic lattice-spring model based on sapphire crystal structure and its application to impact characterisation studies

Yongqiang Li



A thirteen-node octahedral three-dimensional lattice-spring model based on the sapphire crystal structure is established by applying the parameter mapping theory, and the finite element stiffness matrix is mapped into the linear spring stiffness coefficients of the lattice-spring model according to the parameter mapping method, so that the selection of the spring stiffness coefficients has a strict mathematical derivation. The elastic–plastic potential function that unifies the elastic–plastic characteristics of the material and the fracture energy is established. The lattice-spring model is tested by three algorithms, including longitudinal wave velocity, three-dimensional crack extension path under dynamic indentation, and impact compression deformation and lattice size sensitivity test, and the test results show that the established three-dimensional lattice-spring model has a high computational accuracy. The correctness of the calculation of the lattice-spring model is verified by comparing the calculation of the evolution process of spherical impact damage on the edge of sapphire under different crystal directions with the experiment.


Elastic wave propagation in periodic stress-driven nonlocal Timoshenko beams

Gioacchino Alotta, Andrea Francesco Russillo, Giuseppe Failla



Nonlocal theories are well established to model statics and dynamics of small-size structures. Recent studies investigated elastic wave propagation in nonlocal beams and attention focused on periodic nonlocal beams, either endowed with resonators or resting on supports, for relevant applications at small scale. In this context, this work proposes a stress-driven nonlocal Timoshenko beam formulation and develops an original and comprehensive analytical/computational framework for wave propagation analysis in bare and periodic beams. The framework addresses infinite and finite beams. First, exact analytical expressions are derived for the dispersion curves of the bare beam, which provide full insight into the effects of nonlocality. Second, an exact Plane Wave Expansion method is devised for periodic beams, either equipped with mass–spring resonators or resting on elastic supports; both ω ( q ) and q ( ω ) dispersion curves are derived in this work, where ω is the frequency and q is the wave number. Third, an approximate homogenization approach is formulated to estimate opening frequencies and sizes of band gaps induced by mass–spring resonators. Finally, a two-field finite element method is proposed to calculate the transmittance of finite periodic beams. Numerical applications investigate the band structure of bare and periodic beams for different internal lengths of the stress-driven nonlocal model. Remarkably, results for finite periodic beams validate the predictions from wave propagation analysis of corresponding infinite ones. Moreover, parametric analyses show the capability of the stress-driven nonlocal model in capturing typical small-size effects.

非局部理论已经很好地建立了小尺寸结构的静力学和动力学模型。近年来对弹性波在非局部梁中的传播进行了研究,重点研究了具有谐振腔或支承的周期性非局部梁在小尺度上的相关应用。在此背景下,本工作提出了应力驱动的非局部Timoshenko梁公式,并开发了一个原始和全面的分析/计算框架,用于裸梁和周期梁的波传播分析。框架处理无限和有限梁。首先,导出了裸光束色散曲线的精确解析表达式,充分揭示了非定域性的影响。其次,设计了具有质量弹簧谐振器和弹性支承的周期梁的精确平面波展开方法;本文导出了ω (q)和q (ω)色散曲线,其中ω为频率,q为波数。第三,提出了一种近似均匀化的方法来估计质量弹簧谐振器引起的带隙的打开频率和大小。最后,提出了一种计算有限周期光束透过率的双场有限元方法。数值应用研究了应力驱动非局部模型不同内长度下裸梁和周期梁的能带结构。值得注意的是,有限周期梁的结果验证了相应无限周期梁的波传播分析的预测。此外,参数分析表明应力驱动的非局部模型能够捕获典型的小尺寸效应。

