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今日更新:International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 篇,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 3 篇,Thin-Walled Structures 2 篇

International Journal of Solids and Structures

Discrete element model for the anisotropic cracking of shrinking material layers

Roland Szatmári, Zoltán Halász, Akio Nakahara, So Kitsunezaki, Ferenc Kun



Mechanical perturbation of thin layers of pastes on a substrate results in anisotropic cracking during desiccation which allows for a controlled generation of crack patterns with a high relevance for industrial applications. In the present paper we propose a modelling framework to capture the anisotropy induced by initial perturbations which imprint directional dependent material features into the layer. Our approach is based on a random tessellation of the layer using convex polygons which are made anisotropic by elongating or compressing them along the direction of perturbation. Physical properties of the particles’ cohesive contacts are determined by the geometrical characteristics of polygons giving rise to a well controlled anisotropy in the mechanical response of the material and in the structure of the fracture pattern emerging during shrinking. The main advantage of the approach is that both the structural disorder of the layer and the strength of anisotropy are controlled by a single parameter. Based on computer simulations we demonstrate that varying its two parameters the model reproduces the qualitative features of experimental findings and provides advantages over existing modelling approaches.


Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

A variational phase-field framework for multiphysics modelling of degradation and stress corrosion cracking in biodegradable magnesium alloys

Dawei Zhang, Songyun Ma, Julia Nachtsheim, Shunqi Zhang, Bernd Markert



Biodegradable magnesium alloys have been developed as promising biomedical materials for temporary implants. To facilitate the development of implant design, it is essential to understand and quantify the corrosion behaviour of magnesium alloys under mixed chemo-mechanical loadings. In this study, a multiphase-field model is proposed based on the variational principle to capture the interactions between corrosion and ductile fracture in biodegradable magnesium alloys. Multiple order parameters are introduced to track the interfaces associated with crack propagation and magnesium dissolution. The deformation-fracture-corrosion interactions are considered in the energetic variational formulation with coupling functions. The governing equations are discretised using an incremental variational method and solved by a staggered scheme. Parametric studies on the coupling functions are performed to demonstrate the flexibility of the model. The proposed multiphase-field model is calibrated and validated by in vitro experiments with tensile specimens of rare-earth magnesium alloy WE43MEO. The experimental and computational results demonstrate that the proposed model can capture the degradation and stress corrosion cracking behaviours in the immersion tests and slow strain rate tensile-corrosion tests.


A kinetic theory for the mechanics and remodeling of transient anisotropic networks

Franck J. Vernerey, Behnam Rezaei, Samuel Lamont



We present a statistically-based theoretical framework to describe the mechanical response of dynamically crosslinked semi-flexible polymer networks undergoing finite deformation. The theory starts from a statistical description, via a distribution function, of the chain conformation and orientation. Assuming a so-called tangent affine deformation of the chains, this distribution is then allowed to evolve in time due to a combination of elastic network distortion and a permanent chain reconfiguration enabled by dynamic crosslinks. After presenting the evolution law for the chain distribution function, we reduce the theory to the evolution of the network conformation tensor in both its natural and current state. With this model, we use classical thermodynamics to determine how the stored elastic energy, energy dissipation, and true stress evolve in terms of the network conformation. We show that the model degenerates to classical anisotropic hyperelastic models when crosslinks are permanent, while we recover the classical form of the transient network theory (that describes hyper-viscoelasticity) when chains are fully flexible. Theoretical predictions are then illustrated and compared to the literature for both basic model problems and biomechanically relevant situations.


New Insights in the 3-D Rheological Properties and Collagen Fibers Orientation in Murine Periodontal Ligaments

Mahmoud Sedky Adly, Richard Younes, Marta Martin, Thierry Cloitre, Afnan Sedky Adly, Ivan Panayotov, Philippe Bousquet, Csilla Gergely, Frederic J.G. Cuisinier, Delphine Carayon, Elias Estephan



The rheological properties of the periodontal ligament are key parameters to understand the homeostatic stability of the tooth supporting apparatus. The objective of this study is to lay new insights on the rheological properties and structural information of different regions in murine periodontal ligament by using atomic force (AFM) and multi-photon microscopy (MPM). A significant variation in elasticity of different regions was measured. The elasticity of periodontal ligament showed a significant tendency to become softer towards the furcation, the nearest area to the center of resistance of the tooth. This can open a new prospective for connecting the rheological adaptation of periodontal ligament to the tooth geometry that defines the center of resistance. Another important finding revealed by the second harmonic generation (SHG) signal exhibited by collagen fibers and measured by MPM is that the orientation of fibers in the furcation region can both provide space for tooth vertical movement with high compressive loads and prevent horizontal tooth movement. Additionally, it was found that the dispersion of the angles at different levels of cutting indicates homogeneity in the directionality of fibers across different regions. These results provide an accurate description of the rheological properties and structural information of periodontal ligament, which can serve as a base for comparison with other local and systemic diseases that may influence the periodontal ligament.


