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introduce the NFX CFD capabilities


  midas NFX CFD provides various analysiscapabilities, as seen in the figures.

  It offers analyses considering all typesof fluid domains, steady-state, unsteady-state, and both compressible andincompressible flow.

  It provides a total of 14 turbulencemodels and supports GPU calculations in addition to CPU parallel computing.

  Especially, through FSI (Fluid-StructureInteraction) functionality, it allows for fluid analysis considering structuraldeformation ormoving.

  You can obtain analysis results moreconveniently by using various simplification features that replace complexreal-world physical phenomena.

  NFX CFD allows for simultaneous thermalanalysis of both structures and fluid domains.  

  In addition to the airflow around the LED lamp, as seen in the left figure, itis also possible to calculate the temperature distribution of the LEM lampstructure.

  For this reason NFX CFD also allowsconsidering the interconnectivity of mesh generation between each part andsupporting contact conditions.

  NFX CFD provides not only conduction andconvection models but also radiation models by default.

  Moreover, using various simplificationfeatures, complex physical phenomena can be easily defined.

  As seen in the right figure, forcedconvection using a fan can be quickly and accurately modeled with the ‘fanboundary condition.’

  This simplified modeling approach canhave a significant impact on the analysis of long piping systems.

  Even with a small number of meshes using1D elements, NFX CFD can produce analysis results that accurately considerreal-world physical phenomena in complex piping modeling.

  NFX CFD offers various analysistechniques for simulating rotating objects.

As seen in the left figure, using SlidingMesh allows for the consideration of the structure's rotation, enablingsimulations under real conditions.

  Conversely, the MRF (Multiple ReferenceFrame) feature can be used to simulate the effect of rotation without theactual structure rotating by applying a rotational velocity state.

   Additionally, for cases where anotherstructure within a rotating structure, such as an mixer, is also rotating,analysis can be performed using the Overset mesh technique.

  NFX CFD can also analyze the mixingprocess of different types of fluids.

  It is capable of analyzing not only themixing of different types of gases, as seen in the figure, but also phenomenawhere specific gases diffuse into the air.

   NFX CFD provides analysis that takes intoaccount different phases such as fluids and gases.

   For analyzing these scenarios, it offerstechniques like Free Surface Analysis and VOF (Volume of Fluid).

  With Free Surface Analysis, you canobserve the behavior of chemical substances when sprayed onto a wafer surfaceusing a nozzle spray, as shown in the top-left analysis case.

  Additionally, it can be used to analyzethe sloshing phenomenon of LNG gas inside an LNG carrier tank during movement.

  The analysis case in the center of thescreen utilizes the VOF functionality, considering Level Set, to analyze thebehavior of fluids with different viscosities.

  Finally, NFX CFD provides particlebehavior analysis using the DPM (Discrete Phase Model) feature.

  In the analysis case on the right, theresults were obtained using the DPM feature to analyze the particledistribution inside the Oil catch can, a component of the car.

  NFX CFD offers these various analysiscapabilities to consider a wide range of physical phenomena.

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