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  1. First Piola-Kirchhoff Stress (P) and Deformation Gradient (F)

    • First Piola-Kirchhoff Stress: Also known as the nominal stress, it relates the force in the current configuration to the area in the reference configuration.

    • Deformation Gradient: Describes the local deformation of a material element.

    • Conjugate Strain:F

    • Usage: Convenient in formulations involving body forces and boundary conditions in the reference configuration.

  2. Second Piola-Kirchhoff Stress (S) and Green-Lagrange Strain (E)

    • Second Piola-Kirchhoff Stress: Related to the reference configuration, often used in theoretical and computational formulations.

    • Green-Lagrange Strain: Measures the change in length and angles from the reference configuration.

    • Conjugate Strain:

    • Usage: Suitable for large deformations and used in finite element analysis.

  3. Kirchhoff Stress (τ) and Logarithmic (Hencky) Strain (H)

    • Kirchhoff Stress: Scaled version of the Cauchy stress, considering volume changes.

    • Logarithmic Strain: Derived from the principal stretches, represents true strain.

    • Conjugate Strain:

    • Usage: Used in plasticity and viscoelasticity, representing true stress and strain measures.

  4. Cauchy (True) Stress (σ) and Almansi Strain (e)

    • Cauchy Stress: The true stress tensor, relating force to the current area.

    • Almansi Strain: Measures the strain in the current configuration.

    • Conjugate Strain:

    • Usage: Suitable for formulations in the current configuration.

  5. Mandel Stress (M) and  Green-Lagrange Strain (E)

    • Mandel Stress: Used in plasticity, defined as M=F⋅S.

    • Logarithmic Strain: Represents true strain, defined based on the right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor.

    • Green-Lagrange strain

    • Usage: Useful in plasticity for finite deformations.


  1. Reference vs. Current Configuration:

    • Reference Configuration: First Piola-Kirchhoff stress and second Piola-Kirchhoff stress are defined in the reference configuration, making them suitable for problems where the reference configuration is known and important.

    • Current Configuration: Cauchy stress and Kirchhoff stress are defined in the current configuration, making them directly interpretable in terms of current forces and deformations.

  2. Small vs. Large Deformations:

    • Small Deformations: Cauchy stress and small strain measures (linear strain) are often used in small deformation problems.

    • Large Deformations: Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress with Green-Lagrange strain, and Kirchhoff stress with logarithmic strain, are more suitable for large deformations.

  3. Computational Use:

    • Finite Element Analysis: Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress and Green-Lagrange strain are commonly used in finite element formulations due to their convenience in handling large deformations.

    • Plasticity and Viscoelasticity: Mandel stress and logarithmic strain are often used in plasticity models to account for large, irreversible deformations.


  • First Piola-Kirchhoff Stress (P) and Deformation Gradient (F)

  • Second Piola-Kirchhoff Stress (S) and Green-Lagrange Strain (E)

  • Kirchhoff Stress (τ) and Logarithmic Strain (H)

  • Cauchy Stress (σ) and Almansi Strain (e)

  • Mandel Stress (M) and Green-Lagrange Strain (E)

While both the second Piola-Kirchhoff (PK2) stress and Mandel stress are conjugate to the Green-Lagrange strain tensor, they serve different purposes and have different definitions. Here are the key differences:

Second Piola-Kirchhoff (PK2) Stress

  1. Definition:

    • The PK2 stress tensor (S) is defined in the reference (undeformed) configuration.

    • It is given by:

    • Here,σ is the Cauchy stress tensor,F is the deformation gradient, and J=det(F).

  2. Use:

    • PK2 stress is commonly used in theoretical and computational formulations involving the reference configuration.

    • It is particularly useful for problems involving large deformations and is often used in finite element analysis.

  3. Configuration:

    • The PK2 stress relates forces in the deformed configuration to areas in the reference configuration.

Mandel Stress

  1. Definition:

    • The Mandel stress tensor (M) is a transformed version of the PK2 stress, incorporating the deformation gradient.

    • It is given by:

    • This relationship transforms the PK2 stress into a form that is useful for specific types of deformation analysis.

  2. Use:

    • Mandel stress is often used in plasticity and finite deformation theories.

    • It provides a measure that is convenient for analyzing material behavior under plastic deformation and other complex loading conditions.

  3. Configuration:

    • The Mandel stress is still defined in terms of the reference configuration but incorporates the deformation gradient, making it more suitable for certain analytical and computational approaches.

Summary of Differences

  • PK2 Stress:

    • Defined purely in the reference configuration.

    • Directly relates to forces and areas in the undeformed state.

    • Used in general large deformation problems and finite element analysis.

  • Mandel Stress:

    • Incorporates the deformation gradient into the stress measure.

    • Useful in plasticity and for specific deformation analyses.

    • Provides a more complex but insightful view of stress that accounts for the deformation gradient.

Conjugate Strain

Despite these differences, both stress measures are conjugate to the Green-Lagrange strain tensor (E), which measures the change in length and angles from the reference configuration and is suitable for large deformations.

The Almansi strain tensor, also known as the Euler-Almansi strain tensor, is a measure of strain defined in the current (deformed) configuration of a material. It is particularly useful for describing large deformations. The Almansi strain tensor quantifies the deformation relative to the current configuration, making it suitable for problems involving large deformations.

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推荐理由:对于的HCP结构,由于存在较多的滑移和孪晶系统,因此参数确定往往需要大量的数值反演与实验进行对照,作者采用Levenberg–Marquardt方法确定参数,与实验结果非常吻合。迭代优化过程遵循分层方案,在该方案中,大大减少了计算时间。并应用于识别织构化AZ31镁合金中主动滑移系统和拉伸孪晶的初始和饱和临界分解剪切应力以及硬化模量。结果与文献中的数据基本一致,分析表明,用作输入的独立实验应力-应变曲线的数量对于获得逆优化问题的精确解至关重要。作者研究表明在高织构镁合金的情况下,至少需要三条独立的应力-应变曲线来确定多晶测试中的单晶行为。作者研究使用的滑移+孪晶的本构模型遵循Surya R. Kalidindi 提出的孪生方案。示意图如下:即积分点处包含两相,分别为母项和孪生项,其体积分数之和为1.0,孪晶体积分数和母项体积分数分别为中间构型的塑性剪切应变分为三项,分别为基体区域的滑移,孪晶区域产生的孪晶剪切,孪晶区域产生的滑移,三部分对应的速度梯度表示为:其中孪晶体积分数的变化表示为:中间构型的PK2应力计算为其中基体区域,孪晶区域,以及孪晶区域的滑移对应的施密特因子不同对应的分切应力也不同,分别为:不用系统对应的硬化表示为:作者考虑了3组滑移+1组孪晶共24个系统,这里说明一点的是,在孪生区域对应的滑移包含的个数为6*18,即每一组滑移都会因为特定的孪晶方向而旋转。这种处理孪晶的方案可以很好的和试验对照,并被大量采用,在damask中也被使用。基于该本构作者利用Levenberg–Marquardt方法确定参数为作者的模拟效果相比于该本构,部分模拟为了数值的积分效率也在模拟时忽略了孪晶区域的滑移。这里尝试利用作者的思路基于超弹性晶体塑性模型和双重迭代方案进行类似的孪晶模型编写同时为了对照,也对damask内置的孪晶模型进行编写,模拟结果与damask软件中具有良好的一致性:数值案例:编写的umat和damask软件输入对应的初始织构:20%拉伸变形下damask对应的织构20%拉伸变形下umat对应的织构变形过程中应变场对比:变形过程中应力场对比:来源:我的博士日记

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