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锂电那些事今日第三条2024年09月05日 星期四




短期“户储 + 便携储”为主,现有渠道可以直接复用。中期计划参与当地政府的工商业储能。

储能在公司战略规划里很靠前,年会上提出 2-3 年在储能领域投 20个亿,超过了公司去年全年的研发费用。





电网基础设施差的地区对于储能是刚需。实际上,国内大的储能公司,在去年欧洲需求爆发前,主要增长地区都是南美的巴西等,共同特点就是当地电网建设差。非洲也有富人,或者村子集资建设,非洲很多富有村子也没有稳定电网接入,所以储能是非常强劲的需求,我们只要满足前 1% 的需求就是百亿规模市场。

之前非洲需求一直处于水面下,非常强烈的刚需但没有人去满足,价格高没渠道,过去很多储能公司对非洲几乎没有开发。而现在电池和 pack 的成本快速降本,我们复用之前下沉的手机和家电渠道,能够快速起量,这也是我们敢跟 ODM厂商包产线、签最低采购合同的原因。


像我们 itel 产品线,上周在非洲社交媒体宣发的产品,换算差不多 200人民币,不到半个手机的价格。包含:6V/3.3W 光伏板 + 3V/3.3W的 LED照明灯 + 便携储能,已经在当地媒体引起轰动,这也给我们下半年大量备货提供了信心。将来出货量肯定能超过华宝新能和正浩。




      本公 众号部分内容来源于网络平台,小编整理,仅供学习与交流,非商业用途!对文中观点判断均保持中立,版权归原作者所有,如有报道错误或侵权,请尽快私信联系我们,我们会立即做出修正或删除处理。谢谢!                