A metamaterial with sign-switching and discontinuous Poisson’s ratio

Teik-Cheng Lim



The fragmentation-reconstitution (FR) metamaterial has recently been shown to be a suitable candidate for producing Poisson’s ratio discontinuity at the original state. A new FR metamaterial is introduced herein that additionally permits sign-switching of Poisson’s ratio upon stress reversal along one axis. This was achieved by the use of rotating rhombi in which every rhombus can be further fragmented into six sub-units. The latter consists of two non-rotating smaller rhombi and four rotating isosceles triangles. While results show that the metamaterial exhibits sign-switching of Poisson’s ratio upon stress reversal along one axis due to differing mechanism, this is not so for loading in then other on-axis direction due to the dimension being maximum in that direction. Instead, there are two compression pathways which can lead to either fragmentation or reconstitution modes of deformation. The predisposition for each pathway is proposed by means of charge attachments. The uniqueness of this metamaterial avails its use for applications that are not attainable by other materials and metamaterials.


A force-density framework for flexible multi-body dynamic analysis of clustered tensegrity structures

Qing Lv, Yaqiong Tang, Xuechi Wang, Tuanjie Li



This paper develops a versatile and effective force-density framework for the flexible multi-body dynamic analysis of clustered tensegrity structures. In this framework, the force density is selected as the basic variable instead of force, and the clustered tensegrity structure is mathematically described in a vector and matrix form, encompassing topology, geometry, material, and force properties. A non-negative variable is defined as an indicator of the member stress state, and a complementary function is constructed to address the discontinuity issues that arise from the unidirectional axial stiffness of cables. Dynamic formulas are established within this force-density framework, with nodal coordinates selected as generalized parameters and formulations constructed in a matrix form. A complementary framework is established as an alternative for solving the dynamic equations, transforming the isolated steps of Newton’s iteration and cable state judgment (slack or tension) into a unified one, bringing more potential for improving solving efficiency. Numerical simulations are carried out to validate the approach, demonstrating that it effectively reveals the dynamic oscillation, tension changes, and cable slack behavior of clustered tensegrity structures during shape control. Comparative studies highlight the advantage of computational efficiency. The method proposed in this paper provides a robust mathematical model for studying clustered tensegrity structures, particularly regarding the shape control of deployable, active, and intelligent structures, aiding in understanding dynamic oscillation, tension changes, and cable slack behavior during their deformation. The methods can also be applied to cable net structures and other prestressed pin-jointed systems.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Residual stress development in lattice mismatched epitaxial thin films via atomic and molecular layer depositions

Musanna Galib, Okan K. Orhan, Jian Liu, Mauricio Ponga



Atomic and molecular layer deposition (ALD/MLD) coatings are promising solutions for preventing dendrite formation in aqueous and non-aqueous Li/Na/Zn metal batteries. Notably, alumina and alucone coatings have emerged as highly effective against dendrite formation in Zn anodes. Despite their demonstrated efficacy, a comprehensive understanding of their chemo-mechanical impact on anodes remains elusive. In this study, we take a bottom-up framework to these coatings on Zn foils, employing an approach that integrates ab initio simulations with continuum theories to elucidate lattice misfit and chemical bonding. We use this insight to develop a macroscopic model to predict the epitaxial residual stresses generated during thin-film deposition. Our findings reveal a robust chemical bonding between the hydroxylated Zn surface and the thin film. This, in turn, generates large misfit strains that result in significant interfacial stresses during deposition. These results are then compared to experiments by measuring the curvature of the coated thin films, finding good agreement between experiments and theory. This novel understanding sheds light on the fundamental mechanisms underpinning the development of chemo-mechanical stresses in thin films, which impact dendrite suppression in anodes, offering valuable insights for the design of new coatings.


