It is the 1-equation model analyzing turbulence flow by integral with respect to the wall.This model is developed from the mixing length model,and shows accuracy in the level of 2-equation model. The Spalart-Allmaras model suggests the transport equation with respect to the modified turbulent kinematic viscosity v and is expressed as follows.
v : modified turbulent kinematic viscosity
S: modified vorticity
R: circular pipe radius or open channel flow depth
S is modified from the vorticity S calculated as like the equation (4.3.7) and is calculated as the equation(4.3.8). Functionsand
in the equation (4.3.8) are damping functions and are expressed as the equation (4.3.9) respectively. x is the actual, non-dimensional and modified turbulent kinematic viscosity and it is calculated as the equation (4.3.10).
In addition, g in the equation (4.3.9) is derived as follows
Finally, the turbulent viscosity is calculated as follows
The Spalart-Allmaras model does not require fine mesh for wall bounded flow as like the 2-equation turbulence model and exhibits excellent convergence for simple flow. In addition, it is more accurate to predict the flow around airfoil as well as the adverse pressure gradient flow compared to themodel or the
model. On the other hand, it is known less accurate in analysis on the strongly separated flow such as jet flow or the decaying turbulence flow
因此在空气动力学和涡轮机械领域,为了得到逆压力梯度条件下更好的模拟结果,Spalart-Allmaras Model被提出