Thin-Walled Structures

Post-fire mechanical properties of titanium-clad bimetallic steel after cold-forming process: Experiment and Constitutive model

Yu Shi, Jie Wang, Xuhong Zhou, Xuanyi Xue



Titanium-clad bimetallic steel (TCBS), composed of a titanium alloy cladding layer and carbon steel substrate layer, has been proposed to mitigate the effects of corrosion and enhance the durability of steel structures. This study conducted tensile coupon test to explore the coupling effect of the cold-forming process and fire exposure on the monotonic mechanical properties of TCBS. Following the cold-forming process and fire exposure, there was no visible cracking observed in either the cladding or the metallurgical bonding layer. Test results revealed a notable enhancement in the strength properties and a decrease in the ductility of the TCBS specimens after cold forming. Moreover, the study elucidated the effects of the exposure temperature and cooling method on the stress–strain curves and fractures of TCBS corner specimens. Three different fracture sequences of the TCBS corner specimens were observed during monotonic tensile test. The key mechanical parameters were concerned in this study, which included the yield and ultimate strengths, yield and ultimate strains, elastic modulus, elongation after fracture, and section shrinkage. Then, the variation trends of key mechanical parameters were clarified. Predictive equations were developed for these parameters of the TCBS corner specimens after fire exposure. Additionally, two constitutive models were developed for the corner TCBS stress–strain curves with and without the yield plateau, enabling their use in numerical and theoretical investigations of the post-fire performance of cold-formed TCBS components.


Inextensional vibrations of thin spherical shells using strain gradient elasticity theory

Rajesh K Yadav, Shakti S Gupta



We study inextensional vibrations of the spherical shell using strain gradient elasticity theory under Kirchhoff-Love hypotheses. For admissibility of the inextensional deformations the shell is punctured by making a tiny hole. The shell is assumed to be made of linearly elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic material. The closed form expression for the frequencies of inextensional modes of vibration of spherical caps of various polar angles and that of nearly complete spherical shell are derived using Rayleigh's method. Towards this, the displacement and velocity fields are obtained by setting the membrane strains to zero. Further, to facilitate the existence of inextensional vibrations, boundaries are assumed to be traction free. The frequencies are computed for the positive and negative signs in the strain gradient term of the constitutive law. The computed frequencies, employing negative sign are found to be higher than those computed using classical elasticity theory. The opposite effect is seen when the frequencies are computed with the positive sign. Further, the frequencies are found to saturate when the positive sign is used in the constitutive law. Parametric studies viz. variation in frequencies with the circumferential wavenumbers for different values of length scale parameter, variation in frequencies with circumferential wavenumbers for different values of polar angles and a given length scale parameter, variation of frequency with increasing polar angle for a given circumferential wavenumber, variation of saturation wavenumber with increasing polar angle, and increasing length scale parameter are carried out. The frequencies of nearly a spherical shell with increasing circumferential wavenumber are also computed.