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学习锂电,关注锂电那些事! 锂电那些事今日头条2024年09月06日 星期五完整的电化学储能系统主要由:电池组、电池管理系统(BMS)、能量管理系统(EMS)、储能变流器(PCS)以及其他电气设备构成。A complete electrochemical energy storage system is mainly composed of: battery pack, battery management system (BMS), energy management system (EMS), energy storage converter (PCS) and other electrical equipment.在储能系统中,电池组将状态信息反馈给电池管理系统BMS,BMS将其共享给能源管理系统EMS和储能变流器PCS;EMS根据优化及调度决策将控制信息下发至PCS与BMS,控制单体电池/电池组完成充放电等。In the energy storage system, the battery pack feeds the status information to the battery management system BMS, and the BMS shares it to the energy management system EMS and the energy storage converter PCS. EMS sends control information to PCS and BMS according to optimization and scheduling decisions, and controls the charging and discharging of single batteries/battery packs.什么是PCSWhat is PCS电化学储能系统的能量转换系统PCS(Power Conversion System)的拓扑结构与电化学储能系统的技术路线密切相关,理解PCS的拓扑结构对于理解电化学储能系统技术路线的选择有重要帮助。The topological structure of Power Conversion System (PCS) of electrochemical energy storage system is closely related to the technical route of electrochemical energy storage system, and understanding the topological structure of PCS is of great help to understand the choice of technical route of electrochemical energy storage system.PCS可以工作在如下两个状态因而肩负着两个重要功能:PCS can operate in the following two states and thus shoulder two important functions:1. 整流器工作状态:对储能系统的电芯充电时把电网的交流电转换成直流电1. The working state of the rectifier: converts the alternating current of the power grid into direct current when charging the battery of the energy storage system2. 逆变器工作状态:对储能系统的电芯放电时把电芯的直流电转换成交流电馈入电网;2. Inverter working state: When discharging the battery of the energy storage system, the direct current of the battery is converted into alternating current and fed into the power grid;因此,PCS是实现直流电芯与交流电网之间的双向能量传递的重要设备。Therefore, PCS is an important equipment to realize bidirectional energy transfer between DC cell and AC network.近年来,由于新型电力电子器件包括IGBT(绝缘栅双极型晶体管,insolated gate bipolar transistor)和IGCT(集成门极换流型晶闸管, integrated gate commutated thyristor)的发展及性能提升,高电压、大功率PCS装置的生产及应用已成为现实。In recent years, thanks to new power electronic devices including IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar transistors), insolated gate bipolar transistor) and IGCT (integrated gate commutated thyristor) development and performance improvement, The production and application of high voltage and high power PCS devices have become a reality.具体来说,To be specific,电池管理系统BMS:担任感知角色,主要负责电池的监测、评估、保护以及均衡等;Battery management system BMS: plays a perception role, mainly responsible for battery monitoring, evaluation, protection and balance;能量管理系统EMS:担任决策角色,主要负责数据采集、网络监控和能量调度等;Energy management system EMS: plays a decision-making role, mainly responsible for data acquisition, network monitoring and energy scheduling;储能变流器PCS:担任执行角色,主要功能为控制储能电池组的充电和放电过程,进行交直流的变换。Energy storage converter PCS: plays an executive role, the main function is to control the charging and discharging process of the energy storage battery pack, and perform AC/DC transformation. 储能系统中的信息互动架构Information interaction architecture in energy storage system电池管理系统Battery management systemBMS(BatteryManagementSystem,电池管理系统),BMS电池系统俗称之为电池保姆或电池管家,是配合监控储能电池状态的设备。BMS和电芯一起组成电池系统。BMS (BatteryManagementSystem, battery management system), BMS battery system commonly known as battery nanny or battery housekeeper, is a device that monitors the status of energy storage batteries. The BMS and the cell together form the battery system.功能FeatureBMS担任储能系统中的感知角色,主要功能是监控电池储能单元内各电池运行状态,保障储能单元安全运行。BMS plays a sensing role in the energy storage system, and its main function is to monitor the running status of batteries in the battery energy storage unit to ensure the safe operation of the energy storage unit.BMS对电池的基本参数进行测量,包括电压、电流、温度等,防止电池出现过充电和过放电,延长电池的使用寿命。BMS measures the basic parameters of the battery, including voltage, current, temperature, etc., to prevent overcharge and overdischarge of the battery and extend the service life of the battery.BMS需要计算分析电池的SOC(电池剩余容量)和SOH(电池健康状态),并及时上报异常信息。The BMS calculates and analyzes the SOC (remaining battery capacity) and SOH (battery health status) of the battery and reports the abnormal information in a timely manner. BMS担任储能系统中的感知角色The BMS plays the perception role in the energy storage system 电池柜Battery cabinet分层感知架构Hierarchical perceptual architectureBMS系统大多都是三层架构,硬件主要分成从控单元、主控单元和总控单元。BMS systems are mostly three-layer architecture, the hardware is mainly divided into slave control unit, master control unit and total control unit.1)底层:从控BMU,为单体电池管理层。由电池监控芯片及其附属电路构成,负责采集单体电池的各类信息,计算分析电池的SOC(电池剩余容量)和SOH(电池健康状态),实现对单体电池的主动均衡,并将单体异常信息上传给主控。