Progressive failure analysis of laminates with an open-hole subjected to compressive loading (OHC) using the enhanced semi-discrete modeling framework

Vignesh Shankar Iyer, Minh Hoang Nguyen, Royan J. D’Mello, Anthony M. Waas



The Open-hole compressive (OHC) strength of a fiber reinforced laminate is one of the most critical allowables for design of aerostructures. In this paper, results for predicting the OHC strength using the semi-discrete damage modeling framework are presented. The predictions are seen to capture experimentally observed failure mechanisms and measured failure loads. The constitutive model includes local axial compressive failure (and subsequent load bearing at a reduced plateau stress) while maintaining numerical robustness. Standard stacking sequences (quasi-isotropic, “hard” and “soft”) have been analyzed and compared to publicly available databases. Additionally, the model is challenged to predict delamination-dominated failure due to ply-scaling. Overall, the model is able to capture relevant failure mechanisms, while the ultimate loads are predicted with good accuracy. Therefore, this framework can be used with confidence in predicting OHC strengths of laminates.


Crystallographically programmed kirigami metamaterials

Ruoqi He, Yao Chen, Jingbing Liang, Yue Sun, Jian Feng, Pooya Sareh



In recent years, lattice kirigami metamaterials have attracted considerable attention due to their unconventional and often intriguing mechanical properties. However, the absence of a comprehensive analytical framework has hindered advancements in both research and practical applications. Here, we introduce an integrated framework that enables the customization, form-finding, analysis, and manufacturing of polygonal lattice kirigami metamaterials (PLKMs). By employing a strain-energy-based method, we derive the effective mechanical properties of these systems and demonstrate that structural design is an effective strategy for tailoring these properties. Additionally, we introduce a group-theory-based method for generating crystallographic kirigami metamaterials through selective symmetry breaking, complemented by lattice theory to capture and program their structural characteristics. An automated workflow is also developed for modeling, analysis, and manufacturing of these metamaterials, followed by an image-processing-based design algorithm for composite PLKMs. To illustrate the capabilities of the proposed integrated framework, we explore its potential in driving innovative applications for PLKMs. It is anticipated that this work will provide valuable insights into potential innovations in kirigami metamaterial research and engineering.


Relation of synthesis and fatigue property in elastic soft materials

Yecheng Wang, Danqi Sun



Fatigue has long been studied for many materials, but many aspects are not well understood. Our recent study of the distinct roles of crosslinks and entanglements in the synthesis-property relation of a polymer network under monotonic load leads to a fundamental question: how do crosslinks and entanglements affect the synthesis-property relation of a polymer network under cyclic load? Here we study the relation of synthesis and fatigue property of elastic soft materials without precut cracks. We prepare polyacrylamide hydrogels by free radical polymerization as a model system, and swell the hydrogels in water to equilibrium or to a certain amount of polymer content. The synthesis parameters include the crosslinker-to-monomer molar ratio and the water-to-monomer molar ratio in the precursor, as well as the polymer content in the hydrogel. Three series of hydrogels are prepared. For each hydrogel, the stress-stretch curve under cyclic stretch of various amplitudes and the number of cycles to rupture are measured, giving four properties: fatigue life, endurance stretch, endurance stress, and endurance work. When the crosslinker-to-monomer molar ratio in the precursor is high, the degree of network imperfection on average is low. When the water-to-monomer molar ratio in the precursor is low, the number of entanglements per polymer segment on average is large. We show that crosslinks decrease the susceptibility to fatigue and entanglements increase the endurance stress. By contrast, both crosslinks and entanglements negligibly affect the endurance stretch and the endurance work.


Mechanics of Materials

Influence of Shot-Peening on the Self-Heating Behavior and Fatigue Properties of 300M Steel

Pierrick Lepitre, Louis-Maël Merlet, Cédric Doudard, Matthieu Dhondt, Martin Surand, Sylvain Calloch



