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RED-ACT: Mar. 09, M4.5 Japan Gifu-ken Earthquake


RED-ACT Report

Real-time Earthquake Damage Assessment using City-scale Time-history analysis

Mar. 09, M4.5 Japan Gifu-ken Mino-chuseibu Earthquake

Research group of Xinzheng Lu at Tsinghua University (luxz@tsinghua.edu.cn)

First reported at 06:00, Mar. 9, 2019 (Beijing Time, UTC +8)

Acknowledgments and Disclaimer

The authors are grateful for the data provided by K-NET and KiK-net. This analysis is for research only. The actual damage resulting from the earthquake should be determined according to the site investigation.

Scientific background of this report can be found at: 


1. Introduction to the earthquake event

At 01:08 09 Mar, 2019 (Local Time, UTC +9), an M 4.5 (JMA) earthquake occurred in Japan Gifu-ken Mino-chuseibu. The epicenter was located at  136.7 35.4, with a depth of 40.0 km. 

2. Recorded ground motions

40 ground motions near to epicenter of this earthquake were analyzed. The names and locations of the stations can be found Table 1. The maximal recorded peak ground acceleration (PGA) is 151 cm/s/s. The corresponding response spectra in comparison with the design spectra specified in the Chinese Code for Seismic Design of Buildings are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Response spectra of the recorded ground motions with maximal PGA

3. Damage analysis of the target region subjected to the recorded ground motions

Using the real-time ground motions obtained from the strong motion networks and the city-scale nonlinear time-history analysis (see the Appendix of this report), the damage ratios of buildings located in different places can be obtained. The building damage distribution and the human uncomfortableness distribution near to different stations is shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. These outcomes can provide a reference for post-earthquake rescue work.

Figure 2 Damage ratio distribution of the buildings near to different stations


Figure 3 Human uncomfortableness distribution near to different stations

The details can be accessed at 



Scientific background of this report can be found at: http://www.luxinzheng.net/software/Real-Time_Report.pdf 

Table 1 Names and locations of the strong motion stations

No. Station Name Longitude Latitude

1 AIC001 136.75 35.2976

2 AIC002 136.915 35.2979

3 AIC004 136.974 35.0632

4 AIC005 137.206 35.1979

5 AIC006 137.509 35.2159

6 AIC008 137.576 35.1006

7 AIC009 137.146 35.0812

8 AIC010 137.43 34.9803

9 AIC011 136.864 34.9965

10 AIC014 137.22 34.8263

11 FKI004 136.487 35.9789

12 FKI005 136.174 35.9067

13 FKI006 136.2 35.7731

14 FKI011 136.668 35.9097

15 GIF007 137.486 36.0378

16 GIF011 136.981 35.7593

17 GIF012 136.488 35.6365

18 GIF013 137.162 35.6637

19 GIF015 136.907 35.5454

20 GIF016 137.119 35.5424

21 GIF017 136.571 35.4829

22 GIF018 137.5 35.4887

23 GIF019 137.404 35.4495

24 GIF020 136.757 35.4248

25 GIF021 137 35.4426

26 GIF022 136.471 35.2834

27 GIF023 137.216 35.3882

28 GIF024 137.387 35.3009

29 GIF026 136.741 35.5912

30 MIE001 136.494 35.1718

31 MIE002 136.507 35.0279

32 MIE003 136.636 34.9704

33 MIE004 136.449 34.8569

34 SIG002 136.024 35.4215

35 SIG003 136.264 35.377

36 SIG007 136.096 35.1339

37 SIG008 136.295 35.0701

38 SIG009 136.085 35.0051

39 SIG011 136.059 34.8779

40 SIG012 136.231 34.9043




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