今日更新:Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 2 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 1 篇
Thermo-chemo-mechanical model and variational multiscale framework for material and geometric evolution in frontal polymerization
Ignasius P.A. Wijaya, Philippe Geubelle, Arif Masud
This paper presents a thermodynamically consistent model for thermo-chemo-mechanical processes in frontal polymerization (FP). The model consists of cure kinetics, heat transfer, and finite strain kinematics of nonlinear inelastic solid undergoing finite deformation. The constitutive relations are derived by enforcing non-negative entropy production which implies the existence of cure induced inelastic processes during material property evolution. Rapid curing triggered by thermo-chemical processes results in traveling reaction fronts that traverse the domain, and material properties evolve across these fronts on short time scales, accompanied with chemical expansion/contraction of the constituents. Complexity of the process increases with increased rate of chemical reaction, increased rate of mass transport, and large mechanical deformations. Evolving nonlinearities and coupled thermo-chemo-mechanical effects give rise to spatially localized phenomena that exhibit shear bands, steep gradients, and boundary and/or internal layers. The presence of interfacial effects can also trigger jumps in the fields, leading to further classification as mathematically non-smooth mixed-field problems. These modeling issues require mathematical formulations that can handle rapidly evolving material nonlinearity as well as steep traveling gradients. A stabilized finite element method that is based on the Variational Multiscale (VMS) framework is employed. A unique attribute of the VMS framework is the derivation of the residual-based fine-scale models that represent subgrid scale physics. These models enhance the stability of the numerical method as well as the accuracy of the computed physics. Several test cases are presented that investigate the mathematical attributes of the constitutive model for FP, and the role of enhanced stability and higher spatial accuracy of the proposed stabilized method in free-form printing with evolving polymerization front.
Strength and Stiffness of Network Materials with Preferentially Oriented Fibers
S.N. Amjad, R.C. Picu
Materials made from fibers, referred to here as Network materials, are ubiquitous in biology and engineering. In most practical situations, fibers have preferential orientation in one spatial direction or in a plane. Here we use discrete network models to derive the relationship between the stiffness and strength of networks with pre-aligned fibers and network parameters, including the degree of alignment. Both stiffness and strength can be represented by the product of two functions, one accounting for the effect of alignment and the other representing the effect of network parameters, such as the network density and fiber properties. Failure under multiaxial loading is also considered and it is concluded that failure surfaces in stress space can be collapsed by normalizing the axes with the respective (pre-alignment-dependent) uniaxial strength. This generalizes the structure-properties relation established based on uniaxial tests to the multiaxial case. The inferred scaling laws are compared with a collection of experimental data from the literature obtained with diverse network materials.
Dynamic frequency analysis of rotating double-layer conical thin shells coupled with semi re-entrant zero Poisson's ratio honeycomb sandwich annular plates
Li Yongqiang
This paper proposes a computational method based on the substructure synthesis approach to analyze the dynamic frequency of rotating double-layer conical thin shells coupled with semi re-entrant (SER) zero Poisson's ratio (ZPR) honeycomb sandwich annular plates (HSAP). The double-layer conical shell is divided into several conical shell substructures according to the position of the annular plate. The dynamic models of the conical shell and annular plate substructures are established based on the Flügge and Donnell-Mushtari thin shell/plate theories, incorporating centrifugal and Coriolis inertia forces. The displacements of the substructures are expressed as a combination of power series and Fourier series. All substructures are assembled using the continuity conditions for eight displacements and four forces at the coupling interfaces of adjacent substructures, and the global free vibration equation of the structure is constructed with the boundary conditions at the ends of the conical shell. The validity of the proposed method is verified through two examples. First, the results obtained using the proposed method are compared with those of the wave based method by converting the conical shell into a cylindrical shell and setting the rotational speed to zero. Second, the calculated dynamic frequencies of the rotating double-layer conical thin shells coupled with SER ZPR HSAP (SZHSAP) are compared with those obtained via the finite element method. Finally, the effects of various boundary conditions, rotational speeds, and geometric parameters of the conical shell and annular plate on the dynamic frequencies of the coupled structure are analyzed.
本文提出了一种基于子结构综合方法的双层锥形薄壳与半重入零泊松比蜂窝夹层环板耦合的动态频率计算方法。双层圆锥壳根据环形板的位置分为若干圆锥壳子结构。基于fl<s:2> gge和Donnell-Mushtari薄壳/薄板理论,考虑离心力和科里奥利惯性力,建立了锥形壳和环形板子结构的动力学模型。子结构的位移用幂级数和傅里叶级数的组合表示。采用相邻子结构耦合界面处8个位移和4个力的连续条件对所有子结构进行组合,并以圆锥壳两端的边界条件构建结构的整体自由振动方程。通过两个算例验证了该方法的有效性。首先,将该方法与基于波的方法进行了比较,将锥壳转换为圆柱壳,并设置转速为零。其次,将计算得到的双层锥形薄壳与SER - ZPR - HSAP (SZHSAP)耦合的动态频率与有限元法进行了比较。最后,分析了不同边界条件、转速和圆锥壳-环形板几何参数对耦合结构动力频率的影响。