Shot peening is an established cold working process used to introduce residual compressive stresses on a surface and is extensively studied using conventional fatigue tests. However, it has not been widely studied using the self-heating method. Specifically, the heterogeneity of the dissipation field has not been estimated, with only an average approach being used. Previous investigations in the case of 300M steel demonstrated that the effect of shot peening on the high cycle fatigue properties can be either beneficial or detrimental. This study proposes to apply the self-heating method on polished 300M and to investigate the effect of mean stress and shot peening on the dissipation behavior. A modified self-heating model is proposed and calibrated for 300M steel. Combined with residual stress profiles, a method to compute and determine the shot peening effect on self-heating behavior through single point surface measurements is proposed. Application on 300M steel shows excellent results, the over-dissipation being mainly due to the sub-surface compressive residual stresses. The self-heating method has proven useful to quickly estimate fatigue properties of polished 300M steel. Based on the understanding of the self-heating curve of shot peened 300M steel, a quantification of shot-peening effect on fatigue limit is discussed.


International Journal of Plasticity

Enhancing the ductility and yield strength of 2.7Mn steel via two-step partitioning heat treatment

Wenlu Yu, Lihe Qian, Chaozhang Wei, Kaifang Li, Yipeng Ding, Pengfei Yu, Zhixuan Jia, Fucheng Zhang, Jiangying Meng



Fresh martensite (FM) is often present in medium-Mn steels, especially when containing lower Mn content, due to the insufficient thermal stability of reverted austenite; this FM is brittle, largely deteriorating the ductility. In this paper, large ductility and high yield strength are achieved in an Al/Si-added medium-Mn steel containing 2.7Mn via a two-step partitioning heat treatment, i.e. intercritical annealing (IA) followed by low-temperature partitioning (LTP). We show that, during the IA, C and Mn atoms partition from the pre-quenched martensite to reverted austenite; Al addition reduces the size of reverted austenite and promotes C and Mn enrichment in the reverted austenite by decelerating its growth kinetics. This enables the reverted austenite more thermally stabilized, thereby reducing the amount of FM and increasing the amount and mechanical stability of retained austenite (RA) at room temperature. During the LTP, accompanied with the recovery of dislocations and the suppression of carbide precipitation by Al and Si, C atoms further partition from FM to RA, which enables the RA more mechanically stabilized and thereby sustains the high strain hardening to larger strains. Simultaneously, the FM becomes less hard and less brittle due to C atoms depletion and dislocations recovery, alleviating the stress/strain localization and favoring the uniform plastic deformation. Furthermore, the decrease in mobile dislocation density that is accompanied with the recovery of dislocations is believed to be mainly responsible for the enhanced yield strength of the steel. The present results indicate that the synergetic effects of the primary element partitioning (promoted by Al) during IA, which increases the thermal stability of reverted austenite, and the secondary element partitioning (enhanced by Al and Si) and as well dislocation recovery during LTP, which increases the mechanical stability of RA and the uniformity of plastic deformation, significantly enhance both the ductility and yield strength of medium-Mn steel with low Mn content.

由于还原奥氏体的热稳定性不足,新鲜马氏体(FM)经常存在于中Mn钢中,特别是当Mn含量较低时;这种FM是脆的,很大程度上恶化了延展性。本文采用临界间退火(IA)和低温配分(LTP)两步配分热处理方法,对含有2.7Mn的Al/ si中mn钢进行了大塑性和高屈服强度的制备。结果表明,在IA、C和Mn原子从预淬火马氏体向还原奥氏体分离的过程中;Al的加入降低了还原奥氏体的尺寸,并通过减缓其生长动力学来促进C和Mn在还原奥氏体中的富集。这使得还原奥氏体更加热稳定,从而减少了FM的数量,增加了室温下残留奥氏体(RA)的数量和机械稳定性。在LTP过程中,随着位错的恢复以及Al和Si对碳化物析出的抑制,C原子进一步从FM向RA分异,使RA更加机械稳定,从而维持了高应变硬化到更大应变。同时,由于C原子的损耗和位错的恢复,FM的硬度和脆性降低,减轻了应力/应变局部化,有利于均匀的塑性变形。此外,随着位错的恢复,可移动位错密度的降低被认为是钢屈服强度提高的主要原因。研究结果表明:低锰中锰钢的塑性和屈服强度均得到了显著提高,IA过程中由Al促进的初生元素分配提高了还原奥氏体的热稳定性,LTP过程中由Al和Si促进的次生元素分配和位错恢复提高了RA的力学稳定性和塑性变形的均匀性。