1) Bottom layer: The BMU is the secondary controller and the battery management layer. It is composed of a battery monitoring chip and its affiliated circuits, which is responsible for collecting various information of a single battery, calculating and analyzing the SOC (remaining battery capacity) and SOH (battery health status) of the battery, realizing the active balance of the single battery, and uploading the abnormal information of the single battery to the main control.2)中间层:主控BCU,为电池组管理层。收集BMU上传的各种单体电池信息,采集电池组信息。计算分析电池组的SOC和SOH。2) Middle layer: The main control BCU is the battery pack management layer. Collect battery string information uploaded by the BMU. Calculate and analyze the SOC and SOH of the battery pack.3)上层:总控,为电池簇管理层。负责系统内部的整体协调以及与EMS、PCS的外部信息交互,根据外部请求控制整个BMS系统的运行过程。3) Upper layer: total control, for the battery cluster management. Responsible for the overall coordination within the system and external information interaction with EMS and PCS, and control the operation process of the entire BMS system according to external requests. 储能BMS系统各层功能Energy storage BMS system each layer function技术要求Technical requirement储能BMS比汽车动力电池的BMS更复杂,要求更高。Energy storage BMS is more complex and more demanding than the BMS of automotive power batteries.管理电池容量量级相差大。储能BMS管理的电源达到了MWh级别,串并联电池数量极大。The management battery capacity varies greatly. The power supply managed by the energy storage BMS has reached the MWh level, and the number of series and parallel batteries is very large.储能BMS有更严格的并网要求。储能EMS需要与电网连接,对谐波、频率等有更高要求。而动力电池BMS一端与电池相连,另一端与整车的控制及电子系统相连接,技术要求相对更低。Energy storage BMS have more stringent grid-connection requirements. The energy storage EMS needs to be connected to the power grid, and has higher requirements for harmonics and frequencies. One end of the power battery BMS is connected to the battery, and the other end is connected to the control and electronic system of the vehicle, and the technical requirements are relatively lower. 储能BMS技术要求Storage BMS technical requirements市场marketplace目前BMS制造产商主要包括车厂、电池厂与专业BMS制造商。与动力电池的BMS主要由终端车厂主导不同,储能电池的终端用户没有加入BMS研发与制造的需求;目前储能BMS没有形成领导者,根据中商情报网统计,专业电池管理系统厂商市场份额占比约为33%。At present, BMS manufacturers mainly include vehicle factories, battery factories and professional BMS manufacturers. Unlike the BMS of the power battery, which is mainly dominated by the terminal vehicle factory, the end users of the energy storage battery do not have the need to join the development and manufacturing of the BMS; At present, the energy storage BMS has not formed a leader, according to the statistics of the China Business Information Network, the market share of professional battery management system manufacturers is about 33%.BMS对储能系统安全、寿命、经济的价值没有被客户充分认知,价值与价格不对等;另外,BMS需与电芯参数等呈对应的关系,各电池厂商模组方案不同、控制策略、保护参数、通讯协议、汇流方案等不同,现场调试工作量大,存在信息孤岛问题。The value of BMS to the safety, life and economy of the energy storage system is not fully recognized by customers, and the value is not equal to the price. In addition, BMS needs to be corresponding to cell parameters, etc., and each battery manufacturer has different module schemes, control strategies, protection parameters, communication protocols, and convergence schemes, etc., so the field debugging workload is large, and there is the problem of information island. 储能BMS主要参与方与市场格局Major players and market pattern of energy storage BMS 储能BMS现状Status of energy storage BMS由基本功能向高级功能发展From basic functions to advanced functions1)BMS是储能系统安全、长寿命、低成本的重要保障。1) BMS is an important guarantee for the safety, long life and low cost of energy storage system.单体电池的非一致性容易带来木桶效应,造成实际充放电深度和循环寿命减少,带来直接经济损失;同时容易导致电池系统安全性能的下降,直接影响运行安全。The non-uniformity of single battery is easy to bring about the wooden barrel effect, resulting in the actual depth of charge and discharge and the reduction of cycle life, resulting in direct economic losses; At the same time, it is easy to lead to the deterioration of the safety performance of the battery system, which directly affects the operation safety.2)目前BMS功能已经由监测、通讯、保护、显示、存储等基本功能向电池系统安全诊断和长寿命运维、系统经济性指标诊断等高级功能发展。2) At present, BMS functions have been developed from basic functions such as monitoring, communication, protection, display and storage to advanced functions such as battery system safety diagnosis, longevity destiny dimension and system economic index diagnosis.从技术上看,主动均衡技术将成为标准,大数据、人工智能等技术被应用到电池状态算法中;未来低端BMS供应商的生存空间将越来越小。From a technical point of view, active balancing technology will become the standard, and technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence will be applied to the battery status algorithm; In the future, the living space of low-end BMS suppliers will become smaller and smaller.智慧运维、高级功能等是未来各厂商之间产生差异化竞争的核心要点。Intelligent operation and maintenance, advanced functions, etc. are the core points of differentiated competition between various manufacturers in the future. 电池管理系统BMS功能Battery management system BMS function深度结合大数据管理与云边协同Deep integration of big data management and cloud edge collaborationBMS设备是构建云边结合的储能系统大数据平台与深度挖掘分析功能的重要组成部分。