从 1880 年代后期赫兹的火花隙传输和接收开始,天线技术引入、发展和进步。线性偶极子和环路,是赫兹 1886 年火花隙偶极子发射器和环路接收器实验的一部分。
天线的历史可以追溯到詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦(James Clerk Maxwell),他于1873年首次发表了他的著作[1]。麦克斯韦统一了电学和磁学理论,他通过一组深奥的方程式表示了它们之间的关系。麦克斯韦还表明,光是电磁的,光和电磁波都通过相同速度的波扰动传播。1886年,海因里希·鲁道夫·赫兹(Heinrich Rudolf Hertz)教授展示了第一个无线电磁系统。他能够在实验室中在发射线性偶极子的间隙中产生火花,然后将其检测为附近谐振回路间隙中的火花。
As shown below👇
在 1950 年代之前,天线设计具有方向图和阻抗特性,带宽不超过约 2:1。通过引入几何形状由角度而不是线性尺寸指定的天线设计,天线带宽取得了突破,将最大带宽扩展到 40:1 或更高。理想情况下,它们具有无限带宽。因此,这些独特而巧妙的设计被称为与频率无关的天线。这些天线主要用于 10–10,000 MHz 区域的各种应用,包括电视、点对点通信、反射器和透镜馈电等。这类天线在[2]中进行了讨论。
直到近 20 年后,才引入了一种基本的新型辐射元件,自问世以来就受到了广泛的关注和许多应用。这发生在 1960 年代末/1970 年代初,当时微带或贴片天线被发明、报道和实施。这种新的微带/贴片元件简单、轻便、价格低廉、外形扁平,并且与表面同形。[3]中详细讨论了这些天线配置和设计。近年来,毫米波天线取得了重大进展,包括集成天线,其中有源和无源电路与辐射元件组合在一个紧凑的单元(单片形式)中。
探索外层空间的成功导致了天线技术的进步。由于需要远距离通信,因此引入了独特而复杂的天线设计,并用于发送和接收传输数百万英里的信号。对于这种应用,一种非常常见的天线形式是抛物面反射器,其直径为 305 m 甚至更大。需要如此大的尺寸才能在数百万英里的行程后实现发送或接收信号所需的高增益。另一种形式的反射器虽然不像抛物线类型那样常见,但就是角反射器。
[1] Maxwell, James Clerk, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (Oxford, 1998; online edn, Oxford Academic, 31 Oct. 2023), https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198503736.001.0001, accessed 23 July 2024.
[2] P. E. Mayes, "Frequency-independent antennas and broad-band derivatives thereof," in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 103-112, Jan. 1992, doi: 10.1109/5.119570.
[3] D. M. Pozar, "Microstrip antennas," in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 80, no. 1, pp. 79-91, Jan. 1992, doi: 10.1109/5.119568.
According to John D. Kraus, an author and pioneer of antenna technology, “antennas are the electronic eyes and ears of the world.” As the eyes and ears are critical to humans for efficient communication and activity, antennas are critical to wireless communication systems for transmitting and receiving information efficiently. Since the days of modern antenna technology, dating back to the 1920s with the introduction of the Yagi–Uda array [1], antennas have undergone a revolution and played pivotal roles in the NASA space program to allow humans to land on the moon in 1969 and send messages, photos, and videos of the Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. Today, antennas are critical devices that permit wireless communication systems to send text, photos, messages, e-mails, news, and other information even from cell phones, from anyone to anyone in the world. Some of these personal wireless devices, from the initial era of the 1980s to the most advanced and modern devices, are shown in Figure 3. While initially the antennas were external, eventually they were moved/imbedded internally, to avoid breakage and improve their visual appearance.