The interactions of deformation twins, zirconium hydrides, and microcracks

Saiedeh Marashi, Hamidreza Abdolvand



One of the main degradation mechanisms of the zirconium alloys used in nuclear reactors is hydrogen embrittlement and the formation of zirconium hydrides. This study focuses on understanding the interactions among deformation twins, hydrides, and the microcracks that form within hydrides. For this purpose, in-situ scanning electron microscopy and interrupted ex-situ tensile experiments were conducted on hydrided zirconium specimens with favorable initial textures for the formation of extension twins. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to measure the orientations of the grains located in the specimens’ gauges and map them into a crystal plasticity finite element model to study hydrides and twins interactions. High spatial resolution EBSD and high-resolution imaging were used to follow the formation of microcracks, and twins live. Although the specimens were deformed to a moderate level of applied strain (∼7%), it was observed that two types of twins nucleate, { 10 1 ¯ 2 } and { 11 2 ¯ 1 } . While the former nucleates either before or after the nucleation of microcracks within hydrides, the latter nucleates after the formation of microcracks and grows with them. It is shown that the formation of twins may contribute to crack nucleation, yet the shear energy density on a given slip system within hydrides is the main driving force for crack nucleation. Regardless of hydride interactions with twins, a significant slip activity is recorded within hydrides prior to cracking.

核反应堆用锆合金的主要降解机制之一是氢脆和氢化锆的形成。本研究的重点是了解变形孪晶、氢化物和氢化物内部形成的微裂纹之间的相互作用。为此,对初始织构有利于扩展孪晶形成的氢化锆试样进行了原位扫描电镜和间断异地拉伸实验。利用电子后向散射衍射(EBSD)测量了试样量规中晶粒的取向,并将其映射到晶体塑性有限元模型中,以研究氢化物和孪晶的相互作用。采用高空间分辨率EBSD和高分辨率成像技术跟踪微裂纹的形成。虽然试样变形到中等水平的施加应变(~ 7%),但观察到两种类型的孪核,{10.1¯2}和{11.2¯1}。前者在氢化物内部微裂纹成核之前或之后成核,后者在微裂纹形成之后成核并随微裂纹一起长大。结果表明,孪晶的形成可能有助于裂纹形核,但在给定的滑移体系中,氢化物内部的剪切能密度是裂纹形核的主要驱动力。不管氢化物与孪晶的相互作用如何,在开裂之前,在氢化物内部记录了显著的滑移活动。

Thin-Walled Structures

Flexural behavior and design of cold-formed steel gapped back-to-back built-up beams with discontinuous connecting plates

Liping Wang, Mahmud B. Dawud, Yancheng Cai



This paper investigates the flexural behavior of a new type of cold-formed steel gapped back-to-back built-up beams, which are joined using discontinuous connecting plates and bolts under four-point bending. A finite element model was developed and validated against experimental results from the literature, focusing on ultimate moments, moment-curvature curves, and failure modes. Following successful validation, the model was used for an extensive parametric study to examine the impact of key parameters on the flexural behavior of the built-up beams. These parameters include bolt arrangement on each connecting plate, the ratio of connecting plate spacing to web depth, cross-sectional dimensions, the gap between the built-up channels, and beam length. The primary failure mode observed was lateral torsional buckling. The ultimate strengths obtained from the finite element analysis were compared with the nominal strengths predicted by the Direct Strength Method (DSM) specified in the American Specification. It was found that the DSM predictions were generally conservative. Consequently, a modified DSM equation was proposed. Comparisons with numerical results demonstrated that the modified DSM equation provided more accurate strength predictions than the current DSM. Reliability analysis confirmed the dependability of the modified DSM predictions, leading to the recommendation of the modified DSM for designing cold-formed steel gapped back-to-back built-up beams joined via discontinuous connecting plates and bolts.


