macros-->solver-->monitors and probes-->broadband field monitors
设置farfield/rcs 频点,下面以0.6GHz为步进间隔为例,仿真完成以后可以看到远场结果
大概浏览下axial ratio的3d结果,查看辐射方向轴比是否满足预期
点击farfield result
选择max gain over frequency
按图设置参数(目的就是在3d范围内,用最小轴比值绘制vs频率的曲线),点击ok。(注意plot mode默认设置就好)
SetPlotMode specifies the mode for the farfield plot. GetPlotMode returns the currently set plot mode.
plotMode can have one of the following values:
"directivity" | The directivity is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"gain" | The gain is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"realized gain" | The realized gain is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"efield" | The electric field is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"epattern" | The electric field pattern is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"hfield" | The magnetic field is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"pfield" | The power flow is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"rcs" | The radar cross section (square meters) is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"rcsunits" | The radar cross section (project length units squared) is plotted in the farfield plot. |
"rcssw" | The radar cross section (square wavelength) is plotted in the farfield plot. |
SelectComponent ( enum fieldComponent )
Changes the currently plotted field component. fieldComponent specifies the desired component as it appears in the tree/ribbon, e.g., "Abs", "Phi/Theta", "Axial Ratio", ...
SetInverseAxialRatio ( bool bFlag )
If activated the inverse IEEE axial ratio is plotted.
farfield result中如果没有直接的模板,可以选择相近的进行设置。