先计算了预应力,然后在将结果导入作为预应力场,然后加入位移边界条件模拟声场,但是仿真一直中断,错误提示为Initial stresses will be read from the output database. This type of initial conditions is supported only for continuum elements, and the initial conditions will be ignored for other element types,警告提示为The elements contained in element set ErrElemExcessDistortion-Step1 have distorted excessively.
Print-out suppressed for subsequent distorted elements
There are a total of 1632 excessively distorted elements
The ratio of deformation speed to wave speed exceeds 1.0000 in at least one element. This usually indicates an error with the model definition. Additional diagnostic information may be found in the message file.相关其他错误提示信息如下图