In-plane crushing behavior and energy absorption of CFRP honeycombs with different core topologies

Levent Pehlivan, Cengiz Baykasoğlu



The in-plane crushing behavior and energy absorption performance of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) honeycombs with different core topologies were experimentally investigated under uniaxial loading conditions. Three types of CFRP honeycomb core topologies (i.e. circular, square and hexagonal) with different cell wall thicknesses and heights were considered in the designs. The honeycomb samples were fabricated by the molding and bonding process, which is widely used in the easy, fast and economical manufacturing of thin-walled honeycomb structures. A total of twenty-seven sample groups were experimentally tested for each loading condition, in which honeycomb samples with different core topologies were designed to have almost the same weights for a meaningful comparison. The experimental results revealed that all honeycomb designs have higher in-plane compression strength in the expansion direction, and hexagonal honeycombs showed the highest strength and energy absorption performance in both directions due to their stable load-carrying capacity and outstanding force efficiency. In particular, the experimental findings showed that the crushing strength and the specific energy absorption of CFRP honeycomb structures can be improved up to 6.1 and 4.2 times, respectively, by properly adjusting the cell wall thickness and height parameters. The results also revealed that the proposed lightweight CFRP honeycombs with the structural densities of 155-283 kg/m3 showed better in-plane crushing performance than many competing cellular topologies.

对碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)蜂窝在单轴载荷条件下的面内破碎行为和吸能性能进行了实验研究。设计中考虑了三种不同细胞壁厚度和高度的CFRP蜂窝芯拓扑结构(即圆形、方形和六边形)。采用模压-粘接工艺制备蜂窝样品,该方法易于、快速、经济地制造薄壁蜂窝结构。在每种加载条件下,共有27组样本进行了实验测试,其中具有不同核心拓扑结构的蜂窝样本被设计为具有几乎相同的权重,以便进行有意义的比较。实验结果表明,所有蜂窝设计在膨胀方向上都具有较高的面内抗压强度,其中六角形蜂窝由于其稳定的承载能力和突出的力效率,在两个方向上都表现出最高的强度和吸能性能。实验结果表明,通过适当调整蜂窝壁厚和高度参数,CFRP蜂窝结构的抗压强度和比能吸收率分别可提高6.1倍和4.2倍。结果还表明,结构密度为155-283 kg/m3的轻质CFRP蜂窝比许多竞争的蜂窝拓扑具有更好的面内破碎性能。