来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM
获赞 9粉丝 2文章 847课程 0


今日更新:Composite Structures 1 篇,Composites Part B: Engineering 1 篇,Composites Science and Technology 1 篇Composite StructuresAnalysis of lattice deformation originated from residual stress on performance of aluminum nitride-based bulk acoustic wave resonatorsXiyu Gu, Yan Liu, Yuanhang Qu, Min Wei, Xiang Chen, Yaxin Wang, Wenjuan Liu, Bensong Pi, Bo Woon Soon, Yao Cai, Shishang Guo, Chengliang Sundoi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2024.118203残余应力引起的晶格变形对氮化铝体声波谐振器性能的影响分析With the development of MEMS technology to the nanometer scale, the influence of different process conditions on the performance of nano-devices can be calculated through the microscopic changes of materials. During the manufacturing process, the large residual stress from the film stack significantly influences the performance of devices, thereby reducing the wafer yield. Herein, we apply density functional theory to MEMS processes to reveal the intrinsic mechanism of how residual stress affects the performance of aluminum nitride-based bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonators on an 8-inch high-resistance silicon wafer. The variation rule of physical properties of piezoelectric material aluminum nitride with different residual stresses is calculated via first-principles calculations. Through theory formula derivation, the piezoelectric-coupling constant (Kt2) of the bulk acoustic wave resonator is positively correlated with tensile residual stress, and the resonant frequency (fp, fs) is negatively correlated with tensile residual stress. The measurement results show that the average shifts of Keff2 is 0.12 % within −137 MPa and 183 Mpa residual stress, which is an excellent match with the theory prediction.随着微机电系统技术发展到纳米尺度,可以通过材料的微观变化来计算不同工艺条件对纳米器件性能的影响。在制造过程中,薄膜叠层产生的巨大残余应力会严重影响器件的性能,从而降低晶圆良品率。在此,我们将密度泛函理论应用于 MEMS 工艺,揭示了残余应力如何影响 8 英寸高阻硅晶片上氮化铝基体声波(BAW)谐振器性能的内在机制。通过第一原理计算,得出了压电材料氮化铝的物理性质在不同残余应力下的变化规律。通过理论公式推导,体声波谐振器的压电耦合常数(Kt2)与拉伸残余应力呈正相关,谐振频率(fp、fs)与拉伸残余应力呈负相关。测量结果表明,在-137 兆帕和 183 兆帕残余应力范围内,Keff2 的平均偏移量为 0.12%,与理论预测值非常吻合。Composites Part B: EngineeringAchieving the strength-ductility synergy in ultra-fined grained CNT/2024Al composites via a low-temperature aging strategyZhenyu Liu, Cunsheng Zhang, Jun Yan, Zijie Meng, Liang Chen, Guoqun Zhaodoi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111552 通过低温时效策略实现超细晶CNT/2024Al复合材料的强度-塑性协同效应Synchronous enhancement of strength and ductility is a persistent challenge in the development and application of carbon nanotube (CNT)-reinforced aluminum matrix composites. This study proposed a low-temperature aging strategy to induce the nanoscale precipitates and evade the strength and ductility trade-off dilemma. The composites under various aging conditions were characterized in detail at the macro, micro, and nano scales. The precipitation behavior and strengthening mechanism were investigated systematically. Results indicated that when aged at 100 °C the composite exhibited a better mechanical performance. Compared to as-extruded composites, the yield and ultimate tensile strength of CNT/2024Al composites increased by 82.7% and 64.8%, respectively, whereas the elongation decreased by only 1.1%. The results of microstructure and theoretical estimation suggested the dense nanoscale GP zones were primarily responsible for achieving the strength-ductility synergy. This present study on tailoring precipitate evolution could provide fundamental insights and references to enhance the mechanical properties of aluminum matrix composites.同时提高强度和延展性是碳纳米管增强铝基复合材料发展和应用中一直面临的挑战。本研究提出了一种低温时效策略,以诱导纳米级析出,避免强度和延性的权衡困境。在宏观、微观和纳米尺度上对不同老化条件下的复合材料进行了详细表征。系统地研究了其析出行为和强化机理。结果表明,经100℃时效处理后,复合材料具有较好的力学性能。与挤压态复合材料相比,CNT/2024Al复合材料的屈服强度和极限拉伸强度分别提高了82.7%和64.8%,而伸长率仅下降了1.1%。微观结构和理论计算结果表明,致密的纳米级GP区是实现强度-延性协同的主要原因。本文的研究可为提高铝基复合材料的力学性能提供基础性的见解和参考。Composites Science and TechnologyHigh temperature electrical breakdown and energy storage performance improved by hindering molecular motion in polyetherimide nanocompositesLingyu Yang, Daomin Min, Ziwei Gao, Liuqing Yang, Yuanwei Zhu, Wenfeng Liudoi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2024.110656 通过抑制聚醚酰亚胺纳米复合材料的分子运动,提高了其高温电击穿和储能性能Polyetherimide (PEI) is widely used as a material for high temperature and high power energy storage capacitors in new energy vehicles and other fields. However, as the temperature increases, the electrical conductivity increases and the breakdown strength decreases, which greatly reduces the energy storage density of the capacitor and limits the application range. In order to clarify the influence mechanism of high temperature on the breakdown and energy storage performance of dielectrics, this paper established a charge capture and molecular displacement (CTMD) breakdown model based on the expansion motion of molecular segments to study the charge transport and molecular chain motion process of PEI nanocomposites (PNCs) at high temperature. The results show that at 100°C, compared with pure PEI, the internal maximum molecular displacement of PEI PNCs with appropriate doping content (3wt%) is reduced by 28.79%, and the breakdown strength is increased by 11.20%. Appropriate nano-doping can effectively increase the movement difficulty of molecular chains and reduce the activation volume that provides energy for charge transport. Thus, charge transport is inhibited, current density is reduced, and Joule heat accumulation is avoided. Finally, the high temperature breakdown and energy storage performance are improved.聚醚酰亚胺(PEI)作为高温大功率储能电容器材料广泛应用于新能源汽车等领域。但随着温度的升高,电导率增大,击穿强度降低,大大降低了电容器的储能密度,限制了其应用范围。为了阐明高温对电介质击穿和储能性能的影响机理,本文建立了基于分子段膨胀运动的电荷捕获和分子位移(CTMD)击穿模型,研究PEI纳米复合材料(pnc)在高温下的电荷输运和分子链运动过程。结果表明,在100℃时,与纯PEI相比,适当掺杂量(3wt%)的PEI pnc内部最大分子位移降低了28.79%,击穿强度提高了11.20%。适当的纳米掺杂可以有效地增加分子链的运动难度,减少为电荷输运提供能量的活化体积。因此,电荷输运被抑制,电流密度降低,焦耳热积累被避免。最后,改进了高温击穿和储能性能。来源:复合材料力学仿真Composites FEM

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