用Python API启动Lumerical的仿真软件时,建立了两者环境之间的联系,彼此的工作空间不共享,而是在变量传递过程中创建一个相同的副本,根据getv( )和put( )函数中定义的转换类型来进行前传和后传。2020a R4版本将典型传输速率提高至约为300MBs,并将传输数据所需的内存开销减少[1],提高了数据传输的效率,但当数据量传输量非常大的时候,数据传递的规律仍显得很重要。
Lumerical | Python |
String | string |
Real | float |
Complex | np.array |
Matrix | np.array |
Cell array | list |
Struct | dictionary |
Dataset | dictionary |
从运行过的仿真工程中的监视器结果中,可以直接访问原始数据,这些数据在 Lumerical中以矩阵的形式存在,将其传递到Python环境时,将作为numpy数组返回。矩阵各维度的长度将与相关参数的长度一致,与监视器在各个维度上的监测点个数有关。
用getdata( )函数可以获取监视器的原始数据,注意与getresult( )区分,得到数据后可以用Python的squeeze( )函数,或者Lumerical的pinch( )函数来删除单个元素的维度,调整结果矩阵的形式。
以下是一个简单的Python API控制Lumerical FDTD进行仿真,并提取数据回到Python的例子:
with lumapi.FDTD() as fdtd:
fdtd.addfdtd(dimension="2D", x=0.0e-9, y=0.0e-9, x_span=3.0e-6, y_span=1.0e-6)
fdtd.addgaussian(name = 'source', x=0., y=-0.4e-6, injection_axis="y", waist_radius_w0=0.2e-6, wavelength_start=0.5e-6, wavelength_stop=0.6e-6)
fdtd.addring( x=0.0e-9, y=0.0e-9, z=0.0e-9, inner_radius=0.1e-6, outer_radius=0.2e-6, index=2.0)
fdtd.addmesh(dx=10.0e-9, dy=10.0e-9, x=0., y=0., x_span=0.4e-6, y_span=0.4e-6)
fdtd.addtime(name="time", x=0.0e-9, y=0.0e-9)
fdtd.addprofile(name="profile", x=0., x_span=3.0e-6, y=0.)
# Dict ordering is not guaranteed, so if there properties dependant on other properties an ordered dict is necessary
# In this case 'override global monitor settings' must be true before 'frequency points' can be set
props = OrderedDict([("name", "power"),
("override global monitor settings", True),
("x", 0.),("y", 0.4e-6),("monitor type", "linear x"),
("frequency points", 10.0)])
#Return raw E field data
Ex = fdtd.getdata("profile","Ex")
f = fdtd.getdata("profile","f")
x = fdtd.getdata("profile","x")
y = fdtd.getdata("profile","y")
print('Frequency field profile data Ex is type', type(Ex),' with shape', str(Ex.shape ))
print('Frequency field profile data f is type', type(f), 'with shape', str(f.shape ))
print('Frequency field profile data x is type', type(x), 'with shape', str(x.shape ))
print('Frequency field profile data y is type', type(y), 'with shape', str(y.shape ))
with lumapi.FDTD('fdtd_file.fsp') as fdtd:
T, time = fdtd.getresult("power", "T"), fdtd.getresult("time","E")
fdtd.eval('x = [0;1;2];y = [0;sqrt(3);0];z = [0;0;0];C = [1,3,2];ds = unstructureddataset(x,y,z,C);')
ds = fdtd.getv('ds')
print('Transmission result T is type', type(T),' with keys', str(T.keys()) )
print('Time monitor result E is type', type(time),' with keys', str(time.keys()) )
print('Unstructured dataset is type', type(ds),' with keys', str(ds.keys()) )