来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 2 篇International Journal of Solids and StructuresConstitutive modeling of functional fatigue with tension–compression asymmetry for superelastic NiTi shape memory alloyZiheng Wang, Chaofan Feng, Dongjie Jiangdoi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113099超弹性NiTi形状记忆合金拉压不对称功能疲劳本构建模Under cyclic loads, superelastic shape memory alloys (SMAs) exhibit stress–strain responses featured by functional fatigue, i.e., degradation of superelasticity and accumulation of irrecoverable deformation as cycling number increases, together with an asymmetry between tensile and compressive responses. Comprehensive understanding and modeling of these material complexities are crucial for the design and analysis of various superelastic SMA structures in practical applications. This work has developed a novel constitutive model based on irreversible thermodynamics to account for functional fatigue with tension–compression asymmetry. A potential function, defined as a weighted sum of two potentials that are calibrated against the tensile and compressive responses respectively, is employed to generate the asymmetric responses, and functional fatigue is represented by degradation of superelastic properties and growth of plastic strain as martensitic transformation accumulates. The model is adopted in numerical simulations for superelastic SMA tubes under cyclic lateral compression, which is experimentally investigated as a model problem. The agreement between simulations and experiments shows the validity and effectiveness of this constitutive modeling. Through additional finite element simulations incorporating this model, the effects of tension–compression asymmetry under cycling and diameter-to-thickness ratio of the tubular geometry upon mechanical responses of laterally compressed SMA tubes are also unveiled.在循环荷载作用下,超弹性形状记忆合金(sma)表现出以功能疲劳为特征的应力应变响应,即随着循环次数的增加,超弹性的退化和不可恢复变形的积累,以及拉伸和压缩响应之间的不对称。对这些材料复杂性的全面理解和建模对于实际应用中各种超弹性SMA结构的设计和分析至关重要。本工作开发了一种基于不可逆热力学的新型本构模型,用于考虑具有拉压不对称的功能疲劳。一个势函数,定义为分别针对拉伸和压缩响应校准的两个势的加权和,用于产生不对称响应,功能疲劳是由超弹性性能的退化和马氏体相变积累的塑性应变的增长来表示的。采用该模型对超弹性SMA管进行了循环侧向压缩的数值模拟,并将其作为模型问题进行了实验研究。仿真结果与实验结果吻合,证明了本构模型的正确性和有效性。通过结合该模型的额外有限元模拟,还揭示了循环下的拉压不对称以及管状结构的直径/厚度比对横向压缩SMA管的力学响应的影响。Magneto-viscoelastic rod model for hard-magnetic soft rods under 3D large deformation: Theory and numerical implementationXin Li, Dingcong Zhang, Jiashen Guan, Ju Liu, Hongyan Yuandoi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2024.113101三维大变形下硬磁软棒的磁粘弹性棒模型:理论与数值实现The main purpose of this work is to develop a three-dimensional (3D) viscoelastic rod model for hard-magnetic soft (HMS) rods under large deformation which are widely used active structures in soft robotics. To do so, the Simo’s viscoelasticity theory has been rationally incorporated into the geometrically exact 3D curved rod model. The proposed model includes the deformation modes of axial tension, shear, bending, and torsion, which is applicable to the HMS rods with arbitrarily initial curved and twisted geometries under 3D large deformation. The viscoelastic constitutive equations of the HMS rod in the present formulation are formulated, which include the general relaxation functions. To obtain the expression for the magnetic load, the rotation-based magnetic free energy density is introduced, and the governing equations of the HMS rod with magnetic load and body force are presented. To obtain the numerical implementation, an implicit time integration algorithm that simply extends the generalized-α method for the rotation group, and the corresponding variational formulation and its linearization of the rod model are derived. To validate the model, five numerical examples, including 2D dynamic buckling, 3D static, and 3D dynamic problem are presented. The dynamic problems include the dynamic snap-through behavior of a bistable HMS arch and damped oscillation of a quarter arc cantilever under 3D deformation. The simulation results show good agreement with the results reported in the literature.