BMS equipment is an important part of building the big data platform and deep mining analysis function of the energy storage system combined with cloud edge.边:以BMS为基础发展云边协同,充分发挥BMS的数据汇聚能力,在站级设备端实现电池系统实时数据的采集、分析、状态诊断和评估,实现数据的清洗和预加工;Edge: Develop cloud-edge collaboration based on BMS, give full play to the data aggregation capability of BMS, achieve real-time data collection, analysis, status diagnosis and evaluation of battery system at the station level equipment side, and realize data cleaning and pre-processing;云:云端基于更多站端的数据,实现多维度时空数据挖掘、提炼、精加工,实现更详细、更全面的电池运行状态、安全状态、储能系统可靠性的评估,动态优化BMS运行策略及算法模型并下设至设备端,达到最佳安全和经济性的运维模式,实现智慧运维,并为能源汇聚/分配/交易提供数据支撑,为储能系统的价值实现提供保障。Clouds: Based on more station data, the cloud can realize multidimensional spatiospatial data mining, refining and finishing, achieve more detailed and comprehensive evaluation of battery operating status, safety status and reliability of energy storage system, dynamically optimize the BMS operation strategy and algorithm model and set it to the device side, achieve the best safe and economical operation and maintenance mode, and realize intelligent operation and maintenance. It also provides data support for energy aggregation/distribution/trading, and guarantees the value realization of the energy storage system. 以BMS为基础发展云边协同Cloud-edge collaboration based on BMS能量管理系统Energy management systemEMS(Energy Management System,能量管理系统),是储能系统的决策中枢,充当 “大脑”角色。能量管理系统包括电网级能量管理系统和微网级能量管理系统,储能系统中提到的EMS一般指微电网级。EMS (Energy Management System) is the decision-making center of the energy storage system, acting as the "brain" role. The energy management system includes grid level energy management system and micro-grid level energy management system, and the EMS mentioned in energy storage system generally refers to the micro-grid level.构成constitute能量管理系统一般分为设备层、通讯层和应用层。Energy management system is generally divided into equipment layer, communication layer and application layer.设备层:需要能量采集变换(PCS、BMS)做支撑;Equipment layer: Energy acquisition transformation (PCS, BMS) is required for support;通讯层:主要包括链路、协议、传输等;Communication layer: mainly includes link, protocol, transmission, etc.信息层:主要包括缓存中间件、数据库、服务器,其中数据库系统负责数据处理和数据存储,记录实时数据和重要历史数据,并提供历史信息查询;Information layer: mainly includes cache middleware, database and server, in which the database system is responsible for data processing and data storage, recording real-time data and important historical data, and providing historical information query;应用层:表现形式包括APP、Web等,为管理人员提供可视化的监控与操作界面,具体功能涵盖能量变换决策、能源数据传输和采集、实时监测控制、运维管理分析、电能/电量可视分析、远程实时控制等。Application layer: The form includes APP, Web, etc., to provide managers with visual monitoring and operation interface, the specific functions cover energy transformation decision-making, energy data transmission and collection, real-time monitoring and control, operation and maintenance management analysis, electrical energy/power visual analysis, remote real-time control, etc. 储能EMS基本功能Basic functions of the storage EMS 储能EMS基本架构Storage EMS basic architecture优化运行策略和控制策略设计是要点It is important to optimize operation strategy and control strategy design优化运行策略和控制策略的设计是EMS产品的核心要点和难点。The design of optimized operation strategy and control strategy is the core point and difficulty of EMS products.综合考虑储能充放电特性、储能单元充放电成本、储能应用效益,在满足电网调度控制需求的前提下,进行优化运行策略和控制策略的设计,能够提升储能系统运行的经济效益和改善各类技术指标。Comprehensively considering the charging and discharging characteristics of energy storage, the charging and discharging cost of energy storage unit, and the application benefits of energy storage, the design of optimized operation strategy and control strategy on the premise of meeting the requirements of power grid scheduling and control can improve the economic benefits of energy storage system operation and improve various technical indicators.电网侧know-how积累形成竞争优势The power grid side knows how to accumulate competitive advantagesEMS产品一般作为储能系统与更上一层信息系统交互的枢纽。EMS products are generally used as a hub for energy storage systems to interact with higher-level information systems.储能系统通过EMS参与电网调度、虚拟电厂调度、“源网荷储”互动等。The energy storage system participates in power grid scheduling, virtual power plant scheduling, and "source network load and storage" interaction through EMS.EMS产品与电网调度等密切配合,并在功能上具备一定相似性,需要公司了解电网的运行特点,深耕电网侧信息化的企业具备知识know[1]how积累,能够形成能力复用,具备一定优势。 EMS products work closely with power grid dispatching, and have certain similarities in function, requiring companies to understand the operation characteristics of the power grid, and enterprises deeply engaged in information technology on the power grid side have knowledge to know[1]how to accumulate, and can form capability reuse, with certain advantages.©文章来源于面包板社区 锂电那些事免责声明 本公众 号部分内容来源于网络平台,小编整理,仅供学习与交流,非商业用途!对文中观点判断均保持中立,版权归原作者所有,如有报道错误或侵权,请尽快私信联系我们,我们会立即做出修正或删除处理。谢谢! 来源:锂电那些事

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