本文的主要目的是建立大变形硬磁软杆的三维粘弹性杆模型。硬磁软杆是软机器人中广泛应用的主动结构。为此,Simo粘弹性理论被合理地纳入几何精确的三维弯曲杆模型中。该模型包括轴向拉伸、剪切、弯曲和扭转的变形模式,适用于具有任意初始弯曲和扭曲几何形状的HMS杆在三维大变形下的变形模式。建立了含广义松弛函数的HMS杆的粘弹性本构方程。为了得到磁载荷的表达式,引入了基于旋转的磁自由能密度,给出了磁载荷和体力作用下HMS杆的控制方程。为了获得数值实现,推导了一种简单推广旋转群广义-α法的隐式时间积分算法,并推导了相应的杆模型变分公式及其线性化。为了验证该模型的有效性,给出了二维动态屈曲、三维静态屈曲和三维动态屈曲五个数值算例。动力学问题包括双稳态HMS拱的动态贯通行为和四分之一圆弧悬臂梁在三维变形下的阻尼振荡。仿真结果与文献报道的结果吻合较好。Thin-Walled StructuresStudy on the PDDO-based meshfree method in numerical simulation of shell ductile fracture considering a non-local GTN modelLiu Fan, Shi Yang, Hu Yu-meng, Feng Guo-qingdoi:10.1016/j.tws.2024.112521考虑非局部GTN模型的壳韧性断裂数值模拟中基于pddo的无网格方法研究A meshfree method is developed based on the peridynamic differential operator (PDDO) for ductile damage and fracture problems in metal shell structures. The kinematic equations coupled to classical continuum mechanics (CCM) are derived with the motion variables discretized by the PDDO. The elastoplastic and fracture behavior of the material are described by applying the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) model with shear modification, and the non-local form of the model improves the computational convergence for different modeling scales. The zero-energy model in numerical computations is effectively controlled by introducing an hourglass force based on the average displacement state. The particles contact algorithm and multi-crack visualization algorithm are developed to simulate the fracture of shell structures under collision loads. By comparing with experiments, it is verified that the proposed PDDO-based meshfree method can accurately predict the ductile fracture of shell structures subjected to in-plane and out-of-plane loads.针对金属壳结构的延性损伤和断裂问题,提出了一种基于周动力微分算子(PDDO)的无网格方法。推导了与经典连续介质力学(CCM)耦合的运动方程,并将运动变量用PDDO离散化。采用剪切修正的Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN)模型来描述材料的弹塑性和断裂行为,该模型的非局部形式提高了不同建模尺度下的计算收敛性。通过引入基于平均位移状态的沙漏力,有效地控制了数值计算中的零能量模型。提出了颗粒接触算法和多裂纹可视化算法来模拟壳结构在碰撞载荷作用下的断裂。通过与实验对比,验证了所提出的基于pddo的无网格方法能够准确预测壳结构在面内和面外荷载作用下的韧性断裂。Chaotic self-beating of left ventricle modeled by liquid crystal elastomerXin Sun, Kuan Zhou, Peibao Xudoi:10.1016/j.tws.2024.112540液晶弹性体模拟左心室混沌自跳动Self-vibration systems using active materials generate sustained vibrations spontaneously through synergistic actions between internal structure and external environment. Therefore, the self-vibration systems have a wide application prospect in bionic design and soft robots. Inspired by the human left ventricle, a novel chaotic self-beating system modeled by an electrothermal responsive liquid crystal elastomer balloon is proposed. To study the self-beating characteristics of the liquid crystal elastomer left ventricle, a simplified theoretical framework is formed by combining the electric joule heat conduction model, the left ventricle circulatory system model and the dynamic principle. The numerical results show that the left ventricle has two typical self-beating modes: periodic beating and chaotic beating. The mechanisms of periodic beating and chaotic beating are elucidated by analyzing the balance between the work done by each force on the left ventricle. In addition, the effects of key system parameters on self-beating behavior are investigated in detail. This research will promote the application of chaotic dynamics in artificial hearts and medical devices, while providing a new perspective for the study of chaotic behavior and mechanism in biology.利用活性材料的自振系统通过内部结构与外部环境的协同作用,自发地产生持续的振动。因此,自振动系统在仿生设计和软体机器人中具有广阔的应用前景。摘要以人类左心室为灵感,提出了一种以电热响应液晶弹性体气球为模型的混沌自跳动系统。为了研究液晶弹性体左心室的自跳动特性,结合电焦耳热传导模型、左心室循环系统模型和动力学原理,形成了一个简化的理论框架。数值结果表明,左心室具有周期跳动和混沌跳动两种典型的自跳动模式。通过分析各力对左心室做功的平衡,阐明了周期跳动和混沌跳动的机理。此外,还详细研究了关键系统参数对自殴打行为的影响。本研究将促进混沌动力学在人工心脏和医疗器械中的应用,同时为生物学中混沌行为和机制的研究提供新的视角。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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